Below are some specific websites that might be useful in researching your topic and preparing your presentation. The list is by no means exhaustive. Please feel free to let us know if you find additional websites that should be included here.

SESSION 1: Introduction to Legislative Advocacy

Helpful resources with links to “Training Pediatricians to be Successful Advocates” and “10 tips for Child Advocates”

See link to Introductory PowerPoint Presentation on Community Pediatrics Website

SESSION 1: Choosing a Project Topic

AAP State Legislation Report 2006 (with issues to watch in 2007):

Includes information on following topics: Booster Seats, Childhood Obesity Prevention, Firearms and Children, Graduated Driver’s Licensing, Immunization, Challenges, Insurance Mandates for Childhood Immunizations, Medical Liability, Reform, Safety Helmets, Tobacco Prevention

Child Health Issues for the AAP’s 110th Congress (2007-2008):

Includes information on following topics: Immunizations, Drug Safety and Devices, Disaster Preparedness

 "Campaign for Healthy Children"

from AAP; summarizes 4 major issues on which advocacy efforts are being focused

SESSION 3-4: Researching Current Legislation and Advocacy Efforts

Use the following links as research tools to find bills on the state and national levels relevant to your topic.

Federal Government:

Allows you to search for bills introduced in the current Congressional session. You can use it to search by keyword, Member of Congress, or bill number.

State Government:

New York State Legislation Search:

New York State Senate and Assembly:

AAP District II Current Legislative Issues:

"Action Alerts" from AAP for our district which summarizes recently passed state legislation

II: Researching Recent Stories In the News

--provides four daily online reports, summaries of news stories with links to the original articles and a fully searchable archive (can search for specific topic).

Daily State Government News:

Click on various links and search for specific topic

Citizen’s Committee for Children of New York Press Room:

Center For Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Press Release Page:

SESSION 3-5: Some Useful Links for Engaging Others in Advocacy:

AAP District II Action Center:

Families USA Action Center:

Families USA Story Bank:

Citizen’s Committee for Children of New York “Take Action for Children:”

Link from AAP to other child advocacy organizations:

**Note: Please feel free to email Violet Moss (CHONY Center for Child Advocacy) at vim9041@ with questions while researching your presentation.


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