Eastern Hemisphere Physical Map Quiz Quiz date: _____________EL: 7.3.4 Identify and describe major physical characteristics in Asia, Africa, & and the Southwest Pacific. Name: ___________________________ Date: _______ Class: _______Directions: Label the following continents & landforms on the map on the backside of this sheet. Be sure to draw and color the appropriate features. Be studying throughout the week to prepare!Europe AsiaAfricaAustraliaAntarcticaIndian OceanPacific OceanTigris & Euphrates Rivers (draw and color blue)Nile River (draw and color blue)Lake Victoria (draw and color blue)Niger River (draw and color blue)Indus River (draw and color blue)Ganges River (draw and color blue)Huang He & Chiang Jiang Rivers (draw and color blue)Sahara (draw and color orange/brown)Kalahari Desert (draw and color orange/brown)Himalayas (draw /\ /\ /\) Ethiopian HighlandsGreat Rift ValleyNorth China Plain***Note- quiz scores will be used to help determine future FIT sessions. ................

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