
Reading (50 points)

Read the movie review. Then answer the questions that follow.

|Erin Brockovich |

|Erin Brockovich is an amazing movie based on a true story. In the movie, Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is a mother of three young children. |

|She never finished high school and cannot find a job. She is living in poverty and doesn’t know what to do. Finally, Erin goes to Edward L. |

|Masry (Albert Finney), a lawyer she knows, and convinces him to hire her. |

|One day, while Erin is working in the office, she reads a file* about a small town in California called Hinkley. In the file, she learns about |

|the spread of a strange disease* in the town. She decides to go there to investigate the case and learn more about the people involved. |

|In Hinkley, Erin has a difficult time finding the truth. But finally she discovers that PG&E, a huge gas and electric company in California, |

|has been dumping industrial waste* in the town for a very long time. Erin learns that the waste is now in the town’s drinking water and that’s |

|what is making the people sick. |

|When Erin finds all the proof she needs, she and Ed take PG&E to court*. They win the case and PG&E has to pay the town of Hinkley 333 million |

|dollars – the most money ever paid in a case of this kind. |

|Comments |

|I loved this movie! Julia Roberts did a fantastic job – but did you know |

|that she made $20 million for acting in it? That’s ridiculous! ~ James |

|What an excellent movie! It made me laugh and cry! |

|And best of all, it was based on a true story. ~ Lauren |

*file תיק / ملف

*disease מחלה / مرض

*dumping industrial waste משליכה פסולת תעשייתית / تتخلص من النفايات الصناعية

*court בית המשפט / محكمة

1 Which is NOT true? (1 x 5 = 5 points)

In lines 1-4 we learn … .

a. why Erin needs a job

b. why Erin can’t find a job

c. how Erin finds a job

d. what Erin does as her job

2 Answer the question. (1 x 10 = 10 points)

Why does Erin go to Hinkley, California? (lines 5-8)

3 Complete the sentence. (1 x 5 = 5 points)

Erin discovers that .............................. is making people sick. (lines 9-12)

4 a. Circle the correct answer. (1 x 10 = 10 points)

The movie has a happy / sad ending. (lines 13-15)

b. Copy the words from the text that helped you answer.

5 Circle the correct answer. (1 x 5 = 5 points)

The reviewers both … . (lines 16-20)

a. enjoyed the movie

b. like Julia Roberts

c. cried in the movie

d. want to be actors

6 Circle the correct answer. (1 x 5 = 5 points)

The movie Erin Brockovich shows us the importance of … .

a. being kind-hearted

b. a college education

c. not giving up

d. being a lawyer

7 Answer the question. (1 x 10 = 10 points)

Do you think Erin Brockovich is a hero? Explain why or why not.

Vocabulary (20 points)

A Circle the correct answers. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. He knows everything about computers. He is an explanation / adult / expert.

2. The police decided to investigate / remove / conclude the suspect to get more information about him.

3. They didn’t find any damage / rule / proof that he committed the crime.

4. He wanted to cheer up / give up / turn out because he thought he was going to lose the race.

5. The police couldn’t prove that the suspect was innocent / guilty / depressed so they let him go.

6. She is really smart. Her friends think she’s a genius / an officer / an orphan.

7. I have good investigations / memories / performances of our last vacation.

8. You probably / unfairly / exactly remember that man. He was our neighbor.

9. The student competed / forced / admitted that he had cheated on the test.

10. Noa is a big soccer lawyer / fan / orphan. She watches all the competitions.

B Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

|fear silent predict producer |

|chance involved allowed there’s no way |

1. Some people believe they can .............................. the future.

2. Steven Spielberg is a famous movie .............................. .

3. We traveled to Haifa for a day, but we didn’t have a .............................. to visit our cousins.

4. .............................. I’m going to give him my English notebook again! He never gives anything back.

5. I’d like to be more .............................. in what’s happening in our school.

6. I saw the .............................. in the child’s eyes when the dog jumped on him.

7. Movies without sound are called .............................. movies.

8. Children under eight are not .............................. to cross the street by themselves.

C Write two sentences about a competition. Use the words below. (2 x 1 = 2 points)

fit championship feel sorry for make sure experience compete

Language (20 points)

PASSIVE – present / past / future

A Circle the correct answers. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. The new movie is shown / was shown / will be shown tonight.

2. The games were prepared / are prepared / will be prepared two days before the birthday party began.

3. Many important things are discovered / were discovered / will be discovered by Albert Einstein.

4. Millions of letters are sent / were sent / will be sent all over the world every day.

5. Our air conditioner is fixed / will be fixed / was fixed next week.

B Complete the sentences with the passive form of the (5 x 1 = 5 points)

verbs in brackets.

1. The thief …………………………… (arrest) by the police last night.

2. All students …………………………… (allow) to leave school after the test tomorrow.

3. In a year a new sports center …………………………… (build) in our neighborhood.

4. Hundreds of people …………………………… (hurt) every year in car accidents.

5. Spanish …………………………………. (not teach) in all schools in Israel.

C Circle the correct form of the verb, active or passive. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. Clothes washed / were washed by hand many years ago.

2. Parents didn’t use / weren’t used computers when they were children.

3. Football plays / is played outside on the grass.

4. People wear / are worn helmets to protect their heads when riding a bicycle.

5. A thief stole / was stolen a famous painting from the museum last night.

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (5 x 1 = 5 points)

in brackets, active or passive.

1. Pizza …………………………… (make) with tomato sauce and cheese.

2. The bedrooms …………………………… (paint) tomorrow afternoon.

3. Each student …………………………… (get) a school newspaper next week.

4. The gold medal …………………………… (win) by an Israeli athlete two years ago.

5. The thieves …………………………… (take) all of the jewelry they could find in the house.

Writing (10 points)

Some people believe that students should learn mainly by using computers. Express an opinion for or against. Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. Write 60-80 words.

To explain the reasons for your opinion, you may want to write about one of the ideas below or an idea of your own.

• a positive and negative experience you had using a computer at school

• the kinds of schoolwork that a computer can help you with

• school supplies you need if you do / do not use a computer







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Unit 4 TEST


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