English IV

FRENCH I – Mlle Doulgeris

Course Syllabus (2013-2014)

Chicago High School for Agriculture Sciences

Instructor: Mlle. M. Doulgeris

Email: mgdoulgeris@cps.edu

Room: 203

Course Description:

French I is the first of two required courses in the Foreign Language sequence. Students will become increasingly adept at writing and speaking the French language through a variety of assignments, projects and daily activities meant to introduce and reinforce key concepts. This course will also introduce French culture, key figures and historical aspects of French history as it pertains to France and other French speaking countries. Throughout the year, lessons and activities for this course will address the College Readiness Standards. Students will become more proficient in all strands of the language as we work through a rigorous curriculum.

Materials and Supplies:

The following materials and supplies will be needed daily:

■ one three ring binder or three subject spiral notebook

■ one pocket folder

■ loose leaf paper

■ French / English Dictionary

■ ink pens-black, blue, red

■ highlighters, pencils

■ class textbooks and handouts (must be brought to class every day)

Instructional Materials:

The primary class textbook is C’est a Toi by EMC Paradigm. Students will be expected to actively read, write, take notes, and participate in various classroom group activities. Various projects will be assigned as the school year progresses. Additional readings and materials will be pulled from supplemental sources to cover concepts in depth as they relate to the critical thinking process.


Students will have a variety of assessment opportunities to demonstrate learning. Students with special needs will receive accommodations on an individual basis. Assignments will fall into the following categories:

-Writing, listening, and speaking exercises/activities for a variety of audiences and purposes


-Tests and quizzes

-Group Dialogues

-In-class Assignments


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Detailed rubrics will be distributed for writing assignments and projects.

The basic scale is as follows:

A 100 – 90

B 89 – 80

C 79 – 70

D 69 – 60

F 59 – 0

Special education and regular education teachers will collaborate to determine the appropriate grading scale and modifications necessary based on individual student needs.

Late work will not be accepted except in the event of an excused absence. Students with excused absences must have a readmit on the day of return acknowledging that the absence(s) was/were excused. Assignments completed after the due date must be accompanied by a note giving date(s) of absence(s), reason for absence and the date the assignment was due. Students have one day per excused absence to complete assignments for full credit. Late assignments will be dropped one letter grade and will not be accepted after one day from the given due date. Any project or paper that was assigned prior to absences will be expected on the due date. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire as to whether there was a missed homework assignment upon returning to school.

Expectations and Rules:

All students will be required to adhere to the CHSAS Handbook. In addition, students are expected to:

-RESPECT self and others

-Arrive on time, prepared with materials

-Maintain a suitable attitude

-Follow directives

-Use school appropriate language

-Keep the environment clean

-Return borrowed materials

______________________________________________________ ________ _______

student signature class period date

______________________________________________________ _______

parent signature date



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