Trallwn Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Trallwn

Teaching and Learning Policy 2019/20

Date of Review: September 2020

Headteacher: R Barker Signature: _________

Chair of Governors J Winchester Signature: ______________

Date of Review: _____________ Signature: ___________ Signature:_________

Date of Review: _____________ Signature: ___________ Signature: ___________

Trallwn Primary School

Teaching and Learning Policy

“Aiming high – Achieving Success!”



At Trallwn Primary School our teaching and learning policy aims to ensure that the children at our school are provided with high quality learning opportunities within a positive learning environment which lead to consistently high levels of engagement, achievement and success in order to develop skills to enable lifelong learning.


At Trallwn Primary School the whole staff work together to maintain a common philosophy and approach throughout the school. This Teaching and Learning Policy reflects our classroom practice, values and the ways in which we have purposefully integrated the National Curriculum and Skills Framework into our unique ethos. We value teamwork, shared ownership and the roles and responsibilities of the individual.

At the heart of our teaching and learning policy and practice at Trallwn Primary School are the children. Therefore, as a whole this policy displays the ways we enrich their school experience and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and challenges of adult life.

‘We must bear in mind that the ultimate end of education is, not perfection in the accomplishments of the school, but in the fitness for life; not the acquirements of habits of blind obedience and of prescribed diligence, but a preparation for independent action…’


Aims and objectives

We believe that people learn best in different ways. At Trallwn Primary School we provide a rich and varied learning environment that focuses on the holistic development of the child and allows children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.


We aspire for all our children to become confident, secure, caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a love of learning.


□ To provide a warm welcoming secure environment for all children

□ To have high aspirations for all children

□ To encourage, value and extend every child’s contribution to the school as a whole and their own learning

□ To nurture positive dispositions towards learning

□ To recognise and celebrate success in everyone

□ To provide a broad, balanced, carefully planned curriculum

□ To build strong collaborative partnerships with families and the local community

□ To encourage and enable the continuous professional development of all staff

Teaching and Learning at Trallwn Primary School

We believe children learn best when:

• they feel happy, secure, confident and valued

• their surroundings are lively and interesting

• they have access to a range of appropriate resources

• they have entitlement to the full range of the curriculum irrespective of ability or disability, social background, culture or gender

• they have time to reflect and talk about their experiences

• they know they are making progress and are able to celebrate their achievements

• they have opportunities for practical, relevant exploration of ideas

• they are able to work collaboratively as well as independently

• they know what is expected of them

• work is matched to their individual needs

• learning is relevant to their lives in the wider community

Our Learning Environment

Because children learn best when they feel happy, secure, confident and valued, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

a familiar routine

• praise

• respect for others and our environment

• children engaged in the learning process and in the assessment of their own learning

• Children talking and listening to adults and each other

• increasing independence and responsibility

• giving increasing responsibilities to children

• a caring attitude

• tasks they can succeed in

• positive attitudes towards taking risks in their learning

Because children learn best when their surroundings are lively and interesting there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• stimulating displays reflecting a range of curriculum areas

• children involved in leading their own learning

• children's work being valued and celebrated

• inter-active display

• development of imaginative play

• a wide variety of activities

• giving time to talk about their own interests

• a well resourced and accessible reading area

Because children learn best when they have access to a range of appropriate resources, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• resources for progression throughout the school

• organisation so that children know where things are

• labelling appropriate to age group

• clearly marked learning areas

• children taking responsibility for the care of all resources

• allowance for experimentation in a safe and controlled way

• ease of access to frequently used resources

Because children learn best when they have entitlement to the full range of the curriculum irrespective of ability or disability, social background, culture or gender, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• teaching adapted for multi-sensory learning

• challenges for more able children

• appropriate support for less able children

• equipment/resources adapted to meet the needs of children with disabilities

• provision for children from less advantaged backgrounds

• effective use of teaching assistants to support children

• resources which reflect a variety of cultures, beliefs and religions

• opportunities and resources which challenge gender, racial and cultural stereotypes

Because children learn best when they have time to reflect and talk about their experiences, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• time for relevant talk and discussion

• talk being valued, through children and adults listening and responding to each other

• children discussing and completing tasks in pairs and groups

• development of active listening skills

• opportunities for reflection and concentration

Because children learn best when they know they are making progress and are able to celebrate their achievements, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• praise and encouragement

• systems of reward

• children's work displayed with care

• analysis of work with teacher

• children’s assessment of their work and setting of own learning targets

• sharing work with other teachers and children

Because children learn best when they have opportunities for practical, relevant exploration of ideas, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• first hand experience

• children learning through play

• investigations

• problem solving

• opportunities for practical activities reflected across the curriculum

• a variety of teaching and learning strategies

Because children learn best when they are able to work collaboratively as well as independently, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• individual and collaborative work

• time allowed for children to consolidate and extend own learning

• flexible groupings related to the task in hand – mixed, set, ability, peer grouping, preferred learning style

Because children learn best when they know what is expected of them, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• clear instructions

• focussed learning objectives and shared success criteria

• individual learning targets

• child led self assessment

• teachers checking children's understanding

• clear and fair boundaries for behaviour

• high expectations

Because children learn best when work is matched to their individual needs, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• work planned for different abilities and learning styles

• continuous assessment

• a range of appropriate resources

• accessible learning areas which reflect a range of abilities

• children working on task

• children feeling secure, confident and valued

• questions which help children consolidate and extend thinking

Because children learn best when learning is relevant to their lives in the wider community, there will be evidence in the classroom of:

• visitors representing different sectors of the community

• visits to places outside and within the local community

• topic work related to global issues


A variety of teaching strategies are used to deliver the whole curriculum. These strategies will naturally complement the aspects highlighted within the previous section ‘Our Learning Environment’.

Our teaching is based upon the skills outlined within the National Curriculum framework 2008, the Framework for Children’s Learning for 3 to 7-year-olds in Wales, 2008, the Skills framework for 3 to 19-year-olds in Wales, 2008 and the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework 2013.

It aims to match the abilities, preferred learning styles, interests and experience of the children, to develop knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes. These form the four elements of learning.

Class, group and individual based teaching form the key elements of our teaching strategy. We employ a range of approaches with an emphasis on active rather than passive learning which is at the heart of our philosophy.

Consistency and progression form a central part of our teaching throughout the school. Within this context, the development of individual teaching style and expertise is valued.


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