Lesson 5 worksheet – Proverbs: A Good Name

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Fill in the blanks as we study the lesson.

1. The book of Proverbs gives us God’s wisdom as He revealed it to Solomon. We learned that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. (Prov. 1:7) Wisdom tells to avoid bad companions. (Prov. 1:10-19) We should listen to wisdom as it calls to us. (Prov. 1:20-33) Wisdom helps us avoid the trap of immoral relationships. (Prov. 2:16-19)

2. Wisdom comes from the word of God. (Prov 3:1) You can not be wise if you forget the Bible. It is not enough just to know the Bible; you must do what it says if you want to be wise. (James 1:22-25)

3. Wisdom brings many valuable benefits to your life. (Prov 3:2) It brings you length of days and long life. Each day you can have more blessings, and you will live a longer life than you would without wisdom. Wisdom gives you peace in your heart, so you do not need to worry even when many troubles come to your life. (John 14:27)

4. Wisdom finds the right balance of mercy and truth. (Prov 3:3) Sometimes the merciful don’t stand for the truth. Sometimes those who stand for truth do not have mercy. You need to hold tightly to both of them. If you are wisely balanced, you will find favor (approval) with God and men. (vs. 4) You will please God, which should be a very important goal in your life. You will also gain a good reputation among men.

5. A good reputation is a more valuable thing than great riches. (Prov. 22:1) When people hear your name, what do they think about? Do they think of someone who is honest and wise? It has often been said that reputation is what people think you are, but your character is what you really are. You cannot control what people think about you, but you need to control your character if you want to have a good name.

6. A man who can control himself has strength of character. It is harder to have victory over yourself than to defeat the army of an enemy. (Prov. 16:32) The self controlled person can have victory over his anger. He is slow to anger, and quick to forgive. (Eph. 4:26) Quick anger promotes foolishness. (Prov. 14:29) Quick anger causes conflict between people, but slow anger helps them get along in peace. (Prov. 15:18) A wise person waits a while before he lets himself get angry when others do him wrong. (Prov. 19:11) God is slow to anger. (Psalm 103:8) A self controlled man will control his tongue. If you were more ready to listen, and not so ready to talk, you would be slower to anger. (James 1:19-20) You do not accomplish God’s will with quick anger.

7. A man who does not control himself is not protected from the enemy. (Prov. 25:28) Satan has opportunity to defeat him with sinful temptations. Satan can come into his life and take away his peace and fruitfulness.

8. Parents should help their children develop self control. If the proper habits are developed early in life, they will stay with a person when he is older. (Prov. 22:6)

9. Wise parents understand that their children are born with a sinful nature. When they do wrong, they must be punished with a spanking. порка, трёпка (Prov. 22:15) This drives the foolishness out of their hearts. A foolish person thinks he can sin without being punished. Spanking children teaches them that doing wrong will hurt them. It gives them the wisdom to be afraid to sin. (Prov. 29:15)

10. Parents who do not spank their children do not love them. (Prov. 13:24) A loving parent will spank the children promptly when they disobey. (“betimes”)

11. Wise parents will not let the children’s crying stop them from giving an effective spanking. (Prov. 19:18) A spanking should be done deliberately, not in anger. The offence should be explained, so the child knows what he did wrong and can learn not to do it again. (Eph. 6:4) The Bible tells us to use a “rod”, which will cause pain without damaging the body. (Prov. 23:13-14) Spanking a child helps to turn his heart away from sin and towards God, which will deliver his soul from hell.

12. Parents who raise their children according to the wise instructions of the Bible will be glad they did. Their children will grow up with self control and a good reputation. The family will have a good name. (Prov. 23:15-16, 29:17, 3John 4)

13. Parents who do not train their children God’s way will be sorry. (Prov. 10:1, 17:21,25) Their children will grow up to hate them. (Prov. 30:11-14) They will raise a generation of rebellious, proud, and cruel adults who love sin and only care about themselves. In 1946, Dr. Benjamin Spock published a famous book on child care. It sold over 50 million copies in 39 languages. He taught the world not to spank their children. By the 1960’s, these children grew up to become a selfish and rebellious generation. God’s wisdom is always better than man’s foolishness. (Rom. 1:22)

Fill in the blanks and correct any mistakes. Keep this lesson for future reference. Come back for lesson No. 6 - “Money and Business”.


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