AIM: In what ways did China participate in the world of Eurasian commerce and exchange and with what outcomes?Do Now: 1) the video (link above) Identify and explain the significance of each invention/innovation presented.2) Right Side: Gunpowder Left Side: Paper Back row: CompassIdentify and explain the significance of the invention/innovationOutline:China and the Eurasian World EconomyA. Spillovers: China’s Impact on Eurasia1. many of China’s technological innovations spread beyond its bordersa. salt production through solar evaporationb. papermakingc. printing d. gunpowder invented ca. 1000, but used differently after it reached Europee. Chinese textile, metallurgical, and naval technologies also stimulated imitation and innovation (e.g., magnetic compass)2. Chinese prosperity stimulated commercial life all over EurasiaB. On the Receiving End: China as Economic Beneficiary1. China learned cotton and sugar cultivation and processing from India2. China was transformed around 1000 by introduction of new rice strains from Vietnam3. technological creativity was spurred by cross-cultural contacta. e.g., printing was stimulated by Buddhism (first printed book, in 868 c.e., was the Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist text)4. growing participation in Indian Ocean tradea. foreign merchant settlements in southern Chinese ports by Tang erab. sometimes brought violence, e.g., massive massacre of foreigners in Canton in the 870sc. transformation of southern China to production for export instead of subsistenceC. China’s Economy Today1. China ranks second in the size of its economy when measured in terms of nominal GDP(Nominal GDP ranking 1. US 2. China 3. Japan 4. Germany 5. UK)Maps ................

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