
[Pages:29] hours straight on many many occasions and she was proud of that. But she still felt that she had missed the tutoring of basic education, and some books she felt she did not understand because of that lack of education.

Mr. Kapp: Where was the family home as you were growing up? Mr. Prettyman: I went from Garfield Hospital in D.C. to 37 West Irving Street in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and that's where we spent a long period of my early childhood. We have movies of me on the sidewalk with a Model-T Ford there and me just barely walking, just toddling, and I actually remember growing up there pretty well. I can see my room facing Irving Street and I can see my desk and my bed. I remember that pretty well. My first friend in the neighborhood was George Ferris, whose father began Ferris & Company, and George is now the senior person there. And another close friend who remained a friend during high school lived just a few doors up, and that's George Goodrich, who later became a judge on the Superior Court and has only in recent years gone on senior status. We would go to the movies every Saturday. I think it was a quarter. And you'd see previews and cartoons and news and serials that showed every week like the Green Hornet and so forth [Laughter], and finally you'd get to see the movie. We'd sit in the balcony and throw popcorn on the people below, and we did the usual things that you did growing up. And we'd all come out with headaches. I also remember one particular incident which remains very clearly in my memory. There was an elderly couple up the street that we didn't like, they scared us, they



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