Youth Ready Chicago

The 50/50 Youth Employment Program


Deadline and Bidders Conference

The due date for this RFP is April 9, 2010 at 4:30 P.M. One original and two copies should be submitted to:

Carmen E. Alicea-Reyes

Deputy Commissioner of Youth Services

Department of Family and Support Services

1615 W. Chicago Ave., 2nd Fl.

Chicago, Illinois 60622

Additionally, an exact and complete copy of the proposal should be e-mailed to: youthreadychicago@ by the same date. Please consider using Win Zip or an equivalent file compression program to compress your files allowing for a single e-mail submission. WinZip can be downloaded for free at this address:

Proposals will be accepted prior to the due date, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday at the same location. All proposals must be complete. Incomplete proposals may not be reviewed. In-person or bonded messenger delivery of proposals is encouraged. Time stamped receipts will be issued as proof of timely submittal.

No proposal will be considered complete and therefore reviewed unless the original copy is delivered and received at DFSS offices.

Proposals received after the due date and time may be deemed NON-RESPONSIVE and, therefore, subject to rejection.


Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit all questions and comments related to the RFP via e-mail. For answers to program-related questions please contact the following people:

Mary Ellen Messner: mmessner@

All other questions regarding the administrative aspects of this RFP may be directed to: Julia Talbot, jtalbot@.

Pre-Proposal Conference

Pre-proposal conferences will be held on Friday, March 19, 2010 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Friday March 26, 2010, 10:00 a.m - 12 noon, at DFSS offices at 1615 W. Chicago Ave., 1st fl. Conference Rm. All those interested in attending should contact, Jasmine Peel at jasmine.peel@ and write “Youth Ready Chicago 50/50 Program Bidder’s Conference” in the subject line. Please give the names of those wishing to attend, the date you will be attending and the agency name.

To request reasonable accommodation for the pre-proposal conference, please contact, Monica Rafac, mrafac@. Requests for accommodations will be accepted up to 48 hours prior to the event.

Attendance by respondents is optional but strongly recommended.

Application Requirements


Submitted proposals must adhere to all of the following requirements:

• One original and two copies will be submitted for each proposal

• One complete set of the proposal containing original signatures in blue ink signed by an authorized representative of the organization will be marked “Original”.

• An exact and complete copy of the proposal should be e-mailed to: youthreadychicago@ by the same date.

• Recycled paper (recommended)

• 8 1/2 x 11 letter size

• Double-sided printing

• One inch margins

• 11-point font

• At least 1.5 space

Failure to submit a complete proposal and/or to respond fully to all requirements may cause the proposal to be deemed unresponsive, and therefore, subject to rejection.

Receipt of a final application does not commit the department to award a grant to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of an application.

The complete application packet should consist of the following items, in this order:

1. Application Form

2. Program Narrative

3. Budget Pages

4. Attachments

Process for Evaluation of Proposals

Each application will be evaluated on the strengths of the application and the responsiveness to the selection criteria outlined below. DFSS reserves the right to consult with other city departments or public or private funders during the evaluation process. The committee may also request interviews with respondents. However, DFSS reserves the right to award contracts on the basis of initial proposals received without further discussions. Failure to submit a complete proposal and/or to respond fully to all requirements may cause the proposal to be deemed unresponsive and, therefore, subject to rejection. Potential grantees must be ready to proceed with commencing the grant at the time of contracting.

1. Process for Evaluation of Proposals

Each proposal will be evaluated on the strengths of the proposal and the responsiveness to the selection criteria outlined below. DFSS reserves the right to consult with other city departments or public or private funders during the evaluation process.

2. General Selection Criteria

The following criteria will be used in evaluating all proposals.

a. Previous Programmatic Experience

Respondents should demonstrate knowledge of the populations or similar populations to be served and in the way in which these populations should be served as evidenced by previous or current operation of a successful program in the desired field. The extent to which the Respondent demonstrates a history of successfully implementing youth programs will also be considered. This includes evidence of established and strong relationships with community-based service providers, local schools, parks, employers (if applicable) as well as past performance on contracts of similar size and scope. Additionally, the organization’s ability and demonstrated history in adhering to work plans tailored to the populations present in their region will be noted.

b. Administrative/Fiscal Capacity and Experience

Respondents must demonstrate the ability to assume and meet all payroll and fiscal requirements of the 50/50program. Expertise of current staff and the staffing plan for the proposed program, supervising and program monitoring experience and capacity will also be reviewed, as well as the stability and involvement of the agency’s board of directors as well as its ability to report in a timely fashion.

c. Project Design

Respondents must demonstrate that their proposed program design and administrative features that are specifically tailored to the populations served. The extent to which the Respondent’s proposed plan meets the expectations of the program options as described in the scope of services. The extent to which the Respondent’s proposed plan targets vulnerable populations, e.g. homeless, LGBTQ, and youth involved with the juvenile justice system, will also be considered as will the program’s ability to leverage other resources that will enhance its operation.

d. Cost Effectiveness

Respondent’s proposed budget should be accurate, reasonable and appropriate for the proposed activities and objectives. In addition to completion of the budget forms included in this packet, detailed budget narratives are also required to explain how budgeted items are related to program activities. Special attention will be paid to match dollars and other in-kind dollars and services leveraged on behalf of the proposed program.

e. Organizational Capacity

Respondents must indicate the level of resources and expertise to manage the proposed program. This includes the organization’s fiscal, technological, and administrative capabilities, the quality and size of its physical space, and the location of the program site.

3. Additional Criteria

Respondents must also include the following information.

← Identification of the target population and evidence of the current lack of services in Chicago.

← Description of the organizations’ fiscal and administrative capacity to operate the program.

← Description of the organizations’ subsidized job development and job placement plan.

← Description of the program with particular attention to how it will meet the specific needs of the target population and address barriers to employment.

← Outline of the youth service delivery plan including finding and attracting youth participants, intake and assessment and placement services.

← Clearly demonstrated linkages with employers and outreach to engage new employers (e.g. support letters, and past performance placing participants). Include support letters.

← Data substantiating past performance in placing and retaining targeted populations in employment.

← Identify number of participants to receive services, the projected number of placements and the number of participants retaining employment/advancement for 30, 60 and 90 days. Indicate maximum hourly wage on unsubsidized job placement. (i.e. number of hours per week and months)

← Methods of recruitment, assessment, job placement and follow-up job retention services.

← Linkages with employers.

← Description of the organizations’ staffing levels.

← Explanations of how the program will maximize the use of funds, leverage other dollars and avoid duplication of services.

← Extent to which the proposed program responds to the special needs of the targeted population.

← Agency capacity and experience serving the target population.

← Description of the organizations’ fiscal and administrative capacity including insurance coverage, payroll schedule (i.e., weekly, bi-weekly, timekeeping and payroll process). All wages and payroll deductions are the responsibility of the delegate agency.

← Proposed outcomes must include the number of participants enrolled, the number of placements or measurable career advancements.

← Demonstrate Respondent’s capacity to properly manage the program and meet programmatic and fiscal objectives.

← Include appropriate staffing levels for program scope and size. Include resumes and job descriptions.

← Cost effectiveness of program.

Youth ready Chicago

50/50 Youth employment program

Agency Application Information

|Legal Name of Applicant Agency |Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) |

| | |

|Administrative/Mailing Address |Ward |Community Area |

|Executive Director |Executive Director’s Phone Number |

| | |

|Executive Director’s Fax Number |Executive Director’s Email Address |

| | |

|Contact Person for Proposal |Contact Person’s Phone Number |

|Contact Person’s Fax Number |Contact Person’s Email Address |

Type of Organization (check one)

| |Not-for-Profit Agency | | For-Profit Agency | |Faith-Based Agency |

| |Other, if yes Description: | |

Amount Requested: $______________________

Agency Statement of Certification

This proposal has been duly authorized by the governing body of the proposed. The proposed activities, dates, availability of resources, staff, cost, and all statements made are true and correct. The applicant will comply with all rules and regulations of the funding agency and will revise this proposal if necessary.

| | |

|Authorized Signer’s Name |Authorized Signature |

| | |

|Authorized Signer’s Title |Date Signed |


Executive Summary

Please attach an Executive Summary, which briefly describes your organization’s qualifications and proposed program under this RFP. The Executive Summary may be no more than two pages. The Executive Summary must include:

• The total amount requested for the proposed program/services

• A commitment to provide the requested services.

• An overview of the qualifications of the respondent and any other organization(s) that will provide or will significantly contribute to the requested services and a description of how the proposed program will enhance or expand on the current services available in the area.

• If applicable, list multiple service address locations, ward numbers and dollar allocations.

• The name and telephone number of the lead contact person for the proposal.


Please answer the following questions about your intended Youth Ready Chicago 50-50 Youth Employment Program in no more than 20 pages.


1. Describe your planned efforts to recruit in-school and out-of-school youth ages 16 to 24. Where will you recruit youth and how will you assess their interest in completing the program? How many youth will you serve?

2. How will you recruit and retain youth with multiple barriers to employment. Describe your organization’s existing ability to reach youth in one or more the following categories: homeless, ESL, foster children, juvenile offenders.

3. Describe your plan for selecting and developing worksites that are committed to working with youth.

4. Describe in detail your plan to recruit potential employers in the community, for profit, non for profit, community based organizations and faith based organizations?

5. Describe your services delivery strategy in detail which includes orientation process, intake and assessment process for youth?

6. Describe in detail the job readiness training program and placement services?

7. How will you ensure and encourage worksites assigned to you provide a high quality youth employment experience that include proper supervision?

8. Describe your past job development and placement experience. How will you secure new public an private sector employment opportunities? Please attach a list of previous employers who have hired from you.

9. Describe what supportive services your agency is capable of providing or coordinating for youth (for example childcare, transportation, clothing or uniform needs) and how these services have been or will be funded.

10. Discuss how you will evaluate youth performance and employer satisfaction.

11. Describe in detail your plan to place 25% of youth at for-profit businesses?

Administrative Experience

1. Explain the staffing patterns and how they fit with your service delivery plan. Attach staff resumes or job descriptions.

2. Describe the physical space for the program, proximity to mass transit and handicapped accessibility including accommodations in your service procedures. If your facility is not accessible to clients with disabilities, please briefly outline your strategy to provide reasonable accommodation.

3. Describe your agency’s experience with City Span or other youth tracking programs currently in use at your agency.

4. Describe how your agency intends to manage and track youth payroll for this program.

5. Describe your organization’s accounting procedures and system of oversight. Please identify what journals are maintained, frequency of trial balances and bank reconciliations, person(s) responsible for complete key tasks and method for disbursements.

6. If staff or other costs charges to this budget will be shared between one or more funding sources, please detail the overall cost allocation plan for sharing costs, including the method of allocating shared costs.

7. Has the organization ever been declared seriously deficient in the operation of a grant? If so, explain.

8. Describe your organization’s current technological capacity. Respondents should address the following in their response:

• Your organization’s internet connection speed

• Software currently used throughout your organization

9. Provide process and outcome objectives for the program. Objectives are measurable statements that demonstrate what will be achieved.

10. Describe how the program’s effectiveness will be monitored.

11. Attach a copy of the organization’s most recent audit.

Previous Contracting Experience

1. Describe your experience in managing youth and/or workforce development programs or contracts of comparable size and scope.

a) Identify number of years providing workforce development or similar services

b) Describe your organization’s executive management structure and experience

2. Identify the main person responsible for this project and explain his or her experience (and attach resume).

3. List three references with knowledge of your organization’s workforce development experience, including name, organization, title, phone and email address.

Implementation Plan

2 The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) expects contracts to begin June 1, 2010. Services should be in place and operational by that date or shortly after. Please describe your organization’s ability to be operational as of that date.

3 Provide a detailed implementation plan identifying the key activities and corresponding timeframes for the project.

Each respondent must submit a complete line-item budget and budget narrative.

Budget Instructions


The purpose of this form is: 1) to summarize, by item of expenditure, the total budget of a program or project to be funded in whole or in part with Senior Services/AAA funds; and 2) to specify the share of total cost charged to the awarded grant program and the share of total cost charged to other matching or supplemental funding sources.

Please show both the expenses that will be paid for with awarded funds and those that will be paid for with other share. Numbers should be rounded to the nearest dollar.

A. Delegate - Name of Delegate Agency.

B. Department Program - filled out by City Department.

C. Project Name - Name of project.

D. Department - filled out by City Department.

E. Contract Term - Indicate beginning (month/day/year) and ending (month/day/year) of contract period.

F. Allocation – Indicate the amount of awarded funds allocated for this project.

G. Vendor Code Number - filled out by City Department.

H. Service Contract Number - filled out by City Department.

I. Fund/Dept./Organization #: filled out by City Department.

J. Project Budget - Columns (1) and (2): Item of expenditure and account number -The required information has already been provided in these two columns. Delegate budgets are limited to the accounts listed on the Budget Summary. In exceptional cases, City Departments may obtain approval to use "other" accounts by contacting their budget analyst at the Office of Budget and Management.

Personnel Costs (Account 0005) - salaries, stipends, overtime, salary adjustments.

Fringe Benefits (Account 0044) - term life insurance, worker’s compensation, health insurance, unemployment insurance, dental plan, Medicare.

Operating/Technical Costs (Account 100) - accounting, auditing (if anticipating expending $500,000 or more in federal funds), legal, publications, rental of property, rental of equipment/services, repair/maintenance of property, repair/maintenance of equipment, utilities, telephone, local transportation, postage, advertising, technical meeting costs, general liability insurance, reproduction, dues, promotions, memberships, messenger service.

Professional and Technical Services (Account 0140) -consultants/subcontractors.

Materials and Supplies (Account 0300) - stationery and office supplies, tools, materials and supplies, books and related material.

Equipment Costs (Account 0400) - office machinery, furniture and furnishings, equipment, and communication devices. If purchases are $5,000 or greater a property inventory must be maintained.

Other Program Costs (Account 0900) – Youth wages and all other expenses that do not fit in the other account categories.

The OMB Circular A-122 “Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations” establishes federal cost principles of awarded grant funding, contracts and other agreements with nonprofit organizations.

Insurance - The City Comptroller’s Office has established minimum insurance requirements for applicants awarded federal or state funds. If all insurance requirements have not been met, the City Comptroller will withhold reimbursement from an applicant until such requirements are met. The types of insurance required include worker’s compensation; general liability; a fidelity bond (if applicable); automobile liability; and professional liability. The City Comptroller reserves the right to require additional types of insurance, if deemed necessary. City Departments should contact the City Comptroller’s Insurance Division, Maria Santiago at (312) 744-7923 with questions regarding your agencies’ insurance requirements.

Local Transportation - The automobile allowance for applicant staff is the same as the allowance for City employees - .485 cents per mile. The per-person reimbursement cannot exceed $250 per month.

Column (3): Provider Share of Cost - Summarize by budget line item the of the awarded budget allocation for this program or project.

Column (4): Other Share - Summarize by budget line item the share of the project’s cost which will be funded with matching or supplemental public or private funds. If funding is supporting the agency's general operations then "Other Share" should represent all non-funded awarded operating support. Remember for this application, the share must be equal to or exceed 15% of the total amount your organization is applying for. This should include an estimation of the unsubsidized portion of the anticipated youth wages.

Column (5): Total Cost - Add columns (3) and (4) to derive the amount of the total budget for the program or project.

K. Percentage of Total Project Costs Paid by Other Share - Column 4 divided (÷) by Column 5. This number must be equal to or exceed 15%.

Personnel Budget - Form 2

The purpose of this form is to estimate the total personnel costs the sub-recipient expects to incur in operating its funded project, and to provide a brief summary of job responsibilities for each budgeted position.

A. Name of Delegate Agency: Self-explanatory.

B. Department: Filled out by Department.

C. Project Name: Self-explanatory.

D. Federal Employer Identification Number - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assigns a 9-digit Federal identification number to every organization employing one or more individuals. Indicate the sub-recipient's number in the space provided. Should an agency have questions concerning its identification number, call the IRS at (800) 829-1040.

E. Personnel Budget Allocation

Column (1): Position Title - List all positions (even those for which the salary will be paid exclusively with an "other share" funding source) that will be funded under this project during.

Columns (2) and (3): Number and Rate - For each position listed in Column (1) indicate the number of employees to be funded and the corresponding salary rates (either annually or hourly). If there are different rates for the same position, list the rates one under another.

Column (4): % of Time Spent on Project - Often an employee spends only a fraction of his or her time on the funded project because they are engaged in other sub-recipient projects. Please indicate for each employee to be funded, percentage (%) of time that will be spent on this project. If the employee is part time, please show the percentage (%) of the hours they work on this project out of the total hours they work.

Column (5): Grant Award Share of Total Cost - For each position listed, please indicate the amount of total salary cost to be paid with grant funds.

Column (6): Total Cost - To determine the total salary cost for each position; multiply Column (3) by Column (2) for each position/rate. Then multiply this amount by the percentage of time to be spent on the project Column (4) and put the final amount in Column (6).

Column (7): Brief Summary of Job Responsibilities - Describe briefly the duties and responsibilities associated with each position listed in Column (1).

Line (8): Positions/Salaries Subtotals - Add the number of positions to be funded for this project and indicate the number at the bottom of Column (2). Also, subtotal Columns (5) and (6) to derive respectively the funded share of total cost and the total salary cost.

F. Fringe Benefits and Total Personnel Costs: Both the federal and state governments require employers to pay various employee taxes and contributions. These taxes and contributions, along with certain fringe benefits that a sub-recipient may wish to offer its employees, are funded eligible expenses. The share of fringe costs to be borne by funded amount must be reasonably proportional to the share of the salary costs borne by funded amount. Please estimate these various costs on the form where indicated. You must have written organizational policies to support those costs.

Line (9): F.I.C.A. and Medicare - Federal Insurance Contribution Act tax otherwise known as the Social Security Tax and Medicare.

Line (9a): The Social Security Tax is computed every payroll period as 6.2% of total payroll, up to $97,500 per employee year.

Line (9b): The Medicare Tax is computed every payroll period as 1.45% of total payroll per employee year.

For further information regarding the F.I.C.A., contact the Internal Revenue Service at 800-829-1040 or refer to Publication 15 - Circular E. Calculate the funded share of the total F.I.C.A. cost for the annual value of the contract in columns (5) and (6) respectively.

Line (10): State Unemployment Insurance - It is likely that your organization is liable for Unemployment Insurance. For further information contact the Illinois Department of Employment Security hotline at (312) 793-1905. In Columns (5) and (6) show respectively the share of this total to be borne by funded share and the total State Unemployment Insurance Cost.

Line (11): State Worker's Compensation Insurance - This insurance is computed at a rate determined by the employee's type of business or organization. How often an employer must pay worker's compensation is based on the size of its insurance premium. All applicants are encouraged to call the National Council of Compensation Insurance (NCCI) at 800-622-4123 for technical assistance in this matter. In Columns (5) and (6) show respectively the share of this total to be borne by funded share and the total State Worker's Compensation Insurance cost.

Lines (12-13): Other - Please list any other employer expenses or benefits the agency will offer its employees. Most non-profit agencies do not have to pay the Federal Unemployment Tax, which is computed every payroll period as .008 of total payroll up to $7,000 per employee per year. This rate is subject to change and will be determined by the Internal Revenue Service. Check with the IRS at (800) 829-1040 to determine if your agency is exempt. An agency should also check with the lead City department to determine whether additional benefit(s) it wishes to offer are grant awarded eligible expenses. In Columns (5) and (6) show the GRANT AWARD share and the total cost for each benefit listed.

Line (14): Subtotal Fringe Benefits - Add lines (9) through (13) to obtain the total fringe benefits (account number 0044).

Line (15): Total Personnel Costs - Add lines (8) and (14) in both Column (5) and (6), to obtain both the Grant award Share of the total costs and the Total Personnel Costs for the project.

Non-Personnel Budget - Form 3

The purpose of this form is to estimate and justify the non-personnel line item amounts shown on the Budget Summary (Form 1).

A. Name of Delegate Agency.

B. Self-explanatory.

C. Self-explanatory.

D. Federal Employer Identification Number - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assigns a 9-digit Federal identification number to every organization employing one or more individuals. Indicate the sub-recipient's number in the space provided. Should an agency have questions concerning its identification number, call the IRS at (800) 829-1040.

E. Detailed Schedule of Non-Personnel Allocations

Columns (1) and (2): Item of Expenditure and Account Number - List the account descriptions and the corresponding account numbers specified on the Budget Summary (Form 1) which are applicable to this project. Do not include the personnel account.

Column (3): Grant Award Share of Cost - Indicate the share of the total cost listed in Column (3) that will be paid from awarded Grant.

Column (4): Total Cost - Indicate the total amount of funds budgeted for each item of expenditure specified in Column (1).

Column (5): Line Item Description and Justification - Each amount of budgeted funds listed in Column (4) must be justified. Please show all calculations. Include quantities and unit costs wherever possible (add additional sheets if necessary).

Column (6): Total - Indicate the totals for Columns (3) and (4).

Additional Required Attachments

Please include/submit the following documents as part of your application packet.

1. IRS statement of tax exempt status

2. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

3. Copy of Official Articles of Incorporation

4. Applicant’s most recent fiscal audit report or pre-approved equivalent.

5. Certificate of Insurance (Attachment A).

6. Any letters of agreement or commitment from employers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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