Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________________ Class: _____________18.1 The Roots of ProgressivismFill-in NotesDirections: While listening to the lecture, fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s).The Rise of ProgressivismThe era 1890 to 1920 is known as the _______________________________.Progressivism was a collection of different _____________________ about how to fix the problems within society. Progressives believed ________________ should be active in solving society’s problems.They believed that government needed to be more ______________________________. They also believed that they could fix society’s problems by applying ____________________________ to society.The muckrakers were a group of ______________________ who investigated social conditions and political corruption. Their articles put pressure on politicians to introduce reforms.Muckraker ___________________ published his book How the Other Half Lives in 1890. The book described poverty, disease, and crime in many ____________________ neighborhoods in New York City. Making Government EfficientOne group believed that problems could be solved if government was _________________.They felt applying the principles of ____________________________________ would make government efficient.They thought that managing a city required ______________, not elected politicians. They wanted to replace the existing system with a _____________________.The plan required a board of ________________________ or a city manager to hire specialists to run city departments.In 1901 Galveston, Texas, was the ______________________ the commission system. Democracy and ProgressivismGovernor __________________________ of Wisconsin criticized how political parties ran their conventions. He pressured the legislature to require a _____________________, an election in which all party members vote for a candidate to run in the general election. Progressives introduced three new reforms: The _________________ allowed citizens to introduce legislation and required the legislature to vote on it.The _________________ allowed proposed legislation to be submitted to the voters for approval.The __________________ allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office. They also wanted the __________________________ of senators.In 1912, Congress passed the direct-election amendment.In 1913, it was ratified it as the __________________________ Amendment to the Constitution. The Suffrage MovementSuffrage is the right to _______________.The movement for women’s voting rights was known as the _________________________.In July 1848, ______________________________ and ______________________ organized the first women’s rights convention.The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments protected the voting rights of African Americans. They did not ______________ to women.By 1900, only Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado had granted ________________________ to women.The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed in 1890.The head of the NAWSA’s congressional committee, ____________________, used protests to force President _______________________ to take action on woman suffrage. She eventually left and started the National Woman’s Party. They ______________ the White House and went on ________________________ if arrested. On August 26, 1920, the states _______________________ the amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote. Social Welfare ProgressivismSocial welfare progressives created ______________ and pushed for laws to fix social problems. The National Child Labor Committee worked to end ______________ labor.Workers labored in _____________________________. The work environment became safer with the creation of:____________________________________________________________________________________The temperance movement called for the moderation or elimination of ___________________. Many progressives believed alcohol was the cause of many of society’s ____________________.In 1874 the ___________________________________________________ (WCTU) was formed.At first the movement worked to _____________________ alcohol consumption.Later it pushed for ________________________–laws banning the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol. Progressives vs. Big BusinessProgressives wanted to _______________________ big business, but they disagreed on how. Some believed government should _____________________ up big companies to restore _____________________. Others wanted government agencies to regulate big companies and ________________ them from abusing their power.Socialism, the idea that the ___________________ should __________ and _______________ industry for the community as a whole, was supported by a small minority.__________________________ led the __________________________________.He was the party’s candidate for _________________________ in the election of 1912.Most still supported the American system of ____________________________________. ................

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