
MONROE TOWNSHIP FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1?BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS?MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING?WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2020??The Monroe Township Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No. 1 met online at a virtual Regular meeting via?Amazon Chime. The meeting was called to order with a salute to the Flag at 7:00 PM.? There was a moment of silence for fallen soldiers, firefighters, EMS workers,?etc.?UPON ROLL CALL the following members of the Monroe Township Board of Fire Commissioners of District No. 1 were present:? Charles Dipierro, Michael Costello, Vincent DiLieto,?Christian Ventriello?and Leandra Kane.????ALSO?PRESENT:? Chief Anthony Costa, Deputy Chief Lonnie Pipero, President Todd Grossman, Fire Official Ernest Zih, Patrick Reardon, Board Attorney Joseph Youssouf & Board Accountant Joseph Massoni????Board Attorney Joseph Youssouf?announced that the meeting is being held in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and that adequate notice of the meeting has been provided by the following:? posted on the bulletin board of the Township Clerk in the Municipal Complex and published in the Home News Tribune.??UPON MOTION MADE by?Michael Costello?and seconded by?Christian Ventriello, the Board approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of?April 8, 2020, subject to the same being provided to the public during, and?subsequent to?this meeting.??ROLL CALL:? ? ?Commissioner?Charles Dipierro ? Aye?Commissioner?Michael CostelloAye?Commissioner?Vincent DiLieto? Aye?Commissioner?Christian Ventriello Aye?? ?Commissioner?Leandra Kane Aye??INSURANCE REPORT:???Commissioner Vincent DiLieto stated that?there is one claim pending for a garage door incident. The door has been repaired and replaced and all bills have been submitted to insurance. We are all squared away with the vendors. Now we are waiting to see if we are going to do upgrades on our own, maybe replacing sensors higher up so the bucket of the ladder and tower would trip the alarm before and it wouldn’t happen again. We will get some pricing because it wouldn’t be covered by insurance. No one was hurt. ???CHIEF’S REPORT:??Chief Anthony Costa was present and gave report. (Attached) He stated that there were?20 calls for the month. We are now on single dispatch with the three districts, so the calls should start going down. There were no drills & no new members.? Chief reported that the Rescue had a leak and had to be towed, but there was a problem with the bill. There was some damage to the back of the truck, done by the tow company. We are going to table the George Logan Towing, Inc. bill until further notice. Chief informed the Board that we are in need of a new Chief’s vehicle. The one he has now is a 2008 and he would like to purchase a Chevy Tahoe under state contract in the amount of $42,602.62. He added that we have surplus equipment that is no longer needed. Joe Youssouf stated that anything we have, we must do a resolution declaring it surplus equipment no longer needed by the fire district. Once that’s done, we can sell it on or any other state recognized/utilized online sale auction site. When the money comes in from the sale of used equipment by the district, it falls into general reserve funds and cannot just be used to do anything with. It has to be put into an account, held and used through an appropriation line at a later date. Commissioner DiLieto added that along with the Crown Vic, we should try to get rid of the confined space trailer now that we have a home for most of that equipment. Joe Massoni added that we have money in the equipment line item, but also money in the contingency line item that can be used for this type of situation where we have to replace a vehicle that is unsafe. UPON MOTION MADE by?Michael Costello?and seconded by?Vincent DiLieto, with all in favor; the Board authorized the purchase of a new Chief’s vehicle (under state contract) not to exceed $43,000.??ROLL CALL:? ? ?Commissioner?Charles Dipierro ? Aye?Commissioner?Michael CostelloAye?Commissioner?Vincent DiLieto? Aye?Commissioner?Christian Ventriello Aye?? ?Commissioner?Leandra Kane Aye?Chief questioned the status of the SCBA packs. An application will have to be put through bond counsel to review everything and submit it to the local finance board. Then we go through the hearing process. They will get the ball rolling. FIRE PREVENTION REPORT:? Ernie was present and gave report. (Attached) He informed the Board that all Smoke Detector Inspections are being conducted by an affidavit of inspection with phone guidance from Bureau Inspectors. Some detector fees have been suspended during this time of National Emergency. Ernie has been working remotely, as well as Inspector Patrick Reardon. As a result, some inspections are being conducted without a physical inspection. Establishments are being asked to submit alarm and sprinkler tests and violation reports are being sent to correct any needed items.There is one complaint regarding a legal fire pit. Letters have been sent to both neighbors including a copy of the code. Further, Monroe Zoning and Health were copied. At the request of the Commissioners, a video was made regarding the status of Monroe Fire District 1 entities during this crisis. After an introduction noting Fire Prevention material for home instruction, the Bureau then gave update on inspection procedures, especially for those needing smoke detector inspections for a home resale. A segment included statutes of the Fire Dept. and noted “virtual meeting” information. Copies were posted on the website, YouTube and the Fire Company’s Facebook account. Links were also provided for Commissioner monthly meeting login procedures, Fire Prevention material as well as storybooks read by our members. The Middlesex County Fire Protection and Prevention Association created an online virtual voting poll for the poster contest. The winners were then sent to the State Division of Fire for judging. Although we didn’t have any County winners, Monroe Fire District #3 had several.PRESIDENT’S REPORT:???Todd informed the Board that Driveway Armor came and sealed the driveway, filled the cracks and did the line striping. The birthday drive-bys have been a huge success. A rough tally is about 110 so far, seems to be 3 or 4 per day. The police department and EMS try their best to join us. Todd received a phone call from the Academy Learning Center wishing to donate boxed lunches to us. There have been a lot of other food donations coming in during the pandemic. The book reading has also been a huge success. Todd will speak to the Chief, but he thinks they will end the drive-bys in June. LEGAL REPORT:??None??ACCOUNTANT’S REPORT:??Board Accountant Joseph Massoni was present and gave report.? Joe stated that the financial reports through?April 30th were circulated to the Board and all the bank accounts have been reconciled to date. No significant revenue to note in April. Joe has been working with the outside auditors on the 2019 Financial Statement Audit and after gathering information and answering all their questions, he feels they are coming down to the wire. Once they receive disclosures, they will be able to finalize the audit report. Joe is hoping to have it ready and available for next month’s meeting. ?? TREASURER’S REPORT:??Commissioner Michael Costello read the list of?May bills to be paid.??VENDORAMOUNT1st. Choice Safety Equipment$2,130.00 A Cut Above Landscaping$6,390.00Absolute Fire Protection Co., Inc.$3,737.54Allied Fire & Safety Equipment Co.$215.44Alpine Software$917.28Amanda's Web, LLC.$450.00 Andrade's House Cleaning, LLC.$1,000.00Breeze Heating & Air Conditioning$4,390.00Cintas$808.58Circle Janitorial Supplies, South$155.46Classic Systems, Inc.$420.00Clean Air Company$1,147.04Complete Document Solutions$45.15Connected Solutions Group$2,264.21Discount Auto Centers$518.38Driveway Armor$3,465.00East Coast Emergency Lighting, Inc.$393.40Eastern Termite and Pest Control Co.$72.00Enforsys, Inc.$1,350.00Family Practice of CentraState$540.00Fisch Solutions$300.00Gerhardt's Dairy IV, LLC.$54.36Grainger$3,749.04Great America Financial Services$196.41IDVille$2,879.56JCP&L$1,664.38KC Service$220.67Monmouth County Treasury$150.00 MTUD$44,137.50National Fuel Oil, Inc.$638.77New Jersey American Water$184.00New Jersey Fire Equip. Co.$2,843.00NJ State Assoc. of Fire Districts$300.00PSE&G$551.46 Ridgeway Leatherworks$276.00 RumZDad, LLC.$4,070.00Samzies Uniforms$1,290.98Santander Bank, N.A.$227,837.74Standard Waste Services$264.60Tint Tech, LLC.$1,000.00 Verizon$704.03Verizon Wireless$1,584.20W.B. Mason$2,400.36TOTAL: $327,706.54UPON MOTION MADE by Vincent DiLieto?and seconded by?Leandra Kane,?with?all in favor,?the Board approved the payment of the bills read. (tabling the towing bill) ???ROLL CALL:? ? ?Commissioner?Charles Dipierro Aye?Commissioner?Michael Costello Aye?Commissioner?Vincent DiLieto? Aye?Commissioner?Christian Ventriello Aye?? Commissioner?Leandra Kane Aye??OLD BUSINESS:? ?Commissioner Dipierro informed the Board that the ice machine at the old firehouse needs service. (Todd replied that it has been done already) The vent system in the bays, the air conditioning and the boiler have been serviced. NEW BUSINESS:?Commissioner Dipierro thanked Joe Rumolo for making these meetings happen remotely and for all his extra work. The doors have been painted and Lombardi Doors is coming out to replace the door openers and service everything. Charlie said the detail on the trucks came out great and he thanked the members for taking care of our vehicles. The Fourth of July celebration has officially been cancelled and unfortunately there will be no summer camp at the Rec Center. National Night Out has been tentatively moved to October 6, 2020. ?????CORRESPONDENCE:? None?MEETING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC:? NoneEXECUTIVE SESSION:? None?UPON MOTION MADE by?Michael Costello and seconded by?Vincent DiLieto,?the?meeting was adjourned at 8:21PM.???Prepared?by:? Tricia A. Mercado? ................

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