Granada Hills, CA is found at 34

“Where’s the SPICE?” Review

Identify which element is featured in each of the following situations. Explain in a complete sentence, why the situation fits in the element that you have chosen.

1. San Jose, CA is found at 37.3N 121.87W

2. Raccoons have adapted to living near people.

3. 2001 Cottle Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

4. South Sudan becomes the world’s newest country.

5. Houses in California are built to withstand earthquakes.

6. China’s One Child Policy.

7. The United States

8. Fishing is very common along the Texas Gulf Coast.

9. The Great Pyramids of Giza.

10. Some fish species have become endangered because of over fishing.

11. Coffee beans from Colombia sold at your local Starbucks.

12. Morgan Hill is south of San Jose.

13. Many churches are found along the Bible Belt region of the United States.

14. Companies outsource jobs.

15. Caste System in India

16. Universal healthcare

17. Off-shore oil drilling in Alaska.

18. North Korean radios and TVs are modified to receive only government stations.

19. Arranged marriage practices.

20. Traditional Japanese brides wear white kimonos.


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