
NumerologyThe system of interpreting numbers by considering both their symbolic and literal meanings throughout history. __________________________ The study of a number's symbolism is known as numerology. This practice is used in determining an individual's personality, talents, strengths, inner needs, obstacles, ways of dealing with others and emotional interactions. Numerology helps to present a picture to reveal all aspects of one's personality as well as how they work together to form a unique person. For the individual, it aims to help you use your character strengths and to make the most of opportunities.Numerology is a method using numbers that are symbols of varying vibrational patterns that form the human experience. The Chaldeans of ancient times believed all things were made of energy vibrating at varying states and modern science is just learning the concept. Numerology offers a system which allows one to understand the universal as well as personal qualities of vibrational patterns to represent one's life. ___________________________Numerology has a history that traces back over 10,000 years to Babylonia and Egypt. Pythagoras, the father of geometry who formed many basic theorems forming the foundations of modern math, has been credited for formally organizing the field in ancient Greece about 2600 years ago. At the beginning of the 20th century, L. Dow Balliet, an American, working with several contemporaries, began numerology's modern phase. An increase in publication and research has brought about resurgence in the interest in numbers and their power in the beginning of the 21st century. Numerology is a term coined by Dr. Julia Seton and was first published in a book around the year 1937. Before this time, it was commonly referred to as Arithmancy, the Science of Numbers. ___________________________Today, the practice of Numerology can be broken into two major schools, the Chaldean system and the Modern system. The Chaldean system traces its orgins through the cuneiform tablets, which date thousands of years before Pythagoras' birth. The modern school starts from Pythagoras. In addition, there are schools of numerology with roots from the ancient Taoist cosmologies, following the theories of the Five Elements and Yin and Yang. As best can be told, these methods, which have developed into what is today known as Kyusei or 9 Ki in Japan along with I-Ching (Yijing) pre-date the origin of numbers._________________________________The primary difference is found in the way that the Pythagorean system uses the alphabet in a more strict and linear sequence the Chaldean system. A second difference between the two systems is that the older system places greater emphasis on a name, while the newer one places a greater emphasis on the individual's own birth date.Chinese Numerology is quite different from Pythagorean Numerology. One of the main differences that exists is that Chinese Numerology does not associate each number with a personality but instead is based on the sounds made by the numbers when they are pronounced. In the event that a number has a similar sound to a word that has a negative connotation, that number is considered to be unlucky, as well.For example, in the Chinese language, the word for 'one' has a sound that is similar to the word for 'honor.' This number is also associated with independence, but this may not always have a positive connotation as it can also indicate isolation or loneliness. The number 1 is also the only number that has an association with the water element. This element is a symbol of the ability to achieve a path to something better or even break through barriers. In the West, the number 1 is considered to be a masculine number and is associated with creation. This is a primal number that is also believed to set change into motion. In a positive manner, the number 1 is also associated with courage, energy, and leadership. Conversely; however, the number 1 may also be associated with being confrontational, impulsive, and impatient. ___Method of Using this System_____________Numerology reduces all numbers to the single digits from one to nine, excepting the master numbers of 11 and 22. Each of these digits, along with the master numbers represent major vibration rates which are associated with the individual's characteristics. Numbers are reduced using simple addition. Thus, using the number 16 for example would be reduced to seven by adding one and six. In a similar manner years, such as 1976 ware reduced by adding one, nine, seven and six for a total of 23, which is further reduced by adding two and three to get five. The letters in an individual's name can be found by converting letters to numbers and adding together. The sum is then reduced. In this sequence, A is one, B is two and C is three, so A-I represent the numbers 1-9, J thorough R also represent the numbers 1-9 and S-Z represent 1-8. Use the text to complete the following questions. Matching Headings You need to use pairs of paragraphs in most casesExample:Method of Using this Systemparagraphs ____10 & 11___History of Numerologyparagraph ______________Differences in Numerologyparagraphs ______________What is Numerology?paragraphs ______________Schools of Numerologyparagraphs______________Comprehension Questions: use one word or a number onlyWhat was the name of the ancient people whothought there was energy in numbers?_________________How many years ago did the modern system ofNumerology begin?_________________What is another spelling for the I-Ching__________________Give on example of a characteristicassociated with the number 1 (for the Chinese) __________________True / False / Not GivenL. Dow Balliet worked alone on the modernT / F / NG phase of Numerology.The Chinese system was the only one in the East.T / F / NGIt is necessary to use the alphabet to calculateyour personal number.T / F / NGFor the Chinese, numbers may have both positive and negative meanings.T / F / NGMost Western people us numerology to understandtheir own personalities.T / F / NG SummaryUse one word for each gap – choose from the following. soundsnumbersthousandsChineseWestbirthnamesyearsNumerology is a system which has origins that date back 1) _____________ of years. There are various systems – ancient, modern, those from the East and others from the 2) __________. Numerology is a method of using numbers to understand the character of the individual from their name and date of 3) __________. It involves adding the separate 3) _____________ together until a single digit is reached. There are differences in each school of Numerology. For example, in the Chinese system, the numbers are linked to 4) _________ in the Chinese language. ................

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