MS. CROCKETT: human geo GRADE SUMMARY 12 qtr 4 (apr-may 2019)



GRADE level:____

Total points available (apr-may): 300

Total points earned (apr-may):_________________________

Current grade: _____________________________________

|ASSIGNMENT |Date |Date |Points |If lower than 80%, did you see|Did you follow through | For “0” grade: (write |

|(WORTH 50-100 POINTS EACH) |Assigned |Due |earned |teacher to get a better |on your remediation |the # only) |

| | | | |understanding on this assmt? |option for this assmt? |Did not attempt |

| | | | |Yes or no |Yes or no |Late |

| | | | | | |Not prepared |

|#5 Binder check 5/8 (bc 5/8) | | | | | | |

|#4: Bonus 5/20: Poster & | | | | | | |

|Markers | | | | | | |

|#3 Grade Summary 11 (gs 11) | | | | | | |

|#2 Bonus 5/6: Leadership/Class | | | | | | |

|Job | | | | | | |

|#1 Informal Discussion 4/29 & | | | | | | |

|4/30 (review) | | | | | | |

1. What area can you improve in and/or maintain to get a good grade?


2. List (1) assignment title you will remediate in class today. If absent, send a remediation form via email to by may 22nd (or the day you return to school if your absence is excused)


3. Parent phone____________________parent email____________________

4. Current percentage:__________ current grade_____________

5. do you have a classroom job you complete daily without being told?

y/n___________ job:_________________________________________________

*****see teacher for 50 bonus points if you have a classroom job when you finish this form.

6. If your percentage is below a 75% (74% & below) then you need a mentor. (Find a person with an 85% or better to mentor you).

Mentor’s name:______________________________________________

***Have your mentor complete the questions below**

7. Mentor: what are does your mentee need the most support? (look at their grade summary)


8. Mentor: Explain how you will help them improve their grade % based on their area of need.


Agreement (both mentor and mentee must sign)

1. Mentor and mentee agree to sit next to each other daily. (mentor can choose the best place to sit). y/n ______________

2. Mentor and mentee will exchange contact info. y/n _____________

3. If mentee’s % improves, the mentor will receive 50 bonus points on the next grade summary for having a “classroom job.”y/n__________

4. Mentor will check mentee’s daily bell ringer and class notes before they are turned in to the teacher, extra time will be granted.


mentor’s name (print)___________________________________________________________

mentee’s name (print)__________________________________________________________







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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