
State of Washington

Current Contract Information

Effective Date: June 1, 2018


|Contract number: |02411 (replaces 09005) |Commodity code: |405-02, 405-03, 405-05 & 405-06 |

|Contract title: |Lubricants, Virgin and Re-refined |

|Purpose: |Product description updates: Items 5, 5A, 6, 15 and Page 19 and 20. |

|Original award date: |09/20/2011 |

|Current period: |11/01/2013 |through: |10/31/2018 |

|Contract term: |Not to exceed six (6) years or 10/31/2017 |

|Scope of contract |This contract is awarded to one contractor. |

|Primary user agencies: |General use: All State Agencies, Political Subdivisions of Washington and Oregon State, Qualified Non-profit |

| |Corporations, Materials Management Center, Participating Institutions of Higher Education (College and Universities, |

| |Community and Technical Colleges). |

|Contractor: |Phillips 66 Company |TIN #: |37-1652702 |

|Address: |4130 79th Ave NW |Supplier No.: |W460 |

|City/ST/Zip: |Olympia, WA 98502 |

|Primary Contact: |Dennis Hammons |Alternate Contact: |Greg Nicoud |

|Phone: |425-868-3739 |Alt Phone: |208-665-2191 |

|FAX: |425-868-8288 |Alt FAX: |208-667-4787 |

|Email: |DUCK.D.Hammons@ |Alt Email: |Greg.c.nicoud@ |

|Billing from: |Phillips 66 |Mail Payment to: |ConocoPhillips/Phillips 66, Treasury |

| |600 North Dairy Ashford | |21064 Network Place |

| |Houston TX 77079 | |Chicago IL 60673-1210 |

|Order Placement: |Page 4 |Related contract: |03510 |

|Phillips66 Pricing: |Contract – Page 7. Non-Core – Page 13. |

|Phillips 66 Extranet Portal |lubestream. |

|Payment terms: |NET 30 Days |

|Term Worth: |$4,751,545 |100% Other |

This page contains key contract features. Find detailed information on succeeding pages. For more information on this contract, or if you have any questions, please contact your local agency Purchasing Office, or you may contact our office at the numbers listed below.

|Contract Specialist: |Keith Farley |Alternate Contact: |Christine Schoepfer |

|Phone Number: |(360) 407-9419 |Phone Number: |(360) 407-9404 |

|Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |

|Email: |keith.farley@des. |Email: |christine.schoepfer@des. |

Visit our Internet site: or search all contracts at:

|Products/Services available: |Lubricants, Motor oil, Zinc free diesel engine oil, Automatic transmission fluid, Hydraulic oil, Tractor hydraulic |

| |fluid, Multi-purpose gear lubricant, Torque Fluid, Re-refined motor oil, Re-refined hydraulic oil and more. |

|Minimum orders: |165 gallons for bulk order rates or combined products totaling 55 gallons. |

|Delivery time: |5-days; exceptions on item referenced with “*” |

|Shipping destination: |Free On Board (FOB) Destination |

|Freight: |Prepaid and included in unit pricing |


I. Best Buy: The following provision applies to mandatory use contracts only. This contract is subject to RCW 43.19.190(2) & RCW 43.19.1905(7): which authorizes state agencies to purchase materials, supplies, services, and equipment of equal quantity and quality to those on state contract from non-contract suppliers. Provided that an agency subsequently notifies the Office of State Procurement (OSP) State Procurement Officer (SPO) that the pricing is less costly for such goods or services than the price from the state contractor. If the non-contract supplier's pricing is less, the state contractor shall be given the opportunity by the state agency to at least meet the non-contractor's price. If the state contractor cannot meet the price, then the state agency may purchase the item(s) from the non-contract supplier, document the transactions on the appropriate form developed by OSP and forwarded to the SPO administering the state contract. (Reference General Authorities document). If a lower price can be identified on a repeated basis, the state reserves the right to renegotiate the pricing structure of this agreement. In the event such negotiations fail, the state reserves the right to delete such item(s) from the contract.

II. State Agencies: Submit Order directly to Contractor for processing. Political Subdivisions: Submit orders directly to Contractor referencing State of Washington contract number. If you are unsure of your status in the State Purchasing Cooperative call (360) 902-7415.

III. Only authorized purchasers included in the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP) listings published and updated periodically by OSP and DAS may purchase from this contract. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify membership of these organizations prior to processing orders received under this contract. A list of Washington members is available on the Internet , and a list of the Oregon members is available at contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized users.

IV. Contract Terms: This Document includes by reference all terms and conditions published in the original IFB #02411, including Standard Terms and Conditions, and Definitions, included in the Competitive Procurement Standards published by OSP (as Amended).

CURRENT Special Conditions: -

Informational Update: Effective July 1, 2009, the state of Washington re-imposed the petroleum products tax (PPT) at a rate of 0.5%. This tax is imposed in addition to all other taxes of an excise or property nature, including substance tax, and is not in lieu of any other such tax. This tax should be listed and passed through to the contract customer on the invoice as a separate line item. This tax may be identified in different ways on the invoice, such as – “petro prod tax dest”.

| |

|Revision |Effective |CCI # & DESCRIPTION |

|Date: |Date: | |

|06/01/18 |06/01/18 |Product description updates: Items 5, 5A, 6, 15 and Page 19 and 20. |

|9/27/17 |9/27/17 |Product description updates. |

| | |Contract Term : Extended Through 10/31/2018 |

|8/30/17 |8/3017 |P66 Ecoterra brand has been replaced with Powerflow updates and additions (indicated in purple font). |

| | |Pages 12 and 16. |

| | |Zone 4 New/Replacement Supplier, Page 8. |

|1/19/17 |1/19/17 |P66 product brand updates and additions (indicated in purple font). |

| | |Zone 3 Supplier addition, Page 7. |

|8/12/16 |8/12/16 |Update: P66 contact information. |

| | |P66 product brand consolidation (indicated in red font) |

|5/17/16 |5/17/16 |Non-Core Products Addition – Guardol(pg.14) and Syndustrial (pg.18) |

| | |Non – Core Product Removal – Dexron VI, ATF |

| | |Non- Core Product Code Change 1058936 to 1060041 Transformer Oil. |

|1/22/16 |2/01/16 |Price decrease on contract items – pricing reflects a 0.23 per gallon or a 0.05 per pound decrease. |

| | |Price decrease on non-contract items - pricing reflects a 0.23 per gallon or a 0.05 per pound decrease. |

| | |Some items remain unchanged as the MFG pricing did not move with the recent decrease. |

|11/6/15 |11/6/15 |The following Sub-Contractor has been added to Zones 2 and 4: Pages 6 and 7 |

| | |Mid Columbia Producers Inc. |

| | |2003 1st street |

| | |PO BOX 344 |

| | |Moro, OR 97039 |

| | |FEIN # 93-0975750 |

| | |Robert Jessiman |

| | |Phone# 541-382-4751 |

|10/21/15 |6/1/18 |01011496  FAMILY,TRITON SYN MTF (page 16)      |

| | |01071495  FAMILY,TRITON SYN MTF (page 16)    |

| | |01071498  FAMILY,TRITON SYN MTF (page 16) |

| | |01056863  FAMILY, COUPLING GREASE (page 18) |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|8/19/15 |8/19/15 |1. Firebird 15W40 Price Decrease Item 14. (all products highlighted) |

| | |2. Product Addition – Omniguard Page 18. (all products highlighted) |

|6/26/15 |6/26/15 |1. Product addition Page 14 and 17. (all products highlighted) |

| | |2. Price decrease Page 14. (all products highlighted) |

|4/17/15 |4/17/15 |1. Pricing Correction Page 9. Line Item 8 (all products highlighted) |

|3/31/2015 |3/31/2015 |1. Items Addition: Family Product Line Page 16. |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|2/24/2015 |3/3/2015 |Price decrease on contract items – pricing reflects a 0.36 per gallon or a 0.05 per pound decrease. |

| | |Price decrease on non-contract items - pricing reflects a 0.36 per gallon or a 0.05 per pound decrease. |

| | |Some items remain unchanged as the MFG pricing did not move with the recent decrease. |

|10/7/14 |10/7/14 |1.Items Addition: Kendall GT-1 Dexos1 Product Line Page 15 |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|8/5/14 |8/5/14 |1. Items Addition: 76 and Kendall Product Line Page 14. |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|7/30/14 |7/30/14 |1. Items Addition: Family Product Line Page 16. |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|5/13/14 |5/13/14 |1. Items Addition: Family Product Line Page 13 & 16. |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|4/1/14 |4/1/14 |1. Product Price Decrease: Non Contract Items # 1052617 page 14. |

| | |2.Items Addition: Versatrans Product Line Page 18 |

| | |(all products highlighted) |

|2/25/14 |2/26/14 |1 Product Price Decrease: Contract Items #1A page 7 and #9 page 10. |

| | |2. Product Price Decrease: Non Contract Items # 1045413 and 1045483 page 14. |

| | |3.Item Addition: 1054798 OMNIGUARD SRI, 1/35, Page 17 (highlighted) |

|2/13/14 |2/13/14 |1.Product Update: Contract Line Item #13 –Page 11 – Product Name Change |

|1/30/14 |1/30/14 |1.The addition of Associated Petroleum as a distributor for Zones 1,3 and 4.(Highlighted within each |

| | |zone) |

|01/22/14 |01/22/14 |1.Removal of PETITT OIL as a Distributor for Phillips66(strike though indicates the removal per zone) |

|11/27/13 |11/27/13 |1.Contract Item - Price Reduction – Item # 5.A Page 8 and Item # 9 page 10(highlighted) |

| | |2.Non Contract Items – Price Reductions, Pages 13, 16 and 17(highlighted) |

|11/07/13 |11/07/13 |1.Contract Item Price Reduction – Item # 1.A Page 7 and 5A Page 9(highlighted) |

| | |2.Non Contract Items – Price Reduction Item #1055514 Page 18 and Item #1056095 Page 18(highlighted) |

| | |CCI#05 |

|10/16/13 |11/09/13 |1.Effective November 9th, 2013 – Phillips66 launches the new extranet portal to the LubeStream login |

| | |page. Extranet includes access to Product Data Sheets, MSDS Sheets and other product and training |

| | |information. Website listed I#04 |

|9/26/13 |9/26/13 |1.Contract Item Price Reduction – Item # 1.A Page 7 |

| | |2.Non Contract Items – Price Reduction Item #1043421 Page 14CCI#03 |

|9/4/13 |9/9/13 |1. Contractor Information Update |

| | |2. Items Addition: “Non-Core Option” Pages 13, 14 and 15. |

| | |3. Extension: Twenty Four (24) Months CCI#02 |

|2/21/13 |2/22/13 |Items addition, sub contractors & contractors I#1 |

|2/27/13 |2/28/13 |Removed and added verbiage for convenience items |

Customer service / order placement

Order Placement: Orders are placed in the region/zone of the site location where the product is to be delivered to. If there is more than one jobber in a region/zone, selection of the jobber is at the discretion of the customer. Regardless of jobber used in order placement, invoicing is to come from and direct payment is to be sent to Phillips66.

Zone contacts are in city alpha order:

Place your order based on the Zone/Region customer user site is located. If more than one jobber in a zone, selection is based on customer discretion. Map at end of “Customer Service/Order Placement” section.

|Zone / Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |

|Company TIN |91-1110458 |91-1110458 |91-1110458 |

|Company Name |Reisner Distributor Inc |Reisner Distributor Inc |Reisner Distributor Inc |

|Company Address |310 Commercial Avenue |500 Kentucky St |1922 Front St |

| |Anacortes WA 98221 |Bellingham WA 98221 |Lynden WA 98264 |

|Contact Person |Dan Averill |Lynda Maconghie |Dan Averill |

|Phone Number |360-293-2197 |360-734-6100 |360-293-2197 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |

|Company TIN |91-1175876 |91-1175976 |91-0938310 |

|Company Name |Nelson Petroleum |Nelson Petroleum |Don Small & Sons |

|Company Address |1125 80th SW |208 West Ave South |PO Box 626 |

| |Everett WA 98302 |Arlington WA 98223 |Auburn WA 98002 |

|Contact Person |Mark Nelson |Cindy Heath |Rick Walker |

|Phone Number |1-800-562-9882 |360-435-2208 |1-800-626-3213 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |Zone 1, Northwest Region |Zone 2, North Central Region |

|Company TIN |91-0938310 |91-1186058 |91-1375975 |

|Company Name |Don Small & Sons |Associated Petroleum |Connell Oil |

|Company Address |West 150 Sanderson Way |2320 Milwaukee Way |1015 N Oregon Avenue |

| |Shelton WA 98584 |Tacoma WA 98401 |Pasco WA 99301 |

|Contact Person |Rick Walker |Nick Schoenfelder |Brad Bell |

|Phone Number |1-800-626-3213 |1-253-627-6179 Ext. 4373 |509-547-3326 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 2, North Central Region |Zone 2, North Central Region |Zone 2, North Central Region |

|Company TIN |91-1375975 |91-1375975 |93-0975750 |

|Company Name |Connell Oil |Freeth Fuel |Mid-Columbia Producers Inc |

|Company Address |3727 N Tschirley |1025 N 6th Avenue |2003 1st ST\ PO BOX 344 |

| |Spokane Wa 99216 |Yakima WA 98902 |Moro, OR 97039 |

|Contact Person |Mark Gilbert |Brad Bond |Robert Jessiman |

|Phone Number |509-535-1534 |509-453-3920 |541-382-4751 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 3, Olympic Region |Zone 3, Olympic Region |Zone 3, Olympic Region |

|Company TIN |91-0938310 |91-1186058 |91-0938310 |

|Company Name |Don Small & Sons |Associated Petroleum |Don Small & Sons |

|Company Address |West 150 Sanderson Way |2320 Milwaukee Way |PO Box 626 |

| |Shelton WA 98584 |Tacoma WA 98401 |Auburn WA 98002 |

|Contact Person |Rick Walker |Nick Schoenfelder |Rick Walker |

|Phone Number |1-800-626-3213 |1-253-627-6179 Ext. 4373 |1-800-626-3213 |

|Zone / Region |Zone 4, Southwest Region |Zone 4, Southwest Region |Zone 4, Southwest Region |

|Company TIN |93-0975750 |91-0938310 |91-0938310 |

|Company Name |Mid-Columbia Producers Inc |Don Small & Sons |Don Small & Sons |

|Company Address |2003 1st \ PO BOX 344 |PO Box 626 |West 150 Sanderson Way |

| |Moro, OR 97039 |Auburn WA 98002 |Shelton WA 98584 |

|Contact Person |Robert Jessiman |Rick Walker |Rick Walker |

|Phone Number |541-382-4751 |1-800-626-3213 |1-800-626-3213 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 4, Southwest Region |Zone 4, Southwest Region NEW SUPPLIER |Zone 4, Southwest Region |

|Company TIN |91-1186058 |93-0985141 |91-1338338 |

|Company Name |Associated Petroleum |Tyree Oil |Stanley Oil |

|Company Address |2320 Milwaukee Way |2429 N Borthwick Ave |111 Maple Street |

| |Tacoma WA 98401 |Portland OR 97227 |Morton WA 98356 |

|Contact Person |Nick Schoenfelder |Brian Otto |Rob Stanley |

|Phone Number |1-253-627-6179 Ext. 4373 |503-478-9905 |360-496-5166 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 4, Southwest Region | |Zone 5, South Central Region |

|Company TIN |93-0403718 | |91-1375975 |

|Company Name |Jubitz Corp. | |Freeth Fuel |

|Company Address |1503 NE 136th | |1025 N 6th Avenue |

| |Vancouver WA 98685 | |Yakima WA 98902 |

|Contact Person |Todd Shaw | |Brad Bond |

|Phone Number |800-221-7067 | |509-453-3920 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 5, South Central Region |Zone 5, South Central Region |Zone 5, South Central Region |

|Company TIN |91-1375975 |91-1375975 |91-1375975 |

|Company Name |Connell Oil |Connell Oil |Connell Oil |

|Company Address |1015 N Oregon Avenue |106 N 9th Street |1302 W First Ave |

| |Pasco WA 99301 |Sunnyside WA 98944 |Ritzville WA 99169 |

|Contact Person |Brad Bell |Jim Heintz |Jim Whitman |

|Phone Number |509-547-3326 |509-837-5274 |509-659-1532 |

| | | | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 6, Eastern Region |Zone 6, Eastern Region |Zone 6, Eastern Region |

|Company TIN |91-1375975 |91-1375975 |91-1375975 |

|Company Name |Connell Oil |Connell Oil |Connell Oil |

|Company Address |1015 N Oregon Avenue |3727 N Tschirley |1302 W First Ave |

| |Pasco WA 99301 |Spokane Wa 99216 |Ritzville WA 99169 |

|Contact Person |Brad Bell |Mark Gilbert |Jim Whitman |

|Phone Number |509-547-3326 |509-535-1534 |509-659-1532 |

| | |

|Zone / Region |Zone 3, Olympic Region |

|Company TIN |91-1175976 |

|Company Name |Nelson Petroleum |

|Company Address |1125 80th SW |

| |Everett WA 99302 |

|Contact Person |Mark Nelson |

|Phone Number |800-562-9882 |

ADDITIONS - Jan 19, 2017


| |


|CONTRACT #02411 |

|May 2017 |

|Item |Description |Unit |Current Price |

|1 |Premium Motor Oil: SAE 15W-40 | | |

| |API Service CI-4+ |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.30 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Guardol QLT 15W40 |Drum (55 gal) |$445.50/ drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,POWER-D ENGINE OIL,15W40 |Drum ltb |$8.10 / gal. |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$42.00 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1045628 New: Same |Pail ltb |$8.40 /gal |

| |Drum: 1045633 New: 1074886 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: 1045655 New: 1074887 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|1A |Premium Motor Oil: SAE 15W-40 | | |

| |API Service CK-4 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.66 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Fleet Supreme EC 15W40 |Drum (55 gal) |$434.50 / drum |

|New |Product: P66,FLEET SUPREME EC,15W40 |Drum ltb |$7.90 / gal. |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$40.00 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1052955 New : Same |Pail ltb |$8.00 /gal |

| |Drum: 1052956 New: 1074894 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$25.08/ case |

| |Pail: 1056331 New: 1074943 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$2.09 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1054100 New: 1074898 |Quart gal. ltb |$8.36/ gal. |

| | | | |

|1B |Premium Motor Oil: SAE 15W-40 | | |

| |API Service CK-4, Extended Drain Product |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.40 / gal |

|Old |Product: 76 Guradol ECT(TI) Syn Blend 15W40 CJ-4 |Drum (55 gal) |$451.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66, GUARDOL ECT(TI) Syn Blend 15W40 CK-4 |Drum ltb |$8.20/ gal. |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$41.50/ pail |

| |Bulk: 1056007 New: 1077870 |Pail ltb |$8.30 /gal |

| |Drum: 1056008 New: 1077863 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$26.58 / case |

| |Pail: 1056372 New: 1077865 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$2.215 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1056010 New 1074929 |Quart gal. ltb |$8.86 / gal. |

| | | | |

|2 |Motor Oil: SAE 40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.90 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 T5X Heavy Duty 40 |Drum (55 gal) |$418.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,40 |Drum ltb |$7.60 /gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$40.20/ pail |

| |Bulk: 1058928 New: Same |Pail ltb |$8.04 / gal |

| |Drum: 1058929 New: 1075003 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$24.00/ case |

| |Pail: 1058930 New: 1075004 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$2.00 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1058933 New: 1075006 |Quart gal. ltb |$8.00 / gal |

| | | | |

|2a |Premium Motor Oil SAE 40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.90/ gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 T5X Heavy Duty 40 |Drum (55 gal) |$418.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,40 |Drum ltb |$7.60 /gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$40.20 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1058928 New: Same |Pail ltb |$8.04 / gal |

| |Drum: 1058929 New: 1075003 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$24.00 / case |

| |Pail: 1058930 New: 1075004 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$2.00 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1058933 New: 1075006 |Quart gal. ltb |$8.00 / gal |

| | | | |

|3 |Motor Oil SAE 30 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.70 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 T5X Heavy Duty 30 |Drum (55 gal) |$401.50 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,30 |Drum ltb |$7.30 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$38.50 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1058922 New: Same |Pail ltb |$7.70 / gal |

| |Drum: 1058923 New: 1074999 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$23.40 / case |

| |Pail: 1058924 New:1075000 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$1.95/ quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1058926 New: 1075001 |Quart gal. ltb |$7.80 / gal |

| | | | |

|3a |Premium Motor Oil SAE 30 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.70 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 T5X Heavy Duty 30 |Drum (55 gal) |$401.50/ drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,30 |Drum ltb |$7.30 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$38.50 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1058922 New: Same |Pail ltb |$7.70/ gal |

| |Drum: 1058923 New: 1074999 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$23.40 / case |

| |Pail: 1058924 New: 1075000 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$1.95 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1058926 New: 1075001 |Quart gal. ltb |$7.80 / gal |

| | | | |

|4 |Zinc Free Diesel Engine Oil Non-Chlorinated SAE 40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.56 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Ramar Diesel XDO 40 engine oil. |Drum (55 gal) |$439.45 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,RAMAR DIESEL XDO,40 | | |

| |* 2500 Gallon Minimum Bulk Due Product Handling Criteria |Drum ltb |$7.99/ gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1056109 New: same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1056110 New: 1074942 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: not available |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|5 |Motor Oil SAE 10W-30 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.70 / gal |

|OLD |Product: P66, SHEILD CHOICE 10W30 GF-5 |Drum (55 gal) |$396.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,SHIELD CHOICE,10W30 GF-5 SN+ |Drum ltb |$7.20 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1058489 New: same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1042070 New: 1081429 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$23.88/ case |

| |Pail: N/A |Quart (12 qt/case) |$1.99/ quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1042076 New: 1081432 |Quart gal. ltb |$7.96/ gal |

| | | | |

|5A |Motor Oil SAE 5W-30 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.20 / gal |

|OLD |Product: P66, SHEILD CHOICE 10W30 GF-5 |Drum (55 gal) |$407.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W30 GF- SN+ |Drum ltb |$7.40 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1058508 New: Same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1043446 New: 1081452 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$24.90 / case |

| |Pail: N/A |Quart (12 qt/case) |$2.075 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1043461 New: 1081455 |Quart gal. ltb |$8.30 / gal |

| | | | |

|6** |Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.70 / gal |

|OLD |Product: Kendall GT-1 HP (Ti) 10W40 |Drum (55 gal) |$423.50 / drum |

|NEW |Product: KENDALL,GT-1 HP (Ti),10W40 SN+ |Drum ltb |$7.70 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1058573 New: 1070795 |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1057260 New: 1081434 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$24.90 / case |

| |Pail: N/A |Quart (12 qt/case) |$2.07 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1057261 New: 1081436 |Quart gal. ltb |$8.30 / gal |

| | | | |

|7 |Automatic Transmission Fluid |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.30 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Super ATF |Drum (55 gal) |$385.00/ drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,SUPER ATF |Drum ltb |$7.00/ gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$35.10 / pail |

| |Bulk:1052762 New: Same |Pail ltb |$7.02 / gal |

| |Drum: 1052771 New: 1074889 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$23.70/ case |

| |Pail: 1052773 New: 1074890 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$1.975 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1052775 New: 1074891 |Quart gal. ltb |$7.90 / gal |

| | | | |

|8 |AW Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.00 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76-MEGAFLOW AW 32 |Drum (55 gal) |$363.00/ drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,MEGAFLOW AW,32 |Drum ltb |$6.60 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$35.00 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1055926 New: Same |Pail ltb |$7.00 / gal |

| |Drum: 1055927 New: 1074916 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: 1055928 New: 1074917 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. tlb |N/A |

| | | | |

|8A |AW Hydraulic Oil ISO 46 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.00 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76-MEGAFLOW AW 46 |Drum (55 gal) |$363.00/ drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,MEGAFLOW AW,46 |Drum ltb |$6.60 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$35.00 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1055929 New: same |Pail ltb |$7.00 / gal |

| |Drum: 1055930 New: 1074918 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: 1055931 New: 1074919 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|8B |Environmental AW Hydraulic Oil: 32 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.00/ gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Ecoterra Hydraulic AW Oil 32 |Drum (55 gal) |$401.50 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,Powerflow HZ HYDRAULIC OIL AW,32 | | |

| |Minimum Bulk 500 Gallons |Drum ltb |$7.30 / gal. |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1055887 New: 1077413 |Pail LTB |N/A |

| |Drum: 1055888 New: 1077320 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: not applicable |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not applicable |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|9 |Multi-use Tractor Hydraulic Fluid |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.76 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Hydraulic Tractor Fluid |Drum (55 gal) |$393.80 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,POWERTRAN FLUID |Drum ltb |$7.16 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$39.05 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1042361 New: Same |Pail ltb |$7.81 / gal |

| |Drum: 1042366 New: 1074856 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: 1042393 New: 1074857 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|10 |Multi-purpose Gear Lubricant SAE 80W-90 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$1.049/ lbs |

|OLD |Product: 76 MP SAE 80W-90 |Drum (410 lbs) |$481.75 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,MP GEAR LUBE,80W90 | | |

| |*cost per pound |Drum ltb |$1.175 / lbs |

| |drum = 410 lbs; pail = 35 lbs. 12 qts/cs |Pail (35 lbs.) |$42.35/ pail |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail ltb |$1.21 / lbs |

| |Bulk: 1045445 New: Same |Quart (12 qt/case) |$34.56 / case |

| |Drum: 1045403 New: 1076636 | | |

| |Pail: 1045429 New: 1076638 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$1.56 / lbs |

| |Quart/tubes: 1045397 New: 1074755 | | |

| | | | |

|11 |Multi-purpose Lithium EP Grease NLGI 2 |Bulk (165 gal.) |N/A |

|OLD |Product: 76 Red Tac #1 |Drum (400 lb) |$672.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,REDTAC GREASE,#1 | | |

| |*cost per pound |Drum ltb |$1.68 / lbs |

| |drum = 400 lbs; pail = 35 lbs |Pail (35 lb.) |N/A |

| |tubes = 14.5 ounce; 40 tube/case |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |case = 35 lbs |Quart (40 tube/case) |$65.45/ case |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Quart (tube/ 14.5 oz) |$1.87 / lbs |

| |Bulk: not available | | |

| |Drum: 1056847 New: 1074353 | | |

| |Pail: not available | | |

| |Quart/tubes:1056848 New: 1074354 | | |

| | | | |

|11A |Multi-purpose Lithium EP Grease NLGI 2 |Bulk (165 gal.) |N/A |

|OLD |Product: 76 Red Tac #2 |Drum (400 lb) |$672.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,REDTAC GREASE,#2 | | |

| |*cost per pound |Drum ltb |$1.68/ lbs |

| |drum = 400 lbs; pail = 35 lbs |Pail (35 lb.) |$60.55 / pail |

| |tubes = 14.5 ounce; 40 tube/case |Pail ltb |$1.73 / lbs |

| |case = 35 lbs |Quart (40 tube/case) |$65.45/ case |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Quart (tube/ 14.5 oz) |$1.87 / lbs |

| |Bulk: not available | | |

| |Drum: 1056963 New: 1074358 | | |

| |Pail: 1056962 New: 1074357 | | |

| |Quart/tubes:1056964 New: 1074359 | | |

| | | | |

|12 |Multi-VIS Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.36 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 MEGAFLOW HVI AW 32 |Drum (55 gal) |$426.80 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,MEGAFLOW AW HVI,32 |Drum ltb |$7.76/ gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |$41.80 / pail |

| |Bulk: 1055906 New: Same |Pail ltb |$8.36 / gal |

| |Drum: 1055907 New: 1074914 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail:1055908 New: 1076662 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|13 |Torques Fluid |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.36 / gal |

|OLD |T5X Off-Road Mobile Hydraulic Fluid SAE 10W. |Drum (55 gal) |$390.50 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,T5X OFF-ROAD MOBILE HYD 10W |Drum ltb |$7.10 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) | |

| | | |$37.00/ pail |

| |Bulk: 1058868 New: Same |Pail ltb |$7.40 / gal |

| |Drum: 1058869 New: 1074994 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: 1058870 New: 1074995 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|14* |Re-refined Motor Oil SAE 15W40 CJ-4 |Bulk (165 gal) |$6.66/ gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Firebird HD 15W40 EC CJ 4 |Drum ( 55 gal) |$407.00/ drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,FIREBIRD HD CK-4,15W40 |Drum ltb |$7.40/ gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail ( 5 gal) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1078303 New |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1078304 New |Quart (12qt/case) |N/A |

| | |Quart gal ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|15 |Re-refined Motor Oil SAE 15W-40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |N/A |

| |Product: |Drum (55 gal) | N/A |

| | |Drum ltb |N/A |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|15*** |Re-refined Motor Oil SAE 5W-30 |Bulk (165 gal.) | $6.20 / gal |

|OLD |Product: P66, SHEILD FIREBIRD 5W30 GF-5** |Drum (55 gal) |$390.50 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,SHIELD FIREBIRD,5W30 GFA SN+ |Drum ltb |$7.10 / gal |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1058439 New: Same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1057473 New: 1081470 |Quart (12 qt/case) |$22.20 / case |

| |Pail: not applicable |Quart (12 qt/case) |$1.85 / quart |

| |Quart/tubes: 1057474 New: 1081472 |Quart gal. ltb |$7.40 / gal |

| | | | |

|16 |Re-refined Hydraulic Oil AW ISO 46 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$6.00 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 FIREBIRD AW 46 |Drum (55 gal) |$368.50 / drum |


| |**500 gallon minimum order due to unique blending |Drum ltb |$6.70/ gal |

| |requirements | | |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1055884 New: Same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1055884 New: Same |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: not available |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|*17 |Low Ash Natural Gas Engine Oil SAE 15W-40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.20 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 TRITON 5005 EXD 15W40 |Drum (55 gal) |$429.00 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,EL MAR LA4 EXD GEO,15W40 | | |

| |** 2,500 gallon minimum order due to unique blended |Drum ltb |$7.80 / gal |

| |product | | |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: 1057763 New: Same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1057764 New: 1073999 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: not available |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|*18 |Natural Gas Engine Oil Vehicular application SAE 15W40 |Bulk (165 gal.) |$7.86 / gal |

|OLD |Product: 76 Guardol NG |Drum (55 gal) |$459.80 / drum |

|NEW |Product: P66,GUARDOL NG,15W40 | | |

| |** 2,500 gallon minimum order due to unique blended |Drum ltb |$8.36 / gal |

| |product. | | |

| |Contractor Product Code: |Pail (5 gal.) |N/A |

| |Bulk: : 1045181 New: Same |Pail ltb |N/A |

| |Drum: 1045186 New: 1076659 |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Pail: not available |Quart (12 qt/case) |N/A |

| |Quart/tubes: not available |Quart gal. ltb |N/A |

| | | | |

|1042119 |76 Firebird Tractor Hyd. Fluid/55 |Bulk (500 gal.) |$7.50 / gal |

|1074034 |New: P66,FIREBIRD TRACTOR HYD FLUID | | |

| | | | |

|1042114 |76 Firebird Tractor Hyd. Fluid |Bulk (500 gal.) |$6.76 / gal |


| |Bulk (500 Gallon Minimum Bulk Delivery) | | |

| | | | |


|Non Core Items |

|Product Code |Product Name | Product Price |Unit of Measure |

|OLD:1043696 |76,4T MOTORCYCLE OIL,10W40,12/1 | $ 9.56 |GAL |

|NEW:1073901 |P66,4T MOTORCYCLE OIL,10W40,12/1 | | |

| OLD:1043701 |76,4T MOTORCYCLE OIL,20W50,12/1 | $ 9.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1073903 |P66,4T MOTORCYCLE OIL,20W50,12/1 | | |

| OLD:1056437 | | $ 11.16 | |

|NEW:1076665 |AIR COMP OIL 100,1/5P | |GAL |

| |P66,AIR COMPRESSOR OIL,100,1/5P | | |

| OLD:1046377 | | $ 13.46 |GAL |

|NEW:1073908 | | | |

| |76,AIRKOOL HP, 2 CYCLE,12/1 | | |

| |P66,AIRKOOL HP, 2 CYCLE,12/1 | | |

|OLD:1055896 |ARCTIC LOW-POUR HYD OIL,1/55 | $ 13.46 |GAL |

|NEW:1073913 |P66,ARCTIC LOW POUR HYD OIL,15,1/55 | | |

|OLD:1056009 |GUARDOL ECT CJ 4 15W40 4/1 | $ 9.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074928 |P66,GUARDOL ECT (Ti),15W40,3/1,ES | | |

| OLD:1055894 | | $ 19.18 |GAL |

|NEW:1074055 |FR FLUID GLYCOL,32/46,1/55 | | |

| |P66,FR FLUID GLYCOL,32/46,1/55 | | |

|OLD:1054047 |ATF,TYPE F,12/1 | |GAL |

|NEW:1074896 |P66,TYPE F ATF,12/1 |$ 11.86 | |

|NEW: 1055885 |P66,Powerflow NZ HE AW46 HYDRAULIC OIL, BULK |$ 7.75 |GAL |

|OLD:1055886 |ECOTERRA HVI HYD OIL, 46 1/55 | $ 8.05 |GAL |

|NEW:1073982 |P66,Powerflow NZ HE HYDRAULIC OIL,46,1/55 | | |

|OLD:1055890 |ECOTERRA HYD OIL,46 1/55 |$ 7.30 |GAL |

|NEW:1074910 |P66,Powerflow NZ HYDRAULIC OIL,46,1/55 | | |

|OLD:1055892 |ECOTERRA HYD OIL,68,1/55 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074911 |P66, Powerflow NZ HYDRAULIC OIL,68,1/55 | | |

|OLD:1053654 |SYNTERRA HYDRAULIC,32,1/55 | $ 32.90 |GAL |


|OLD:1053655 |SYNTERRA HYDRAULIC,46,1/55 | $ 33.15 |GAL |


| OLD:1056004 |GUARDOL ECT(Ti),10W30,1/55 | $ 8.20 |GAL |

|NEW:1077827 |P66,GUARDOL ECT (Ti),10W30,1/55 CK-4 | | |

|OLD:1056005 |GUARDOL ECT(Ti),10W30,1/5P | $ 8.30 |GAL |

|NEW:1077826 |P66,GUARDOL ECT (Ti),10W30,1/5P CK-4 | | |

|OLD:1056006 |GUARDOL ECT(Ti),10W30,12/1 | $ 8.86 |GAL |

|NEW:1074926 |P66,GUARDOL ECT (Ti),10W30,12/1 CK-4 | | |

|OLD:1056003 |GUARDOL ECT(Ti),10W30,BULK | $ 7.40 |GAL |

|NEW:1077861 |P66,GUARDOL ECT (Ti),10W30,BULK CK-4 | | |

|OLD: 1060782 |GUARDOL ECT(Ti),10W30,4/1 | $ 9.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1075020 |P66,GUARDOL ECT (Ti),10W30,3/1 CK-4 | | |

|NEW:1077890 |P66,GUARDOL FE(FA),10W30,1/55 | $ 8.80 |GAL |

|NEW:1077890 |P66,GUARDOL FE(FA),10W30, Bulk | $ 8.80 |GAL |

|OLD: 1060873 |GUARDOL NG, 15W40, 4/1 | $ 9.62 |GAL |

|NEW:1074094 |P66,GUARDOL NG,15W40,3/1 | | |

|OLD: 1058971 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 68,1/35P | $ 1.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074027 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,68,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1057404 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 68,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074974 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,68,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1057405 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 100,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1076667 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,100,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1058972 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 150,1/35P | $ 1.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074011 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,150,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1057406 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 150,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074975 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,150,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1057436 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 220,1/35P | $ 1.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074979 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,220,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1057407 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 220,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074976 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,220,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1057429 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 320,1/35P | $ 1.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074019 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,320,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1057408 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 320,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074977 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,320,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1057430 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 460,1/35P | $ 1.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074023 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,460,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1057409 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 460,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074978 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,460,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1057431 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 680,1/35P | $ 1.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074030 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,680,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1057410 |EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL 680,1/410 | $ 1.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074031 |P66,EXTRA DUTY GEAR OIL,680,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1042471 |76,HT/4 FLUID,10W,1/55 | $ 7.86 |GAL |

|NEW:1074858 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,10W,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1042482 |76,HT/4 FLUID,10W,1/5P | $ 11.21 |GAL |

|NEW:1074859 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,10W,1/5P,EF | | |

|OLD: 1042466 |76,HT/4 FLUID,10W,BULK | $ 9.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1042466 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,10W,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1042494 |76,HT/4 FLUID,30,1/55 | $ 7.96 |GAL |

|NEW:1074860 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,30,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1042506 |76,HT/4 FLUID,30,1/5P | $ 11.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1074861 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,30,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1042488 |76,HT/4 FLUID,30,BULK | $ 9.96 |GAL |

|NEW:1042488 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,30,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1042517 |76,HT/4 FLUID,50,1/55 | $ 10.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074862 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,50,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1042529 |76,HT/4 FLUID,50,1/5P | $ 11.61 |GAL |

|NEW:1074863 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,50,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1042512 |76,HT/4 FLUID,50,BULK | $ 10.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1042512 |P66,POWERDRIVE FLUID,50,BULK | | |

|NEW:1076540 |P66,POWERTRAIN XD, 1/55 |$ 12.65 |GAL |

|NEW:1076541 |P66,POWERTRAIN XD, 1/5 |$ 13.28 |GAL |

|OLD: 104217 |MERCON V,ATF,1/55 | $ 10.91 |GAL |


|OLD: 1042179 |MERCON V,ATF,12/1 | $ 11.26 |GAL |


|OLD: 1045145 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,1/120 | $ 9.66 |LB |

|NEW:1076658 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,1/120 | | |

|Product Code |Product Name | Product Price |Unit of Measure |

|OLD: 1045151 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,1/35P | $ 2.07 |LB |

|NEW:1074783 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1045139 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,1/410 | $ 2.02 |LB |

|NEW:1074782 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1045133 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,12/1 | $ 2.17 |LB |

|NEW:1074201 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1045162 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,BULK | $ 1.97 |LB |

|NEW:1045162 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,75W90,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1045413 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,80W90,1/120 | $ 1.47 |LB |

|NEW:1076637 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,80W90,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1045483 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,1/120 | $ 1.47 |LB |

|NEW:1074884 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1045488 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,1/35P | $ 2.17 |LB |

|NEW:1074885 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1045477 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,1/410 | $ 1.17 |LB |

|NEW:1074883 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1045472 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,12/1 | $ 2.57 |LB |

|NEW:1074213 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1045515 |76,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,BULK | $ 1.87 |LB |

|NEW:1045515 |P66,MP GEAR LUBE,85W140,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1051992 |76, TRITON SYNLUBE LDO 75W90, 1/410 | $ 2.75 |LB |

|NEW:1074594 |P66,TRITON SYNLUBE LDO,75W90,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1051993 |76, TRITON SYNLUBE LDO 75W90, 1/120 | $ 2.85 |LB |

|NEW:1074593 |P66,TRITON SYNLUBE LDO,75W90,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1051995 |76, TRITON SYNLUBE LDO 80W140, 1/410 | $ 2.85 |LB |

|NEW:1074596 |P66,TRITON SYNLUBE LDO,80W140,1/410 | | |

|OLD: 1051996 |76, TRITON SYNLUBE LDO 80W140, 1/120 | $ 2.95 |LB |

|NEW:1074595 |P66,TRITON SYNLUBE LDO,80W140,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1060491 |76, SYNGEAR SS 75W140, 1/35 | $ 4.79 |LB |

|NEW:1074509 |P66,SYNGEAR SS,75W140,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1054796 |TRITON ECT FULL SYN,5W40,1/55 | $ 17.95 |GAL |

|NEW:1076640 |P66,TRITON ECT DIESEL EO,5W40,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1056071 |TRITON ECT FULL SYN,5W40,4/1 | $ 18.35 |GAL |

|NEW:1074939 |P66,TRITON ECT DIESEL EO,5W40,3/1 | | |

|OLD: 1056846 |REDTAC GREASE,#1,1/120 | $ 2.17 |LB |

|NEW:1074352 |P66,REDTAC GREASE,#1,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1056850 |REDTAC GREASE,#2,1/120 | $ 2.17 |LB |

|NEW:1074356 |P66,REDTAC GREASE,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1059053 |SOLUBLE OIL,1/55 | $ 13.35 |GAL |

|NEW:1074412 |P66,SOLUBLE OIL,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1059054 |SOLUBLE OIL,1/5P | $ 13.65 |GAL |

|NEW:1074413 |P66,SOLUBLE OIL,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1058864 |SPEC BAR & CHAIN,150,1/55 | $ 9.21 |GAL |

|NEW:1074993 |P66,SPECIAL BAR & CHAIN OIL,150,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1058863 |SPECIAL BAR & CHAIN,150,BULK | $ 8.61 |GAL |

|NEW:1058863 |P66,SPECIAL BAR & CHAIN OIL,150,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1058866 |SPEC BAR & CHAIN,220,1/55 | $ 9.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1076679 |P66,SPECIAL BAR & CHAIN OIL,220,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1058862 |SPEC BAR & CHAIN,68,1/55 | $ 9.11 |GAL |

|NEW:1076678 |P66,SPECIAL BAR & CHAIN OIL,68,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1057670 |HEAT TRANSFER OIL,32,1/55 | $ 10.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074097 |P66,HEAT TRANSFER OIL,32,1/55 | | |

| OLD:1057673 |HEAT TRANSFER OIL,46,1/55 | $ 10.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074099 |P66,HEAT TRANSFER OIL,46,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1060722 |P66,SHIELD FIREBIRD,5W20 ,BULK | $ 7.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1060722 |P66,SHIELD DEFENSE,5W20 5 SN+ ,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1076682 |P66,SHIELD FIREBIRD,5W20, 1/55 | $ 7.80 |GAL |

|NEW:1081467 |P66,SHIELD DEFENSE,5W20, SN+ 1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074408 |P66,SHIELD FIREBIRD,5W20, 12/1 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1081469 |P66,SHIELD DEFENSE,5W20, SN+ 12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074870 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W20, 1/55 | $ 7.40 |GAL |

|NEW:1081466 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W20, SN+ 1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074709 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W20,12/1 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1081448 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W20 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1058460 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W20,BULK | $ 6.40 |GAL |

|NEW:1058460 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,5W20 SN+,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1075026 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,0W20 ,1/55 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1081423 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,0W20 SN+,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1075027 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,0W20,12/1 | $ 9.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1081425 |P66,SHIELD CHOICE,0W20 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1075025 |KENDALL,GT-1 HP (Ti),0W20,1/55 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW 1081189 |KENDALL,GT-1 HP (Ti),0W20 SN+,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1075021 |KENDALL,GT-1 HP (Ti),0W20,12/1 | $ 9.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1081190 |KENDALL,GT-1 HP (Ti),0W20 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074949 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),10W30,12/1 | $ 20.95 |GAL |

|NEW:1081229 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),10W30 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074948 |KENDALL GT-1 MAX MO (Ti) 10W30, 1/55 | $ 20.06 |GAL |

|NEW:1081228 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),10W30 SN+,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074951 |KENDALL GT-1 MAX MO ( Ti) 5W20, 12/1 | $ 20.95 |GAL |

|NEW:1081234 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),5W20 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074953 |KENDALL GT-1 MAX MO (Ti) 5W30, 12/1 | $ 20.95 |GAL |

|NEW:1081232 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),5W30 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074952 |KENDALL GT-1 MAX MO (Ti) 5W30, 1/55 | $ 19.76 |GAL |

|NEW:1081231 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),5W30 SN +,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074954 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),10W30,1/55 | $ 9.70 |GAL |

|NEW 1081667 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),10W30 SN+,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074955 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),10W30,12/1 | $ 10.16 |GAL |

|NEW:1081881 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),10W30 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074956 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),5W30,1/55 | $ 9.70 |GAL |

|NEW:1081186 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),5W30 SN+,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074957 |KENDALL GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti) 5W30,12/1 | $ 10.16 |GAL |

|NEW:108188 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),5W30 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074959 |KENDALL GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti) 5W20,12/1 | $ 10.16 |GAL |

|NEW:1081885 |KENDALL,GT-1 ENDURANCE (Ti),5W20 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1074946 |KENDALL GT-1 MAX MO (Ti) 0W20,1/55 | $ 20.06 |GAL |

|NEW:1081226 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),0W20 SN+,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1074947 |KENDALL GT-1 MAX MO (Ti) 0W20,12/1 | $ 21.05 |GAL |

|NEW:1081227 |KENDALL,GT-1 MAX MO (Ti),0W20 SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1057271 |KENDALL GT-1 HP TI 30, 12/1 | $ 8.70 |GAL |

|NEW:1074971 |KENDALL,GT-1 (Ti),30,12/1 | | |

|NEW:1081774 |KENDALL,GT-1 Comp (Ti),20w50,12/1 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

| |P66,SHIELD CLASSIC,20W50 SN+ ,1/55 |$ 8.26 |GAL |

|NEW: 1081458 | | | |

|OLD: 1074868 |P66, SHEILD CLASSIC 20W50, 12/1 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1081459 |P66,SHIELD CLASSIC,20W50,12/1,SN+,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1060948 |KENDALL GT-1 DEXOS 1, 5W30, 1/55 | $ 12.96 |GAL |

|NEW:1077454 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FSMO,5W30,1/55 GF-5 | | |

|OLD: 1060949 |KENDALL GT-1 DEXOS 1, 5W30, 12/1 | $ 14.80 |GAL |

|NEW:1077407 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FSMO,5W30,12/1 GF-5 | | |

|OLD: 1060995 |KENDALL GT-1 DEXOS 1, 5W30, Bulk | $ 12.40 |GAL |

|NEW:1060995 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FSMO,5W30,BULK GF-5 | | |

|OLD: 1060745 |KENDALL GT-1 FULL SYN EURO, 5W30, 1/55 | $ 24.77 |GAL |

|NEW:1075016 |KENDALL,GT-1 EURO MO,5W30,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1060746 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1,5W30,12/1 | $ 25.60 |GAL |

|NEW:1075016 |KENDALL GT-1 FULL SYN EURO,5W30, 12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1060742 |KENDALL GT-1 FULL SYN EURO, 15W40, 1/55 | $ 24.77 |GAL |

|NEW:1075014 |KENDALL,GT-1 EURO MO,5W40,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1060743 |KENDALL GT-1 FULL SYN EURO, 15W40, 12/1 | $ 25.60 |GAL |

|NEW:1075015 |KENDALL,GT-1 EURO MO,5W40,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1061843 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FULL SYN,0W20,1/55    | $ 12.96 |GAL |

|NEW:1075037 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FSMO,0W20,1/55 GF-5 | | |

|OLD: 1061844 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FULL SYN,0W20,12/1 | $ 14.80 |GAL |

|NEW:1075038 |KENDALL,GT-1 DEXOS1 FSMO,0W20,12/1 GF-5 | | |

|OLD: 1058899 |SUPER HD II,15W40,1/55 | $ 8.00 |GAL |

|NEW:1074996 |P66,SUPER HD II DIESEL EO,15W40,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1058808 |SUPER HD II,15W40,BULK | $ 7.09 |GAL |

|NEW:1058808 |P66,SUPER HD II DIESEL EO,15W40,BULK | | |

|OLD: 1056060 |FLEET SUPREME EC,15W40,4/1 | $ 9.23 |GAL |

|NEW:1074938 |P66,FLEET SUPREME EC EO,15W40,3/1 | | |

|OLD: 1052031 |FOOD MACHINERY OIL,32,1/55 | $ 12.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1074048 |P66,FOOD MACHINERY OIL,32,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1052032 |FOOD MACHINERY OIL,32,1/5P | $ 12.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074049 |P66,FOOD MACHINERY OIL,32,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1058927 |T5X HEAVY DUTY,30,4/1 | $ 8.38 |GAL |

|NEW:1075002 |P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,30,3/1 | | |

|OLD: 1058932 |T5X HEAVY DUTY,40,4/1 | $ 8.38 |GAL |

|NEW:1075005 |P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,40,3/1,ES | | |

|OLD: 1058935 |T5X HEAVY DUTY,50,1/55 | $ 8.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1075007 |P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,50,1/55 | | |

|Product Code |Product Name | Product Price |Unit of Measure |

|OLD: 1058936 |T5X HEAVY DUTY,50,1/5P | $ 11.31 |GAL |

|NEW:1075008 |P66,T5X HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EO,50,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1060041 |76,TRANSFORMER OIL,1/55 | $ 8.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1074546 |P66,TRANSFORMER OIL,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055913 |MEGAFLOW HVI AW 68, 1/55 | $ 9.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1074133 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HVI HYD OIL,68,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055925 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,22,1/55 | $ 9.16 |GAL |

|NEW:1076663 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HYDRAULIC OIL,22,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055933 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,68,1/55 | $ 8.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1074920 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HYDRAULIC OIL,68,1/55,ES | | |

|OLD: 1055934 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,68,1/5P | $ 8.86 |GAL |

|NEW:1074921 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HYDRAULIC OIL,68,1/5P,ES | | |

|OLD: 1055932 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,68,BULK | $ 7.76 |GAL |


|OLD: 1055937 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,100,1/55 | $ 9.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1074922 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HYDRAULIC OIL,100,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055941 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,150,1/55 | $ 9.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1074923 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HYDRAULIC OIL,150,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055943 |MEGAFLOW AW HYD OIL,220,1/55 | $ 9.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1076664 |P66,MEGAFLOW AW HYDRAULIC OIL,220,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1059736 |ULTRA CLEAN SPINDLE,22,1/55 | $ 14.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1074631 |P66,ULTRA-CLEAN SPINDLE OIL,22,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1052040 |76,TRITON HD,ATF,1/55 | $ 18.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074888 |P66,TRITON HEAVY DUTY ATF,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1054009 |TRITON SYN TRANSOIL,50,1/110 | $ 3.89 |LB |

|NEW:1074590 |P66,TRITON SYN TRANSOIL 50,1/110 | | |

|OLD: 1052757 |TRITON SYN TRANSOIL,50,1/35P | $ 3.89 |LB |

|NEW:1074591 |P66,TRITON SYN TRANSOIL 50,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1062356 |TRITON SYN TRANSOIL,50,1/385 | $ 3.79 |LB |

|NEW:1074592 |P66,TRITON SYN TRANSOIL 50,1/385 | | |

|OLD: 1053887 |TRITON SYN GEARLUBE 75W90,1/120 | $ 3.85 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/110 | | |

|OLD: 1053888 |TRITON SYN GEARLUBE 75W90,1/35P | $ 3.95 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1053885 |TRITON SYN GEARLUBE ,75W90,1/410 | $ 3.55 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1055163 |TRITON SYN GEARLUBE,80W140,1/120 | $ 3.85 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE,80W140,1/110 | | |

|OLD: 1053889 |TRITON SYN GEARLUBE ,80W140,1/35P | $ 3.95 |LB |

|NEW:1074588 |P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE,80W140,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1053886 |TRITON SYN GEARLUBE 80W140,1/410 | $ 3.55 |LB |

|NEW:1074589 |P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE,80W140,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1061645 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN GL FE,75W90,1/120 | $ 4.03 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/110 | | |

|OLD: 1061549 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN GL FE,75W90,1/35P | $ 4.13 |LB |

|NEW:1074583 |P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1061672 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN GL FE,75W90,1/410 | $ 3.73 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1062353 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN GEARLUBE,80W140,1/110 | $ 3.85 |LB |

|NEW:1074587 |P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE,80W140,1/110 | | |

|OLD: 1062354 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN GL FE,75W90,1/400 | $ 3.73 |LB |

|NEW:1074584 |P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1062355 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN GL FE,75W90,1/110 | $ 4.03 |LB |

|NEW:1074581 |P66,TRITON SYN GEAR LUBE FE,75W90,1/110 | | |

|OLD: 1062356 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN TRANSOIL,50,1/385 | $ 3.79 |LB |

|NEW: 1074592 |P66,TRITON SYN TRANSOIL 50,1/385 | | |

|OLD: 1011496 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN MTF 1/110 |$ 4.45 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: TRANSOIL 50 | | |

|OLD: 1071495 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN MTF 1/35P   | $ 4.45 |LB |

|NEW:1074598 |P66,TRITON SYNTHETIC MTF,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1071498 |FAMILY,TRITON SYN MTF 1/385 | $ 4.35 |LB |

|NEW: |SEE: TRANSOIL 50 | | |

|OLD: 1053684 |SYNCON R&O,100,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074466 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,100,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053685 |SYNCON R&O,100,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074467 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,100,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053686 |SYNCON R&O,150,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074468 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,150,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053687 |SYNCON R&O,150,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074469 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,150,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053688 |SYNCON R&O,220,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074470 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,220,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053689 |SYNCON R&O,220,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074471 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,220,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1056851 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,150,1/35M | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074446 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,150,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1056840 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,150,1/400 | $ 4.35 |LB |

|NEW:1074447 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,150,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1053636 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,220,1/35M | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074448 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,220,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1056838 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,220,1/35P | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074449 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,220,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1056839 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,220,1/390 | $ 4.35 |LB |

|NEW:1074450 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,220,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1053634 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,320,1/35M | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074452 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,320,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1056862 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,320,1/390 | $ 4.35 |LB |

|NEW:1074453 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,320,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1053637 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,460,1/35M | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074454 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,460,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1056852 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,460,1/390 | $ 4.35 |LB |

|NEW:1074455 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,460,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1056853 |SYNCON EP PLUS GO,680,1/390 | $ 4.35 |LB |

|NEW:1074456 |P66,SYNCON EP PLUS GEAR OIL,680,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1053678 |SYNCON R&O,32,1/55 | $ 28.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074472 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,32,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053679 |SYNCON R&O,32,1/5P | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074474 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,32,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053690 |SYNCON R&O,320,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074475 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,320,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053691 |SYNCON R&O,320,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074476 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,320,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053680 |SYNCON R&O,46,1/55 | $ 28.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074477 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,46,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053681 |SYNCON R&O,46,1/5P | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074478 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,46,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053692 |SYNCON R&O,460,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074479 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,460,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053693 |SYNCON R&O,460,1/5 Pail | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074480 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,460,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1055425 |SYNDUSTRIAL FR HYD, 46, 1/54 | $ 25.50 |GAL |

|NEW: |SEE: SYNDUSTRIAL, 46, 1/54 | | |

|OLD: 1061895 |SYNDUSTRIAL, 46, 1/55 | $ 25.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074493 |P66,SYNDUSTRIAL HYDRAULIC OIL,46,1/54 | | |

|OLD: 1055655 |TURBINE OIL,100,1/55 | $ 9.26 |GAL |

|NEW:1074610 |P66,TURBINE OIL,100,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055644 |TURBINE OIL,32,1/55 | $ 9.11 |GAL |

|NEW:1074905 |P66,TURBINE OIL,32,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055645 |TURBINE OIL,32,1/5M | $ 9.86 |GAL |

|NEW:1074614 |P66,TURBINE OIL,32,1/5M | | |

|OLD: 1055649 |TURBINE OIL,46,1/55 | $ 9.16 |GAL |

|NEW:1074906 |P66,TURBINE OIL,46,1/55 | | |

|Product Code |Product Name | Product Price |Unit of Measure |

|OLD: 1055651 |TURBINE OIL,68,1/55 | $ 9.16 |GAL |

|NEW:1076655 |P66,TURBINE OIL,68,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055652 |TURBINE OIL,68,1/5P | $ 9.56 |GAL |

|NEW:1074619 |P66,TURBINE OIL,68,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1055610 |MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,100,1/55 | $ 9.39 |GAL |

|NEW:1076652 |P66,MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,100,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055622 |MULTIPURPOSE R&OOIL,150,1/55P66,MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,150,1/55 | $ 9.39 |GAL |

|NEW:1076653 | | | |

|OLD: 1055624 |MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,150,1/5P | $ 10.39 |GAL |

|NEW:1075048 |P66,MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,150,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1055611 |MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,100,1/5M | $ 10.39 |GAL |

|NEW:1074228 |P66,MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,100,1/5M | | |

|OLD: 1055626 |MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,220,1/55 | $ 9.39 |GAL |

|NEW:1076654 |P66,MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,220,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1055632 |MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,220,1/5P | $ 9.89 |GAL |

|NEW:1074235 |P66,MULTIPURPOSE R&O OIL,220,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053693 |SYNCON R&O,460,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074480 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,460,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053682 |SYNCON R&O,68,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074481 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,68,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053683 |SYNCON R&O,68,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074482 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,68,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1053694 |SYNCON R&O,680,1/55 | $ 29.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074483 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,680,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1053695 |SYNCON R&O,680,1/5P | $ 30.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1074484 |P66,SYNCON R&O OIL,680,1/5P | | |

|OLD: 1044093 |MEGAPLEX XD3,#1,1/120 | $ 2.52 |LB |

|NEW:1074163 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD3,#1,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044091 |MEGAPLEX XD3,#1,1/400 | $ 2.37 |LB |

|NEW:1074164 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD3,#1,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044105 |MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,1/120 | $ 2.52 |LB |

|NEW:1074167 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044107 |MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,1/35P | $ 2.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074169 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1044103 |MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,1/400 | $ 2.37 |LB |

|NEW:1074170 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044168 |MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,40/14 | $ 3.02 |LB |

|NEW:1074171 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD3,#2,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044117 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#1,1/120 | $ 2.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074175 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#1,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044122 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#1,1/35P | $ 2.92 |LB |

|NEW:1074176 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#1,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1044113 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#1,1/400 | $ 2.62 |LB |

|NEW:1074177 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#1,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044162 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,1/120 | $ 2.77 |LB |

|NEW:1074184 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044165 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,1/35P | $ 2.92 |LB |

|NEW:1074186 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1044145 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,1/400 | $ 2.62 |LB |

|NEW:1074187 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044178 |MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,40/14 | $ 3.17 |LB |

|NEW:1074188 |P66,MEGAPLEX XD5,#2,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044219 |MULTIPLEX RED,#1,1/120 | $ 2.37 |LB |

|NEW:1074215 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#1,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044223 |MULTIPLEX RED,#1,1/35P | $ 2.47 |LB |

|NEW:1074216 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#1,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1044218 |MULTIPLEX RED,#1,1/400 | $ 2.57 |LB |

|NEW:1074217 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#1,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044148 |MULTIPLEX RED,#1,40/14 | $ 2.82 |LB |

|NEW:1074218 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#1,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044233 |MULTIPLEX RED,#2,1/120 | $ 2.37 |LB |

|NEW:1074220 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044234 |MULTIPLEX RED,#2,1/35P | $ 2.47 |LB |

|NEW:1074222 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#2,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1044229 |MULTIPLEX RED,#2,1/400 | $ 2.11 |LB |

|NEW:1074223 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#2,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044153 |MULTIPLEX RED,#2,40/14 | $ 2.82 |LB |

|NEW:1074225 |P66,MULTIPLEX RED GREASE,#2,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044334 |OMNIGUARD,#2,1/120 | $ 4.02 |LB |

|NEW:1074257 |P66,OMNIGUARD GREASE,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044329 |OMNIGUARD,#2,1/400 | $ 3.87 |LB |

|NEW:1074260 |P66,OMNIGUARD GREASE,#2,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1054798 |OMNIGUARD SRI, 1/35  | $ 3.18 |LB |

|NEW:1074262 |P66,OMNIGUARD SRI GREASE,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1054800 |OMNIGUARD,#2,40/15 | $ 4.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074261 |P66,OMNIGUARD GREASE,#2,40/15 | | |

|OLD: 1057113 |FAMILY, OMNIGUARD XD5, #1, 1/120  | $ 4.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074264 |P66,OMNIGUARD XD5 GREASE,#1,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1061602 |FAMILY, OMNIGUARD XD5, #2 40/15  | $ 4.67 |LB |

|NEW:1074267 |P66,OMNIGUARD XD5 GREASE,#2,40/15 | | |

| OLD: 1071498 |FAMILY, COUPLING GREASE, 40/14 | $ 4.56 |LB |

|NEW:1073928 |P66, COUPLING GREASE, 40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044239 |POLYTAC EP,#2,1/120 | $ 2.12 |LB |

|NEW:1074286 |P66,POLYTAC EP GREASE,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044242 |POLYTAC EP,#2,1/35P | $ 2.12 |LB |

|NEW:1074287 |P66,POLYTAC EP GREASE,#2,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1044238 |POLYTAC EP,#2,1/400 | $ 2.02 |LB |

|NEW:1074288 |P66,POLYTAC EP GREASE,#2,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044179 |POLYTAC EP,#2,40/14 | $ 2.22 |LB |

|NEW:1074289 |P66,POLYTAC EP GREASE,#2,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044248 |POLYTAC,#2,1/120 | $ 2.42 |LB |

|NEW:1074290 |P66,POLYTAC GREASE,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1044183 |POLYTAC,#2,40/14 | $ 2.52 |LB |

|NEW:1074291 |P66,POLYTAC GREASE,#2,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1044458 |TRITON XD5,#0,1/400 | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074600 |P66,TRITON XD5 GREASE,#0,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1044464 |TRITON XD5,#1,1/400 | $ 4.50 |LB |

|NEW:1074602 |P66,TRITON XD5 GREASE,#1,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1062651 |76,UNIMIX,2 CYCLE,1/55 | $ 13.36 |GAL |

|NEW:1073890 |P66,2T UNIMIX 2-CYCLE MOTOR OIL,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1062652 |76,UNIMIX,2 CYCLE,12/1 | $ 13.91 |GAL |

|NEW:1073891 |P66,2T UNIMIX 2-CYCLE MOTOR OIL,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1062655 |76,UNIMIX,2 CYCLE,4/1 | $ 13.91 |GAL |

|NEW:1056324 |P66, 2T UNIMIX,2 CYCLE MOTOR OIL,4/1 | | |

|OLD: 1044381 |CABLE LUBE, 1/35M | $ 2.47 |LB |

|NEW:1073921 |P66,CABLE LUBE,1/35M | | |

|OLD: 1057034 |UNOBA EP,#0,1/120 | $ 1.92 |LB |

|NEW:1074638 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#0,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1057035 |UNOBA EP,#0,1/35P | $ 2.06 |LB |

|NEW:1074639 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#0,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1057036 |UNOBA EP,#0,1/400 | $ 1.82 |LB |

|NEW:1074640 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#0,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1057037 |UNOBA EP,#00,1/120 | $ 1.92 |LB |

|NEW:1074641 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#00,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1057038 |UNOBA EP,#00,1/35P | $ 2.06 |LB |

|NEW:1074642 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#00,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 105703 |,UNOBA EP,#00,1/400 | $ 1.82 |LB |

|NEW:1074643 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#00,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1057105 |UNOBA EP,#1,1/120 | $ 1.92 |LB |

|NEW:1074644 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#1,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1057106 |UNOBA EP,#2,1/120 | $ 1.92 |LB |

|NEW:1074645 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#2,1/120 | | |

|OLD: 1056976 |UNOBA EP,#2,1/35P | $ 2.06 |LB |

|NEW:1074646 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#2,1/35P | | |

|OLD: 1056977 |UNOBA EP,#2,1/400 | $ 1.82 |LB |

|NEW:1074647 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#2,1/400 | | |

|OLD: 1056978 |UNOBA EP,#2,40/14 | $ 2.37 |LB |

|NEW:1074648 |P66,UNOBA EP GREASE,#2,40/14 | | |

|OLD: 1051826 |WHITE OIL,200/215,1/55 | $ 10.14 |GAL |

|NEW:1074655 |P66,WHITE OIL,200/215,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1051827 |WHITE OIL,340/365,1/55 | $ 10.14 |GAL |

|NEW:1074656 |P66,WHITE OIL,340/365,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1051856 |WHITE OIL,50/60,1/55 | $ 10.14 |GAL |

|NEW:1074657 |P66,WHITE OIL,50/60,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1051857 |WHITE OIL,65/75,1/55 | $ 10.14 |GAL |

|NEW:1074658 |P66,WHITE OIL,65/75,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1051825 |WHITE OIL,80/90,1/55 | $ 10.14 |GAL |

|NEW:1074659 |P66,WHITE OIL,80/90,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1045536 |PHILLIPS,X/C AVIATION HYD,5606H,1/55 | $ 16.89 |GAL |

|NEW: |SAME | | |

|OLD: 1045377 |PHILLIPS,X/C AVIATION HYD,5606A,6/1 | $ 17.84 |GAL |

|NEW: |SAME | | |

|OLD: 1045538 |PHILLIPS,X/C AVIATION HYD,5606H,24/1 | $ 17.84 |GAL |

|NEW: |SAME | | |

|OLD: 1055514 |VERSATRANS ATF,1/55 | $ 10.80 |GAL |

|NEW:1074902 |P66,VERSATRANS ATF,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1056095 |VERSATRANS,ATF,12/1 | $ 12.00 |GAL |

|NEW:1074652 |P66,VERSATRANS ATF,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1061594 |Kendall Versatrans LV 1/55 | $ 12.30 |GAL |

|NEW:1061594 |KENDALL,VERSATRANS LV ATF,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1061462 |Kendall Versatrans LV 12/1 | $ 13.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1075032 |KENDALL,VERSATRANS LV ATF,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1061596 |Kendall CVT Fluid 1/55 | $ 16.00 |GAL |


|OLD: 1061474 |Kendall CVT Fluid 12/1 | $ 17.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1075034 |KENDALL,CVT FLUID,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1061593 |Versatrans LV 1/55 | $ 12.00 |GAL |

|NEW:1075035 |P66,VERSATRANS LV ATF,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1061410 |Versatrans LV 12/1 | $ 13.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1075031 |P66,VERSATRANS LV ATF,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1061595 |CVT Fluid 1/55 | $ 16.00 |GAL |

|NEW:1074806 |P66,CVT FLUID,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1061473 |CVT Fluid 12/1 | $ 17.50 |GAL |

|NEW:1075033 |P66,CVT FLUID,12/1 | | |

|OLD: 1059721 |MULTI-WAY OIL HD,220,1/55 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1075012 |P66,MULTI-WAY OIL HD,220,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1059695 |MULTI-WAY OIL HD,32,1/55 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1074249 |P66,MULTI-WAY OIL HD,32,1/55 | | |

|OLD: 1059697 |MULTI-WAY OIL HD,68,1/55 | $ 8.66 |GAL |

|NEW:1075011 |P66,MULTI-WAY OIL HD,68,1/55 | | |


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