DAY 25: ASSIGNMENT 1 TUES. BELL RINGER (5.16.19) 10 pts

DIRECTIONS: (how to complete the grade summary)

1. TYPE the points you received on all assignments from last week

2. NEED A DO-OVER? I GOT YOU. You may remediate any assignment by completing a remediation plan, which is a Word Document at the class site and emailing to me. This is worth 5 points. I will then allow you to complete corrections on an assignment that you scored poorly on.

3. You will receive ½ credit on late assignments and no deduction on work that turned in on time, complete, but wrong answers (reflecting misunderstanding)

4. IF YOU LIE about your points on any assignment, you will receive ½ credit on your grade summay. BE HONEST, LOOK AT YOUR EMAILS THAT I SENT WITH A GRADE.

ASSIGNMENT 1 Bell Ringer - Grade Summary 1: Reflection on Thurs 5.14.19 *10 pts

1. Conduct: I earned ________ out of 20 pts.

2. Participation: I earned ________ out of 20 pts.

3. Assignment 1: DAY 24 THURS. BELL RINGER (5.919) 10 pts I earned ________ out of 10 pts.

(If you did not receive an email with a grade, you received a zero.)

4. Assignment #2 DAY 24 VOCAB – 20 PTS _________________: I earned ________ out of 20 pts.

5. Assignment #3 pt 1 DAY 24 Reflection tchart-15 pts I earned_________ out of 15 pts.

6. Assignment #3 pt 2 DAY 24 Reflection essay 15 pts I earned_________ out of 15 pts.

7. Assignment #4 DAY 24 15 pts I earned_________ out of 15 pts.

TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ___________ OUT OF 100 *add each assignment

CURRENT GRADE: _________ *write the letter grade

REFLECTION: (Directions: Write an honest statement about what you did well AND what area you can improve in. Your statement must be at least 2 complete sentences)

*Write here…….

1. I did well in….

2. I need to improve in…


GRADE SUMMARY (reviewing performance)




| |Definition: |


| |Online sentence: |

| |My own summary (understanding) |

|MY SENTENCE |(your sentence must relate to your life and what is currently important to you|

| |or your experience-do not duplicate the online sentence) |

| |Type here: |

|EXIGENT |Definition: |

| |Online sentence: |

| |My own summary (understanding) |

|MY SENTENCE |(your sentence must relate to your life and what is currently important to you|

| |or your experience-do not duplicate the online sentence) |

| |Type here: |

|AVANT-GUARDE |Definition: |

| |Online sentence: |

| |My own summary (understanding) |

|MY SENTENCE |(your sentence must relate to your life and what is currently important to you|

| |or your experience-do not duplicate the online sentence) |

| |Type here: |

|INEPT |Definition: |

| |Online sentence: |

| |My own summary (understanding) |

|MY SENTENCE |(your sentence must relate to your life and what is currently important to you|

| |or your experience-do not duplicate the online sentence) |

| |Type here: |

| PITTANCE |Definition: |

| |Online sentence: |

| |My own summary (understanding) |

|MY SENTENCE |(your sentence must relate to your life and what is currently important to you|

| |or your experience-do not duplicate the online sentence) |

| |Type here: |

Day 25 Assignment #3: Supreme Court Spares Inmate on Death Row 15 pts

Directions: Click link to read article and answer questions below.

(or google: supreme court reveres ruling killer forgot crime 2017)

1. The supreme court overruled: which court

Skip 2 lines between each

2. Convicted person’s name:

3. The lower court was overruled because:

4. This person has been on death row for:

5. All nine justices ruled:

6. V. Madison suffered from:

Skip 2 lines between each

7. Define “unconscionable”:

8. Summarize liberal justice Stephen breyers opinion:

9. The # of years inmates spend on death row in 2017 is:

10. Summarize the crime committed:

11. Madison’s first (2) convictions were thrown out because:

12. An Atlanta based court of appeals ruled:

13. Explain whether you agree with the u.s. supreme court or the Atlanta court of appeals.

a. I agree with:

b. Reason:

The end

Day 25 Assignment #4 T-chart & Essay pt 1 (tchart) 15 pts

PART 1 (Directions): Brainstorm the issue on the t-chart below. Complete both sides of the t-chart to examine the issue objecively. (Objective means you look at each side equally before taking a side.)



|Pro (yes, |Con (no, |

|Reasons |Reasons |

|A. (summarize) type your detail here that supports ”yes, |A. (summarize) type your detail here that supports ”no, … be |

| |persuasive |

| | |

| | |

|B. type your detail here that supports ”yes, … be persuasive |B. type your detail here that supports ”no, … be persuasive |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|c. Summarize quote from text that supports the text “pro” argument |c. Summarize quote from text that supports the text “con” argument |

|Reflect on the articles/videos you read or viewed, type a quote. be |Reflect on the articles/videos you read or viewed, type a quote. be |

|persuasive |persuasive |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Day 25 Assignment #4 T-chart & Essay pt 2 (essay) 15 pts

Directions: Write your short essay on the lines below using your t-chart. Use a minimum of (5) complete sentences. Answer the issue below. You must be pro or con, not both. Write on the back side if more space is needed. USE 4 DIFFERENT VOCAB TERMS IN YOUR ESSAY, TERMS CAN BE FROM ANY SESSION NOT JUST TODAY. BOLD THE VOCAB TERMS YOU USE.














Day 25 Assignment #5: Air bnb customers profiled by neighbors and police (14 Q's) 15 PTS

Directions: Click link to read article and answer questions below.

(or google: grio black women accused airbnb)

1. Three black women were suspected of:

2. Police responded after a:

2. Police were called because the black women did not:

3. Helicopters and police surrounded the:

4. Police claimed they were polite, joked with the black women and:

5. The exchange between police and the women lasted:

6. The homeowner advised that the situation could have been avoided if:

7. The neighbor claimed the black women looked at her like she was:

8. The officer explained to the black women that they should show courtesy and have some:

9. Police chief said it was not a racial issue, but everything to do with:

10. The black women are planning to:

11. One of the women accused introduced herself as the granddaughter of:

12. The mayor and police chief are going to meet to discuss how not to:

13. “Implicit bias” means:

14. Explain whether this was an honest mistake by police or something more, tell why. (clarity: :something more = it was not just an “honest mistake,’ police intended to harass, embarrass, etc.)

The end

The End

mon. bell ringer 5/21

1. Click link to watch then write a summary.

a. Summary: (should answer the “who, what, when, where, why)

(or google: vimeo Madison Hobley testimony)


1. 4th & 7th only: huxtable chat discuss weekend, accomplishments, student events- this month only, advice

2. coming soon: bell ringer check (correct dates that fall between 5/5 – 5/18)

3. Due today: class notes 5/21 talking circle pt. 3 (9 q’s) (see format below)

class notes 5/21 talking circle pt. 3 (9 q’s)

(or google: vimeo Madison Hobley testimony)

1. Torture survivor’s name:skip 2 lines between each

2. He is from: name the town he grew up in

3. The victim comes from a family of: identify 1 career

4. The victim was falsely accused of:

5. A detective, robert dwyer, told the victim he hated:

6. Describe (3) events outlining the torture that occurred in the utility room:




7. The # of years the victim spent in prison was:

8. The victim was pardoned in the year:

9. Most victims were sentenced to:

The end

talking circle guidelines

1. 25 pts = completed class notes

2. 25 pts = contribute meaningful comments (verbal) - or- you hold a position in the discussionrd

1. positions

a. writer (writes question on bored, tallies responses in a way that is easy to understand)

b. moderator (chooses an object that students must have in their hand when they speak & monitors discussion)

c. transitioner (when discussion has been exhausted they initiate a new question)

d. devils advocate rep (can throw a curve ball in the mix to heighten discussion) – analytical

2. place chairs in a circle & decide on the 1st question to be discussed based on the video

the end

Us history  (wk 35)

tues. 5/22/18

Ms. Crockett

tues. bell ringer 5/22

grade summary 3 qtr 4


1. Due today: grade summar 3 qtr 4 *if absent, go to class site, click word doc “law 2018 grade summary 3 qtr 4” complete it & email to

2. Due today: test corrections wk 35

3. due today: alternate assignment for students who do not want to do test corrections: pg. 448 #2, 4, 5, 6 (grade entered online 50 pts)

*for students completing test corrections write below..

Test wk 35 corrections


1 = 65%/d

2-10 = 75%/C

2- 11 and up = 85%/B

3-16 = 95%/A

3-18 = 100%/A

(Write the test question and your revised answer)

The end

*for students who do not want to do test corrections, write below

Alternate assignment: pg. 448 #2,4,5,6 (50 pts)

2. (write question)

-skip line-

(write answer)

Follow this format for #4 – 6

Us history  (wk 35)

weds. 5/23/18

Ms. Crockett

weds. bell ringer 5/23

*look at the image on next page and answer q’s below.

1. orange flyer (questions below are for the orange flyer only)

a. which group of people do you think this flyer is meant to reach the most? Explain why. –skip 3 lines…..”group of people” could be the police, politicians, community members at large, men, women, or another group who you think this flyer was meant for

b. type of event: skip 2 lines

c. purpose:

d. which group of people do you think organized this event? Explain. skip 3 lines…..”group of people” could be the police, politicians, community members at large, men, women, or another group who you think organized this



1. today: class notes 5/23: john burge rally (flyer) pt. 1 *see format below

2. coming soon: bell ringer check (correct dates that fall between 5/5 – 5/18

class notes 5/23: john burge rally (green flyer) pt. 1

directions: use the green flyer to answer q’s below- scroll up to see green flyer

1. on a scale of 1-3, rate the title on the green flyer. (1=boring, 2=interesting, 3=confrontational)

a. Rating:

b. Reason:

2. describe mood of the green flyer.

a. Mood:

b. Reason:

3. Which group of people would this flyer most likely attract?

a. Group: group of people” could be the police, politicians, community members at large, men, women, or another group

b. Reason:

4. Where was the rally held?

5. Do you think this rally was positive or heated? Explain.

The end

Break into 5 groups (4-5 ppl per group)

*sit with your group in the circle, next to each other

1. question managers – sit in center

2. blast crew (ppl who are not focused will be targeted w/ a question)

3. etiquette coordinators (will tame the discussion, move in respectfully on anyone talking, cursing, etc)

4. devil’s advocate team (will throw curve balls in the convo w/ “what if” questions) – critical thinkers!

5. Score keepers (2 ppl only): will set up teams on the board & keep score of questions answered correctly

*3 pt = participation (entire group)

*1 pt = excellent comment

*1 pt = keep self control

*1 pt = team performed job correctly

Us history  (wk 35)

thurs. 5/24/18

Ms. Crockett

thurs. bell ringer 5/24

click the link to answer q’s below

(or google: medill northwestern songs for burge torture)

1. Listen to the song write the 1-2 verse of the woman’s song. 10 words total

a. 1st verse: “we: write the words to the verse

b. 2nd verse: “I wont”:

2. Title of the 2nd song:

a. How does the content of this song relate?


1. today: class notes 5/24: songs for john burge article pt. 1 (10 q’s) *see format below

2. coming soon: bell ringer check (correct dates that fall between 5/5 – 5/18

class notes 5/24: songs for john burge article pt. 1 (10 q’s)

(or google: medill northwestern songs for burge torture)

1. date of article:skip 2 lines between each

2. location:

3. song and protesting supported:

4. define “reparations”:

5. # of demonstrators:

6. Reparations for the torture victims would provide (3):




7. Identify (2) aldermen who supported the reparations:



8. Identify (1) alderman who did not support the reparations:

9. Identify who said the quote, “reparations will give me some type of normalcy:

10. Regarding mayor emmanuel’s comments, he was:

Additional questions for classes w/o verbal review below

11. Joey mogul is:

12. Mark clements is:

13. Andrew baer is:

14. Identify (1) question you would like to ask based on what was read and name someone from the article who you would ask.

a. Question:

b. This question is for:

The end

Us history  (wk 35)

fri. 5/25/18

Ms. Crockett

fri. bell ringer 5/25

click the link to answer q’s below

(or youtube: john burge case history compilation 13:48)

3. People chanted, “jon burge, we say (7 words): skip 3 lines

4. Activist’s name holding bull horn:

5. Survivors’ name:

6. Police demanded that he confess to a:

7. The survivor gave in after the (# of times):

8. The survivor signed a confession written in (who’s words):


1. due today: bell ringer check 5/9 – 5/15

2. due today: class notes 5/25: j. burge case history compilation (16 q’s) *see format below

3. coming next week: if student participation & behavior improves - john burge project (poem, rap, song, dance)

class notes 5/25: j. burge case history compilation (16 q’s)

(or youtube: jon burge case history compilation 13:48)

*start at 3min. 15 seconds

1. the 2nd survivor’s name is Darrell (last name):

2. police constantly referred to him as:

3. during the torturing, Darrell claims that police felt:

4. the 3rd survivor’s name was Anthony (last name):

5. Anthony indicated that once he couldn’t take it anymore he was willing to kill:

6. The task force went to mayor daley’s:

7. Demonstrators chanted, “hey, hey, ho, ho (6 words):

8. The attorney general indicated that burge filed:

9. The battle for justice to convict burge lasted (years):

10. Kai muni, an activist, said it is important for the community to (3):




11. Burges’ conviction led to the exoneration of:

12. The city of Chicago has failed to:

13. The # of black men still in prison as a result of burges’ torture is:

14. The majority of survivors have not received (2):



15. Which amendment did burge assert while questioned about his criminal activity:

16. This amendment means (in summary):

The end

ASSIGNMENT 2 central park 5 video pt. 1 (11 q’s) 20 pts

*stop at 25min

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. In 1989, an NY jogger was brutally attacked and:

2. The voice of Matias Reyes said, "I'm the one...":

3. Jim Dwyer, a journalist, admitted that "a lot of people didnt..:

4. Anton McCray, Harlem resident, didnt know the other (4) boys but saw them:

5. In the early 80's, according to Ed Koch, New York (NY) was on the verge of:

6. In 1984, a drug was introduced to NY on a large scale; this drug was known as:

7. On Apr. 19, 1989, the (5) boys entered the park with (

# of teens & gender):

8. When the boys were leaving Central Park to go home, police found them and:

9. After detaining the (5) boys for several hours, police finally contacted:

10. The victim, found at 1:30am, lost a lot of bodily fluids, had a fractured skull, and was just about:

11. Manhattan detectives were prideful and had swagger in their:

The end

ASSIGNMENT 3 Central park 5 pt. 2 (11 q’s) 20pts

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. Detective Arroyo and another officer were yelling obscenities at the boys in an attempt to get them to:

2. Detectives told Kevin's mother and sister that Kevin will  go home as long as they:

3. When Anton told his father the truth, as police pushed him around, his father advised him to tell the police:

4. The boys began writing statements that incriminated (identify 2)



5. Although there were approximately (6) murders a day occurred on,  the Central  Park murder was special because:

6. As the boys' rights were being read to him, no parent stood up to ask for:

7. The boys continued to incriminate each other and themselves because they were told by police if they admitted, the could:

8. Despite writing statements and verbally admitting guilt, the boys  were placed in a:

9. "Wilding" means:

10. The feeling of NY when the news announced the boys were jailed was, "they:

11. Even though the boys admitted to the crime, afterwards they consistently said that they:

The End

Assignment 4 central park 5 writing prompt & review (4 q’s) 10 pts

1. Compare & contrast the family structure and sentencing between 2 of the 5 boys below. Click link below for assistance and/or google their names for more info.

|Antron mccray |compare |Korey wise |

|(contrast) | |(contrast) |

| | | |

|Sentencing: | | |

| |1. |Sentencing: |

|Family: | | |

| | | |

| | |Family: |

2. Based on the above, explain why you think sentencing was different between antron and korey.

3. Based on the injustice that occurred with these 5 boys, what (3) things can you conclude about our judicial system? Explain.(conclude: means what judgments can you make about the facts presented in the video)

a. Conclusion #1:


b. Conclusion #2:


c. Conclusion #3:


4. Identify the single most important lesson you are learning from the central park 5 so far and explain.

a. The #1 Lesson I’m learning: skip 3 lines

b. Reason (why this is #1):

The end

Assignment #5 central park 5 pt. 3 (11 Q's) 20pts

*start at 50 min & stop @1hr 15min

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. Some teenagers plead guilty to other crimes (outside of the rape) and would serve shorter:

2. The only way the victim's friends identified her was by:

3. Write the victim's name, age, and career below.

           a. name:

           b. age:

           c. career title:

4. When charges were being read to the boys, the attorney advised them to say nothing and keep:

5. At the age of 16, Corey was sent to an adult prison called:

6. Donald Trump told reporters he hates:

7. Just prior to the Trisha Meili's rape, black woman was raped and thrown from:

8. When Trisha came out of her coma, she could not recall:

9. The map showing the time sequence of Trisha's rape proved that the boys: 

*stop video here

10. Analyze Donald Trump's statement regarding, "I hate the people who did this." Explain in detail what you think Trump meant and why.

        (skip 4 lines)

11. Explain how the black community responded to the teens' charges and cite a scene from the video that supports your answer. 

        a. black community's response:

(skip 3 lines)

        b. Cite a scene:

The End

Poverty in Chicago vid

1. After watching the video in your class notes below, answer the following:

A. Cite the portion of the video that shocked you: (skip 3 lines between each)

B. cite the portion of the video that you found interesting:

c. explain whether this video has caused you to look at homeless people in a new light and explain:

*take out a clean sheet & write class notes below

Class notes 3/4: Poverty in Chicago video 15 Q's

(or google: Poverty in Chicago Documentary 43:38)

1. As it relates to drug overdoses, Chicago ranks number:

2. Regarding population, Chicago's south side makes up (%):

3. 37 million people in the U.S. live in poverty, and children represent:

4. Delvin has tried to get Section 8 housing for (years):

5. Terry developed epilepsy from:

6. In 1987, Jason was on Lake Shore Drive and suffered injuries from a:

7. The "Pacific Mission" is a place where:

8. The average number of homeless men who stay at the mission every night is:

9. Men do not like the mission because:

10. In order to get a bed, they must:

11. A "pan- handler" is a:

12. The west side is know for providing:

13. "Jump out" boys are young men who:

14. Criminal records have prevented people from:

15. Economic segregation is when specific groups of people live in an area where:

The End

class notes 12/16: common core – I just sued my school video (9 q’s)

(or google: I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! 6:00min)

**student created assignment! Done by desmond williams

1. Why did he mention Finland?

-skip 3 lines between each-

2. Does the school system go against your human rights? Explain.

3. Do you agree or disagree with Prince EA? Explain.

4. Base off the video, what do you think of the school system?

5. Do you think school prepares you for life? Explain.

6. In your years being in school, are you being motivated to work? Explain.

7. In school, are you learning anything new or is everything a repeat?

8. What did he say about the common core?

 9. What is your opinion on the common core?

The end

Class notes 2/1: Thirteenth Vid (6 Q’s) pt. 1

Class agreed to watch on Netflix if absent. If you do not have Netflix, watch it in rm 318 (my class) during your lunch period.

1. US holds 25% of the world’s:

2. The 13th amendment grants:

3. Movies in the 19th century falsely showed black men as a threat to white women because black men were considered to be:

4. Civil rights activists were portrayed as:

5. During a press conference, President Nixon announced (in the 1970’s) that public enemy #1 was:

6. The U.S prison population:

a. 1970:

b. 1980:

the end

Class notes 2/5: Thirteenth Vid (8 Q’s) pt. 2

Class agreed to watch on Netflix if absent. If you do not have Netflix, watch it in rm 318 (my class) during your lunch period.

(start at 20 min)

1. Crack cocaine received harsher penalties over (name drug):

2. Crack cocaine hit in the early (year):

3. The so called “war on drugs” was really a war on:

4. To get votes, Reagan pushed the war on drugs and promised he would cut:

5. The prison population in 1985 was:

6. Black youth was referred to as “super:

7. A prison weekend pass went wrong went Willie Horton received a pass and he ended up (summarize):

8. By 1990, the prison population was:

the end

Thirteenth Vid (13 Q’s) pt. 3

(start at 35 min)

Class agreed to watch on Netflix if absent. If you do not have Netflix, watch it in rm 318 (my class) during your lunch period.

1. Because Democrats were defeated in the 1980’s by Republicans, Bill Clinton came up with a new penalty for prisoners called:

2. Judges no longer were able to consider details surrounding the crime, instead they were forced to issue:

3. Sharonda transported cocaine and as a first time offender she was issued (penalty):

4. In the year 2000, the U.S. prison population grew to:

5. Years later, Bill Clinton realized his stiff penalties towards prisoners in order to win votes was:

6. The African-American prison population in 2001 was:

7. The man considered by the FBI as the most dangerous in the U.S. was:

8. Malcolm X’s entourage was infiltrated with:

9. Fred Hampton’s age at the time he fought for justice was:

10. Fred was murdered by police who at 4:30am shot up his:

11. Assata Shakur in the 1970’s predicted the number of prisons in the making were:

12. Angela Davis put the government on trial and walked out:

13. Davis’s family witnessed the murders of:

The end (stop at 50 min.)

Class notes 2/8: Thirteenth Vid (10 Q’s) pt. 4

(start at 50 min)

Class agreed to watch on Netflix if absent. If you do not have Netflix, watch it in rm 318 (my class) during your lunch period.

1. The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to:

2. Zimmerman pleaded “self-defense” and was found:

3. Members of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) are made up of 2 groups:



4. Walmart is the biggest seller of:

5. After Treyvon’s death, Walmart:

6. CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) is a billion dollar company that makes it’s money off of:

7. SBA 1070 was a bill (or law) that allowed police to stop anyone who looked like:

8. In the future, to solve the overcrowded prison population, people will be imprisoned in their:

9. Private corporations make money off of the GPS monitor used to:

10. Aramark services the inmate population and was accused of:

The End (stop at 1hr 5min)

Class notes 2/9: Thirteenth Vid (10 Q’s) pt. 5

(start at 1hr 5 min)

Class agreed to watch on Netflix if absent. If you do not have Netflix, watch it in rm 318 (my class) during your lunch period.

1. If you’re in the prison business, you don’t want prison:

2. Cheap prison labor includes hats, (name 2)



1. Kaleif went to jail for a petty crime he did not commit because he could not:

3. 97% of people who are locked up:

4. After spending 3 yrs in jail, all charges were:

5. After being back in the Bronx for 2 yrs, Kaleif Browder:

6. Jim Crow laws still exists for:

7. Trump said he is the “law and order”:

8. The likelihood of imprisonment for white men is one in:

9. In a black man’s lifetime, then number expected to go to jail is one in:

The End (stop at 1hr 23 min)

class notes 2/14: Thirteenth Vid (9 Q’s) pt. 6

(start at 1hr 23 min)

1. Based on the total population, black men represent (%):

2. Based on the prison population, black men make up (%):

3. Once you have been convicted of a crime, you are a slave of the:

4. After slavery, a new system was born called “convict:

5. After the old Jim Crow, now we have a system of mass:

6. In Ferguson, there is an average of 3 warrants per:

7. The common thread in historical riots was:

8. Identify and describe a picture displayed during the song that you liked and explain why.

a. description: skip 3 lines between each

b. reason:

1. Reflection on this documentary:

a. I learned: skip 3 lines between each

b. This shocked me:

c. This inspired me:

The End

Class notes 12/22: central park 5 video pt. 1 (11 q’s)

*stop at 25min

*class agreed to watch missed episodes on amazon prime, if you do not have an amazon prime account please watch at the link below

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. In 1989, an NY jogger was brutally attacked and:

2. The voice of Matias Reyes said, "I'm the one...":

3. Jim Dwyer, a journalist, admitted that "a lot of people didnt..:

4. Anton McCray, Harlem resident, didnt know the other (4) boys but saw them:

5. In the early 80's, according to Ed Koch, New York (NY) was on the verge of:

6. In 1984, a drug was introduced to NY on a large scale; this drug was known as:

7. On Apr. 19, 1989, the (5) boys entered the park with (

# of teens & gender):

8. When the boys were leaving Central Park to go home, police found them and:

9. After detaining the (5) boys for several hours, police finally contacted:

10. The victim, found at 1:30am, lost a lot of bodily fluids, had a fractured skull, and was just about:

11. Manhattan detectives were prideful and had swagger in their:

The end

Central park 5 pt. 2 (11 q’s)

1. Detective Arroyo and another officer were yelling obscenities at the boys in an attempt to get them to:

2. Detectives told Kevin's mother and sister that Kevin will  go home as long as they:

3. When Anton told his father the truth, as police pushed him around, his father advised him to tell the police:

4. The boys began writing statements that incriminated (identify 2)



5. Although there were approximately (6) murders a day occurred on,  the Central  Park murder was special because:

6. As the boys' rights were being read to him, no parent stood up to ask for:

7. The boys continued to incriminate each other and themselves because they were told by police if they admitted, the could:

8. Despite writing statements and verbally admitting guilt, the boys  were placed in a:

9. "Wilding" means:

10. The feeling of NY when the news announced the boys were jailed was, "they:

11. Even though the boys admitted to the crime, afterwards they consistently said that they:

The End

Class notes 1/10: central park 5 writing prompt & review (4 q’s)

5. Draw chart. Compare & contrast the family structure and sentencing between 2 of the 5 boys below. Click link below for assistance and/or google their names for more info.

|Antron mccray |compare |Korey wise |

|(contrast) | |(contrast) |

| | | |

|Sentencing: | | |

| |1. |Sentencing: |

|Family: | | |

| | | |

| | |Family: |

6. Based on the above, explain why you think sentencing was different between antron and korey.

(skip 4 lines)

7. Based on the injustice that occurred with these 5 boys, what (3) things can you conclude about our judicial system? Explain.

d. Conclusion #1: skip 3 lines between each


e. Conclusion #2:


f. Conclusion #3:


8. Identify the single most important lesson you are learning from the central park 5 so far and explain.

a. The #1 Lesson I’m learning: skip 3 lines

b. Reason (why this is #1):

The end

Class notes 1/11: central park 5 pt. 3 (11 Q's)

*start at 50 min & stop @1hr 15min

*class agreed to watch missed episodes on amazon prime, if you do not have an amazon prime account, watch at link below

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

12. Some teenagers plead guilty to other crimes (outside of the rape) and would serve shorter:

13. The only way the victim's friends identified her was by:

14. Write the victim's name, age, and career below.

           a. name:

           b. age:

           c. career title:

15. When charges were being read to the boys, the attorney advised them to say nothing and keep:

16. At the age of 16, Corey was sent to an adult prison called:

17. Donald Trump told reporters he hates:

18. Just prior to the Trisha Meili's rape, black woman was raped and thrown from:

19. When Trisha came out of her coma, she could not recall:

20. The map showing the time sequence of Trisha's rape proved that the boys: 

*stop video here

21. Analyze Donald Trump's statement regarding, "I hate the people who did this." Explain in detail what you think Trump meant and why.

        (skip 4 lines)

22. Explain how the black community responded to the teens' charges and cite a scene from the video that supports your answer. 

        a. black community's response:

(skip 3 lines)

        b. Cite a scene:

The End

Class notes 1/11: central park 5 pt. 4 (12 Q's)

*start at 1hr 5 min stop at 1hr 20 min

*class agreed to watch missed episodes on amazon prime, if you do not have an amazon prime account, watch at link below

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. Once there was no dna found, the investigation should have:  

2. Not a trace of blood from the 5 boys was found at:

3. On Aug. 5, 1989, a serial rapist was caught. His name is:

4. In regards to the Central Park 5, Detective Sheehan knew that there was no:

5. At the end of the day, confessions trump:

6. When the trial started, Antron McCray's father:

7. During the trial, one of the black jurors was caught:

8. The jogger took the stand even though she couldn't:

9. During the trial, detectives denied making any:

10. The other defense that was not used at trial was called the:

11. When Raymond, Antron, and Yussef in a conference room to agree to a plea deal, all three boys decided to:

*stop video

12. analyze why you think detective Sheehan did not tell that they had the wrong boys in custody after finding the serial rapist.

The End

Class notes 1/17: central park 5 pt. 5 (15 Q's)

*start at 1hr 20 min stop at 1hr 32 min

*class agreed to watch missed episodes on amazon prime, if you do not have an amazon prime account, watch at link below

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. While the jury was out deliberating, the public was impatient and questioned:

2. Antron leaned over to his attorney and said (2 words or more):

3. The boys waited to cry in the bull pen (cell) so the public wouldnt:

4. When a reporter asked the prosecutor about the lack of genetic evidence, she said (in summary):

5. Antron, Yusef, and Raymond were found guilty on 7 counts, including (2):



6. Because they were juveniles, the three were sentenced (years):

7. When Kevin was offered a plea, his decision was:

8. During the trial, Korey was shocked to hear a recording that:

9. Kevin's mother was so distraught after the guilty verdict, she:

10. Kevin was guilty of 8 counts, including (2):



11. Korey was convicted of 3 counts of sexual abuse and sentenced to (years):

12. The jail did not inform his father until after the fact that his father died from:

13. While in prison, Yussef earned a:

14. Even though the prison stopped the degree program, Antron worked in the tailor shop and earned the highest wage of (amount):

stop video

15. Analyze (2) reasons why the prison stopped the degree program.

A. -skip 3 lines-

i. Reason you think this: -skip 3 lines-


ii. Reason you think this:

The End

Class notes 1/18: central park 5 pt. 6 (15 Q's)

[pic]*start at 1hr 32 min to the end

*class agreed to watch missed episodes on amazon prime, if you do not have an amazon prime account, watch at link below

(or google: The Central Park Five 2012 Movie HD 2hr12min)

1. When Antron was released, he arrived on his block and went to the wrong:

2. When Kevin was released, his family:

3. When Raymond was released, he would wash his boxers in:

4. Even though Antron's mother reunited with his dad, Antron reminded his mother:

5. Raymond couldn't get a job, so for money, he began to:

6. Korey Wise was still in prison because:

7. At the Auburn Correctional Facility, Matias Reyes made contact with:

8. Matias began to tell people in the prison that Korey (in summary):

9. When the case was reopened, dna from the rape kit matched:

10. When Raymond's father told him the good news that the rapist was found, Raymond's reaction was (in summary): 

11. According to the news reporter, the reversal of the decision in this case made it the most controversial case in:

12. Even though Raymond was serving time on a drug case his sentence was based on:  

13. Raymond went from a demeaning "perp walk" to the walk of a: 

14. The good news of their innocence never got the attention that their:

stop video

15. Why did Matias finally tell the truth about the crime?

         skip 3 lines

B. Would you tell the truth if it added 15yrs to your sentence or would you be silent while someone else paid the price? Explain. 

The End

Class notes 1/19: central park five “where are they now” (11 q’s)

*click the link in green to answer below

1. During the time of the incident, trump promoted: -skip 2 lines between each

2. Finally, once the teenage boys were exonerated of the rape charges, trump admitted:

3. Matias reyes’s confession came about for (2) reasons.



4. Once the central park five were exonerated, explain who they filed a lawsuit against and the outcome.

a. Suit was against:

b. Outcome of suit:

5. The documentary “central park five” was published in 2012 and addressed (2) societal ills.



6. Explain if the author of this article agreed with ken’s reasons for creating the documentary and support it by citing the best evidence in the article. Explain the cite in your own words.

a. Author agreed (yes/no):

b. Best cite: -skip 4 lines

c. This cite means:

7. Identify (3) positive accomplishments of trisha meili since she has recovered.




8. Even though the boys maintain that their confessions were obtained illegally, a detective wrote in the wall street journal that:

9. It was noted that 1 of the 5 boys had “beaten a man with a pipe.” This was mentioned to show:

10. The author reported that trump believes they were partially guilty of “something.” Explain whether the author agrees with trump and cite the best evidence.

a. Author agrees with trump (yes/no):

b. Cite best evidence:

11. Analyze whether this article is biased or not against the boys and explain why.

a. Biased article (yes/no):

b. Explain:

The end

Pop quiz

“Central park 5”

Directions: answer each question and underline answers.

Point breakdown: 10 q’s @ 8 pts each = 80 pts write quiz = 20 pts total = 100

1. Name (3) of the five boys:




2. Identify the boy who had a father that died from cirrhosis of the liver while he was in prison:

3. Identify the boy who had a father that prayed for him all the time:

4. Identify the boy who’s mother wore a tshirt that said “he’s innocent”:

5. Identify (3) key pieces of evidence that created doubt about the boys’ guilt:




6. Name the actual serial rapist who committed the crime:

7. Sequence what triggered the serial rapist to be honest about the crime he committed from prison:




8. Name the victim of the rape:

9. Identify (3) things the victim has accomplished:




10. Identify the type of law suit did the “central park 5” file against the city of new york:

The end

class notes 1/10: Lord of the revolutionary- black panther video pt. 1 (12 q’s)

(or google: lord of the revolutionary 44:06)

(stop at 22min)

1. Malcolm X felt that MLK was too: skip 2 lines between each q

2. Malcolm X was murdered (year):

3. Huey Newton, one of the leaders, went to law school for a period of:

4. Black Panthers' slogan was "power to:

5. In 1967, to protest the racist California legislature, Panthers marched in the Assembly with guns causing politicians to duck or hide under:

6. The FBI was watching the Panther's every:

7. Due to an alleged gun showdown betweeen the Panthers and the police, Huey Newton was sentenced to the gas:

8. In another alleged gun showdown, Eldridge Cleaver was sentenced to:

9. Police were referred to by the Panthers as:

10. Music was an important part of the black power movement, for example, James Brown published a song titled: 

11. Eldridge Cleaver went underground to avoid:

12. The Panthers created the "free breakfast intiative" was designed to accomplish (2) goals:



The End

class notes 1/11: Lord of the revolutionary- black panther video pt. 2 (14 q’s)

(or google: lord of the revolutionary 44:06)

(start at 22min)

1. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI in the 1960's, he warned his agents to look out for a "Black Messiah," someone who could:

2. A total of "21" Panthers were framed and convicted of bombing:

3. Bobby Seale, one of the "21," requested in court to represent:

4. To keep Bobby Seale from defending himself in court, police officers:

5. Fred Hampton, a new Panther leader in Chicago who recruited:

6. Fred Hamption was murdered in his sleep by:

7. After 3 years in prison, Huey Newton was freed on (bail amt.):

8. Huey now has a change of heart about the Panthers use of:

9. Opposite of Huey, Eldridge Cleaver want to shoot his way into the:

10. The FBI played Huey against Eldridge, this resulted in Huey's decision to:

11. Huey became hooked on (be specific):

12. Bobby Seale left the Black Panther Party in the year:

13. Identify the year and the reason why Huey Newton was killed:


           B. reason:

14. Identify where Bobby Seales travels and why:



The End

class notes 1/12: black panther reflection (3 q’s)

1. describe (1) section of the video that interested/shocked you, and explain.

a. Describe: (summarize what happened in the video) – skip 3 lines

b. Interested/shocking: explain why – skip 3 lines

2. Contrast (2) things about the black panthers to young people (17yrs – 25yrs) today.

|Black panthers |Today’s youth |

|1. |1. |

|2. |2. |

3. Would you have risked your life to be a member of the b.p.p.? explain.

a. Yes/no

b. Reason:

The end

U.S. History Test 4: Black Panther Party & Stone to the Bone (100 pts)

1. Identify (2) leaders of the Black Panther Party and which had been to Law School. (15 pts)

a. Leader:________________________________________

b. Leader:________________________________________

c. Law School:____________________________________

2. Identify the average age range of Black panther members (5 pts). __________

3. Explain why the “panther” image best described this organization. (10 pts)



4. Analyze why the B.P.P. (Black Panther Party) interrupted the General Assembly in 1967, causing politicians to hide under their desks. (10 pts)



5. Identify (1) initiative or social program that the B.P.P. pioneered and the (2) goals this initiative accomplished. (15 pts)

a. Initiative:______________________________________________

b. Goal 1:________________________________________________

c. Goal 2:________________________________________________

6. The FBI wanted the “Black Messiah” within the B.P.P. Define “Black Messiah” and explain why the FBI targeted this person. (10 pts)

a. Black Messiah:_________________________________________________________

b. Targeted because:______________________________________________________

7. Identify the difference in goals between two B.P.P. leaders and how that difference adversely affected the organization. (15 pts)

|Leader name: |Leader name: |

|Goal: |Goal: |

|Adverse effect on the organization: |

8. The name “Blackstone” came from: (5 pts)



9. The "beginning of the end" for the Blackstones was when: (5 pts)



10. Some believe Jeff turned the nation on to the Islamic religion because:

: (10 pts)



The End



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