Police Executive Research Forum Major Cities Chiefs ...

[Pages:5]Police Executive Research Forum Major Cities Chiefs Association FBI National Executive Institute Associates

Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel 340 North 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

June 2 ? June 5, 2015

The agenda below includes all meetings and events for the 2015 PERF MCCA NEIA conference. All registered attendees are invited to participate in all sessions and evening events.

Board meetings and subcommittee meetings for PERF, MCCA and NEIA are not listed in this agenda. Please watch for separate correspondence regarding these meetings.

All meetings and meals will be held on the Second and Third Floors of the Sheraton Hotel. Please watch for posted signs throughout the hotel.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

12:00 pm ? 5:00 pm Registration

Room: "Valley Pre-Function"

6:30 pm ? 8:00 pm

MCCA Welcome Event Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Atlanta Braves Game begins at 6:40 pm ? pick up tickets at Registration

Hosted by TASER International

Chase Field 401 E Jefferson St

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

7:00 ? 8:30 am

MCCA Legislative Committee Meeting By Invitation Only

Room: Ahwatukee A

7:30 am ? 5:00 pm Registration

Valley Pre-Function

7:30 ? 8:30 am

Continental Breakfast

Valley of the Sun

8:30 am ? 12:00 pm Major Cities Chiefs Association Meeting

Phoenix ABC

8:30 am

Presentation of Colors, Welcoming Comments, Introductions Chief Tom Manger: MCCA President, Montgomery County, MD Police Dept. Commissioner Charles Ramsey: PERF President, Philadelphia Police Dept. Charles Connolly: FBI NEIA President Chief Joe Yahner: Phoenix Police Dept.

MCCA PERF NEIA 2015 Meeting Agenda

9:00 am 9:45 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:30 am 12:15 ? 1:15 pm 12:15 ? 1:15 pm 1:15 ? 5:00 pm 1:15 pm 1:30 pm

2:15 pm 2:45 pm

3:00 pm

4:00 pm 4:15 pm

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 (Continued)

Governing the Police: Police Perspectives in Six Democracies David Bayley

The Baltimore Experience: Deputy Commissioner Kevin Davis, Lt. Colonel Melissa Hyatt and Lt. Colonel William Marcus, Baltimore Police Dept.


Collaborative Reform Report: Chief Shelley Zimmerman, San Diego Police Dept.

Profiling Data and the News Media: Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Chicago Police and Chief Rodney Monroe, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police

Buffet Luncheon Hosted by Harris Corporation

Valley of the Sun

Homeland Security Committee Meeting By Invitation Only

Ahwatukee A

Major Cities Chiefs Association Meeting

Phoenix ABC

Blue Courage: Mike Nila

Legislative Committee Report: Chief Ed Flynn, Milwaukee Police; Chief Jim Cervera, Virginia Beach Police; and Chuck DeWitt, Lafayette Group

Homeland Security Report: Chief Art Acevedo, Austin Police Dept.

NCS-X: Kevin Strom, Director, RTI International


President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing ? Recommendations: COPS Office Director Ron Davis and Philadelphia Commissioner Chuck Ramsey

Resolution in Support of the Task Force Report

MCCA Wrongful Conviction Policy

Roundtable Discussion: Tom Manger Body Camera Implementation Public Confidence in the Police Additional Topics from the Table

MCCA PERF NEIA 2015 Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 (Continued)

5:00 pm

Adjourn for the Day

5:30 ? 7:00 pm

PERF Reception Sponsored by Target

Valley of the Sun

Thursday, June 4, 2015

7:30 ? 5:00 pm


Room: Valley Pre-Function

7:30 ? 8:30 am

Continental Breakfast

Valley of the Sun

8:30 am ? 12:00 pm

PERF Town Hall Meeting

Phoenix ABC

Topics will include: New training of officers on use of force and de-escalation; police oversight; certain recommendations of the President's Task Force on 21st

Century Policing; and handling critical incidents. PERF also will present its

Leadership Award and Gary Hayes Memorial Award.

12:00 ? 1:00 pm Buffet Luncheon

Valley of the Sun

1:00 ? 4:30 pm

PERF Town Hall Meeting, continued

Phoenix ABC

Topics will include: Body-worn camera policies and practices; marijuana laws; gun

violence research; sexual assault investigations; checking in with chiefs coming

and going around the country.



6:30 ? 8:00 pm

FBI NEIA Reception Presentation of Penrith Award, business casual Hosted by Motorola and ecoATM

Valley Overlook 4th Floor

Friday, June 5, 2015

7:00 ? 3:00 pm


Room: Valley Pre-Function

7:00 ? 8:00 am

Continental Breakfast

Valley Pre-Function

8:00 am ? 12:00 pm FBI National Executive Institute Associates Meeting

Valley of the Sun

8:00 ? 9:00 am

The Role of Race in American Policing ? How are racial issues impacting

our public's trust of law enforcement? Racial protests and demonstrations against police use of

deadly force have turned violent in some of our cities and have had an overall negative impact

on the public's trust of law enforcement. How do we go about restoring police-community


MCCA PERF NEIA 2015 Meeting Agenda

Moderator: Commissioner Charles Ramsey, Philadelphia PD Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Chicago PD Chief George Turner, Atlanta PD Chief Edward Flynn, Milwaukee PD Chief Sam Dotson, St. Louis Metro PD Chief Robert White, Denver PD

Friday, June 5, 2015 (continued)

9:00 ? 10:00 am Immigration Reform ? What Is the Role for Local Police? ? Immigration issues present a number of challenges for American law enforcement. This panel will discuss the changing landscape of immigration and its impact on local policing. Partnership with Federal law enforcement is essential and beneficial but also presents its own set of challenges. How do these growing responsibilities affect the role of law enforcement?

Moderator: Deputy Commissioner John Miller, New York PD Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske, US Customs and Border Protection Chief Charles McClelland, Houston PD Chief Roberto Villase?or, Tucson PD Chief Chris Burbank, Salt Lake City PD

10:00 ? 10:10 am Break

10:10 ? 11:10 am Police Challenges in Mental Health Enforcement ? The rising numbers of shocking mass attacks in such public places as schools, movie theaters, and malls nationwide highlight the critical need for identifying and dealing humanely but effectively with the emotionally ill populations within our communities. What steps can the police take to collaborate effectively with the legislative and medical segments of society to recognize and cope with the potentially volatile citizens among us.

Moderator: Deputy Commissioner John Miller, New York PD Commissioner Charles Ramsey, Philadelphia PD Chief William Lansdowne (Retired), San Diego PD Chief Roberto Villase?or, Tucson PD Chief James Johnson, Baltimore County PD

11:10 am ? 12:00 pm

Militarization of Local Police - With the recent surge in fatalities

from officer involved shootings nationwide, questions and concerns are being raised regarding

the possibility that the police in America have begun to take on a militaristic, rather than a

public safety role. Is there a distinct difference in the military model and policing that we have

to be careful to avoid?

Moderator: Dick Ayres, Executive Director, FBI NEIA Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Chicago PD Chief Kathleen O'Toole, Seattle PD Chief Tom Manger, Montgomery County PD

MCCA PERF NEIA 2015 Meeting Agenda

Director Frank Milstead, Arizona Department of Public Safety 12:00 ? 1:30 pm Lunch ? On Your Own

Friday, June 5, 2015 (Continued)

1:30 ? 3:00 pm

All conference attendees are able to attend any of the following sessions:

Reflections of Former Police Executives (FBI NEIA Panel Session)

Valley of the Sun

To Lead, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy. What better way is there than to hear than those who have walked in your shoes and have offered to reflect on those experiences.

Moderator: Charlie Connolly, President, FBI NEIA Chief William Lansdowne, Retired, San Diego PD Commissioner Ed Davis, Retired, Boston PD Chief John Diaz, Retired, Seattle PD Superintendent Terry Hillard, Retired, Chicago PD Chief Thomas Streicher, Retired, Cincinnati PD

1:30 ? 2:15 pm Law Enforcement Cyber Center Update (PERF Panel Session)


Cyber crime and threats affect police agencies and communities all across the country. This session will demonstrate the recently established Law Enforcement Cyber Center created by PERF, IACP, and RAND through the support of BJA. Information from the website including training and investigations will be shared. Additional opportunities including self-assessment tools, checklist and task force operations will be discussed.

Tom Wilson, Director of the Center for Applied Research, PERF Jessica Toliver, Director of Technical Assistance, PERF Dave Roberts, Senior Program Manager, IACP Technology Center Donna Gregory, Federal Bureau of Investigation, IC3

2:15 ? 3:00 pm Contemporary Trends in Police Chief Selection (PERF Panel Session)


As more cities look for ways to include public input into their selection of a police chief, what can you do to distinguish yourself as a contemporary leader for today's policing challenges? We will discuss the latest emerging trends and changes in selection processes along with how to prepare and present yourself for these executive positions.

Charlotte Lansinger, Executive Search Consultant, PERF

3:00 pm

Meeting Adjournment. Thank you for joining us this week!


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