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|PATH:  Engine Mechanical > Engine Mechanical Components > Timing Chain Cover, Chain, Sprockets, & Seal > Removal & |Print[pic] |

|Installation > 3.0L Engine > VIN S Engine | |

VIN S Engine

|[pic] |

|Access the power steering pump bolts through the holes in the pulley—2001–04 3.0L (VIN S) |

|engine |

|Click to Enlarge |

1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions section.

2. Remove the engine from the vehicle and mount it on an engine stand.

3. Remove or disconnect the following:

o Upper intake manifold

o Valve covers

o Accessory drive belt

o Power steering pump

o Alternator

o Water pump

o A/C compressor and bracket


|The crankshaft accessory drive pulley shaft has left-hand threads. Rotate the pulley shaft clockwise to remove. |

o Crankshaft pulley

o Crankshaft damper

o Oil pan

o Oil pump screen and tube

o Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor connector

o Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor connector

o Front cover

o CKP sensor pulse ring. Note the keyway alignment for installation.


|The Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) pulse ring is used on several different engines. Note the keyway alignment |

|for installation. |


|[pic] |

|Exploded view of the right cylinder head timing chain and related components—2001–04 3.0L |

|(VIN S) engine—left side similar |

|Click to Enlarge |

1. Rotate the crankshaft so that the keyway is at the 11 o'clock position to locate the crankshaft at Top Dead Center (TDC) for No. 1 cylinder.

2. Verify that the alignment arrows on the camshafts are aligned. If not, rotate the crankshaft 1 complete revolution and recheck.

3. Rotate the crankshaft so that the keyway is at the 3 o'clock position. This positions the right cylinder head camshafts to the neutral position.

4. Remove or disconnect the following:

o Right timing chain tensioner


|The camshaft thrust caps must be removed before loosening the remaining camshaft journal cap bolts to ensure |

|that the thrust caps are not damaged. |

o Camshaft thrust caps

o Camshaft journal caps. Loosen the bolts in sequence and in several passes to allow the camshaft to be raised from the cylinder head evenly.

o Rocker arms. Keep the rocker arms in order for installation.

o Right timing chain tensioner arm

o Right timing chain and crankshaft sprocket

5. Rotate the crankshaft 2 revolutions and locate the crankshaft keyway at the 11 o'clock position. This will position the left cylinder head camshafts to their neutral position.

6. Verify that the alignment arrows on the camshafts are aligned.

7. Remove the left cylinder head timing chain tensioner retaining bolts and the timing chain tensioner.


|The camshaft thrust caps must be removed before loosening the remaining camshaft journal cap bolts to ensure |

|that the thrust caps are not damaged. |

8. Remove or disconnect the following:

o Camshaft thrust caps

o Camshaft journal caps. Loosen the bolts in sequence and in several passes to allow the camshaft to be raised from the cylinder head evenly.

o Rocker arms. Keep the rocker arms in order for installation.

o Left timing chain tensioner arm

o Left timing chain and crankshaft sprocket

To install:

1. Prepare the timing chain tensioners for installation as follows:

o Place the left chain tensioner in a vise.

o Using a small prytool, release and hold the timing chain tensioner ratchet/pawl mechanism through the access hole in the timing chain tensioner.

|[pic] |

|Using a thin prytool, release and hold the timing chain tensioner ratchet/pawl |

|mechanism—2001–04 3.0L (VIN S) engine |

|Click to Enlarge |

o Slowly compress the tensioner.

o Lock the piston with a 1.5mm wire or paperclip.

|[pic] |

|Retain the piston with a 1.5mm wire or paperclip—2001–04 3.0L (VIN S) engine |

|Click to Enlarge |

o Repeat for the right chain tensioner.


|Be sure that the crankshaft keyway is still at the 11 o'clock position. |

1. Install or connect the following:

o Left timing chain and crankshaft sprocket. Align the colored links with the index marks on the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets.

o Left timing chain tensioner arm

o Left timing chain tensioner and tighten the retaining bolts to 15–22 ft. lbs. (20–30 Nm)

o Right timing chain and crankshaft sprocket. Align the colored links with the index marks on the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets.

o Right timing chain tensioner arm

o Right timing chain tensioner and tighten the retaining bolts to 15–22 ft. lbs. (20–30 Nm)


|The crankshaft keyway must be in the 11 o’clock position to install the left cylinder head rocker arms. |



|The camshaft journal caps and cylinder heads are numbered to ensure that they are assembled in their original |

|positions. |

3. Install the left cylinder head rocker arms in their original positions.


|Do not install the camshaft journal thrust caps until the other journal caps have been installed and tightened. |


|[pic] |

|Camshaft journal bolt tightening sequence—2001–04 3.0L (VIN S) engine |

|Click to Enlarge |

5. Tighten the left camshaft journal caps in the order shown and in several passes to 71–106 inch lbs. (8–12 Nm).

6. Install the left camshaft journal thrust caps and tighten the bolts to 71–106 inch lbs. (8–12 Nm).

7. Remove the retaining wire from the left timing chain tensioner.


|The crankshaft keyway must be in the 3 o’clock position to install the right cylinder head rocker arms. |

8. Rotate the crankshaft so that the keyway is in the 3 o’clock position.


|The camshaft journal caps and cylinder heads are numbered to ensure that they are assembled in their original |

|positions. |

9. Install the right cylinder head rocker arms in their original positions.


|Do not install the camshaft journal thrust caps until the other journal caps have been installed and tightened. |

10. Tighten the right camshaft journal caps in the order shown and in several passes to 71–106 inch lbs. (8–12 Nm).

11. Install the right camshaft journal thrust caps and tighten the bolts to 71–106 inch lbs. (8–12 Nm).

12. Remove the retaining wire from the right timing chain tensioner.

|[pic] |

|Be sure the timing marks are as shown after the chain has been installed—2001–04 3.0L (VIN |

|S) engine |

|Click to Enlarge |



|The Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) pulse ring is used on several different engines. The keyway position for |

|the 3.0L (VIN S) engine will be marked 30, 30RFF or with an ORANGE stripe. |

14. Install the CKP sensor pulse ring. Align the keyway with the proper slot.

15. Replace the crankshaft seal in the front cover with a new one. Apply clean engine oil to the seal lip.

16. Apply silicone sealer to the 6 critical areas shown in View A, to the cylinder block to prevent oil seepage.

|[pic] |

|To prevent oil leakage, apply sealant to the places indicated—2001–04 3.0L (VIN S) engine |

|Click to Enlarge |

17. Place new front cover gaskets onto the dowel pins on the cylinder block and heads.

18. Place the front cover into position.

19. Install the 6 front cover retaining bolts and stud bolts where the silicone sealer was applied.

20. Tighten the bolts and stud bolts until the front cover contacts the cylinder block and heads, then turn the bolts and stud bolts an additional 1/4 turn.

21. Install the remaining front cover retaining bolts and stud bolts.

22. Tighten all of the front cover retaining bolts and stud bolts in sequence to 15–22 ft. lbs. (20–30 Nm).

|[pic] |

|Front cover bolt torque sequence—2001–04 3.0L (VIN S) engine |

|Click to Enlarge |



|The air conditioning mounting bracket bolts are torque-to-yield bolts and must be replaced. |

24. Install or connect the following:

o CMP sensor connector

o CKP sensor connector

o Oil pump screen and tube

o Oil pan

25. Install the crankshaft damper and tighten the bolt as follows:

o Step 1: Tighten the bolt to 78–99 ft. lbs. (105–135 Nm).

o Step 2: Loosen the bolt one full turn.

o Step 3: Tighten the bolt to 35–39 ft. lbs. (47–53 Nm).

o Step 4: Tighten the bolt 85–95 degrees.

26. Install or connect the following:

o Crankshaft pulley and tighten counterclockwise to 70–77 ft. lbs. (95–105 Nm)

o A/C compressor and bracket

o Water pump

o Alternator

o Power steering pump and tighten the bolts to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm)

o Accessory drive belt

o Valve covers

o Upper intake manifold

o Engine assembly into the vehicle

27. Run the engine and check for leaks and proper operation.


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