MACK P. HOLTProfessor of History EmeritusDepartment of History and Art History (3G1)4400 University DriveGeorge Mason UniversityFairfax, Virginia 22030-4444Email: mholt@gmu.eduHome address: 5827 Russett Leaf Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193, USAI. EDUCATIONPh.D. in History, Emory University, 1982 M.A. in History, Georgia State University, 1973B.A. in History, Georgia State University, 1971II. ACADEMIC POSITIONSVisiting Fellow Commoner, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, Fall 2018Visiting Professor, ?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Spring 2014Visiting Professor, ?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Spring 2005Professor of History, George Mason University, 2001-2018Associate Professor of History, George Mason University, 1989-2001Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of History, Vanderbilt University, 1987-89Andrew W. Mellon Faculty Fellow in History, Harvard University, 1986-87Assistant Professor of History, West Texas State University, 1984-86Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Univ. of North Carolina-Wilmington, 1983-84Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Emory University, 1982-83III. AWARDS, GRANTS, AND FELLOWSHIPSFrancis S. Benjamin Prize (1979) awarded by the history department of Emory University for the best research paper written by a graduate studentJohn Snell Memorial Prize (1979) awarded by the European History Section of the Southern Historical Association each year for the best research paper written by a graduate student in a southern university on a topic in European historyPhi Alpha Theta National History Honorary SocietyResearch grants in 1985 and 1986 from the Organized Research Committee of West Texas State University for archival research in France during the summers of 1985 and 1986Research grant from the American Philosophical Society to spend the summer of 1985 in France for archival researchSummer Stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities to spend the summer of 1986 in France for archival researchAndrew W. Mellon Faculty Fellowship at Harvard University for the 1986-87 academic year for teaching and researchNational Huguenot Society of America Book Prize (1987) awarded each year for the best book on the history of the Huguenots, for The Duke of Anjou and the Politique Struggle during the Wars of Religion (Cambridge University Press, 1986)Research grant from the American Philosophical Society to spend the summer of 1989 in France for archival researchGrant-in-aid from the American Council of Learned Societies to spend the summer of 1989 in France for archival researchSmall research grant from George Mason University for archival research in France during the summer of 1990Summer stipend from George Mason University for research and writing during summer 1991Amos Simpson Prize (1992) awarded by the European History Section of the Southern Historical Association for the best paper delivered at the annual meetingSummer Stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities to spend summer 1993 in France for archival researchResearch grant from the American Philosophical Society to spend summer 1993 in France for archival researchNancy Lyman Roelker Prize (1994) awarded by the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference for the best articled published on early modern French history for “Wine, Community and Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Burgundy,” Past & Present, no. 138 (February 1993), 58-93Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities to spend the 1994-95 academic year in France for research (on leave 1994-95)Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to spend the 1996-97 academic year writing (on leave 1996-97)Grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities to run a Summer Seminar for High School Teachers on "The Social History of the Reformation" in July 1998Grant from George Mason University to attend summer course on “The History of Printing to 1800” at Rare Book School, University of Virginia in June 2010Winner of the David H. Pinkney Prize (2019) awarded by the Society for French Historical Studies for the best book in French history published in 2018, for The Politics of Wine in Early Modern France: Religion and Popular Culture in Burgundy, 1477-1630 (Cambridge University Press, 2018).IV. PUBLICATIONS Books (all peer reviewed): The Duke of Anjou and the Politique Struggle during the Wars of Religion (Cambridge University Press, 1986; paperback ed. 2002); winner of the Huguenot Society of America Book Prize, 1987 The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629 (Cambridge University Press, 1995; second edition 2005)(As editor) Society and Institutions in Early Modern France (University of Georgia Press, 1991)(As editor) Aristocracies and Urban Elites in Early Modern France (published as a special issue of Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques, vol. 27, no. 2 (Summer 2001)(As editor) The Short Oxford History of France: Renaissance and Reformation France 1500-1648 (Oxford University Press, 2002)(As editor) Alcohol: A Social and Cultural History (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2006)(As editor) Adaptations of Calvinism in Reformation Europe: Essays in Honour of Brian G. Armstrong (London: Ashgate, 2007)The Politics of Wine in Early Modern France: Religion and Popular Culture in Burgundy, 1477-1630 (Cambridge University Press, 2018); winner of the David H. Pinkney Prize awarded by the Society for French Historical Studies, 2019(In progress) Reading the Bible in the Reformation: How Readers Read their Scriptures in Sixteenth-Century France Articles and book chapters (all peer reviewed): "Patterns of Clientèle and Economic Opportunity at Court during the Wars of Religion: The Household of Fran?ois, Duke of Anjou," French Historical Studies, vol.13 (Spring 1984), 305-22"William of Orange, Foreign Powers, and the Dutch Revolt," History Today, vol.34 (July 1984), 22-27 (commissioned for a special issue commemorating the 400th anniversary of the assassination of William of Orange)"Attitudes of the French Nobility at the Estates-General of 1576," Sixteenth Century Journal, vol.18 (Winter 1987), 489-504 "The King in Parlement: The Problem of the Lit de justice in Sixteenth-Century France," The Historical Journal, vol.31 (September 1988), 507-23"Order and community in sixteenth-century Burgundy," Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, vol.16 (1989), 60-71"Popular Political Culture and Mayoral Elections in Sixteenth-Century Dijon," in Mack P. Holt, ed., Society and Institutions in Early Modern France (University of Georgia Press, 1991), pp. 98-116"Wine, Community and Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Burgundy," Past & Present, no. 138 (February 1993), 58-93"Putting Religion Back into the Wars of Religion," French Historical Studies, vol.18 (Fall 1993), 524-51"From Burgundian Netherlands to the Dutch Republic: Tradition and Innovation in Sixteenth-Century Europe," History Review, (Fall 1995) "Popular Political Culture in Sixteenth-Century France", in L. P. Repina and V. V. Sogrin, eds., Politicheskaia istoria na poroge XXI veka: traditsii i novatsii [Political History on the Eve of the 21st Century: Traditions and Innovations] (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995), pp.111-121"Religion, Historical Method, and Historical Forces," French Historical Studies, vol.20 (Spring 1996), 863-73"Burgundians into Frenchmen: Catholic Identity in Sixteenth-Century France," in Michael Wolfe, ed., Changing Identities in Early Modern France ( Duke University Press, 1997), pp. 345-370 "Culture politique et culture populaire au XVIIe siècle: L'émeute de Lanturelu à Dijon en février 1630," Histoire, économie et société, vol. 16, no. 4 (December 1997), pp. 597-616“The Memory of All Things Past: The Provisions of the Edict of Nantes,” in Richard L. Goodbar, ed., The Edict of Nantes: Five Essays and a New Translation (Bloomington, MN: National Huguenot Society, 1998), pp. 28-32"Wine, Life, and Death in Sixteenth-Century Burgundy," Food and Foodways: Explorations in the History and Culture of Human Nourishment, vol. 8, no. 2 (Fall 1999), pp. 73-98“Election Festivals, Power, and Society in Sixteenth-Century Burgundy,” in Karin Friedrich, ed., Festive Culture in Germany and Europe from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000), pp. 17-30“La paix de Vervins et l’Edit de Nantes: Une victorie des politiques,” in J.-P. Labourdette, J.-P. Poussou, and M.-C. Vignal, eds., Le Traité de Vervins (Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2000), pp. 297-310“Popular and Elite Politics in Seventeenth-Century Dijon,” Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques, vol. 27, no. 2 (Summer 2001), pp. 325-45“L’évolution des politiques face aux églises, 1561-1598,” in Thierry Wanegffelen, ed., De Michel de l’H?pital à l’Edit de Nantes: Politique et religion face aux églises (Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2002), pp. 591-607“The Kingdom of France in the Sixteenth Century” and “Redrawing the Lines of Authority,” in Mack P. Holt, ed., The Short Oxford History of France, 1500-1648 (Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 1-26 and 202-33“The Social History of the Reformation: Recent Trends and Future Agendas,” The Journal of Social History, vol. 37, no. 1 (Fall 2003), pp. 133-44“The League in Burgundy: A bourgeoisie seconde?” French History, vol. 17 (December 2003), pp. 1-15“Confessionalization Beyond the Germanies: The Case of France,” in John Headley and Hans Hillerbrand, eds., Confessionalization in Europe, 1550-1700 (London: Ashgate Press, 2004), pp. 241-57“Europe Divided: Wine, Beer, and the Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Europe,” in Mack P. Holt, ed., Alcohol: A Social and Cultural History (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2006), pp. 25-40“Philippe Duplessis-Mornay et le sacrement de la Cène,” in Hugues Daussy et Véronique Ferrer, eds., Servir Dieu, le roi et l’état: Philippe Duplessi-Mornay, 1549-1623 (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006), 101-111“Divisions within French Calvinism: Philippe Duplessis-Mornay and the Eucharist,” in Mack P. Holt, ed., Adaptations of Calvinism in Reformation Europe: Essays in Honour of Brian G. Armstrong (London: Ashgate, 2007), 165-177“Historical Writing in English on the French Reformation: The Last Thirty Years,” Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte / Archive for Reformation History 100 (2009): 256-270“Henri IV et les privileges municipaux à Dijon: La politique de la réconciliation,” in Michel De Waele, ed., Lendemains de guerre civile: Réconciliation et restauration en France (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2011): 17-38 “Religious Violence in Sixteenth-Century France: Moving Beyond Pollution and Purification,” in Graeme Murdock, Andrew Spicer, and Penny Roberts, eds., Ritual and Violence: Natalie Zemon Davis and Early Modern France (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 52-74“La religion vécue en Bourgogne à la veille des guerres de Religion,” in Fabien Salesse, ed., Le bon historian sait faire parler les silences: Hommages à Thierry Wanegffelen (Toulouse: Méridiennes, 2012), 165-191.“Les réseaux d’autorité et de pouvoir à l’H?tel de ville at au Parlement de Dijon entre 1580 et 1630,” Annales de Bourgogne 85 (2013): 19-35“Belief and its Limits,” in Hamish Scott, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European History, 1350-1750, 2 vols. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 1:720-744“Urban Elites and Politics in Sixteenth-Century Dijon,” in Barbara B. Diefendorf, ed., Social Relations, Politics, and Power in Early Modern France: Robert Descimon and the Historian’s Craft (Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2016), 87-105“Calvin and Reformed Protestantism,” in Ulinka Rublack, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Reformations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), 214-232“Reading the Bible in Sixteenth-Century France,” in Karen E. Spierling, R. Ward Holder, and Erik A. De Boer, eds., Emancipating Calvin: Culture and Confessional Identity in Francophone Reformed Communities: Essays in Honor of Raymond A. Mentzer, Jr. (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 177-209“International Calvinism,” in R. Ward Holder, ed., John Calvin in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 375-382“Marginalia and the Reception of French Bibles,” in Jennifer McNutt and Herman Selderhuis, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and the Reformation (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2020)“The French Wars of Religion,” in The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Renaissance World, ed. Kristen Poole (Routledge, forthcoming 2021)“Wine and Religion: Antiquity to 1700,” in The Routledge Handbook of Wine and Culture, eds. Steve Charters, Graham Harding, and Tim Unwin (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2021)“Vernacular Bibles and their Catholic Readers in Sixteenth-Century France,” in In the Reader’s Hand: Readers and their Bibles in the Reformation, eds. Wim Fran?ois, Bert Tops, and Renske Hoff (Leiden: Brill, Library of the Written Word, forthcoming 2021) Short essays and other writings (reviewed by editors only): "Advisors to the Powerful in Seventeenth-Century France: A Comment," Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, vol.15 (1988), 93-97Articles on “Fran?ois, Duke of Anjou” and “The Montmorency Family” commissioned for The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, 3 vols., ed. Hans Hillerbrand (Oxford University Press, 1995) Sub-editor and compiler of annotated bibliography for section on "France, 1450-1789" for a new edition of The American Historical Association Guide to Historical Literature (Oxford University Press, 1995)Various entries on “Huguenots,” “Louis XI,” “Louis XII,” “Louis XIII,” “Louis XIV,” “Louis XV,” “Louis XVI,” “Louis XVII,” and “Louis XVIII” in The New Book of Knowledge (New York: Grolier Press, 1998)Various entries on Marc Bloch, Lucien Febvre, Léopold Delisle, Pierre Goubert, Roland Mousnier, and Henri Pirenne in The Encyclopedia of Global Historiographical Writing ed. D.W. Wolfe (New York: Garland Press, 1998), vol. 1, pp. 93-4, 229-30, 310, 373; vol. 2, pp. 638, 715Articles on “French Wars of Religion, 1562-1598” and “French Peasant Revolts, 1594-1648” in Jack H. Goldstone, ed., The Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1998)Articles on “Burgundy” and “Fran?ois, duc d’Anjou” in Paul F. Grendler, ed., The Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (New York: Charles Scribner, 1999)Article on “Festivals” in Peter N. Stearns, ed., The Encyclopedia of European Social History, 1350-2000, 6 vols. (New York: Charles Scribner, 2001), 5:41-51.Foreword to a new edition of Robert M. Kingdon, Geneva and the Coming of the Wars of Religion in France, 1555-1563 (Geneva: Droz, 2007): vii-xii Book reviews: Review of Raymond A. Mentzer, Heresy Proceedings in Languedoc, 1500-1560 (Philadelphia, 1984) in Sixteenth Century Journal, XVI (1985), 578Review of Andrejs Plakans, Kinship in the Past: An Anthology of European Family Life, 1500-1900 (Oxford, 1984) in Journal of Social History, XX (1987), 624-25Review of Robert Muchembled, Popular Culture and Elite Culture in France, 1400-1750 (Baton Rouge, 1985) in The Historian, XLIX (1987), 404-05Review of Ellery Schalk, From Valor to Pedigree: Ideas of Nobility in France in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Princeton, 1986) in Sixteenth Century Journal, XVIII (1987), 445-46Review of Frederic J. Baumgartner, Change and Continuity in the French Episcopate: The Bishops and the Wars of Religion, 1547-1610 (Durham, NC, 1986) in Sixteenth Century Journal, XVIII (1987), 609-10Review of Charles Tilly, The Contentious French (Cambridge, Mass., 1986) in History of European Ideas, IX (1988), 242-43Review of Frederic J. Baumgartner, Henry II: King of France, 1547-1559 (Durham, NC, 1988) in Sixteenth Century Journal, XIX (1988), 495-96Review of Elizabeth Wirth Marvick, Louis XIII: The Making of a King (New Haven, 1986) in Sixteenth Century Journal, XIX (1988), 474Review of James R. Farr, Hands of Honor: Artisans and their World in Dijon, 1550-1650 (Ithaca, NY, 1988) in The Journal of Modern History, LXIII (March 1991), 140-1Review of Arlette Jouanna, Le devoir de révolte: La noblesse fran?aise te la gestation de l'Etat moderne, 1559-1661 (Paris, 1989) in The American Historical Review, XCV (October 1990), 1205Review of James B. Collins, Fiscal Limits of Absolutism: Direct Taxation in Early Seventeenth-Century France (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1988) in The Journal of Economic History, L (March 1990), 191-2Review of Jean Delumeau, Rassurer et protéger: Le sentiment de sécurité dans l'Occident d'autrefois (Paris, 1989) in Journal of Social History, XXIV (1991), 851-3Review of Joseph Bergin, The Rise of Richelieu (New Haven, 1991) in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, (1992), 168-170Review of Henry Heller, Iron and Blood: Civil War in Sixteenth-Century France (Montreal, 1991) in Histoire sociale, vol. 25 (1992), 185-7Review of Philippe Guignet, Le pouvoir dans la ville au XVIIIe siècle: Pratiques politiques, notabilité et éthique sociale de part et d'autre de la frontière franco-belge (Paris, 1990) in The Journal of Modern History, vol. 66 (1994), 151-2Review of Orest Ranum, The Fronde: A French Revolution (New York, 1993), in The Historian, vol. 56 (Summer 1994), 802-03Review of Nicholas Henshall, The Myth of Absolutism (London, 1992), in Continuity: A Journal of History, vol.18 (1994), 113-14Review of Raymond A. Mentzer, Blood and Belief: Family Survival and Confessional Identity among the Provincial Huguenot Nobility (W. Lafayette, IN, 1994) in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Review of Irena Backus, Le miracle de Laon (Paris, 1994) in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 48 (April 1997), 374-76Review of Irena Backus, Guillaume Postel et Jean Boulaese (Geneva, 1995) in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. Vol. 48 (April 1997), 374-76Review of Malcolm C. Smith, Ronsard and Du Bellay versus Bèze: Allusiveness in Renaissance Literary Texts (Geneva, 1995) in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 48 (April 1997), 374-76Review of Judith Pugh Meyer, Reformation in la Rochelle: Tradition and Change in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1568 (Geneva, 1996) in Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 51 (Summer 1998), 642-43Review of Brigitte Maillard, ed., Foi, fidelité, amitié en Europe à la période moderne: Mélanges offerts à Robert Sauzet, 2 vols. (Tours, 1995) in Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 28 (1997), 309-12Review of Judy Sproxton, Violence and Religion: Attitudes Toward Militancy in the French Civil Wars and the English Revolution (Routledge, 1995) in Religious Studies Review, vol. 23 (January 1997), 84Review of Danièle Thomas, Henri IV: Images d’un roi entre réalité et mythe (Paris, 1996) for H-FRANCE (appeared electronically in February 1997) and is available at < of Ole Peter Grell and Bob Scribner, eds., Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation (Cambridge University Press, 1996) in Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 51 (Summer 1998), 659-60Review of Mark W. Konnert, Civic Agendas and Religious Passion: Ch?lons-sur-Marne during the French Wars of Religion (Sixteenth Century Studies Press, 1996) in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 50 (January 1999), 166-67Review of Seong-Hak Kim, Michel de l’H?pital: The Vision of a Reformist Chancellor during the French Religious Wars (Sixteenth Century Studies Press, 1996) in The Journal of Religious History, vol. 23 (October 1999), 374Review of Adriana Bakos, Images of Kingship in Early Modern France:: Louis XI in Political Thought (Routledge Press, 1997) in Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 29 (1998), 1182-83Review of Thierry Wanegffelen, Ni Rome, ni Genève: Des fidèles entre deax chaires en France au XVIe siècle (Honoré Champion, 1997) in Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 29 (Summer 1998), 575-77Review of William Beik, Urban Protest in Seventeenth-Century France: The Culture of Retribution (Cambridge University Press, 1996) in The Journal of Modern History, vol. 27 (March 2000), pp. 210-12Review of John Bossy, Peace in the Post-Reformation (Cambridge University Press, 1998), in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 51 (April 2000), pp. 424-427Review of Stuart Carroll, Noble Power during the French Wars of Religion: The Guise Affinity and the Catholic Cause in Normandy (Cambridge University Press, 1998) in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 51 (April 2000), pp. 424-427Review of Larissa Juliet Taylor, Heresy and Orthodoxy in Sixteenth-Century Paris: Fran?ois Le Picart and the Beginnings of the Catholic Reformation (E. J. Brill, 1999) in Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 31 (Summer 2000), pp. 533-34Review of Michel Cassan, Les temps des guerres de religion: le cas de Limousin, vers 1530-vers 1630 (Publisud, 1996), in La Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, vol. 47, no. 3 (2000), 624Review of David M. Bryson, Queen Jeanne and the Promised Land: Dynasty, Homeland, Religion, and Violence in Sixteenth-Century France (Brill, 1999) in Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 31 (Winter 2000), 1106-8Review of Brendan Dooley, The Social History of Skepticism: Experience and Doubt in Early Modern Culture (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999) in Journal of Social History, vol. 34 (Summer 2001), pp. 984-5Review of Natalie Zemon Davis, The Gift in Sixteenth-Century France (University of Wisconsin Press, 2000) in Journal of Social History, vol. 35. No. 3 (Spring 2002), 734-6Review of Michel de Certeau, The Possession at Loudun (University of Chicago Press, 2000) in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 32 (Winter 2002), pp. 467-8Review of Joel Cornette, La Mélancloie du pouvoir: Omer Talon et le procès de la raison d’état (Librairie Fayard, 1998) in La Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, vol. 49, no. 3 (2002), 213Review of Scott M. Manetsch, Theodore Beza and the Quest for Peace in France, 1572-1598 (Brill, 2000) in Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 55 (Spring 2002), 310-12Review of Myriam Yardeni, Repenser l’histoire: Aspects de l’historiographie huguenote des guerres de religion à la Révolution fran?aise (Honoré Champion, 2000) in Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 55 (Spring 2002), 310-12Review of Hugues Daussy, Les Huguenots et le roi: Le combat politique de Philippe Duplessis-Mornay, 1572-1600 (Droz, 2002) in The English Historical Review, vol. 118, no. 477 (June 2003), 710-11Review of Philip Conner, Huguenot Heartland: Montauban and Southern French Calvinism during the Wars of Religion (Ashgate, 2002) reviewed electronically on H-FRANCE in April 2003 and available at< of Ken Albala, Eating Right in the Renaissance (University of California Press, 2002) in Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 34 (Summer 2003), 586-7Review of Jeremy Black, European Warfare, 1494-1660 (Routledge, 2002) in The Journal of Military History, vol. 67 (April 2003), 552-3Review of Raymond A. Mentzer and Andrew Spicer, eds., Society and Culture in the Huguenot World, 1559-1685 (Cambridge University Press, 2002) in Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 56 (2003), 800-1Review of Philip Benedict, Christ’s Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism (Yale University Press, 2002) in The American Historical Review, vol. 108 (October 2003), 1209-10Review of Philip Benedict, The Faith and Fortune of France’s Huguenots, 1600-1685 (Ashgate, 2001) in Renaissance Quarterly 55 (Winter 2002): 1515-17Review of Henry Heller, Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth-Century France (University of Toronto Press, 2003) in The Catholic Historical Review 90 (April 2004): 319-20Review of Glenn S. Sunshine, Reforming French Protestantism: The Development of Huguenot Ecclesiastical Institutions, 1557-1572 (Truman State University Press, 2003) in Renaissance Quarterly 57 (Winter 2004): 1418-19Review of Evelyne Berriot-Salvadore, et al., eds., Jeanne d’Albret et sa cour (Honoré Champion, 2004) in Renaissance Quarterly 58 (Fall 2005): 940-1Review of Barbara B. Diefendorf, From Penitence to Charity: Pious Women and the Catholic Reformation in Paris (Oxford University Press, 2004), in The Historian 68 (2006): 181-2Review of Richard W. Ungar, Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (University of Pennsylvania Press) in Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture 6 (Winter 2006): 103-4Review of N. M. Sutherland, Henry IV of France and the Politics of Religion, 1572-1596, 2 vols. (Elm Bank Press, 2002) in The English Historical Review 121 (April 2006): 526-28Review of Sylvie Daubresse, Le Parlement de Paris ou la voix de la raison, 1559-1589 (Librairie Droz, 2005) in Renaissance Quarterly 59 (Summer 2006): 522-23Review of James R. Farr, A Tale of Two Murders: Passion and Power in Seventeenth-Century France (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2005) on H-FRANCE (Summer 2006)Review of Cathal J. Nolan, The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000-1650: An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization, 2 vols. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006) in The Journal of Military History 71 (January 2007): 212-13Review of Keith Luria, Sacred Boundaries: Religious Coexistence and Conflict in Early-Modern France (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2005) in The Journal of Social History 40, no. 3 (Spring 2007): 801-802Review of Mark W. Konnert, Local Politics in the French Wars of Religion: The Towns of Champagne, the Duc de Guise, and the Catholic League, 1560-95 (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006) in Catholic Historical Review 93 (October 2007): 959-960Review of Stuart Carroll, Blood and Violence in Early Modern France (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006) in The English Historical Review 122 (December 2007): 1403-1405Review of Elizabeth Tingle, Authority and Society in Nantes during the French Wars of Religion, 1559-1598 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006) in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 59 (January 2008): 150-151Review of Sara Beam, Laughing Matters: Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2007) in The Journal of Social History 42 (Winter 2008): 244-245Review of Robert Descimon and José Javier Ruiz Iba?ez, Les Liguers de l’exil: Le refuge catholique fran?ais après 1594 (Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 2005) in The Journal of Modern History 80 (December 2008): 909-910Review of Kevin Gould, Catholic Activism in South-West France, 1540-1570 (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006) in The Journal of Social History 42 (Summer 2009): 1093-1094Review of Stuart Carroll, Martyrs and Murderers: The Guise Family and the Making of Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009) in The English Historical Review 515 (August 2010): 984-986Review of Eric Nelson, The Jesuits and the Monarchy: Catholic Reform and Political Authority in France, 1590-1615 (Alderhot: Ashgate, 2005; Rome: Institutum Historicum Societas Ieusu, 2006) in The English Historical Review Review of William Beik, A Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) in The Journal of Social History 44 (Summer 2011): 1270-72Review of Suzanne Desan and Jeffrey Merrick, eds. Family, Gender, and Law in Early Modern France (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009) in The Journal of Social History 44 (Summer 2011): 1272-74Review of Joseph Bergin, Church, Society and Religious Change in France, 1580-1730 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2009) in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 62 (December 2010): 181-183Review of Alison Forrestal and Eric Nelson, eds., Politics and Religion in Early Bourbon France (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) in Journal of Church and State 52 (2010): 358-360Review of Pierre Gutton, Etablir l’identité: L’identification des Fran?ais du Moyen Age à nos jours (Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2010) in The Journal of Social History (Winter 2011): 562-563Review of A. Lynn Martin, Alcohol, Violence, and Disorder in Traditional Europe (Kirksville, Missouri: Truman State University Press, 2009) in The Journal of Social History (Winter 2011): 528-529Review of Philip Benedict and Nicolas Fornerod, eds., L’Organisation et l’action des églises réformées de France (1557-1563): Synodes provinciaux et autres documents (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2012) in Renaissance Quarterly 66 (2013): 1038-1039Review of Matthieu Lecoutre, Ivresse et ivrognerie dans la France moderne (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011) in Food and History 11 (2013):Review of Arlette Jouana, The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: The Mysteries of a Crime of State, trans. Joseph Bergin (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013) on H-FRANCE (Spring 2014)Review of Hugues Daussy, La parti huguenot: Chronique d’une disillusion, 1557-1572 (Geneva: Droz, 2014) in The American Historical Review 120 (June 2015): 1123-1124Review of Robert J. Knecht, Hero or Tyrant? Henry III, King of France, 1574-89 (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014) in Renaissance Quarterly 68 (Summer 2015): 690-2Review of Jér?me Loiseau, “Elle fera ce que l’on voudra”: La noblesse aux états de Bourgogne et la monarchie d’Henri IV à Louis XIV (1602-1715) (Besan?on: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2014) on H-FRANCE in Summer 2016Review of Robert J. Knecht, Francis I and Sixteenth-Century France (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2015) in European History Quarterly 46 (2016): 755-756Review of Jonathan Dewald, Status, Power, and Identity in Early Modern France: The Rohan Family, 1550-1715 (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015), in The Journal of Modern History 89 (2017): 193-194Review of James K. Farge, ed., Religion, Reformation, and Repression in the Reign of Francis I: Documents from the Parlement of Paris, 1515-1547, 2 vols. (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2015) in French History 31 (2017): 245-246Review of Serge Brunet, ed., La Sainte Union des catholiques de France et la fin des guerres de Religion (1585-1629) (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2016), in Francia-Recensio 3 (2017)Review of Philippe Desan, Montaigne: A Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017), The American Historical Review 123 (June 2018): 1024-1025V. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS“Readers and their Bibles in Sixteenth-Century France,” at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, March 2020“Deception, Tyranny, and Politics in the Career of Charles, Duke of Mayenne,” at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 2019"Reading the Bible during the Reformation," at the Library of Congress, Washington DC, for the Washington Area Group for Print Culture Studies, 1 February 2019."The Bible as an Oral Text in the Reformation," at the University of Warwick, 30 November 2018."The Politics of Wine in Early Modern France," at the University of Cambridge, 8 November 2018."The Politics of Wine in Early Modern France," at the University of London, Institute of Historical Research, 5 November 2018."Reading the Bible in Reformation France," at the University of Oxford, 31 October 2018."Reading the Bible in Reformation France," at the University of Cambridge, 19 October 2018."Reading the Bible in Reformation France," at St. Andrews University, 27 September 2018."The Role of International Printing Presses in the French Wars of Religion," at the University of York, UK, in July 2018."La Bible comme livre pendant la Réforme en France," at the Université de Paris IV-La Sorbonne in October 2017."From Spoken Word to Written Word? Evidence from French and English Vernacular Bibles," at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Bruges, Belgium in August 2016."How the Huguenots Read Their Bibles," at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference in Vancouver, Canada in October 2015"Les Bibles vernaculaires fran?aises au XVIe siècle," a series of three seminars presented at the Ecole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, May 2014"Les réseaux d'authorité et du pouvoir dans l'H?tel de Ville et dans le Parlement à Dijon entre 1580 et 1630," presented at the Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres de Dijon, France in May 2011"Les lecteurs des Bibles vernaculaires dans la France de la Réforme" presented at the Institut d'Histoire de la Réforme, University of Geneva, June 2011“La religion vécue en Bourgogne à la veille des guerres de religion” presented at Prato, Italy in July 2010“On ‘The Rites of Violence’ in Sixteenth-Century France” presented at Stratford, UK in June 2008 at a conference honoring Natalie Zemon Davis“Que sais-je? Religious Violence, Certainty, and Doubt in the French Wars of Religion” presented at Yale University in February 2008VI. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIESAmerican Historical Association(J. Russell Major Prize Committee, chair 2000-2001; Program Committee 2004-05)The Past and Present SocietySociety for French Historical Studies(editorial board of French Historical Studies 1992-95; co-president of the Society in 1998-99; executive committee 1998-2001; David Pinkney Prize Committee, 2015-2017)Society for the Study of French HistoryWestern Society for French History (Governing Council, 1987-90)Renaissance Society of AmericaSociety for Reformation Research (vice president and president-elect, 2008-2009; president 2010-2011)Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte/Archive for Reformation History(editorial board, 2001- )Sixteenth Century Society and Conference(Nancy L. Roelker Prize Committee, 1988, 1991, 1995, 2006-7; Roland H. Bainton Prize Committee 1998; Executive Council, 2002-2005)Southern Historical Association (membership chair of the European History Section, 1995-98)Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques(editorial board 2000-2011)American Association of University ProfessorsJournal of Social History(editorial board, 2002-2018 )French History(editorial board 2004-12)VI. OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICEFolger Institute Central Executive Committee, 1998-2007Folger Institute Seminar Selection Committee, 2002-2008Co-editor of “Changing Perspectives in Early Modern Europe,” a monograph series published by the University of Rochester Press, 2002 to the presentVII. COURSES TAUGHT AT GMUHIST 100: Western CivilizationHIST 300: Introduction to Historical MethodsHIST 305: The RenaissanceHIST 306: The ReformationHIST 387: A Global History of Christianity (with Lincoln Mullen and John Turner)HIST 388: Shakespeare's Histories (with Devon Hodges, with Robert Matz)HIST 388: History of the Book, 1400-1800HIST 499: Senior Seminar in History: Witch-Hunting in Old and New EnglandHIST 610: The Study and Writing of HistoryHIST 635: The History of the Book, 1400-1800HIST 642: Humanism in the RenaissanceHIST 643: Reformation and SocietyHIST 644: Social and Cultural History of Early Modern EuropeHIST 731: Research Seminar in European HistoryHIST 798: Directed Research and WritingHIST 803: Readings in Early Modern European HistoryHNRS 110: Introduction to ResearchHNRS 240: Reading the PastCULT 803: The Culture of Politics (with Jean-Paul Dumont)VIII. DEPARTMENT, COLLEGE, AND UNIVERSITY SERVICEMember of the department’s Graduate CommitteeDirector of Graduate Studies, 2005-2014Member and chair of the department’s RPT CommitteeMember of department’s Research CommitteeTenure mentor for Sean Takats, Sam Collins, and Huseyin Yilmaz, all now tenuredChair (2013-2015) and Vice Chair (2011-2013) of the CHSS FacultyChair of the CHSS Long Term Planning CommitteeMember of the Cultural Studies Executive CommitteeMember of the University General Education CommitteeDirector of the Honors Program in General Education, 1998-2002Interim Chair of the Dept. of History and Art History, 2002-2003Chair of five search committees in the department, served on seven other search committeesMember of the CHSS Senior Leadership CommitteeMember of CHSS Graduate Appeals CommitteeMember of CAS/CHSS RPT Committee (four three-year terms)History Day Judge, 1990-2011Member of the Faculty Senate, and chair of the Senate’s Faculty Matters CommitteeMember of Admissions Advisory CommitteeMember of the Library’s Intellectual Property CommitteeMember of university committee to construct procedures and policies to deal with sexual harassmentMember of Provost Search Committee (hired Peter Stearns in 1995) ................

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