
 Baltimore City College High SchoolInternational Baccalaureate Middle Years ProgramPersonal Project GuideClass of 2021Table of Contents TOC \h \u \z \n Introduction…..…………………………………………………………………...page 2What is Personal Project?How will it be graded?What will be submitted to IB?What process will we follow to complete the project?Personal Project Task-Specific Rubric ……………………………………….page 4Investigating………………………………………...…………………………...page 6Create a Calendar for “Investigating”Choose a topic, global context, goal, and product.Process Journal IFinding and Using SourcesFinding sources on the internet:Creating your own data through interviews: (not everyone has to do this)Creating your own data through surveys: (not everyone has to do this)Creating an Annotated BibliographyInformation you need to record from each source in order to create your bibliography:Information you need from each source in order to create your annotations.MLA Citation GuideProcess Journal IIPlanning…………………………………………………………………………...page 21Create a Calendar for “Planning”Process Journal IIIFinding Additional Sources and Adding to your Annotated BibliographyCreate Criteria for Your ProductProcess Journal IVTaking Action……………………………………………………………………...page 28Create a Calendar for Taking ActionProcess Journal VCreate Your ProductRevise and AdjustProcess Journal VIReflecting…………………………………………………………………………..page 36Create a Calendar for “Reflecting”Writing Your Personal Project ReportIntroductionWhat is Personal Project? A project that explores something that is really interesting to you. A project that is challenging for you. A chance to show the Approaches to Learning that you’ve developed as an MYP student.How will it be graded? The Personal Project at Baltimore City College is a full credit course completed by the student by the end of the first semester of their sophomore year. Grades for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 are formative as students complete tasks designed to facilitate the successful submission of the project. Students will receive feedback on this formative work and will have the opportunity to revise the tasks. The four components of the full project are due at the end of Quarter 2. Quarter 3 grades are Summative, graded against the Personal Project Rubric. During Quarter 3 students work to revise the full project based on adviser feedback for submission to IB. This final grade on the project as a whole is also the final grade for the course. What will be submitted to IB?A Product A ReportAn Annotated Bibliography Process JournalsWhat process will we follow to complete the project?TasksQuarter 1 Progress ReportsInvestigatingChoose a topic. Identify a global context that helps you shape your Topic. Identify a goal for your Personal Project. Decide on a Product. Take time to answer the questions for the first process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Investigating” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Research at least 2-3 sources to help you understand your topic, accomplish your goal, and create your product. These can include surveys and interviews that you create. Take notes on your sources.Analyze the values and limitations of your sources given the origin, purpose, and content. Take time to answer the reflection questions for the second process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Quarter 1Report CardPlanningTake time to answer the reflection questions for the third process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Planning” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2. Research at least 5-6 more sources to help you understand your topic, accomplish your goal, and create your product. These can include surveys and interviews. Take notes on your sources. Create an Annotated Bibliography with your sources that includes MLA bibliography entries and annotations that evaluate the values and limitations of your sources given the origin, purpose, and content of the sources in helping you complete your project. Write a description of your perfect product, using between 4-7 criteria.Take time to answer the reflection questions for the fourth process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Quarter 2Progress ReportTaking ActionTake time to answer the reflection questions for the fifth process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Taking Action” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Create your product. Do more research if you need to. Look at and revise the following, if you’ve made any changes. (It is very logical to have changed things as you research and create your product!): topic, goal statement, global context, or criteria for product. Take time to answer the reflection questions for the sixth process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Quarter 2Report CardReflectingTake time to answer the reflection questions for the seventh process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Reflecting” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Write the “Investigating” section of your report. Use your process journals to help you.Write the “Planning” section of your report. Use your process journals to help you. Write the “Taking Action” section of your report. Use your process journals to help you. Write the “Reflecting” section of your report. Use your process journals to help you. Prepare your Product, Report, Annotated Bibliography and Process Journals for final submission and submit. Personal Project Task-Specific RubricYour report should be at least 1500 words long, double-spaced and typed in a 12 point font. It should have a Title Page, Table of Contents and 4 Sections: Investigating, Planning, Taking Action, and Reflecting. 7-85-63-41-2CRITERION A:INVESTIGATINGDefine a clear and highly challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests.Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge that is consistently highly relevant to the project.Demonstrate excellent research skills. Define a clear and challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests.Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge that is generally relevant to the project.Demonstrate substantial research skills.Outline a basic and appropriate goal and context for the project based on personal interests.Identify basic prior learning and subject-specific knowledge that is relevant to some areas of the project.Demonstrate adequate research skills.State a goal and context for the project based on personal interests, but this may be limited in depth or accessibility. Identify basic prior learning and subject-specific knowledge but this may be limited in occurrence or relevance.Demonstrate limited research skills.TASK SPECIFIC CLARIFICATIONS: INVESTIGATINGIn the Investigating section of the report: Comprehensive explanation of goalClear explanation how global context is appropriate for project and description of how it shapes the project. Convincing evidence that the project is personal to you in some wayClear connection to prior learning both inside and outside of the classroom -- academic skills, process-oriented skills like research and writing, and specific content. Explain at least one Research Skill from the Approaches to Learning that you had prior to the project that helped you complete it successfully. Discuss at least two specific Research Skills from the Approaches to Learning and how you developed them through doing this project, using your process journals as evidence. In the Reflection section of the report: Cite using MLA in-text citations what information you learned about your goal through your research. Throughout the report: Cite your process journals using the date (in parentheses) as a source of information. In the Annotated Bibliography: Accurate MLA bibliography entries for at least 8 sources.. Evaluate the values and limitations of your sources in terms of their origin, purpose, and content. CRITERION B: PLANNINGDevelop rigorous criteria for the product/outcome.Present a detailed and accurate plan and record of the development process of the project. Demonstrate excellent self-management skills. Develop substantial and appropriate criteria for the product/outcome.Present a substantial plan and record of the development process of the project. Demonstrate substantial self-management skills.Develop adequate criteria for the product/outcome.Present an adequate plan and record of the development process of the project. Demonstrate adequate self-management skills.Develop limited criteria for the product/outcome.Present a limited or partial plan and record the development process of the project. Demonstrate limited self-management skills. TASK-SPECIFIC CLARIFICATIONS: PLANNINGIn the Planning section of your report: Describe and justify at least 4 criterion that describe your perfect product. Include a calendar with a month-by-month plan of what specific tasks you will accomplish towards the completion of your project and when.Include an account of how accurately you followed your plan and an analysis of how and why the process of completion ended up being different than the plan. Explain at least one self-management skill from the Approaches to Learning that you had prior to the project that helped you complete it successfully. Explain at least two self-management skills from the Approaches to Learning that you have further developed over the project, give specific examples, using your process journals as evidence. CRITERION C:TAKING ACTIONCreate an excellent product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria. Demonstrate excellent thinking skills. Demonstrate excellent communication and social skills. Create a substantial product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria. Demonstrate substantial thinking skills. Demonstrate substantial communication and social skills. Create a basic product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria. Demonstrate adequate thinking skills. Demonstrate adequate communication and social skills.Create a limited product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria. Demonstrate limited thinking skills. Demonstrate limited communication and social skills.TASK-SPECIFIC CLARIFICATIONS: TAKING ACTIONMake a product that clearly shows the goal was achieved, fits the global context and the criteria you created. In the Taking Action section of the report: Explain at least one Thinking Skill from the Approaches to Learning that you had prior to the project that helped you complete it successfully. Discuss at least two specific Thinking Skills from the Approaches to Learning and how you developed them through doing this project using your process journals as evidence. Explain at least one Communication and Social Skills from the Approaches to Learning that you had prior to the project that helped you complete it successfully. Discuss at least two specific Communication and Social Skills from the Approaches to Learning and how you developed them through doing this project, using your process journals as evidence. CRITERION D:REFLECTINGPresent an excellent evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria. Present excellent reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and global context. Present excellent reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project. Present a substantial evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria. Present substantial reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and global context. Present substantial reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.Present a basic evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria. Present adequate reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and global context. Present adequate reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.Present a limited evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria. Present limited reflection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and global context. Present limited reflection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.TASK SPECIFIC CLARIFICATIONS: REFLECTINGIn the Reflecting section of the report: Discuss the extent to which you achieved each of the criteria you laid out in the Planning section. Explain, in detail, what you have learned about the global context you identified in the Investigating section by completing your project. Use process journals as evidence. Explain, in detail, what you have learned about the topic you identified in the Investigating section by completing your project. Use the sources from your research as evidence. Explain, in detail, at least two different ways that you grew as an IB Learner by completing your project. Use process journals as evidence. InvestigatingAs you start thinking about Personal Project and what you want to do, it’s important that you take time to investigate a variety of options. Remember, Personal Project can be about anything – as long as it is personal and challenging for you! You have 3 weeks to complete the following tasks for the “Investigating” stage of the Personal Project. (Worksheets and further instructions follow.) Choose a topic. Identify a global context that helps you shape your Topic. Identify a goal for your Personal Project. Decide on a Product. Take time to answer the questions for the first process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Investigating” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Research at least 2-3 sources to help you understand your topic, accomplish your goal, and create your product. These can include surveys and interviews that you create. Take notes on your sources.Analyze the values and limitations of your sources given the origin, purpose, and content. Take time to answer the reflection questions for the second process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Create a Calendar for “Investigating” -- DUE DATE OCTOBER 1Your first task is to create a calendar for yourself describing specifically when you are going to complete each of the tasks listed above within the three weeks allotted. Then, go back and note when you actually complete each task. It’s important to pay attention to the difference between when you were supposed to have done something and when you actually did it and why that might have been. If a task is already completed, take note of when you did it. Include actual dates. Week 19/10-9/14Week 29/17-9/21Week 39/24-9/28Mon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun.Choose a topic, global context, goal, and product. Find a topic -- it can be anything that is interesting, that you think you can work on for several months, and is not something about which you are already an expert. Think about things you’ve learned in school, something you’ve always wanted to do or make, problems you see in your community or in the country. It can be anything!Brainstorming Topics: 2. Choose a Global Context to shape your topic -- it’s like a filter that changes how a topic looks and what you focus on. Identities and Relationships: identity, personal health, relationshipsOrientation in Space and Time: histories, turning points, discovery, migrationPersonal and Cultural Expression: culture, beliefs, values, creativity, aestheticScientific and Cultural Innovation: natural world, people and science, adaptationGlobalization and Sustainability: interconnectedness, local/global, tensions created, humans/environmentFairness and Development: rights/responsibilities, finite resources, equal opportunitiesHow does each global context change your focus for your topic? Write a question that you might explore for each of these different global contexts for your topic. Then, choose the ONE that you like the best and that will become your focus. Identities and Relationships: Orientation in Space and Time: Personal and Cultural Expression: Scientific and Cultural Innovation: Globalization and Sustainability:Fairness and Development: 3. Choose a product that will allow you to show that you achieved your goal. Some Product Ideas: Documentary, Multimedia presentation, Children’s story, Performance, Teach a set of classes, An editorial, Event, Website, Blog, A novel or short story, Create a discussion group, Documentary, Multimedia presentation, Children’s story, Performance, Teach a set of classes, An editorial, Event, Website, Blog, A novel or short story, Create a discussion group (OR WHATEVER YOU WANT!)Brainstorm Product Ideas -- justify why it’s a good idea! 4. Establish a goal by choosing a verb and an audience to match your topic (as shaped by your global context), as well as a product. Verb possibilities: inform, persuade, create, compare, contrast, discover, explore, investigate, build, test…Audience Examples: People who are interested in…, City College students, Teachers, Parents, Government, community, business or school leaders, Artists, People who…, Boys/men, Girls/women…(it is fine to have an audience of one!)Write in here your goal statement that includes the topic you like the most (as narrowed by a global context), the statement of what you are going to do (that includes a verb), your audience and your product. Process Journal IAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Try to write 3-4 sentence answers for each question. Answering these questions thoroughly is essential to creating your report at the end of the process. YOU MUST ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. IF YOU THINK A QUESTION DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, THEN THINK AGAIN OR DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY SO THAT IT DOES. What is your goal and why is it personally interesting to you? Why do you want to achieve this goal?How are you going to achieve this goal? Be as specific as possible in your description, thinking about both what you need to do and what you need to think about. Why is this goal challenging for you? It could be challenging in a number of ways – academically because of the research you will need to do, in terms of process because creating your product is challenging and/or in terms of content because the information is new and difficult to understand.What do you already know that will help you accomplish this goal and create your product? Be specific – think about what you know about the topic, how to create your product, or the process of doing the research. Be sure to specify where and how you learned what you know and give examples. What you have already learned in your classes that will help you accomplish your goal and create your product? Again, think about the content and/or the process that you will use to do research, record your thinking, and create your product. Name specific classes and activities you’ve done that will help. What is your global context and why was it an appropriate choice for your project? In what ways does your global context shape your topic to help you create your goal statement? (You might want to explain how other global contexts shaped your topic differently and why you didn’t like those other options as well.)Who did you choose for your audience and why did you make this choice? In what ways does your choice of audience shape your goal statement and product? What is your product and why is this product an appropriate choice to show how you have accomplished your goal? This is a list of Research Skills from the Approaches to Learning. Research Skills: Understand how, when and why you use references and citations – in-text or footnotes -- and construct a bibliography according to MLA, Chicago/Turabian or APA. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media (including digital social media and online networks.)Create, collect, and/or analyze data that helps you understand your topic and project more thoroughly. Analyze the values and limitations of sources critically, thinking about each source’s origin, purpose, and content. Understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation when analyzing information. Demonstrate awareness of media interpretations of events and ideas (including digital social media).Understand and implement intellectual property rights of texts, videos, and music by respecting copyrights and not plagiarizing. Pick at least one that you think that you know something about and explain, using specific examples, how you will use that/those Research Skills to help you in completing your Personal Project. Now, from the same list of Research Skills, pick at least two that you will work on improving as you complete your Personal Project. Throughout the work on Personal Project, you will be asked how you are sharing the skills that you are developing with your peers. This might mean that you are helping someone else, receiving help from someone else, or just working with someone to problem-solve together. You can do this by forming a Personal Project work group with your friends, by going to the Research or Writing centers to work with tutors, and/or by planning regular check-in sessions with your advisor. Try to do a variety of these things throughout the two quarters as you accomplish your project. Right now, make a plan as to how you are going to collaborate with others on Research Skills through the “Investigating” set of tasks. Finding and Using SourcesEach Personal Project requires that you do research and find outside sources of information. This process is different for each project. You will need at least 8 different sources total. Start here by finding 2-3 good sources that are really helpful. Everyone needs some written sources from the internet, books or magazines; however, everyone will not need interviews or surveys. EVERYONE needs to find sources on the internet: Start by typing in your topic or question into the search bar. Browse the list of sources -- look at the ones that are from .gov, .edu, or .org sites. Some .com sites are ok if they are from well-known news sources. If you find a good source then pull keywords from it and use those as your new search terms. Initial question or topic statement: New search terms found from good sources that will help you look for more good sources: Taking Notes from Sources: You need to take notes from each source you find. The information you discover will help you create your product. You will also use these notes when you write your Process Journal VI and when you write the “Reflecting” section of your report, discussing what you’ve learned as you’ve completed the project. Ideas for taking notes: Take notes in bullet points. Paraphrase more, quote less. Make sure that you put the author name (if it has one) or source title and the page number (if it has one) at the end of each bullet point in parentheses. This will be your citation. Name of SourceNotes from the Source-- include page number where you find the informationIF YOU WANT TO (not everyone has to do this) -- Creating your own data through interviews: When thinking about doing interviews it is important to decide: What do you want to know? What questions can you ask to find out this information? Who will help you get this information? What questions will I ask? A good interview probably has between 3-10 questions. Who will I interview? (include specific names, if you have them, and the number of people and a description if you don’t)IF YOU WANT TO -- (not everyone has to do this) -- Creating your own data through surveys: Creating a good survey can be difficult. Think about: What information do you want to get from the survey? What questions do you need to ask to get this information? Who do you need to give your survey? And how many people? (you probably need to think about getting a lot of responses for your survey – usually surveys are more accurate if more people respond to them)What questions do you want to ask in your survey? Who do you need to take your survey? Include how many surveys you plan to have filled out. Creating an Annotated BibliographyInformation you need to record from each source in order to create your bibliography: Name of author/creator of survey/person you are interviewing;Full title of source;Date source was created;Publisher – if appropriate: name of website or name of organization, newspaper, or magazine. If it is something you created (an interview or survey) it will have no publisher; Type of source: print, web, video, interview, or survey;Place where you found the source: URL or actual location;Date you looked at or created the source.Source 1Source 2Source 3Author nameTitleDate CreatedPublisherType of sourceURLDate you found itInformation you need from each source in order to create your annotations. Origin: Research the author/creator. What is his/her profession? Training? When was the source created? What type of source is it? Purpose: Why was the source created? Content: Write a summary of the information and arguments in the source. Values: Analyze how valuable the source is for helping you understand your topic and reach your goal based on the origin, purpose and content. Limitations: Analyze the ways in which the source is limited in helping you understand your topic and reach your goal based on the origin, purpose and content. Source 1Source 2Source 3OriginPurposeContentValuesLimitationsPutting it all together: Create your bibliography entry for each source in MLA style. You can use a citation generator or the chart below to guide you. Create an annotation for each source by turning your OPCVL from your chart into a paragraph. MLA Citation Format Without AnnotationsOnline Journal Article, Newspaper or MagazineAuthor Last name, first name. “Article title.” Title of Journal Volume. Number, year of publication: n. pag. Web. Date of access. URL. BookLastname, Firstname.?Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Print.Article from or Page on a Website with no author“Article title.” Website Name. Publisher of Website, date of publication. Web. Date of Access. URL. Article from a website with an authorAuthor Last name, First name. “Article title.” Website Name. Publisher of Website, date of publication. Web. Date of Access. URL. Personal InterviewLast Name, First Name of Interviewee. Personal interview. Day Month and Year of interview. Youtube videoAuthor’s Name or Poster’s Username. “Title of Image or Video.” On-line Video.?Name of Website. Name of Website’s Publisher, date of?posting. Medium. Date retrieved.URL.Process Journal IIAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Try to write 3-4 sentence answers for each question. Answering these questions thoroughly is essential to creating your report at the end of the process. YOU MUST ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. IF YOU THINK A QUESTION DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, THEN THINK AGAIN OR DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY SO THAT IT DOES. What is your global context? What new information have you learned about your global context by doing your initial research? In what ways have you deepened your understanding? What are you doing well so far as you complete this project? How do you need to improve? Have you made any changes to the project so far (like to your goal? Global context? product?) What changes? Why? (this is the ONE question to which you may not have an answer and that is fine – if you’ve made no changes it is ok) What is your topic and what new information have you learned by doing your research? Write a paragraph here based on your new information. Use MLA in-text citations as you cite information from your sources. These sources can include your surveys and/or interviews, but also should include some other academic sources. What other research do you still need to do? What information do you still need? What sources will you use to find that information? Think back to question #9 in your first process journal where we asked you to identify a Research Skill that you already knew. What was this skill and how has it helped you with this project so far? Think back to question #10 in your first process journal where we asked you to identify a Research Skill that you were going to work on as you developed this project. What was this skill and how have you further developed it so far through doing the project? Think back to the plan that you made in your first process journal to collaborate with others throughout the “Investigating” tasks. What kinds of collaboration have you done with Research Skills? Below are listed the IB Learner Profile characteristics. IB Learner Profile CharacteristicsInquirersKnowledgeableThinkersCommunicatorsPrincipledOpen-mindedCaringRisk-takersBalancedReflectivePick at least one characteristic that you will work on as you complete this project. Describe how you’ve developed this characteristic(s) so far and how and why you need to continue to work on it. PlanningNow that you have established your topic, global context, goal and product and completed some research it’s time to plan. You have 3 weeks to complete the following tasks for the “Planning” stage of the Personal Project. (Worksheets and further instructions follow.)Take time to answer the reflection questions for the third process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Planning” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2. Research at least 5-6 more sources to help you understand your topic, accomplish your goal, and create your product. These can include surveys and interviews. Take notes on your sources. Create an Annotated Bibliography with your sources that includes MLA bibliography entries and annotations that evaluate the values and limitations of your sources given the origin, purpose, and content of the sources in helping you complete your project. Write a description of your perfect product, using between 4-7 criteria.Take time to answer the reflection questions for the fourth process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Create a Calendar for “Planning”Your first task is to create a calendar for yourself describing specifically when you are going to complete each of the tasks listed above within the three weeks allotted. Then, go back and note when you actually complete each task. It’s important to pay attention to the difference between when you were supposed to have done something and when you actually did it and why that might have been. If a task is already completed, take note of when you did it. Include actual dates. If there are any tasks from Investigating that you haven’t completed, include them here.Week 1Week 2Week 3Mon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun.Process Journal IIIAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Try to write 3-4 sentence answers for each question. Answering these questions thoroughly is essential to creating your report at the end of the process. YOU MUST ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. IF YOU THINK A QUESTION DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, THEN THINK AGAIN OR DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY SO THAT IT DOES. Look at your calendar for “Investigating.” Explain what you have accomplished so far on your Project, when you accomplished it, and how closely you followed your original plan. Explain why you did or did not accomplish each task when you thought you would. (It’s fine to have not followed your plan! And, you can be honest about why you did or did not follow it! )What has gone well for the project so far? What would you like to improve as you go forward? Describe what your perfect product would look like – be as specific as possible. Think about size, content, and appearance. Below is a list of the Self-Management Approaches to Learning skills. Pick two that you did well before you started the project and describe how you are using those skills to help you with your project. Self-Management Skills: Make plans that are logically sequential and efficient.Demonstrate persistence and perseverance. Use appropriate strategies for organizing complex information. Select and use technology effectively and productively. Practice strategies to overcome distractions. Practice being aware of body–mind connections. Practice “bouncing back” after adversity, mistakes and failures.Now pick at least one Self-Management skill from the above list that you are going to work on developing throughout the rest of the project. Throughout the work on Personal Project, you will be asked how you are sharing the skills that you are developing with your peers. This might mean that you are helping someone else, receiving help from someone else, or just working with someone to problem-solve together. You can do this by forming a Personal Project work group with your friends, by going to the Research or Writing centers to work with tutors, and/or by planning regular check-in sessions with your advisor. Try to do a variety of these things throughout the two quarters as you accomplish your project. Right now, make a plan as to how you are going to collaborate with others on Self-Management Skills through the “Planning” set of tasks. Finding Additional Sources and Adding to your Annotated BibliographyNow that you’ve done some research and maybe adjusted your goal statement and product based on what you’ve found, it’s time to find some more sources to help round out your understanding of your topic. You need at least 8 sources total, including interviews and surveys (one survey, even if you survey 100 people, counts as one source). To find more sources think about: What do you need to learn more about in order to understand your topic fully?What do you need to learn more about in order to achieve your goal?What do you need to learn more about in order to create your product? For each source you’ll need to take notes and add the OPCVL and Bibliography Entry to your Annotated Bibliography. See here for a reminder of what you need to do for an OPCVL and how to create a Bibliography Entry. For interviews and surveys: If you created an interview, do you need to adjust the questions? Or ask additional people your questions? If you created a survey, do you need to adjust the questions? Or ask additional people to complete your survey? Create Criteria for Your ProductPersonal Project is really about you putting the Approaches to Learning into practice by creating a goal and product of your choice. Part of this process is learning how to evaluate your own work. The first step to doing this it to create your own standards, or criteria, for what your product will look like. To do this you need to think about your “perfect” product. For each of the areas below, describe what your perfect product would have and explain why you would make that choice. Description of what you want to doWhy? What is your rationale? Size (how big? or how long?)Content (what will it cover?)Materials (what will you use to create it? If it is electronic then what program/s will you use?)Audience (for whom have you created it?)Design (how will it look? Color? Illustrations? Fonts? Pictures?)Process Journal IVAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Try to write 3-4 sentence answers for each question. Answering these questions thoroughly is essential to creating your report at the end of the process. YOU MUST ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. IF YOU THINK A QUESTION DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, THEN THINK AGAIN OR DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY SO THAT IT DOES. Look at your calendar for “Investigating” and “Planning.” Explain what you have accomplished so far on your Project, when you accomplished it, and how closely you followed your original plan. Explain why you did or did not accomplish each task when you thought you would. (It’s fine to have not followed your plan! And, you can be honest about why you did or did not follow it! )What was the IB Learner Profile characteristic(s) that you were going to work on throughout the project that you identified in Process Journal II? In what ways have you further developed this characteristic? Give specific stories/examples that show your development. Is there a new IB Learner Profile characteristic that you want to work on throughout the rest of the project? If so, identify it and explain in what ways you want to develop further. What new have you learned about your topic and your global context? Explain as specifically as possible what you have learned so far. Think back to the plan that you made in Process Journal III to collaborate with others throughout the “Planning” tasks. What kinds of collaboration have you done with Self-Management Skills? Taking ActionNow that you have planned your project, it is time to complete your product and show that you have accomplished your goal. Remember that as you complete your product you may need to revise your goal, global context, research, and/or your annotated bibliography. All of this is a normal part of completing a long-term project! You have 3 weeks to complete the following tasks for the “Taking Action” stage of the Personal Project. (Worksheets and further instructions follow.)Take time to answer the reflection questions for the fifth process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Taking Action” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Create your product. Do more research if you need to. Look at and revise the following, if you’ve made any changes. (It is very logical to have changed things as you research and create your product!): topic, goal statement, global context, or criteria for product. Take time to answer the reflection questions for the sixth process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Create a Calendar for Taking ActionYour first task is to create a calendar for yourself describing specifically when you are going to complete each of the tasks listed above within the three weeks allotted. Then, go back and note when you actually complete each task. It’s important to pay attention to the difference between when you were supposed to have done something and when you actually did it and why that might have been. If a task is already completed, take note of when you did it. Include actual dates. Add in here any tasks from Investigating and/or Planning that you haven’t finished.Week 1Week 2Week 3Mon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun.Process Journal VAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Try to write 3-4 sentence answers for each question. Answering these questions thoroughly is essential to creating your report at the end of the process. YOU MUST ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. IF YOU THINK A QUESTION DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, THEN THINK AGAIN OR DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY SO THAT IT DOES. What has gone well for the project so far? What would you like to improve as you go forward? Below is a list of the Thinking Approaches to Learning Skills. Pick two that you did well before you started the project and describe how you are using those skills to help you with your project. Thinking Skills: Evaluate evidence, arguments and propositions.Recognize bias. Develop counter-arguments. Break complicated issues into smaller parts in order to create new understanding.Use models and simulations to explore problems. Troubleshoot systems and applications.Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways.Practice flexible thinking—develop multiple opposing, contradictory and complementary arguments.Create new solutions to real-world problems.Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas.Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.Examine issues and problems from different perspectives.Now pick at least one Thinking Skill from the above list that you are going to work on developing throughout the rest of the project. Below is a list of the Communication Approaches to Learning Skills. Pick two that you did well before you started the project and describe how you are using those skills to help you with your project. Communication Skills: Be sensitive to other cultures when trying to communicate with one another.Use appropriate forms of writing and speaking for different purposes and audiences.Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences.Use and interpret a range of terms and symbols.Paraphrase accurately and concisely.Preview and skim texts to build understanding.Work effectively with experts and/or supervisor.Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas. Now pick at least one Communication Skill from the above list that you are going to work on developing throughout the rest of the project. Throughout the work on Personal Project, you will be asked how you are sharing the skills that you are developing with your peers. This might mean that you are helping someone else, receiving help from someone else, or just working with someone to problem-solve together. You can do this by forming a Personal Project work group with your friends, by going to the Research or Writing centers to work with tutors, and/or by planning regular check-in sessions with your advisor. Try to do a variety of these things throughout the two quarters as you accomplish your project. Right now, make a plan as to how you are going to collaborate with others on Thinking and Communication Skills through the “Taking Action” set of tasks. Create Your ProductYou’ve now researched and planned, it’s time to create your product. Below write a plan for how and when you are going to do this. Step(split it into as many steps as you think you need – it can be more or less than 8!)Materials you needWhen are you going to do this?Write down here when you actually get it done. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Revise and AdjustAs you’ve created your product, it’s possible that you’ve figured out that something isn’t quite working – maybe you’ve needed to change your goal, your global context, your product. Or you’ve needed to find new sources to help you achieve your goal. Or, you’ve decided to change the criteria for your product. Now is the time to go back to all of those parts of the project and make those changes. Check and update your:Goal statementGlobal contextAudienceProductNotes from your sourcesAnnotated bibliographyCriteria for ProductProcess Journal VIAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Try to write 3-4 sentence answers for each question. Answering these questions thoroughly is essential to creating your report at the end of the process. YOU MUST ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH ACTUAL INFORMATION. IF YOU THINK A QUESTION DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, THEN THINK AGAIN OR DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY SO THAT IT DOES. Look at your calendar for “Investigating,” “Planning,” and “Taking Action.” Explain what you have accomplished so far on your Project, when you accomplished it, and how closely you followed your original plan. Explain why you did or did not accomplish each task when you thought you would. (It’s fine to have not followed your plan! And, you can be honest about why you did or did not follow it! )Look back at the Criteria that you developed for your Product in the “Planning” tasks. Did you change any of the Criteria? If so, explain why and what the new Criteria are. Describe each Criterion and evaluate how well you accomplished each Criterion that you set out for yourself. In what ways did the process you used (timing, steps you took, sources you used) to develop your project impact how well it turned out? Use specific examples in order to explain your process. What was/were the IB Learner Profile characteristic(s) that you were going to work on throughout the project that you identified in Process Journal II or IV? In what ways have you further developed this characteristic or characteristics? Give specific stories/examples that show your development. Is there a new IB Learner Profile characteristic that you want to work on throughout the rest of the project? What new have you learned about your topic and your global context? Explain as specifically as possible what you have learned so far. Think back to the plan that you made in your first process journal to collaborate with others throughout the “Taking Action” tasks. What kinds of collaboration have you done with Thinking and Communication Skills? Overall, what have you liked about creating your Product? What would you have liked to have been different? ReflectingYour product is done, your goal is accomplished. Now it is time to reflect on your experiences and what you’ve learned as you’ve completed the process. You have 3 weeks to complete the following tasks for the “Investigating” stage of the Personal Project. (Worksheets and further instructions follow.) Take time to answer the reflection questions for the seventh process journal thoughtfully and thoroughly. You’ll use these answers to write the “Reflecting” section of your report in the second half of Quarter 2.Write the “Investigating” section of your report. Use your process journals from Quarter 1 to help you.Write the “Planning” section of your report. Use your process journals from Quarter 1 to help you. Write the “Taking Action” section of your report. Use your process journals from Quarter 2 to help you. Write the “Reflecting” section of your report. Use your process journals from Quarter 2 to help you.Prepare your Product, Report, Annotated Bibliography and Process Journals for final submission and submit.Create a Calendar for “Reflecting”Your first task is to create a calendar for yourself describing specifically when you are going to complete each of the tasks listed above within the three weeks allotted. Then, go back and note when you actually complete each task. It’s important to pay attention to the difference between when you were supposed to have done something and when you actually did it and why that might have been. If a task is already completed, take note of when you did it. Include actual dates. Add in here any tasks from Investigating, Planning and/or Taking Action that you have not yet finished. Week 1Week 2Week 3Mon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun.Writing Your Personal Project ReportYour Report should:Be 1500-3500 words long, written in coherent paragraphs;Rely on your Process Journals and your research as evidence to help you write this -- provide in-text citations when referring to specific Process Journals or outside sources; Be 12 point, double-spaced, Arial font;Be split into 4 labeled sections: Investigating, Planning, Taking Action, Reflecting;Have a Table of Contents with the page numbers for each of those 4 sections. Have a title page with this information:Student nameTitleAdvisor NameLength (word count)School NameYear.InvestigatingIn the “Investigating” section make sure you: give the precise meaning of the goal of your Project; explain “what I wanted to achieve; when, where, how and why I wanted to achieve it;”define the global context that applies best to your Project and how it helped shape your project; describe what makes your Project personal: the experiences, interests and ideas that make it important to you;explain the changes you made to your goal (if you did) and why you made those changes; identify what you already knew about this topic/project before you started and the sources of your knowledge (include in-text citations when referring to specific sources you’d read prior to beginning the project);identify what you learned in your classes before the Project started, and how this was helpful (think about both process and content); Describe the specific Research Skills you had when you started the Project and how these skills specifically helped you complete the Project;Discuss the Research Skills you developed through the Project and how they helped you; Explain how you may have shared your research skills to help peers who needed more practice.PlanningIn the “Planning” section make sure you:refer to the criteria you designed to evaluate the Project Product/Outcome (make sure that you both specify your criteria AND explain your rationale for including each particular criterion --why was that criterion essential to the success of your Project?);explain any changes you made to your criteria and why you made them; provide evidence of planning through timelines, milestones or other tools/strategies (you can copy your Planning Calendars in this section, or refer to them specifically-- you also can refer directly to Process Journal entries that discuss planning or milestones);present a record of how the Project progressed from start to finish (again, this could be a timeline or calendar of what you actually accomplished and when, refer to your Process Journal entries by date and make sure to include any you refer to as one of the 10 you submit as evidence.)describe the self-management skills you had when you started the Project and how these helped you accomplish the Project; discuss the self-management skills you developed through the Project and how they helped you accomplish the Project; explain how you may have shared your self-management skills to help peers who needed more practice.Taking ActionIn the “Taking Action” section make sure you:discuss the Product/Outcome as the result of the process undertaken during the Project (for instance, did you try to cram it all in at the end and not do as well as you should have? Or did you plan well and do it thoroughly?);describe the specific thinking skills from the Approaches to Learning you had when you started the Project and how they helped you accomplish the Project; discuss the Thinking Skills you developed through the Project and how they helped you accomplish the Project;explain how you may have shared your Thinking Skills to help peers who needed more practice;describe the specific Communication and Social Skills you had when you started the Project and how they helped you accomplish the Project; discuss the Communication and Social Skills you developed through the Project and how they helped you accomplish the Project;explain how you may have shared your Communication and Social Skills to help peers who needed more practice.Reflecting In the “Reflecting” section make sure you:evaluate the Product/Outcome against the each criterion you designed, make clear how and why you accomplished or didn’t accomplish each criterion; identify the strengths, weaknesses and possible improvements of the Product/Outcome;identify challenges you faced in completing the Project and the solutions you developed to meet them;demonstrate a deeper knowledge and understanding of your topic and your identified global context (this is the section where you will pull from the research you did -- include in-text MLA citations as you reference your sources); identify how you have developed specific IB Learner Profile characteristics throughout completing your Project; discuss my strengths and weaknesses in completing the Project;discuss the impact the Project could have on my future learning. ................

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