Chevy Chase Comedian, Actor and Writer FamousKin

 Relationship Chart of

General Robert E. Lee

Confederate Army - U.S. Civil War 12th cousin 7 times removed of

Chevy Chase

Comedian, Actor and Writer

Sir Walter Blount Sancha de Ayala

Sir Thomas Blount Margaret de Gresley

m Sir Walter Blount o Helena Byron .c Sir William Blount

Margaret Echyngham

in Elizabeth Blount K Sir Andrews de Windsor s Edith Windsor ou George Ludlow

Constance Blount Sir John Sutton

Sir John Sutton Elizabeth Berkeley

Eleanor Sutton Sir Henry Beaumont

Constance Beaumont John Mytton

Joyce Mytton John Harpersfield

Thomas Ludlow Jane Pyle

m Gabriel Ludlow FaPhillis - - - - - -

Edward Harpersfield alias Mytton Anne Skrimshire

Katherine Mytton Roger Marshall



? 2010-2023

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22 Nov 2023

Relationship Chart of Robert E. Lee to Chevy Chase



Sarah Ludlow Col. John Carter

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Lewis

Col. Robert Carter Judith Armistead

Judith Lewis James Gibbins

John Carter

Hannah Gibbins

Elizabeth Hill

- - - - - - - - - -

Charles Carter Anne Butler Moore

om Anne Hill Carter

Maj. Gen. Henry Lee

.c General Robert E. Lee ousKin Confederate Army - U.S. Civil War

Mary Hibbert Joseph Jewett

Josiah Jewett Mercy - - - - - -

Mercy Jewett William Baker

Bayze Baker Joanna Minor

David Jewett Baker Sarah Tennery Fairchild


Sarah Tennery Baker Col. Lyne Shackelford Metcalfe

Grace Metcalfe Charles Denison Chase


? 2010-2023

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22 Nov 2023

Relationship Chart of Robert E. Lee to Chevy Chase


Edward Leigh Chase Mabel Penrose Tinsley

Edward Tinsley Chase Cathalene Parker Browning

Chevy Chase

Comedian, Actor and Writer

Chevy Chase photo by Alan Light (CC BY 2.0)

? 2010-2023

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22 Nov 2023


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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