

YRCCC Region IV Meeting Notes

Agency: Central States SER-Jobs for Progress, Inc

Program Coordinator: Jacqueline Del Villar

Date: August 25th, 2010

Meeting Location:

Mid-South Workforce Center: King Center

4314 S. Cottage Grove

10 am- 12 pm

I. Agency Spotlight: Elizabeth Fales Illinois Center for Violence Prevention

A. Elizabeth Fales from Illinois Center for Violence Prevention spoke about ICVP (Illinois Center for Violence Prevention) and how it might benefit our agencies. She spoke about the free electronic newsletter and how it talks about different forms of abuse prevention. . If anyone has any questions please e-mail her to efales@.

B. The program is funded by the state. The agency holds regional meetings, she also spoke on how this is a statewide organization. Somewhere in late fall early winter they will be offering workshops that focus on cyber-safety, cyber-bullying, sexting and etc. They also provide training workshops; they have just added two scholarships opportunities for agencies that might not be able to afford the workshop fee. The cost for the workshops is $30 for members, $25 per individual, and $45 for non-members, and most of the workshops are held on site unless they partner with an agency. There are three upcoming workshops in October. The workshops are the following: October 13th, 2010: Cyber Safety 9am-12:30pm, October 19th, 2010 Best Practices in Youth Violence Prevention 9am-12:30pm, and October 25th, 2010: Bullying Prevention and Bystander Intervention 9am-12:30pm.

C. Foundations for Success is another component of ICVP. This component offers six workshops to help agencies utilize best practice research; this program is offered year round. This program provides On-Site Coaching Sessions and on site training based on the needs of the organization. They are located on 70 East Lake St. Suite 720. Please contact Liz Fales with any questions regarding “Foundations for Success.”

II. Youth Ready Chicago Community Council Evaluation

A. Reminder to all agencies to complete our second YRCCC Region IV Evaluation. The link is presented on the agenda and will also be e-mailed to the council members Wednesday afternoon. Please remember that everyone’s feedback, comments, and suggestions are highly valued and appreciated. Your feedback will help the council better address your needs.

III. Back to School Event Update: Carmen Hovanec from Penedo Charitable Organization gave the council members a report on the YRCCC’s Back to School Event/Enrollment Campaign which was held on July 31st at Rauner Family YMCA.

A. There were people there at 10:30 am even though the event did not begin until 12pm. There were 15 council member youth serving agencies who participated by having a resource table at the event. Some of the highlights were:

- Apple Dental Care provided free teeth cleanings and exams to children up to age 18.

- Harmony Health donated 200 back packs

- PCO provided two raffle baskets, one filled with educational books and the other filled with school supplies

- PCO also provided four $25 gift cards as raffle prizes

- Also vision tests, courtesy of Washington Park, were provided for children up to age 18.

B. YRCCC facilitated games such as potato sack races, foosball, ping-pong table games, soccer, and there was also a moonbounce available. YRCCC also provided food for over 500 youth and their families. The YRCCC purchased school supplies for 250 book bags, and they also purchased 150 book bags to give away. Luke Sequeira donated his time by being our DJ for the day.

C. Overall the event was a success; there will be a meeting held on

Friday to discuss what actions could be taken to improve the event for next year. Some solutions were getting the children more involved in the entertainment, having more activities for the kids, and maybe giving backpacks away in the middle of the event because so many people left early and didn’t take advantage of any other opportunities that the event provided.

IV. YRCCC “Taskforce Meeting Dates:

A. Council recapped our July monthly meeting by touching on the “Bringing your A Game” video and factors that contribute to youth violence. She also mentioned the Taskforce ideas came up with at the July monthly meetings to help tackle issues that affect youth violence. Meeting dates are set for the various Taskforce Ideas members came up with.

B. The Parental Outreach/Involvement Team will be able to meet Wednesday September 8th, 2010. The Taskforce team focusing on Education will meet September 7th (HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THE SECOND WEEK OF SEPTEMBER). The Anti-Violence Outreach Team (Awareness Events: Workshops, Forums, etc.): meeting is going to be held on team meeting they are interested in being a part of they will find out the time and location by Monday August 30th, 2010.

V. Updates on Aldermanic Meetings

A. Jacqueline speaks about how she was able to meet with the 4th and 25th ward staff. They were provided with updates on what the council is working on as well as event updates that are going on in our region, and specifically their ward. They were also able to refer us to other agencies that might be interested forming part of the council. If anyone has any concerns or information they would like shared with their alderman please feel free to contact Jacqueline so a meeting can be scheduled.

VI. Regional Fall Program Offerings

A. Jacqueline shared the link for agencies to be able to complete a one page questionnaire on the programs they will begin to offer in the fall. These program offerings will be posted on our regional website. Printouts will also be available for the council members at our next meeting.

B. Mr. Projansky from KOCO asked how information is being distributed. Jacqueline said that outreach and programmatic information dissemination is an area that definitely needs to be worked on. Mr. Projanksy mentioned that everyone does not have access to a computer and that a lot of stores do not let flyers in their store so it would be a good idea to come up with a way to involve Chicago Public School in our outreach efforts so that the people who most need these services are aware that these services exist. We are aware that these opportunities are not getting out to all of people who need it. Miss Carmen River from Central States SER mentioned that this is something that can be discussed at the Parent Outreach Taskforce committee. Carl Hurdlik, from CPS Family and Community Engagement, mentioned that he is more than willing to be a part of this effort.

C. We have 40 council agencies and also have 210 agencies or contacts Jacqueline sends out to. Electronic booklets were suggested. So far all summer Jacqueline has done over 180 referrals through the YRCCC. Jacqueline will be sending out information for the meeting dates and times regarding the Taskforce Teams.

VII. Recognition for Partner Agencies

A. At the closing of the meeting Jacqueline thanked everyone who participated and helped with the Back to School Event/Enrollment Campaign. She then asked Carmen Hovanec and Carmen Rivera to come up to the front and accept their “Appreciation Award Certificates” for being part of the Back to School Planning Meeting; their help was greatly appreciated

B. She then talked a little about how we can expand the programs and help the agencies as well. They asked for sponsors but other foundations are on a budget as well. We think maybe we can ask earlier in the year so that we can get some funding for our program.

VIII. Brainteaser Activity: The council members were divided into teams

and worked on a brainteaser activity with their team members. The

teams who finished first received chocolate!

Next Meeting:

September 22nd, 2010

Time: 10am-12pm

Central States SER-Jobs for Progress, Inc.

3948 W. 26th Street Suite 213 (Second Floor)

Chicago, IL 60623



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