

Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for

Stanwell Nursery School

Stanwell Nursery School is committed to providing high quality early learning and childcare in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. We work together with parents/carers and the wider community to have fun, play and learn

Standards and Quality Report for session: 2018-2019

Improvement Plan for session: 2019-2020

Context of the Setting

Include the following: Statement of setting’s vision, value and aims; local contextual issues; factors affecting children’s achievements

(e.g. staffing changes/issues)

|Locality: North East |Cluster: Leith Academy |

|Level of teacher input: 1.0FTE plus HT input | |

| | |No. of Eligible 2’s |

|Total number of children 3-5 64 |Total number of children 0-3 | |

|Settings Vision, Values and Aims: |

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|Stanwell Nursery School is committed to providing high quality early learning and childcare in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. We work together with parents/carers and the wider community to enable all our |

|children to have fun, play and learn. |

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|Values: Respect, Inclusion, Kindness, Commitment |

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|Aims: Our aims are set in the context of the City of Edinburgh aims and values |

|At Stanwell Nursery, we aim to: |

|Create a safe, happy, nurturing environment where everyone feels welcome |

|Provide the best possible learning experiences for every child, following local and national guidelines |

|Respect and value the contribution of parents/carers to the life of the nursery, and support them in their role as the child’s primary educator |

|Encourage our children to care for each other, for their community and for the environment |

|Promote a healthy lifestyle for children, families and staff |

|Develop strong links with our local community and work in partnership with other organisations |

|Develop a caring, supportive attitude among staff and encourage them to develop their knowledge and skills through professional development |

|Provide an accessible, flexible, affordable, quality service for all our families |

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|Significant factors specifically affecting achievement in 2018-19: |

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|Participation in Phase 2 of the 1140 hours pilot |

|Introduction of lunches, increase in staffing numbers |

|Positive Care Inspection |

|Commencement of SVQ 3 by two EYA/PSAs |

|Approximately two thirds of our children bilingual or have English as an additional language |

|Further increase in number of children with very significant additional support needs, particularly ASD. |

|Wide range of parenting supports offered by nursery and in partnership with neighbouring Dr Bells family centre. |

|Dedicated non-contact time for staff which has allowed time for self evaluation, planning, tracking and monitoring, and CPD |

|Extra budget which has allowed further improvements to classroom environments |

|Deterioration in the fabric of the building |

|Role of EYP Judy Philip as Digital Support Officer, and the benefit of her knowledge to the nursery |

|Improvements to the nursery website |

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Standards and Quality Report

|Leadership and Management |

|Quality Indicators: |Care Inspectorate Quality Themes: |National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities: |

| | | |

|1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement |Quality of Care & Support |Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. |

|1.2 Leadership of learning |Quality of Environment |Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and |

|1.3 Leadership of change |Quality of Staffing |young people. |

|1.4 Leadership and management of staff |Quality of management and leadership |Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. |

|1.5 Management of resources to promote equity | |Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver |

|Other related HGIOELC QI’s/Themes | |destinations for all young people |

|How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? |

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|Stanwell Nursery is renowned in the local community for our warm, welcoming ethos and the high quality of service we provide. We have a clear, coherent vision of what we want our children to achieve, and of the shared values |

|(respect, inclusion, kindness and commitment) which underpin our work. All stakeholders contribute to this vision, which is reviewed annually and shared with families. All staff show a high level of commitment to our vision |

|and to our ethos of support and respect. There is a tangible sense of shared purpose which drives us to continually strive to improve the service we offer. |

|“Stanwell has been an amazing experience for both my kids” Parents’ questionnaire, June 2019. |

|The nursery has a high local profile, and we have a strong sense of our identity as part of the Leith community. We have fostered close links with local services and organisations and this provides significant benefits to our|

|families. |

|“The nursery had developed strong links with other local organisations and carried out a wide range of work with families and their children. This work both educational and fun had a positive impact on children in the nursery|

|but also siblings and the wider family” Care Inspection Report Feb 2019 |

|All staff are very committed to professional engagement and collegiate working. Our programme of CLPL Improving Practice has been a significant part of our improvement planning this session. It was very well received by staff|

|who are enthusiastic about the benefits to their practice. Sessions during 2018-19 have included: Observations, Sustained Shared Thinking, Health and Social Care Standards, Hanen “Teacher Talk (interactions), SEAL maths, |

|Emergent writing |

|There have also been opportunities for professional dialogue on wider pedagogical issues such as “What is our Pedagogical Approach?” and “War, Weapons and Superheroes”, which promoted self-reflection and a high level of |

|discussion. |

|There is a strong sense of trust and respect among staff. Knowledge is shared and all staff take on leadership roles, planning, implementing and evaluating a range of initiatives which are of significant benefit to children |

|and families. |

|We are close to some of the most deprived areas in Scotland, and we make use of data (eg SIMD, 27/30 month check) effectively in planning and evaluating improvements for the nursery as a whole and for individual children. |

|The views of our children and families are important in developing our priorities for change and we constantly strive to develop new and innovative ways of consulting with all our stakeholders. |

|We are in a period of significant change in early years, and this session we introduced extended hours for all of our children. Senior staff have successfully managed the pace of change, and staff and parent/carer evaluations|

|of changes thus far have been very positive. |

|The increasing number of children with significant support needs, including very challenging behaviour, has been a major factor this session. Despite the fact (acknowledged by all partner professionals) that support staff |

|demonstrate exceptional levels of skill, and that additional support needs are very well managed in the setting, the high level of need has placed significant stress on staff. It is to the credit of staff that positive |

|attitudes were maintained overall, and positive outcomes achieved for all children. |

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|Next Steps: (to inform the Improvement Plan for 2019-20) |

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|Preparation for all year round opening in 2020 |

|Development of staffing structure, rotas, appointment of new staff |

|Planning and implementation of major refurbishment of the building |

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|Learning Provision |

|Quality Indicators: |Care Inspectorate Quality Themes: |National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities: |

|2.1 Safeguarding and child protection | | |

|2.2 Curriculum |Quality of Care & Support |Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. |

|2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment |Quality of Environment |Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged |

|2.4 Personalised support |Quality of Staffing |children and young people. |

|2.5 Family learning |Quality of management and leadership |Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. |

|2.6 Transitions | |Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver |

|2.7 Partnerships | |destinations for all young people |

|Other related HGIOELC QI’s/Themes | | |

|. | | |

|How good is the quality of care and learning we offer? |

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|A strong commitment to children’s rights is at the heart of our work. Clear policies, including child protection and safeguarding, and risk assessments are in place to ensure the highest standards of care and welfare are |

|maintained. |

|Our ethos prioritises respect and warmth and children are confident, secure and valued. |

|“We spoke to a number of children during our visit. Children were chatty and inquisitive. Children were confident and secure in their interactions with each other and with staff” Care Inspection Report February 2019 |

|We constantly strive to develop innovative ways of consulting with children; their views are taken into account through floorbooks, learning boards, online journals and daily interactions, with skilled and empathic staff |

|listening to, observing and giving voice to the less verbal. |

|Our curriculum is clearly based on shared values and takes full account of our families and community. It is firmly child centred and built on a clear understanding of the value of play and active learning. It is highly |

|responsive to children’s interests and ideas. As a result, children are fully engaged in a wide range of rich and challenging experiences inside and outdoors. |

|“ Staff understood how to provide calm yet engaging environments for children. The outdoor areas were particularly well used…….throughout the nursery staff had developed the use of loose parts, which are not toys but |

|resources which children can use in a wide variety of ways. The resources promoted problem solving and the use of imagination and were very well used by the children” Care Inspection February 2019. |

|Staff have a very good understanding of child development and pedagogy. This is evident in the quality of staff-child interactions and staff observations of children’s learning. Through CLPL, we continually work to improve |

|our skills in these vitally important areas. |

|Staff know children very well as individual learners, and make accurate judgements about their progress. Extended hours (1140) allowed children time to deepen and consolidate their learning, and gave staff the opportunity to|

|build on relationships and validate assessments. Effective systems are in place to track and monitor progress, and ensure appropriate interventions are planned when necessary. These systems are regularly reviewed and |

|improved. As a result, all children experience a curriculum which is highly responsive to their individual needs and interests. Where children experience barriers to learning (eg ASD, financial hardship, EAL) we work |

|effectively with parent/carers and other partners to ensure issues are identified quickly and appropriate supports put in place. |

|Staff value the contributions of parent/carers to children’s learning. Most parent/carers are fully engaged in their child’s learning, commenting frequently on their online journals. Staff regularly share the journals with |

|children, helping them develop an understanding of their learning over time. |

|We provide a range of services to support parent/carers and also signpost to other partner organisations (eg Multicultural Family Base, Tailor-Ed) where appropriate. We have very close links with neighbouring Dr Bells Family |

|Centre which offers a wealth of parenting and family supports, accessed by many of our families. |

|There was good progress in priorities relating to Learning Provision in session 2018-19. |

|Judy Philip’s secondment to part time Digital Support Officer enabled significant developments in digital learning to proceed, and the Leith cluster focus on STEM subjects prompted wider science and technologies initiatives. |

|We assessed our progress in literacy as very good, but judged that progress on developing our work on numeracy and mathematics had been limited and needed to be addressed again in the year to come. |

|Participation of senior staff in the CEC working group which developed and evaluated new planning and tracking materials, and attendance at CLPL, helped us improve our assessment and planning systems. As a result children |

|experienced a curriculum which is highly responsive to their individual needs. |

|Next Steps: (to inform the Improvement Plan for 2019-20) |

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|Focus on improving numeracy and mathematics indoors and outdoors |

|Develop resources to support music |

|Continue to develop ways of consulting with children |

|Offer “Learning to Listen” and “Numeracy Works” groups |

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|Success and Achievements |

|Quality Indicators: |Care Inspectorate Quality Themes: |National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities: |

| | | |

|3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion |Quality of Care & Support |Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. |

|3.2 Securing children’s progress |Quality of Environment |Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children |

|3.3 Creativity and skills for life |Quality of Staffing |and young people. |

| |Quality of management and leadership |Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. |

|Other related HGIOELC QI’s/Themes | |Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver |

|2.4 Personalised support | |destinations for all young people |

|2.7 Partnerships | | |

|What has improved as a result? |

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|Warm, supportive relationships which promote wellbeing in children, parent/carers and staff lie at the heart of our work. “Children and parents were warmly welcomed into the nursery by friendly and competent staff who |

|understood how to achieve positive outcomes for children and their wider family” Care Inspection February 2019. |

|We understand that positive relationships underpin successful learning, and the sensitivity of staff towards children and families has a significant benefit to wellbeing and thus to children’s learning. |

|Equity is actively promoted across all aspects of our work. We engage with all statutory requirements and codes of practice. We value diversity and promote inclusion and equity. We understand the protected characteristics and|

|respect and value all of our families. |

|Two thirds of our children are bilingual or have English as an additional language and a wide range of supports is in place for these families. BME families who have children with additional support needs are also signposted |

|to specific services at Dr Bells and Multicultural Family Base. |

|The GIRFEC process and the wellbeing indicators are used effectively to improve outcomes for all children. Those with additional support needs are supported through a solution focused approach to Child Planning meetings, and |

|by working closely with partner agencies. Experienced, skilled support staff have benefited from further training on ASD, Playboxes Signalong and Hanen “Teacher Talk”. As a result, all children with AS needs experience a very|

|good level of support from talented and intuitive staff, and all have made good, or very good progress. The very high quality of the work of our support staff is regularly noted by visiting professionals from partner |

|agencies. |

|“Staff were confident about referring children who needed additional support to a range of professionals, were familiar with the principles of GIRFEC and carrying out work on development plans….. This helped staff identify |

|and provide the right supports at the right time to meet the needs of individual children” Care Inspectorate February 2019. |

|We have developed systems to use information (eg SIMD data, information from the 27/30 month check) in our assessment and support processes. |

|We consistently promote holistic learning, and all children develop their emotional, social, physical and cognitive skills very well. A strong focus on health and wellbeing, and early literacy experiences which are embedded |

|across the curriculum indoors and out, have a positive impact on children’s learning. Early numeracy and maths skills are also developed well, but we recognise that more could be done in this area and will prioritise it for |

|next session. |

|There is a very good balance between adult and child-initiated activities, with adult led small group work used very effectively to support the oral language and social skills of children who have communication difficulties. |

|Children have a high level of control over their own learning and almost all become confident in making choices and taking decisions, developing in independence over time. They are supported by staff to talk about their |

|learning through floorbooks, learning journals, and planning boards. Through this process we are fostering the self-regulation which supports the development of skills for lifelong learning. |

|There was very good progress in our identified priority of ASL in session 2018-19, despite the challenge of children with very severe needs. |

|Staff expertise in supporting children’s support needs has been improved through a range of training sessions, and through regular support, advice and modelling from SALT, ASL and psychological services. Most staff are now |

|very knowledgeable in their work in this area. Where barriers to learning exist, we sought creative solutions, including using the services of The Yard, and Tailor-Ed (a charity supporting children with ASD and their families|

|at home). |

|Due to the severity of some of our children’s needs, however, the confidence of some of our staff in our ability to support some children was challenged. This will be addressed through further training next session |

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|Next Steps: (to inform the Improvement Plan for 2019-20) |

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|Role of ASN facilitator for EYA (Debbie) to help coordinate and resource supports |

|Parental Engagement as a priority for next session |

|Further Hanen “Teacher Talk” training from SALT |

|Further staff training on inclusion and positive behaviour management |

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Self-Evaluation 2018 – 2019

| |Quality Indicator |Centre Self – Evaluation |HMIe Inspection |Follow through |

| |What is our capacity for continuous improvement? |2018 – 19 |Date and Evaluations |(if applicable) |

| | |(Using the six point scale) | | |

|1.3 |

|Date Inspected |Themes inspected |Evaluations |

| |Quality of Care & Support | |

|7th February 2019 | |5 |

| |Quality of Environment | |

| | |4 |

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2016 – 2020 Centre Self-Evaluation

Working Plan for QI Engagement - Key Areas for Centre Improvement

|QI | | | | |Comments |

| |2016 - 2017 |2017 – 2018 |2018 – 2019 |2019 – 2020 | |

|Quality of Management and Leadership | | | | | |

|1.1 |Self-Evaluation for | | | | |

| |Self-Improvement | | | | |

|2.1 |Safeguarding and | | | | |

| |Child Protection | | | | |

|3.1 |

|Quality Indicators: |Care Inspectorate Quality Themes: |National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities |

|1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement | |Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. |

|1.2 Leadership of learning |Quality of Care & Support |Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and|

|1.3 Leadership of change |Quality of Environment |young people. |

|1.4 Leadership and management of staff |Quality of Staffing |Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. |

|1.5 Management of resources to promote |Quality of management and leadership |Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver |

|equity | |destinations for all young people |

|Other related HGIOELC QI’s/Themes | | |

|Priority: To plan and put in place the infrastructure for extended day/all year round opening |

|Overall Responsibility: Head teacher |

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|Outcome and impact on learners: |

|The children will be appropriately supported by high quality staff throughout their day |

|The children will be offered high quality learning experiences throughout their day |

|The children will experience a day which is appropriately paced to ensure their wellbeing |

|The children will experience a high quality learning environment |

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|Tasks |By Whom |Timescale |Resources |Progress/Impact of task |

| | | | | |

|Visit other settings already implementing extended day/all year round |AS (HT), RB (SEYO), CJ (teacher) |By December 2019 |Staff time | |

|opening and share information with all staff | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Share information with parents/carers and canvas their views |AS | | | |

| | |By December 2019 |HT time | |

|Preparation for refurbishment – staff visit a range of different | | | | |

|settings (new and refurbished) to observe and develop knowledge and |All staff | | | |

|understanding of the physical environment | |August-October 2019 |Staff time, staff cover | |

| | | | | |

|Consult with CEC planners to develop detailed refurbishment programme.| | | | |

| |AS in consultation with all staff, | | | |

| |CEC planners |CEC timetable |CEC resources, HT time | |

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|Refurbishment work to be carried out | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |CEC | | | |

| | |Starting July 2019. Completed by |CEC resources | |

| | |August 2020 | | |

|Appoint new staff, as detailed in CEC model | | | | |

| |AS |January- June 2020 | | |

| | | |Staff time, EY budget | |

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|Create staffing structures and rotas | | | | |

| |AS |By December 2019 | | |

| | | |HT time | |

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|Participate in CEC Supported Self Evaluation | | | | |

| |All staff, early years team |During session 2019-20 | | |

| | | |Early Years team time, Nursery staff | |

| | | |time, partners and parent/carers | |

| | | |meeting time | |

| | | | | |

|Revise staff leadership roles |AS, in consultation with staff | |HT time | |

| | |August 2019 | | |

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| |AS, leadership team, early years | | | |

|Clarify and develop leadership team roles – including teacher role |team | |Staff time, early years team meeting | |

| | |August/September 2019 |time | |

| | | | | |

|Support staff motivation and wellbeing throughout process through |AS, supported by RBand teacher | | | |

|in-house CLPL programme and PRD | | |HT preparation time, staff meeting | |

| | |Starting August 2019, continuing |time, some support from external | |

| | |throughout session 2019-20 |partners eg SALT, psychological | |

| | | |services | |

|Upgrade back garden area |AS, RB, teacher in collaboration | | | |

| |with Dr Bells Family Centre. | |Staff time, Dr Bells to apply for | |

| |CE Playgrounds Development Group |By June 2020 |external funding source | |

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|Learning provision |

|How good is the quality of the care and learning we offer? |

|Quality Indicators: |Care Inspectorate Quality Themes: |National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities: |

|2.1 Safeguarding and child protection | |Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. |

|2.2 Curriculum |Quality of Care & Support |Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young|

|2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment |Quality of Environment |people. |

|2.4 Personalised support |Quality of Staffing |Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. |

|2.5 Family learning |Quality of management and leadership |Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations|

|2.6 Transitions | |for all young people |

|2.7 Partnerships | | |

|Other related HGIOELC QI’s/Themes | | |

|3.2 Securing children’s progress | | |

|Priority: To reduce the attainment gap through improved learning, teaching and assessment |

|Overall Responsibility: Head teacher |

|Outcome and impact on learners: |

|All children’s knowledge and skills will improve in focus curricular areas - numeracy and mathematics, music |

|Children’s skills in literacy will continue to improve as a result of further staff training in improving interactions |

|Children will experience improved wellbeing as a result of staff revisiting Confident Staff, Confident Children programme |

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|Tasks |By Whom |Timescale |------ |Progress/Impact of task |

|Numeracy and Mathematics | | | | |

| | | |HT, support and advice from | |

|Further SEAL maths training for all staff. HT to consult |Delivered by AS , CJ |Term 1, 2019 |Catriona Gill, teacher meeting | |

|Catriona Gill on 3 part training. | | |time, CLPL time for delivery | |

| | | | | |

| |CJ, EYA (DH) | |Planning time, EYA time | |

|Plan and deliver “Numeracy Works” small group activities for | |August 2019 | | |

|those children identified as benefitting from support in early | | | | |

|numeracy | | |Teacher’s time, personal reading | |

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|Establishment of Numeracy/and Mathematics Lead |CJ to take on this role |August 2019 |Teacher time, cover, CLPL budget | |

| | |As available throughout session | | |

|CLPL for Numeracy/Maths lead | |2019-20, starting with Messy Maths| | |

| | |on 30th Aug | | |

| |CJ | |Staff meeting time | |

| | |August 2019 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |August 2019 | | |

|Audit numeracy and maths resources, indoors and out | | |Staff meeting time | |

| | |August 2019 | | |

|Identify and purchase any new resources |AS, CJ, RB, LW, DH, AL, HM, JR, |As available throughout session | | |

| |JP |2019-20 | | |

|Music | | |Staff time | |

| |AS, CJ, RB |August 2019 | | |

|Establish Expressive Arts Lead | | | | |

| | |September 2019-June 2020 |Staff time, cover, CLPL budget | |

| | | | | |

|CLPL for Expressive Arts Lead |DH (EYP) to take on this role |August 2019 | | |

| | | |Staff time, cover, budget for any | |

| |DH | |new resources | |

| | |September – November 2019 | | |

| | | |Staff time | |

|Working group to audit existing music learning, develop new | | | | |

|activities and plan and deliver music sessions for children | |August/September 2019 | | |

| |DH, AL, JP |Throughout session 2019-20 | | |

| | | | | |

|Continue to offer music sessions for children with AS needs | |Termly | | |

| | | |Staff time | |

| | |August 2019 | | |

|Complete music book for each classroom |JP | | | |

| | |From August 2019 | | |

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|Health and Wellbeing | | |Staff time, HT preparation time, | |

| |JP |From August 2019 |Resources from Growing Confidence | |

|Staff to re-visit Confident Staff, Confident Children course. | |August 2019 |project | |

|This will be new to more recently appointed staff | | | | |

| | |From October 2019 | | |

| | | | | |

|Literacy |All staff able to attend CLPL | |Staff CLPL time, SALT time | |

| |To be delivered by AS | | | |

|Support oral language skills through further CLPL sessions on | | |EYA time, Teacher, SEYO time, | |

|Hanen “Teacher Talk” programme | | |resources and advice from SALT | |

| | | | | |

|Continue to support oral language skills through Talking Time, | | | | |

|Learning to Listen |All staff | |Staff meeting time, Up, Up and | |

| |To be delivered by Debbie | |Away Environment toolkit | |

| |Wilcox, SALT | | | |

| | | |Teacher time, any relevant CLPL, | |

|Regularly audit literacy provision across all areas of learning,|CJ, RB, DH supported by SALT | |personal reading | |

|indoors and outdoors | | | | |

| | | |Staff time, budget for renewing | |

| | | |resources | |

|Establishment of Language and Literacy Lead |All staff | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Promote use of Storysack Library | | | | |

| |CJ to take on this role | | | |

| | | |EYA time | |

| |DH to organise checking and | | | |

| |lending out sacks | | | |

| | | |HT time | |

|Additional Support for Learning |All staff to promote to | | | |

| |parents/carers | | | |

|Create ASL facilitator role to work with ASL leadership team | | | | |

|(HT, SEYO, teacher) | | |Staff time | |

| | | | | |

|Create spreadsheet for recording ASL information electronically | | | | |

|to allow ease of access to data |DH | | | |

| | | | | |

|Introduce termly HT/Room Lead/key worker meetings to share |AS | | | |

|children’s progress and identify areas where interventions are | | | | |

|needed | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |AS, CJ, RB,key workers | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Successes and achievements |

|How good are we at ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our children? |

|Quality Indicators: |Care Inspectorate Quality Themes: |National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities: |

|3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion | |Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. |

|3.2 Securing children’s progress |Quality of Care & Support |Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and |

|3.3 Creativity and skills for life |Quality of Environment |young people. |

|Other related HGIOELC QI’s/Themes |Quality of Staffing |Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. |

|2.7 Partnerships |Quality of management and leadership |Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver |

|2.4 Personalised support | |destinations for all young people |

|Priority: To reduce the attainment gap by increasing parent/carers’ engagement in their children’s learning in nursery and at home |

|Overall Responsibility: |

|Outcome and impact on learners: |

|Children will benefit from increased parental knowledge of early learning and development |

|Children will benefit from parent/carers and nursery staff working together to support learning and celebrate achievements |

|Children will benefit from appropriate and timely supports for parent/carers |

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|Tasks |By Whom |Timescale |Resources |Progress/Impact of task |

| | | | | |

|Establish Parental Engagement Lead and working group |RB |From August 2019 |Staff time | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Arrange meeting for parent/carers to share information about the| | | | |

|nursery and about children’s learning |AS, staff |Meeting date – 11th Sept 2019 |Staff planning time, cover | |

| | | | | |

|Re-establish regular “Singalong” sessions where parent/carers | | | | |

|are invited into nursery to join the children at singing time | |First session in Sept 19 |Staff meeting time, publicity | |

| |AS | | | |

| | | | | |

|Create “Help Your Child with Numeracy and Maths” leaflet for | | | | |

|parent/carers | | |Staff time | |

| | |By December 2019 | | |

|Consult with parent/carers on what they would like parental |AS, CJ | | | |

|engagement to look like in nursery | | |Staff time | |

| | |By Oct 2019 | | |

|Create children’s learning film for parent/carer meeting |AS, RB | | | |

| | | | | |

|CLPL for designated staff on parental engagement | | |Claire’s time | |

| | |By 11th Sept 2019 | | |

| |CJ, JP | | | |

| | | |Staff time | |

|Continue to offer approved programmes for parent/carers: Triple | |As available throughout the | | |

|P, RCWC |AS, any interested staff |session | | |

| | | | | |

|Continue to work closely with Dr Bells Family Centre, raising | | | | |

|parent/carers awareness of the activities on offer there, and | | |Staff time | |

|signposting families to appropriate supports |RB, AS |Triple P to start – Sept | | |

| | |RCWC to start – Aug | | |

| | | |HT time | |

| |AS to liaise |Throughout the session | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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Leith Cluster Improvement Plan 2019-20

|Priority 1 |To improve teaching and learning through collaborative enquiry |Overall Responsibility |Leith Cluster HT’s/Juliet Lunniss |

|Outcomes |Staff apply relevant findings from Lesson Study collaborative enquiry to improve moderation of attainment in numeracy across the cluster and an identified focus in learning and teaching. |

| |All staff agree a consistent pedagogical approach and common language of learning to teach numeracy at transition stages (Nur/P1, P4, P7) |

|NIF Priority 1 – Improvement In Attainment, Particularly In Literacy And Numeracy. |QIs/Themes |

|NIF Priority 2 - Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people |1.1 Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data |

| |1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement |

| |2.2 Learning pathways |

| |2.3 Learning and engagement |

| |2.3 Quality of teaching |

| |2.4 Universal support |

| |2.6 Continuity and progression in learning |

|Tasks |By Whom | | |Progress & Impact |

| | |Resources |Time | |

|Audit current staff views of impact and |Lesson Study Lead in each school |Staff survey |5 minutes per survey and time for | |

|effectiveness of existing collegiate |All staff participating in study | |coordinator to collate (August | |

|planning/professional dialogue. | | |2019) | |

|Identify professional learning, | | | | |

|reading/research, expert support (e.g. | | | | |

|Koshi) | | | | |

|Arrange teachers into Lesson Study trios |Lesson Study Lead in each school |Staff meeting time |Half day | |

|across the cluster (focus P1, P4, P7) |All staff participating in study |Cluster HT meeting time to agree |Time to plan timetable | |

|Plan timetable for research lessons (each| |timetable | | |

|cycle to be completed in 1/2 weeks – | |Edinburgh Learns Teaching and | | |

|different trios can be staggered to | |Learning Team | | |

|support cover) | |Lesson Study Workbooks | | |

|Share focus of Lesson Study and criteria | | | | |

|for Case Pupils (e.g. one top 20%, one | | | | |

|middle 60%, one lower 20% - ideally SIMD | | | | |

|1/2 and/or LAC where possible) | | | | |

|Commence planning of first research | | | | |

|lesson. | | | | |

|First Research Lesson |Trio |Lesson Study Workbook |Time allocation for one research | |

|Trios plan first research lesson | |Research sources |lesson (need 3 per trio ideally | |

|Teacher A delivers research lesson | |Staff time for planning and |over 1-2 weeks) | |

|Teachers interview case pupils | |evaluating (CAT or included in 35 | | |

|Trio evaluates lesson | |hour week) |Timing 2 hours (max) | |

| | |6 hours cover per trio (2 hours per|1 hour (cover required for | |

| | |research lesson) |teachers B and C) | |

| | | |15 minutes (cover required for | |

| | | |pupil interviews) | |

| | | |45 minutes (cover to evaluate | |

| | | |lesson) | |

| | | |X 3 | |

|Second Research Lesson | | | | |

|Trios plan second research lesson | | | | |

|Teacher B delivers research lesson | | | | |

|Teachers interview case pupils | | | | |

|Trio evaluates lesson | | | | |

|Third Research Lesson | | | | |

|Trios plan third research lesson | | | | |

|Teacher C delivers research lesson | | | | |

|Teachers interview case pupils | | | | |

|Trio evaluates lesson | | | | |

|Engage with Edinburgh Learns Teaching and|Lesson Study Lead |Collegiate evaluation sheets |1 hour during May inservice in | |

|Learning Team to support evaluation of |All staff participating in study |Pupil interview records |each cluster school | |

|the process across the cluster. | |Audit results | | |

|Audit assessment of enquiry area status | |Cluster HT planning day | | |

|across the Leith Cluster– post-hoc. | | | | |

|Audit current staff views of impact and | | | | |

|effectiveness of existing collegiate | | | | |

|planning/professional dialogue –post hoc.| | | | |

|Audit results/feedback to be shared with | | | | |

|staff | | | | |

|Whole staff in each school reflect on | | | | |

|lesson study process. | | | | |

|Whole staff identifies improved pedagogy | | | | |

|and consistent pedagogical approach | | | | |

|Agree evaluate Lesson Study and agree on | | | | |

|future use | | | | |

National Improvement Drivers


The six-point scale

Level 6 excellent outstanding or sector leading

|Level 5 |very good |major strengths |

|Level 4 |good |important strengths with areas for improvement |

|Level 3 |satisfactory |strengths just outweigh weaknesses |

|Level 2 |weak |important weaknesses |

|Level 1 |unsatisfactory |major weaknesses |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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