
6038850-2857500School Name: Christian Fenger High School ?School Phone: 773.535.5430 Advanced Algebra II Syllabus2013-2014Instructors: Mrs. Rodrigues, Ms. Stadeker, and Mr. ZummoEmail: aqrodrigues@cps.edu, smstadeker@cps.edu, djzummo@cps.eduClassroom: 311, 233, 231 Class Materials: Each student should have the following supplies: A two-pocket folder or a binderA pencil or pen for daily useA notebook for Advanced Algebra onlyA positive attitude daily Text Main Text: Glencoe Algebra II How this class prepares you for WORK and COLLEGE1) Develop critical thinking and mathematical reasoning skills about real-world problems to excel on the job, in college, and on the PSAE (ACT & Work Keys) Exam next year2) Collaborate effectively with peers face-to-face and virtually by using modern technology, such as iPAD applications, Google Apps, and Microsoft Applications3) Improve your communication skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) by explaining the mathematics and what it means Classroom Procedures & Policies + SCHOOL RULES & POLICIESGET IN THE GAMEParticipate, take chances, be wrong, ask questions, if you fumble - you fumble; learning is messy.Use appropriate language at all timesMake sure you are using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary; offensive language will not be tolerated. Come prepared to classArrive to class with the appropriate materials – Class SpecificGive best effortBecome an active participant in the classroom while practicing active listening.Act appropriately and effectively while in groupsMath is commonly practiced in groups, be sure to pull your fair share of the work. Stay in your seatSit down unless told otherwise.Three before meIf you have a question, consult three resources before asking the teacher…you may be surprised at what your classmates know.Support one anotherThe math courses at Fenger are challenging, use one another as support.Put non-academic electronics awayNon-academic electronic devices will not be tolerated (Phones, Ipods, MP3s. etc.)Most importantly… Try to Have Fun! Grading Each student’s overall average will be broken down into the following categories:CategoryProposed Grading %Class work15%Homework15% Class Participation20%Formative Assessment (Quiz, Interim Assessment, Intermediate Assessments throughout the Unit)20%Summative Assessment (End of the Unit Assessment) 30% Advanced Algebra 2 Course OutlineUnit 1: Variable, Expressions, Equations Unit 2: What’s in a Function?: A Focus on Linear FunctionsUnit 3: Moving from Linear to Quadratic Functions Unit 4: Moving from Linear to Quadratic FunctionsUnit 5: Different Types of Relationships (Square root, cube root, piecewise, step, rational, & absolute value functions) Unit 6: Exponents and Logarithms ................

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