
275_2021.08.31Wed, 9/1 10:19PM ? 1:42:23SUMMARY KEYWORDSstate, section, vaccination, commonwealth, case, court, new south wales, absolutely, member, vaccinated, constitution, government, parliament, people, rights, law, emails, border, apply, book00:01Good evening, everyone and welcome to the No, you're right shows streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. We are of course streaming on our brand new exciting digital mixers. So send us through some comments and let us know if it's coming through loud and clear. And hopefully any of the audio issues that we've had on a couple of the recent shows will be all well and truly cleared up. Of course, our show is proudly sponsored by a webgate IT solutions are stretching your it dollar further, if anyone's looking for any IT experts, please do be sure to contact the guys at a web gate dotnet.au because we do have our three regular show sponsors now green, a cleaner, alkaline health and Verona resort in Noosa. As well as our new sponsor, I check Property Inspections, you can find out more about all four sponsors on our brand new health and sponsors page. And we do urge you to check out the great range of products that greener cleaner has, make sure you book in for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, please do be sure to check out Verona resort in Noosa. And of course a reminder to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. And if you're looking to buy a property, please be sure to contact I check Property Inspections to avoid any nasty surprises before you buy. So with all of our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike. I'm joined again in the show by Daryl How am I right, sir.01:29Good night. Very good. And hello to all your listeners. Absolutely. And Darren's made the big trip down once again. Now I Sir, I'm fine and dandy. Thank you, buddy.01:43Oh man, I'm still here. I'm still kicking. It's all good. Oh, wait, it's been it has indeed that it has. Now as I explained at the start of every show, we formed the know your rights group just over seven years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And finally, now that people's liberties and freedoms are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up now and wanting to learn about their rights, which is great. So as long as people continue to slowly but surely wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows each week. And of course doing our best to teach people about their rights and of course trying to restore our freedoms. And just before we get started another important reminder about our social media platforms, we are now keeping our Facebook platforms for the newbies and beginners. And we do urge all of our more advanced members to please refer to our me we gab and telegram platforms, as well as our bit shoot channel. Obviously, given the controversial nature of some of our recent video updates, we will no longer be uploading any of those to YouTube because they're only just going to get deleted again. So we do have some great historical videos up there for beginners. But everyone else really does need to move over to the beat, shoot platform and follow us there. Now speaking of videos, our live video updates are starting to get some really great traction now. Our last update from Sunday night has already been viewed over 45,000 times. And last, last week's video has now been other thing with last Thursday's video has been viewed 80,000 times. So please, if you've missed those videos, do make sure you lock in a time to watch them. Because they really do contain some vital information again, you'll find them under the videos tab on our Facebook page, or on our beat shooter channel. Again, I want to acknowledge that we do understand that many of you are new to our group to our show to our website. But please do spend some time looking through all the information that we've already created over the past seven years. And do refrain from trying to correspond with us via Facebook Messenger or YouTube, things like that. We have actually put on a Facebook moderator now. So please note that we do not personally see any Facebook Messenger messages, or any comments on our videos anymore, they do or just go straight through to our moderator who just gives us a bit of feedback on them. So it's been a really, really big week for changes at the know your rights group this week, because after being completely overwhelmed, or once again, we have finally bitten the bullet and we are actually bringing someone in next week to help us. So we don't end up four or five days behind on important membership queries again this week. So we've had to once again unfortunately remove our coaching calls from our website. because too many people are booking in they're not providing the information that we need. They're not answering the calls when they're saying that they're available and it's now just simply become too hard to try and help those people. So it is what it is moving forwards. We have a tonne of completely free information on the website. We do of course have our ebook and our various CDs our seminar DVDs, which go into a lot more detail. And then we do have these completely free a weekly radio shows, and, of course, our bi weekly live video updates. And that really is all we can do now to help people moving forward. So we do appreciate everyone's understanding in advance. And we again, take this opportunity to remind everyone that you are welcome to post questions on our various social media platforms. That's what they're there for. paid members are welcome to use our members only forum. And any order or membership related emails will be addressed as soon as we can. We know a number of people have emailed him with questions about orders from a few days ago, we are desperately trying to catch up. So we're onto that all other emails will either just be skipped or deleted, because we just cannot keep up with them. Now, again, I know a number of people have signed up recently for podcast membership, and they're having some issues accessing those podcasts. Again, if you are an existing a book member, you must click the Add on ky our podcast membership, don't just click the normal podcast membership Otherwise, it will not add on to your existing membership account. And of course, then we have to catch up and and do that manually for you. So just please keep that in mind. Again, when he's emailed us about that we will get to you just give us a few more days to catch up. And once we have finally caught up on all the outstanding emails and calls, we will be producing a brand new FAQ page, which will hopefully answer about 90% of the same emails that we keep getting day in and day out. So please do keep an eye out on our website in the coming weeks. So there's lots of really exciting positive changes happening at Know Your Rights and just a heads up when they are getting very close to finishing our home study course, which is going to take people's understanding of their rights to a whole new level, and will hopefully give everyone an exciting update on that next week. So be sure to stay tuned. Now in any event, getting back to the show, for those of you keeping track, this is our 270/5 broadcast. And we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. And for those of you who are new to our show, perhaps our website, you will find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. And then of course, he's Know Your Rights .au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Now those podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal taxes voluntary, the fact that the ATF is not a legal entity, we also deal with a straw man concept and of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution, as well as everything COVID related. So there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and older like to refer to, in case you've missed anything. Or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered sunlight. Why do we do these broadcasts?08:04Why indeed might as always, the point of the broadcast is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and really implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on the shows for taking action against these in justices and really helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will continue doing these broadcasts every week again, because quite clearly, 2021 is shaping up to be another very challenging year. And we obviously do want to play our part in keeping everyone informed of their rights and how to stand up for them. A reminder, we will continue doing our live video updates on both a Thursday and Sunday evening at 8:30pm as well, including, of course, our next one this coming Thursday. Again, those video updates have been very popular. So in case you've missed any of them, please go to the Facebook page, go to the bitchery channel so you can catch up. We do of course love to receive listeners feedback, as well as any young basic general questions they may have anything specific we can't assist with, but just general questions that will be of assistance to others as well. We'd love to get those so please send those through via email at no your rights at Red FM comm otherwise, you can SMS us on 04127 double one, seven double five. So as we usually do, I'm gonna kick off tonight's show with some of the huge array of emails that we received in the past week, because I'm sure there'll be of interest to everyone tuning in. So first up, we've got Hi, Mike, Darren and Darryl, thanks again for all your efforts, which are hugely appreciated. You've become our rod and our staff. And we are immensely grateful for the way you we have grown into your guidance and knowledge for the last 18 months. But first it was a huge head stretch. But now it's becoming second nature. I encourage all new listeners to persevere to stand strong and familiarise themselves with the Know Your Rights website. I've just been issued with an authorised essential worker permit to travel to my place of work, found this document online and then sent the link. The document states it's to be carried from 1159. On the 23rd of August, I responded to my employer that I've not been issued with a named health order. This directive does not apply to me and the silent course applies to my employer. However, they've said if that if stopped by police in my travels to and from work, I know how to deal with that. And that will be on me not on my employer. I thought it might be a timely moment to cover off the essentials for listeners, since this is likely to be happening everywhere in Victoria. I think it's actually most of Australia or certainly New South Wales and Victoria at the moment. Alternatively, if there's a radio show video that's already covered this hopefully it's not too hard. Let us know the approximate date. So my understanding as a beginner is that no name public health order applies to me therefore no COVID directions apply to me. I'm not obliged to identify myself to police and and I stopped carrying my licence. Virginia v banner Supreme Court ruling police have no power to detain me for the purpose of facilitating an investigation. DPP vs. Hamilton Supreme Court ruling I did not have to stop and speak to police unless under arrest, you've stopped pulled over I can inform that I'm travelling to work if under if arrested, I can under duress identify myself and show the papers that I haven't filled in. If you should with an infringement I follow chapter three of the OSI speeding fines book which already which we already probably aren't and which is available on the Know Your Rights page. Be a standard if local police will be stopping anyway, anyone they simply don't have the resources to pull over every person who's going shopping, etc. I'll be most grateful for any tips or omissions in my to do list and look forward to the next show regards Viv and Shane. Right. So we'd probably need to clear up a few points there that the DPP and Regina v banner are not going to override anything if you are actually travelling. If you are in an automobile which they will consider a vehicle and they pull you over Yes, you will need to produce your licence that does not mean handed over it means produce, which means show it to them just as they would produce and show you their identification if you ask them. But yes, other than that, I think he's pretty much on the money.12:17I would suggest to have a look at the case of Kaaba versus Watson where Magnus Kaba was the passenger in a automobile. And he was travelling in the good city of Melbourne in Collingwood, specifically, and Magnus and his actual name is kalba. But it's it's in the case they use. Magnus actually was the passenger and he could see his destination from where they had been pulled up. So he decided to walk to the, to the location. So he left the vehicle and the police pursued him. And he was quite quite vocal in his delivery and quite offensive towards the police officers. And the police officers actually apprehended and assaulted him and did various things. And it was it was taken that Magnus Kaba had no obligation to speak to police, because he was the passenger of the vehicle. And the police were imposing the obligation to provide your details from the Road Safety Act. Right. So that's always a good case to reference as well. Nice.13:37There you go. Good stuff all arrive at Sophie says, Hi, do you have any information about being able to decline a test prior to elective procedures in a hospital? I've been notified by the hospital that I'll need a negative test prior to procedure this week. We get a lot of these questions. And it's it's a bit of a difficult one because you know, you're going into the public health system. And you're basically asking them to do something for you. And therefore usually that means you've got to jump through their hoops in return.14:11Yeah, but we're in the paraphernalia that they provide is the evidence that the PCR test traces COVID-19?14:21Well, yeah, but again, this is the problem. They'll just stick to the guns and say that's just the way it is. If you don't get the test, we're not. Yeah, we're not well, we're14:29a saliva test or blood test.14:31Again, and I've spoken a couple people about this. And I said, Yeah, look, we tried that. And they just say, no, it's a PCR test or nothing. So unless you're going to go down the road of getting them to formally refuse you the operation, and then initiate initiate legal action against them, saying, well, I offered them these alternatives, they refuse, they then refuse to do the procedure. And therefore I've now suffered as a result, and actually bring it up in court where it can be argued in court. I don't know that you're going to get in With the hospital on the day in question, I certainly know I haven't been able to. And I've been waiting for 18 months for surgery. So, and they keep saying same thing. I keep saying, well,15:10we're not seeking from the chief health officer. But again, they're not working in the hospital. No, but they're the ones who are directing the hospital.15:21In the hospital, just keep putting their foot down. And I noticed that because we get 100 questions about it a week and kind I've had it myself. So you're booked in for surgery? There you go. I was supposed to be Yeah. Okay. I'm happy to help you. Thanks. Okay. Yeah, I was just like, yeah, yeah, no worries. I've got the knife in the kitchen. Alright. Now, let's not worry about that. I've survived this long without a mask and without social distancing. And without remaining in my five K's and I've survived COVID i can i can survive anything. So anyway, Linda says, Do you need to learn to listen to section on property title changes, however, the first commentator was completely Inaudible. I know, it wasn't just me, because I saw another person coming up at the sound issue on your telegram group. Anyway, it seemed you may be hinting at the idea that you can write to your state MP about doing his job. But was there any mention of laws that they are not sticking to? Or what in particular were asking them to do? Is there a solution to in a way out of these problems such that we can keep our title get granted by the crown? Or is there a transcript you can send to cover that segment? Thanks for all the work that you do. So yeah, look, there was an issue with the with the mixing desk and buttons not working correctly. So do you want to just quickly reiterate or summarise what you said on last week's show that the listeners weren't able to hear?16:40is I believe that the selling off of the Torrens, title office, were all land titles are supposed to be stored. For record public record is a public office. So we need to communicate with a particular room minister relating to land and land title's and ask them where they got the authority to essentially sell off that office in light of the sale of offices act 1829, which is binding here in Australia and the sale of public offices act 1551. The Torrance title's office is a public office and all of your land titles reside back to the Korean the Korean is where all freehold properties run record. So your as your title should have the words estate in fee simple, not the words estate fee simple.17:58So someone's going to certificate a part of the doesn't have the correct wording. Can they send it back and ask for a correct one to be issued?18:05Absolutely. And I would be sending the correspondence on to the Minister for the for the for that particular department. Yep. And asking them Why is this? Because this is a clear breach of of the asylum officers act, I believe. It's something that we need to all be quite active. Doesn't matter where we are in Australia. Each state as sold offered some titles office. And we need to confront that front and centre and we need to put the people who are doing this and the people within the Departments of our state governments on notice. absolutely need to call them19:00indeed. Alright. Elise says re HR commission and conflict of interest. Do you know you're right Same thing for all your exceptional work in helping to inform us I watched your most recent video was mentioned suggested to write to this Australian Human Rights Commissioner in relation to breach of basic human rights under the current unlawful lockdown restrictions etc. I looked up who is our current commissioner and was shocked to find an alarming conflict of interest. Mr. Edward santel has connections with the World Economic Forum in 2017. He was recognised as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Also he's currently a member of the World Economic Forum's global future Council on human rights and the fourth industrial revolution. The w f is behind the COVID-19 reset programme. If you follow the information trail enough there's a connection to an interesting vaccine passports and our current restriction conditionings Reiner filmic the German attorney leading the team On the corona scandal and Nuremberg trials, Sue has mentioned the wF is part of those being investigated for prosecution. The concerned lawyers network has information on other conflict of interest connections within our Australian government system. No surprises there. This info about Mr. Santo may be also included. But I did not notice it. However, I'm not being completely through all the material on their website, as is very extensive. There's a wave of deception went on through the whole global charade with players in strategic positions, it seems I may be incorrect, but something doesn't feel right about this sort of connection, I would still like to write to the human rights department. So I wonder if you have any comments about what I've raised here. And if you may recommend any of the other commissioners to write to in gratitude, Elisa, so yeah, look, I mean, they're all in bed with each other. Yeah, you don't have to look too far to see, you know, how they're all interconnected, and how they've all earned their stripes to play a role in this great global scam. denic. And yeah, this is the problem.20:59Yeah, this bars, pandemic, written 2017 is very interesting. And one we should all be sourcing, because it seems to lay out day by day news. And this was written in 2017, including what's happening, I think, just passed today, something to do with the Japanese government. And they are they handling this whole pandemic? I mean, it's been laid out, letter by letter.21:30Yeah, well look, the in respect of the Human Rights Commission, if your morals are compromised, you could take it to the Supreme Court of the state. You know, if you look into the Supreme Court of the state, you'll find that it's owned by Goldman Sachs, or possibly now, after a particular court case, last year, all that information is probably being removed from the internet as I've been informed. So maybe you won't be compromised, because you won't be able to find it. So the you live in, but the city of lies, unfortunately. So there are many ways that you can go about it, but you'll probably find that every aspect, and every person that you cross your paths with will have sold out in some form. This is a global takeover. They are trying to enslave you. Yeah, absolutely. Unfortunately, the people in these positions are corrupted. Yep,22:40yep. This is the worry. But again, what do we do about it? We all start to realise this, we all wake up to it. And then we start spreading this information and letting everybody else know as well. It's you know, they work in secret, they work in dark, they work in hiding, this is what you start to shine the light on and expose it. That's when it all falls apart.23:02I wouldn't incite anyone to protest, but I would definitely tell people to support their local truckers. Absolutely. Absolutely.23:11I would actually throw a tangent here and23:17I want to change from Mauritania. Okay, okay. It's gonna throw a tantrum and go off on a tangent. Yeah, that's23:26okay. We're all listening. I believe section 46 of the Australian constitution applies here. I'm going to go ahead and call him Okay. Okay. And I realised that says that section 46 says until the parliament otherwise provides the any person declared by this constitution to be incapable of sitting as a senator or as a member of the House of Representatives shelf every dive, which associates be liable to pay the sum of 100 pounds to any person who sues for it in any any court of competent jurisdiction. Okay, now 1975 they brought out an act which just totally threw section 46 out.24:24But that says until the parliament otherwise provide so it is legal.24:29I believe it isn't. I believe it was the Parliament of Australia that did that. And you cannot contradict because when you've got the words until the parliament otherwise provides you must go to Section 5136. Section 5136 clearly says that it is it's it's within the parameters of this constitution so you can make changes. Okay, the parliament came my changes, but it can't be as right Radical Islam changes they Mighty 1975. And I believe this section as the rest of the Constitution through clause five is binding on all the states. So therefore, it's burning on the state Parliament's. And I believe that they clearly have an allegiance to foreign powers, which is section 44. One, this is no Brian have an allegiance to foreign pass. And I believe this is we come back to any court of competent jurisdiction. Now, the 1975 Act said the all night, only the high court can deal with this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sorry. That's outside the parameters of the Parliament to bring into legislation, because it falls outside of 5136. The High Court cannot have exclusive jurisdiction,25:56it says until the parliament otherwise provides this particular situation where it can be any court of competent jurisdiction until the parliament otherwise provides then they provided only the26:10High Court. But then section 77. One, I think it's 77. One says that you cannot give the High Court an exclusive jurisdiction. Now, I believe that when the High Court sits as the court of disputed returns, which is what they fall under, then we've got a situation where no, the High Court is outside of 77. One. And if we come back to what the section says in any court of competent jurisdiction. Yep. And there's also no time restriction now that there is a time restriction put in to the act in 1975. Yeah. Again, we're outside of what the the frame is put into section 46.27:04I mean, at the end of the day, it's all about holding them to account and calling them out when they are clearly making decisions, bringing in laws, bringing in directives, you know, saying things in the media that clearly are just there to further their agenda, rather than being an expression of the will of the people. That's a really come on. I'm27:28really I mean, he is we overwhelm people overwhelm their parliamentarian Yes, I, we've had enough. Yep, absolutely going to fall back on the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Because it says very clearly it's binding on the courts, the judges, every person in every state is no ifs, buts, maybe it is binding. So under that, I'm now going to say I don't I doubt the 75 Act has validity. Let's go and test it in any court of competent jurisdiction. And as we've said before, what's a call of competent jurisdiction that's defined under the the acts interpretation act, and that is your Justices of the peace. Yeah, absolutely. It's a court able to exercise Commonwealth jurisdiction, you don't need to rely on the Freemasons know that you'd go to a court as prescribed by the law. Yep. And we've got to start pulling out a few rabbits out of a hat. Yeah, we got a field creative. Yeah, we've got to be creative in this. And we've got to challenge the system on what it says and believe me, there are JPS out there who are more than willing, Oh, definitely stand up and say, yeah, we want to be part of this change. And a lot of you come to our live events and then learn all that info. We've got empower these people and say, Yes, we believe in you. Now you can you exercise this power, we're forwarding a complaint about this Member of Parliament or that Member of Parliament. I think this is, you know, we've got to be left field here.29:11Yep. Look, the the remedies are there. But again, we need people waking up to them getting creative with these solutions. And again, it all starts with getting your head around the fundamentals, getting your head around your basic rights, getting your head around the Commonwealth constitution. I mean, this is, this is the starting point. This is what our ebook is all about. It's that essential, step by step manual for understanding and exercising your eyes. That's why it's called that's called the name that title that whatever you want to call it, you know, and that's what it's all about. That's the first step and and people need to start there. Alright, so we've gone off track a little bit, but we do need to go into our first break when we come back from the break. We're going to be discussing the ridiculous in consistencies between lockdown directives and that how they're just saying with little to no correlation to the actual case numbers that are now being reported, we're also going to be addressing the new surveillance Legislation Amendment identify, identify and disrupt Bill 2021 that everyone's been asking us about over the past few days, we're also going to be discussing the true nature of Section 92 of the Commonwealth constitution. We'll again mentioned the census. Also your protections against any form of mandatory vaccination, pursuant to Section 5123, of the Commonwealth constitution. All of that will be covered. And then obviously, if we've got any time left after all of that, we'll go through some more of the emails that we've received. Again, there's almost certainly gonna be questions similar to the ones that you're thinking of right now. So please do be sure to listen in all the way to the end of tonight's show, so that you don't end up emailing us in another day or two, with exactly the same question, as we've already answered tonight. So I like all that shows Give me another information packed show again tonight. On that point, quick reminder, podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows. And that's all 274 of them. To review all the information that we've shared over the past seven years, you can also listen to our full catalogue of shows from that same period by ordering our current set of 13 podcast CD packs. And again, as I mentioned, in last few shows, all of those new updated CDs are being currently included at no extra cost, as part of our already heavily discounted platinum and ultimate Platinum packs, which a lot of people are now choosing to take advantage of and make those savings. So do be sure to check those out. Again, a heads up, I'm giving everyone plenty of warning five or six weeks warning that we will have to change all of that when our next CDs added. All those prices will need to rise slightly. So keep that in mind. And look if you're not a podcast member yet and you want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast. The incredible amount of information that we have in our court cases page and our members only forum, please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. Of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we'll continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including, of course, any membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show as part of our show notes. And we are actually including copies of those full articles as well. Now, we have also had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows we are providing copies of those transcripts to all of our members as well as part of their podcast membership. Just a heads up, I have not had the slightest chance to upload the last transcript yet, but I will get to it, hopefully before the weekend. So we're gonna play a couple of songs give you a chance to join up as a member. If you haven't already, please make sure you check out our products page, and of course, our bit shoot channel with all of those live video updates. And as always, if you do have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send a quick text message or an email just remind them The show is on live right now in case they forgot to tell me to go to the website, click on the radio show tab to listen in. We can listen in off a mobile device via the tuning app, just download tune in and do a search for red FM. Otherwise, just go straight to red . Click on the player and you will find us there. So we play a couple of songs. We'll be back with lots more straight after this. So we're having a little bit of a chat the other day about section 92 of the Commonwealth constitution. And it seems like some people might be a little bit confused, shall we say about the true meaning of Section 92 100%? There33:47seems to be a lot of people taking cases to the high court with section 92 matters. One recently was the girnar case from from Melbourne regards to the 25 kilometre lockdown. Another one was the Palmer versus wy case. And of course the we all know what that was about. Mr. Palmer wanted to go over the border to access these mines. Yep. And then the third one was Liberty works and all section 92 cases or cases failed. Hmm. So what's section 92? really about? Because these people had the idea that they had a rock solid, tight, tight case in respect of Section 92. So can either of you two gentlemen Tell me what sake the meaning of Section 92 is? absolute freedom of movement, absolute freedom of movement. What about you, Mike? What's with that freedom34:49of trade and commerce? Yep. cluding the movement.34:54Okay, interesting. So it's interesting because in the girnar case, They actually disagree with that. And they said that section 92 has no implied right of freedom of movement, which judges it's it's the I know you're up in arms because people have misinterpreted it over the years and what's happened and we've we've had a look at this mean a group of people, myself and a group of people. And there appears to be 120 years of trickery going on. It's quite interesting. You'll be you'll be amazed, I'm sure also, when they interpret section 92 because basically, like in girnar Mr. Gunn has gone to the high court and said, well, I've got the implied right to freedom of movement, and the the directions the Victorian Government have written to stop me from travelling outside of 25 kilometres, is in conflict with section 92. And they've looked at section 92. And they've said, Now you're wrong. It doesn't on section 92. You're wrong. Let's, let's read what what section 92 says, on the imposition of uniform duties of custom trade, commerce and intercourse amongst the states, whether by internal carriage or ocean navigation shall be absolutely free. Now normally, when if you go and have a look at the section 92 cases, you'll see that they quite conveniently say we'll trade commerce and intercourse amongst the states. It says shall be absolutely free. What does that mean? And then they go into interpreting what absolutely shall be absolutely free means. And what does intercourse exactly mean, and trade and commerce and, and they get around it like that. And intercourses obviously, the movement of people yeah. Now, what they've doing is they're neglecting to bring into the court, the first six or seven words of Section 92, which is on the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce and intercourse. So on the imposition of uniform duties, what are duties, Mike, your taxes, your taxes those things, okay? So it's got nothing to do with freedom of movement, it's got to do with you cannot be charged a tax for the movement of people over the state limits. Okay. You cannot be charged a tax to take your goods over the state limits. So as to trade. That is the true meaning of Section 92. And so so let's look at let's look at the Palmer case, he wanted to go across the border to go to work. Okay, did he have a section now he's going we'll do B, I've got I've got an implied right of freedom of movement in Section 92. And they said, they said, well, let's look at section 92. Guess what, buddy is not in the area. You haven't got an implied right of freedom of movement in Section 92. If If Parma had have gone in and said, Are you charging, you're charging me tax to bring my mining, you know, goods over the border? Or you're charging a travel tax to go over the border? Then? Yeah, he would have a section 92 matter? Yeah. Now, why is this happening? Mike? People aren't reading the constitution properly? No, no, no. Okay. Well, well, I think people are being seductively taken on a journey by the lawyers possibly. And the lawyers are projecting to you that you do have this implied, right. This freedom of movement because they take you to this intercourse among the states shall be absolutely free.39:11Absolutely. What does absolutely mean and absolutely free mean? When you say absolutely, that means no boundaries. Okay, but absolutely free. So people are going more absolutely free movement of people. Well, that means you can't stop me from moving over the border. So people, it's almost NLP people are being programmed to believe or they're taken on this journey. Where now now Just think about it for 120 years. People have been going to the lawyers and going I've got a right to go to the border. I kind of got this implied right. And, you know, there's this particular law stopping me. You know, it happened during the war. It's happened during pandemics, things like that and So the lawyers should be saying, when when you walk in there, I've got employed right and freedom of movement of the lawyers should be saying, haven't you read section 92? What's it say at the start that on the imposition of uniform duties? So this is the thing the lawyers are not telling their clients, when they walk in, you haven't gotten implied right of freedom of movement in Section 92. If you have been ever taxes mean, imposed upon you to travel over the state border, now we're in business. Yeah, absolutely. So the lawyers, this is just a big cash cow for lawyers. So that is exactly. And I speak about Mr. CJ, Danny, again, who happens to be the lawyer of the Parma and liberty works case, Mr. Let's drain the customers. These people should be stuck with absolutely seriously, people are going in and spending hundreds of 1000s if not millions of dollars to go to the High Court to exercise a right and the lawyers are just laughing all the way to the bank. People should be outraged and up in arms about this. Now, if you go, I've got to admit, you know, I've gone since we've discovered this, I've gone to all the section 92 case law. And I'll just go to the last part and read the last paragraph in the decision decision here. And I see every time they're saying you've bought this matter. You've say you've got a section 92 matter. But guess what, buddy? What you're claiming doesn't infringe section 92 out you go. And and here's some costs for you. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so, and I was just laughing case after Caitlin's. There's hundreds of Section 92 cases. And every single one someone's claiming a right to go over the border of freedom of movement. It's It's It's crazy. The implied right of freedom of movement comes from the Federation. What what what was happening before Federation, you couldn't go across the border, unless you obtained a permit. There was certain costs they were charging for people who go over the border. Same thing with certain goods. If you if you're a criminal, you couldn't go over the border at all. And if you got caught off guard, yeah, it's stirring you up. Yeah. So what happened was that the states decided to federate. And from federating, what they did was he lifted the colonial boundaries that surrounded the colonies. And the colonial boundaries were moved to the outside shoreline. And instead of there being boundaries, around the colonies, there was one self governing colony with one boundary. And now those colonies became states, which had limits, not borders is another why there are no borders. Okay, there are no state borders, there are state limits. And if you want evidence of this, go and check out a sec, section 123 in the Commonwealth constitution, and you'll see that after fitur, or you can look at clause eight first, which says that the colonial boundaries, okay, shall no longer apply to the States. And they will now apply to the outside shoreline Australia as one self governing colony. Now, the state limits, they are governed by section 123. And they need the permission of the people of the states to change those state limits. They're not borders. And you're going whoa, hold on. They've been telling you the borders. Now think about this.44:03What surrounds a country border? Are the states countries? No, no, they have limits. What are those limits their political limits? Exactly. They are the limits of the state parliament and judiciary's authority, jurisdiction and jurisdiction and that is eat44:23over also apply section 51, subsection one and this was cited in James versus the Commonwealth and was cited in Gatwick versus Johnson. Yep. And that because it says quite clearly the parliament shall subject to this constitution have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to trade and commerce with other countries and among the states Now it's because I got a comma. And among the states, the Commonwealth in I feel a ban to make sure that there is freedom of trade and commerce among the states. Yep. And there is no implied powers anywhere within the constitution with respect to emergencies.45:24So what about 51 to taxation? But not but so is not to discriminate between states or parts of states? Isn't section 92 about taxation? Absolutely. So section 51, three would apply 51 one, okay. trade and commerce among the states. They can write laws for. But at the top, it says they can write those Lords subjects the Constitution, section 92 say tax free. absolutely free. Absolutely. And what's the title of Section 92.46:05But trade and commerce, I believe this section 51, one doesn't take into account because section 92 already states, the taxation obligation, we're now talking just trade and commerce. So we're talking, okay, I've got to work over the border. So I've got to travel over the over the state limit over the over the limit. Travel among the states, in order to bring about46:37among the state isn't within among the status over the limits the46:42size of this? We've got this issue in the New South Wales Queensland state limit, where they're saying that the people from the northern part of New South Wales a real Tweed Heads can't go up into cooling gather and, and vice versa. It's causing quite quite a lot of problems for a lot of people up in that in that region. But again, it's the same thing. I mean, we've got emails, and we were talking off air before about stories of people who want to go to South Australia to see family or people want to go to other state states. And again, yeah, this is clear, though. They are only state limits of jurisdiction. There are no state borders, there's no requirement for border permits, there's no requirement for border passes, there's it can't exist with no borders.47:25Let me ask you a question. Who has the jurisdiction over those state limits? Within each state, then, presumably the Parliament of that state? No, no, no. So so let me point you again to 51 one, which says trade and commerce among the states, they can write laws for trade and commerce among the states. Okay. Well, what happened to Federation states joined as one and we come off 100%. And that those those colonial borders were taken away and became the external shoreline border. Okay, so now, there's no colonial boundaries, there's just state limits and jurisdiction they political. Okay. So there are no borders, correct to write laws for? Correct? control? Right. So you know, you can't write a law for a border, if it doesn't exist. For the among the states, that area between each state is Commonwealth jurisdiction. They go.48:42And this also covers international travel, trade and commerce Now, what's binding 5123 I would then dictate to the parliament with respect to the movement among the states and trade and commerce with other countries. So therefore, for instance, cuantas or an airline could not make mandatory vaccinations, because the High Courts already spoken on this and they said the government cannot mandate or they cannot force immunisation or vaccination. And this was even before the referendum. Yeah, I mean, that Pharmaceutical Benefits case is really a clincher. Yeah, because all 5123 I did after the 1946 all that did was shore up what was already pretty much unspoken in law, but the High Court spoke in 1944. Medically, I49:46think we're getting away a bit from section 92. We do need to go to another break49:49or we've got it. I've just got to throw one more thing in Mike. Yep. So 51 one says training commerce with other countries. If it fails to state into course. So do the Commonwealth have the power to write laws to stop you from travelling overseas? That comes back to treaties.50:09Interesting lots to think about lots to learn lots of people to start getting their head around. So we'll leave things there for a moment, we are going to go to another song break. But as always, we'll be back with lots more right after this. And welcome back to the New Year, Raj shows streaming live on the internet over the rap if m network. Alright, so just before the break, you were mentioning again, about section 5123. I now I mean, we get like, literally, all I want to 1000, but probably pretty close to it questions, emails, posts, whatever comments a day, and most of them are about in one form or another about mandatory vaccinations. So I mean, this is this one point that people really need to get their head around is section 5123. A so for perhaps anyone who might not have got their head around it fully. Perhaps somebody might be new to our show. What do you want to what do you want to tell people about this all important section?51:12Well, it was, as we mentioned, before the break the High Court dealt with it prior 1946 when this provision was inserted into section 51. So this was put in in 1946. In 1945, the High Court dealt with this in a case called the Pharmaceutical Benefits case. And they actually said quite clearly that the government cannot force vaccination. And the reason was because government cannot intrude between the doctor and the patient or the health care provider and the patient. So it doesn't necessarily have to be a doc doc. Yes, exactly. has to be a registered health care provider. And what have you got to say on that?52:01Yeah, I totally agree the the case law since the Pharmaceutical Benefits case, which is the British medical associations case of 1949, and one versus Commonwealth have reiterated that, that there is the doctor patient relationship, it's private in nature, and it cannot be penetrated by a third party. It's like an impenetrable bubble. One thing I do want to read is this one quote from the British Medical Association case, and this should pretty much that square it up for a lot of people. And this is justice Webb says on page 292 of the British Medical Association case, as to civil conscription. I cannot remember hearing or seeing the term used until I saw it in the proposed law in the terms of paragraph 23. A passed by Parliament and subsequently submitted to the electors under Section 128 of the Commonwealth constitution. I think the electors would have taken the proposed law to emphasise in the use of the words any form that legislation for the provision of benefits or services of the kind referred to could not authorise compulsory service of any kind, at least in the provision of medical or dental services, to require a person to do something which he may lawfully declined to do, but only at the sacrifice of a whole or substantial part of the means of his livelihood would, I think, be to subject him to a practical compulsion, amounting to conscription in the case of services required by the parliament to be rendered to the people. If Parliament cannot lawfully do this directly by legal means it cannot lawfully do it indirectly by creating a situation as distinct from merely taking advantage of one in which the individual leaf is left no real choice but compliance. Now, there's a lot of people saying now it only applies to the medical professional. Ik, this is not true, you need to go and read one versus Commonwealth where it's quite explicitly discussed. What is a medical service? Well, a medical service is it contains a doctor and it contains a patient. What applies to the doctor in 5123 A applies to the patient because it's in regards to medical services, but so as not to impose any form of civil conscription or doctors not gonna be providing a service to himself is he? Yeah, if the patient is not present, there is no medical service. And it's just a bloke sitting around in a white coat. Yep. And it's as simple as that. People are not understanding The interpretation of the High Court there's there's a lot of people out there and and God bless them, you know, people are trying to play devil's advocate and make sure that things are, you know, 100% thorough. If you go and look at the case law, guys, you will see that this employee implied, right, and this constitutional guarantees Kirby called it in the one case is enshrined. Now there's there's one other thing that the Chief Justice licences in the British Medical Association case, and he likens it to the 13th amendment of the American Constitution, which is the prohibition on slavery. So if we apply what they're saying, where there's, there's some people online saying, Well, you've got this protection of no forced medical services in the Commonwealth, but not in the States. So they can they can vaccinate the hell out of you in the States, but not in the Commonwealth. What's the Commonwealth for a start? It's the States United, okay, the Commonwealth is a fiction Anyway, you can't go to the Commonwealth. Okay, it's every way. So, in respect of the if you applied that particular strategy of thinking that, you know, you can be vaccinated in the States, but you're safe in the Commonwealth, in respect of slavery in America, if you apply the same thing, that means I can't have a slave under federal law, but I can run back to the state of Alabama, and I can have it as slave under state law. It's lunacy. Absolutely, absolutely.56:39So please make sure you do the research, get the information. Of course, we do have an entire chapter on mandatory vaccinations, which includes that high court case, which includes the my will letters that you can send to your parliamentarians about that, a detailed explanation of Section 5123 a, again, in our ebook, so again, just jump on our products page, jump on our E book page, if you don't yet, have it, make sure you read that mandatory vaccinations chapter and get your head around it. Because I know it's something that's affecting a lot of people and we're getting a tonne of questions on it every single day.57:17But the key, I believe, with respect to informed consent, lies in the word informed. And we had to really target the ingredients, and the full list of the ingredients of all of the vaccinations that they're offering, without any restriction. So it doesn't matter whether these are patent banned these things, there is an obligation to only provide consent through the law. And this is article seven of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Informed consents, the key in they do read rabid on about this, the paperwork that the Commonwealth is putting to people is files that informed consent test when you need58:09actual ingredients. Now, this is something that's been coming in now, I haven't looked into it fully myself, but I'm sure some of our more advanced members of will be on top of this stuff. And that is recently the Pfizer was there was saying that America's Pfizer was was officially approved, not just approved for emergency use, but officially approved. And part of that approval means that they now are actually required to provide a full list of the actual ingredients. So very interesting to see if they do actually do that. And given that there's already been some, I don't know what you'd call it, black market, inside copies of of the true ingredients will be interesting to see if they do release their version of the ingredients as to whether or not that actually matches up with, with what's already been floating around in the hands of some people because what they're saying is that just the huge wide range of different adverse reactions is not possible from just, you know, all these different vaccines if they're all basically using the same essentially, ingredients, it just doesn't make any sense. But59:17we come back to the meaning of the word informed. Now. Most people when they read these, these lists of words that don't even defy the English language. That's not what we mean by informed when we say informed we see we must be able to understand what it is that in this give me the English version and break it down to make it simple so on. And this is actually built into legislation in the States. I know. In Victoria it was brought in about 1991 where they had law had to be written in such a way as the light person could understand And this was also the objective of the framers of the Constitution.1:00:04Absolutely. I mean, this is what that rush versus federal commissioner of taxation cases all about. That the it is the common mains interpretation of the law that is paramount. That is the most important more important than the judges interpretation, more important than the lawyers interpretation more and more than the police, prosecutors interpretation, the layman's interpretation, the common man's interpretation, again, that's covered in our book, please make sure you grab that and read it. Now. It's you bring up this point about informed consent. I know we spoke about this a little bit last week off here. And obviously, we can't answer it because we haven't been in the situation. And probably most of our listeners couldn't answer it either. But perhaps they they might know someone who knows someone that could. And that is, quite simply this. Where is the informed consent? In these massive drive through vaccination hubs? Where are these people being sat down and spoken to and having everything clearly calmly expressed to them over a sensible period of time, so that they can then sit down with all of that information? And say, Yes, okay, now, I feel like I'm fully informed. Yes, I'd like to go ahead. And I'd like to get that particular job. I mean, where is this happening out in these vaccination hubs? Because I just don't see how it's possible, given the numbers that the government is telling us are getting vaccinated. Ha, now, possibly the government's lying. I mean, I'm sure they'd never do that. But you know, it, how are they vaccinating? You know, 10s of 1000s, or hundreds of 1000s of people in such short periods of time with such few staff, and still fully informing people and getting their informed consent,1:01:48one word fear. So what's happening is I would likely say is, you drive into the vaccine vaccination service station. And it's great, you can get a job or someone's washing your windscreen? Oil changing that? Well, you know, exactly. But look, they would ask them, I would say, Are you aware of the benefits? And the days I was I don't care. Just give it to me on in on you freaked me out that much. That's all want it now? Well, I mean, well, for three hours to line up and do it. That's acquiescence right there. And I'm sure you've got three hours to google it before you get in there,1:02:29and negligence on behalf of those administrator string. Because I should be saying, excuse me, you need to be informed. The law binds me otherwise that individual can be done for assault of the body. And that's a criminal offence1:02:48100% out, you know that that comes down to for someone who would be refusing, and we've seen a few things in respect of that. But yeah, look, most people will be walking in there. And they've they've done their homework, they're convinced they want it, then a lot of have they1:03:06have they done their homework or have they just spent the last 18 months watching all the beer in feeling strange,1:03:13in fear, and that's their research. But the but the the presence, the acquiescence to it is the consent. But again, I mean, yes, I agree.1:03:25And to some degree, but again, I get all the emails, I'm forced, otherwise, I'm gonna lose my job. I'm forced, otherwise, I can't go and see my family member in an aged care facility. So yeah, there are some, you know, completely moronic people out there that just drive up and say, Yep, I just want these but, you know, there's at least a proportion of other people who feel under some form of threat, that if they don't do these, they they're not going to be allowed to work or they're not remember, you know, visit a loved one or, or things along those lines. And again, it's the same issue at the end of the day, whether you're doing it voluntarily, because you haven't bothered looking in anything and you're just in fear, or whether you've been coerced and forced into doing it's still not informed consent. And this is, you know, this is the problem. And look, I think that we're unfortunately staring down the barrel here of exactly what they're doing in China at the moment. And this is a this is an article that, that that came across my desk, and I'm gonna read the whole thing out, but there's some certainly some key points here. And this one was entitled China has administered 2 billion 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine shots, but coercive measures are sparking anger. This is Coronavirus China's Coronavirus vaccination drive has surpassed 2 billion doses. Authorities announced on Friday but heavy handed tactics intended to boost inoculation rates or triggering backlash in some areas. As of Thursday, more than 899 million people have been fully vaccinated with more than 2 billion shots of domestically Pruett produced COVID-19 vaccine administered in total, that puts China on power the United Kingdom and ahead of the United States, in terms of the percentage of population that's fully vaccinated to be in most income 10 weeks after country passed its first billion mark. So it reached a billion vaccinations and then just 10 weeks later, two and a half, two and a half months. It's it's1:05:25getting million they're getting to your vaccinations cause on a cycle is only 1.4 billion.1:05:31Yeah, yeah. Well, this is what they say the truth is, is China's push to boost vaccination rates has accelerated since July, when the highly contagious Delta variant blardy blardy, blar. And then it's, it says that it's aiming to fully vaccinate 80% of its 1.4 billion population by the end of the year. China's latest inoculation campaign is targeted the elderly miners and prisons in country, country's vast rural areas, hard to reach groups, and all the rest of it. Now, this is where it gets interesting though, because it says in southwestern metropolis of Chong Chong Queen, district governments announced that residents who refuse to be vaccinated without a legitimate reason would impact this social credit, a controversial nationwide system that uses big data to incentivize certain behaviours. And in Queen Hi, and please, apologies for my pronunciation problems. A residential community issued a notice this week warning residents, their pensions, medical insurance and social allowances would be suspended if a member of their immediate family failed to get vaccinated. I mean, this is how extreme it's getting in China. And official said the notice was meant to scare people into getting inoculated because the community had not met its vaccination target, state run News reported measures measures have drawn wide criticism and anger on social on Chinese social media, with many users accusing local authorities of violating the central government's policy and making the voluntary vaccination and Dr. de facto mandatory. Now, is that not exactly what's going on here in Australia? 100% scomo has come out repeatedly repeatedly and said vaccinations will not be made mandatory yet. All we keep hearing about is Qantas is going to make it mandatory to get on a flight spcs made it mandatory before we can work there. Well, that worked out well considering all those people in Shepard now just magically got sick and the whole entire towns in lockdown now. But yeah, you know, aged care facilities, nurses are now being told they can't come to work. Yeah, a whole range of different industries, you know, construction industry is now saying you have to get vaccinated. So here we have exactly the same system as what is going on in China right now. Where they're using these coercive measures to force people into taking a vaccination that under the Commonwealth plan is and always has been supposedly voluntary. So what's going on? Well, look,1:08:07the the coercion is, is getting quite extreme. They do agree. The thing is, is is there a legal compulsion to do so? There's no leaving bolson. There is there is a New South Wales though. They're writing blatant directions health directions, so as to impose vaccination on for example, airport workers and emergency workers that are only in certain local government areas. That is a clear breach absolute, and that is that is definitely legal compulsion. I know of some airport workers that are on the way to the high court at the moment.1:08:57But does a direction have the force of law? And where if the parliament said, okay, we've just passed a law that says a direction has the force of law, where does the parliament get the right to do that? And where1:09:11does it Where's their head of power and their authority to make that ruling that the1:09:15law is a law or regulation comes under a law? A rule comes under law? There must be a law first, yeah, this direction stuff, I believe, has no authority. It comes back to the consent of the individual. They if they mandate something under a direction, it has no full force. It has no authority. If they mandate something under a law. Yes, it has authority. Yeah. Why can't because it falls under what's called mandamus. Yes, it's an accepted prerogative. Yep. To royal prerogative, but but it must be established on a law not a direction. Yep. salutely1:10:01section five of the New South Wales constitution says the legislator shall subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act have power to make laws for the peace, welfare and good government of the State of New South Wales. In all cases whatsoever. Every law written in New South Wales is subject to the constitution and therefore, subject to the prohibitions within. And there's the evidence that the states are bound by section 5123. A, and the prohibition against civil conscription.1:10:42And this is, you know, this is what people need to start getting their head around that the laws are there, the remedies are there, stop buying into the fear. And and you said it perfectly before this is all this is occurring purely because of fear. I mean, some emails I get, they told me things that haven't even happened yet people are so scared, they're worried about Oh, but what if I can't hop on a plane, we can't even apply now anyway, so don't worry about what might happen. Almost there might be forcing my kids to get back. So don't worry about that. They're not doing it now. So don't worry about things that they might do that they don't, you're in such fear that you you're creating problems before they actually even exist in reality. So stop buying into the fear. And I know it's hard because the mainstream media is just full of it every single day. But again, when you really start paying attention, when you really start breaking it down, it becomes really clear. Now a perfect example that I want to give people is, you know, there's been people may not be arms over the situation in New South Wales, our New South Wales should have locked down harder, New South Wales should have locked down sooner. And then these cases wouldn't be ballooning out to the 11 and 1200 cases a day that we're seeing now. Really, look at what happened in New Zealand, New Zealand had one case, they locked down the whole country, and they went into a harder lockdown, okay, than anywhere else. And they nailed the other day, they had something like 70 or 80 cases. Okay, so lock downs are not the solution. Okay, lock downs, don't fix anything. New South Wales could have gone into harder title lockdown, whatever, it wouldn't have necessarily made any difference at all. Victoria was plunged into their recent lockdown over six cases a case six. Now we've got something like 80 odd cases, and they're talking about easing restrictions tomorrow. There is no rhyme or reason to this. Okay, they are making it up as they go along. Okay, where everyone was, you know, had the fear of God put into them because playgrounds were closed for the last two weeks, yet the numbers have still been escalating. So clearly, there's no medical or scientific basis in closing down playgrounds, which is probably why good old Andrews will come out tomorrow and say, Yeah, okay, you can go to the park with the kids for Father's Day on the weekend. I mean, you know, but again, there's no rhyme or reason to any of it. They're just making these figures up and plucking them out of a hat. And it's becoming so blatant and so obvious and so clear. today. Again, I like to keep an eye on the mainstream media, not because I have any interest in it, but because I'm interested in to know what the Muppets what the sheep out there and buying into. Okay, and I pointed this out to a few people today, that top left hand story on noin, MSN was how there was a live in 194 cases in New South Wales or something, you know, one of the highest days on record. And the very next story right underneath it was an article talking about New South Wales, opening up their borders and opening up international flights, so that people could be reunited with their families for Christmas. These were two stories right next to each other on one hand and telling you there's 1100 94 cases today. And we're in a world of trouble. And the very next story is talking about but we're gonna open up the airports to international travel and everyone can get on with their lives. I mean, if this doesn't show you how completely an utterly arbitrary the whole thing is, I really, really don't know what will. But anyway, we need to leave it there. We do need to go to another break. As I said, we've got a tonne of emails and questions. So we will do our best to get through as many of those when we come back from these a few songs. And welcome back to the near right shows streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. Now, just before we get into these emails, I've just seen a post that's been put up which follows on from what we've talked about on our last radio show and also a couple of more recent live video updates with the situation in Israel. So they've got one of the highest vaccination and fully what they call fully vaccinated rates in the world. 78% double vaccinated They've also got one of the highest infection rates in the world at the moment. And one of the highest hospitalisation rates. Now I put up an interesting meme in the video that I did on Sunday night was a little picture of Eddie Murphy going, well hang on, how can you be fully vaccinated if you now need your third booster shot, and this has just come through and this thing happened yesterday, the Israeli government has decided that the third COVID shot will now be available immediately, for the entire population, age 12 Plus, and the COVID passport or what they call over there, the green pass will now be revoked for those without the third shot. So if you've only had the two shots, you will now be considered on vaccinated even though just last week, you would consider to be fully vaccinated. So again, if it can happen in Israel, you can bet your bottom dollar, it's gonna happen here too. And this is what we've been saying to people all along, you get one shot, you could cause you know, call it an accident, or you were coerced into it. But the minute you line up for a second shot, that shows complete compliance, you agree to it quite obviously, of your own will. And now they've got you. And then there will be booster shots or top up shots or whatever name, they're going to call it every six months, every 12 months. And if you don't take those booster shots, you'll be considered as unvaccinated and you'll lose all of those privileges that you thought you'd just gain. So if you think that you're just going to go out there and do the right thing, or do your bid for the community or whatever other rubbish people talk themselves into believing and getting in there to vaccination shots, please, please look at what's going on in other countries around the world. Okay, look what is already happening. It is absolutely bound to happen here, too. All right. Let's see if we can smash through these emails. Christina says to me my concern as I typed this, in my words cannot express how I'm feeling at the moment. There's been word that children next year will need to be vaccinated for them to attend school. For now. It's just speculation. What can I do about this, please stop worrying. I don't if I don't get them vaccinated with the COVID vaccines, it's going to be hard as I've turned away from two different GPS who refused to sign the vaccination warranty, etc. Every child has a right to an education that should not be taken away from them because their parents will not let their child children participate in a clinical trial. I look forward to hearing from you sincerely, Christina. Again, this is what we just spoke about before. Don't worry about things that haven't happened yet. There's lots of things going on at the moment. There's lots of court cases being run and again, the High Court has already ruled on this. You already have protections under Section 5123 A of the Commonwealth constitution. If you need any more information, please go and read that vaccinations chapter in our Know Your Rights book. Alright, Marina says hi my sister got pre admission this Thursday at Royal Melbourne hospital. She's due to have surgery in the next few weeks. We're waiting on a surgery date. Does my sister need to take the Coronavirus test? What are our rights? I've seen on the news that it might be managed to take the Coronavirus test before surgery is part of pre admission. Please let us know if my sister is able to refuse this test. Thank you. Well, again, this follows on from what we've said before apparently Darren's happy to do surgery for people who don't want to take the disc But otherwise, I was just an offer to me My only personally to you all. Okay. All right.1:18:30Well, I'll take that back. Yeah, look, unfortunately, if you want to service from them, then yes, you will have to jump through the hoops. But again, there are things that you can do to protect yourself, absolutely offered to take a saliva test offered to do a blood test. If they then refuse that as an acceptable solution, then you need to make a decision as to whether or not to go ahead with the surgery or not. If you choose not to, you can then take action against them because you provided viable alternatives that they refused. And now they are causing you damage and loss. So these are the things to keep in mind in those situations. Virginia says hi guys, no doubt you're being swamped with emails. You have no idea. appreciate all your lives on Facebook informative and inspiring as he he brings another round of fear inducing headlines. Absolutely. My despair grows. Well I live in Queensland and very proudly marched on Saturday, I feared for my fellow Aussies in all states. The attached screenshot is from the Australian just now and I'm wondering how this can be allowed obvious discrimination and coercion, have the job and you'll get to do certain things. It's currently New South Wales but with the premiers competing for who can get the most headlines, it won't be long until every state starts heading down. rewards for the good kids who get the job. I'd be interested to hear your take on it and the legality or or not, if it can be challenged now. That was a that was an article about i the only thing was hairdressers that hairdressers are going to be allowed to open in New South Wales as long as they've had the job and as long as their clients have had the job and All the rest of it and of course, if you haven't had the job or you won't be able to, you know, go back to life as normal and again, this is quite clearly medical discrimination. This would fall again under Section 5123. A, you've got those protections there, you can absolutely challenge that for1:20:14sure. And for our good friends in Queensland and land, the banana benders were please check out the Human Rights Act 2019. particular section 30. Human Rights may be subject under law only to reasonable limits that can be demonstrably justify their duties again, in a free and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom.1:20:46A guy one other quite notable provision in the Queensland Human Rights Act that Darrell brought to my attention is the right to health services in Section 37. Every person has the right to access health services without discrimination. So one would not have to take a test one would not have to be vaccinated. He could not be discriminated against.1:21:13There you go. Nice. Evelyn says Hi, guys. Thanks for the very variable information you provide for us every week. I thought you may use this question on next Tuesday's broadcasts. I know you've covered this many times with regard to the census. However, I live in an apartment on the Gold Coast and I thought I was home in HOAs with not getting a handle live in census form delivered to me as I've done many E's in the past. Our apartment is a security gate out the front which you need to get buzzed in and we then have security doors to our apartment which again you have to either have a key or get buzzed in. I received two notice notices in our basement letterbox which may have been thrown out can't really be sure. To my shop today. I got a knock on the front door. In a sense, this guy was standing there saying we're not filled out the census. I asked was it sent to me personally, I was told it would have been sent to the resident, I sprang into action and explained to him My name is not the resident, as you guys have been so great to teach us on the ground. I advised I was not home on the night and I was away etc. He wrote something down on his iPad. But one thing I could face 26,000 worth of worth of fines and time in prison. I wasn't too perturbed about that. But the thing I was concerned about was I asked him, How did you get to my front door. He said he was from the government and he got the keys from our management on site. I then spoke to our management on site and advised I was not happy about someone knocking on my front door. And the whole reason we moved into an apartment was because it was secure. I was in really told that it's the government and they have to supply keys so they can knock on our door. It's the law. Can you confirm if what our management guy is saying is correct. Many thanks. Keep up the good work. So do census workers actually work for the government? I guess is the first question. I think government employees1:22:53or they provide services to the government. I do believe they are not the government. They come from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.1:23:02Does their paycheck come from the Australian Government?1:23:09What government add gets their paycheck directly from the government and consolidated revenue? I doubt we're any of them do quite frankly,1:23:17they Is this the first problem? They clearly not government employees then. So yeah, I would certainly be taking that up with your front door security people and saying unless they have actual evidence that they are government employees, not just someone wearing a fancy badge or claiming they're from the government. They have absolutely no reach that no right to breach your privacy and come knocking on your door that would exclude the police? Of course it would absolutely they don't work for the government. And we've explained that many many times. Here we go.1:23:52ABN number 22 6331428522. Australian Bureau statistics. It says as a Commonwealth government entity, and the business name is the bureau statistics Western Australia. Well, what about in every other state? I can only find the one.1:24:15Wow. There you go. Interesting. Alright, Jody says hi. I've asked around and no one's got back to me on this one for weeks now. So I've decided to email see if you could confirm this for me, Australia and New Zealand to lose the commonly commonly status to be administered by USA as royal family in the UK gives up all its heritage. So in 2019, the 1871 Act of England was reversed. How do you reverse an act of England? Not sure. So stripping of royal powers seizure of royal assets including the Commonwealth, Brexit February 2020 in May 2020 to be auctioned, so is Australia Pacific brothers and sisters in Canada are no longer Commonwealth and are under the USA Republic. Thank you, Jody, but we had this question a few weeks back, I think Wait.1:25:00Yeah, I believe it's until it's publicly known. It's one of those secret private pieces of legislation that only applied to those who, for instance, in the oligarchy,1:25:13hey, there you go. But there's certainly been nothing else. We've seen that, would it?1:25:21Let's have a look at this and says, as the royal family in the UK gives up all its heritage. Well, that would be because they're statutory kings and queens. Okay, from the act of settlement. Yep. So they've somehow given up that right, that's bestowed to them out of the act of settlement. is all I can interpret this as? So? Let me say this, would you give up your right? Hello, exactly. So there's the answer.1:25:58Now, drag gain says I was at such and such, we blocked that out hospital AR on Sunday night. Nursing training, who greeted us upon entry was very friendly and had a bit of a chat shortly after we got there. No COVID talk was taking place. Up until this out of curiosity, I asked what was the most common reason for people coming in? without any hesitation? reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine was the response I got? Really, yes, it's a lot more common than you think six to seven per shift. And there are three shifts a day, just days ago, one man came in with a very, very bad rash all over his body. I I'd hate to get this young, honest person in trouble. So perhaps spare some of the details if you choose to share this, but my math is correct. Even by conservative estimates, those 50,000 adverse reactions is absolute BS. Of course, we already knew that. So once again, just further confirmation of what we already know that the government are just making figures up and what they're actually reporting is nothing like the real numbers. Alright, right. Carrie is one of the 473,000 people who have asked us basically the same question. So I'll just read this one out, says, Hi, guys, today I read a message regarding the surveillance legislation, amendment identity and disrupt Bill 2021. Seems This is finally passed in both houses on the 25th of August. This year, could you kindly advise can this become new law? How will this impact is? Can we stop it? Thanks in advance, Carrie. Well, this1:27:38is interesting. Can this become new law? Yes. How will this impact us? Well, what it means is that, for example, on a on a on a level that most people would understand, the government will have access to your social media account, for example, and will be able to do delete, change or make posts for you. They can also alter your search history and make changes to your account without you knowing. It's a bit of a bit of a worry. And the third question is, can we stop this? Of course, you can stop it. If you go to the parliamentary petitions, you will see there is already a petition online in respect of stopping this evil, nasty, wicked bill. There you go.1:28:30But if I was in a situation where I was in court, under this legislation, I would most certainly be using the forms of the court and putting a notice of discovery on the prosecution, relating to what changes were made, to the evidence that they've put forward. So you would use the rules of evidence in order to expose whether they've made changes whether those changes have actually brought about the prosecution. Okay, so it's not a, you know, we're just going to throw hands in the air and go to jail. No, you use the process of the court to expose whether or not the changes were detrimental to your prosecution. Or there was any discrimination?1:29:25Yeah, I'm not sure if there's any prosecutorial method in there because it's, it's basically like you write on social media. And Scott Morrison is guilty of misfeasance of office, because he hasn't been convicted in a court than a government agent could go in and change it to Scott Morrison is a great guy, for example, so probably one way or another is to change information. It's to make you complies to make you think a certain way.1:29:57Yeah, but not for the purposes of But, of course, we go off on these tangents when we do some more than others. But, you know, automate, it's not I don't think it's really anything to be overly scared of using the process of the court if you were put in that position.1:30:17It's the first step to ongoing tyranny, to breach your freedom of speech, absolute and your freedom of thought, and your right to express yourself and your right to have an opinion. Absolutely. Just another step towards Big brother1:30:32and George Orwell's 1984 playing out perfectly but as long as they don't adjust the rules of evidence well that's you're talking five steps down the track nothing to do with court. Let's1:30:44do we've got to do is you've written the wrong thing. We're going to change it. That's1:30:49social credit, with China and everything. So anyway, let's keep rolling along the spine. It says please help. I don't know where to start. hubby's been down a roller coaster over these New South Wales torrents chopping and changing the rules like they change their own needs. First, it was need vaccine to work outside the LGA then it was antigen test or vaccine. Now it's back to vaccine? How do we deal with this as a family on the edge of breaking, we looked at fair work. And they basically say state laws allowed allows it then guides us to human rights where there's little or no information, just need guidance as to what we can do? Well, I think we sort of pretty much covered that it all comes down to that section 5123 a, and any any state law must be congruent with the Commonwealth constitution. So any state law that says they can force you to vaccinate would be contrary, and it won't stand up. And unfortunately, it may simply require a court challenge to hold them to account. But, again, you've got the Human Rights there, you've got the High Court that's already ruled. So again, there's the questions that are on our website on the COVID and vaccines page, send that to them as a starting point. And and just follow the steps from there.1:32:00But the court because the high court's spoken three times, isn't that enough? Do we need to go back to court we need to just say hang on the High Court spoken very, very clearly. Why are you imposing this1:32:16bit? Who are you going to say that to the word the employer, the employer is going to go I don't care. I'm doing what the government's told me to do. And that is not allow you on site, don't step back here. Otherwise, I'll call the cops. And that's what they'll do. Well, this then comes under the criminal, then you have to go to court and then take the employer to court for them. So1:32:32now you've got to follow the steps, well, not necessarily, you would put the obligation there in your paperwork.1:32:38So we may take this into court, I get a lot of time with maize and possiblys. And everything from what I've heard what's going on in New South Wales, it's now whenever and if they don't, if they don't start now, it's it's not going to happen.1:32:53Although there's a bunch more emails, but unfortunately, we have run out of time again. So we will get onto those next week. And again, for all those that keep sending emails through, we will do our best. As I said, we've got someone starting new first thing bright and early on Monday morning to help answer all of the simple questions, which should hopefully free up my time to answer any of the more complicated ones. So we have a once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Obviously, we can't cover everything. So if you have enjoyed what we've heard tonight, we would encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available. Now. These have, of course been specifically designed for people who really want to learn more and take their knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Again, as I keep saying, I want to remind everyone that we didn't go to all the trouble of making these products because we had nothing better to do with our time clearly. We certainly didn't do because we're going to make millions selling 20 $30 CDs. Okay, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experienced so that you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way, and at the cheapest possible price. Now, obviously, we don't have time to go through all the products tonight, but please make sure you check out our products page and our shop page. For further details about the different products that we've had, including, of course, our ebook, the essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. As I say on each show, if you're a motorist in this country, you simply must have a copy of that truly licenced saving Ozzie speeding fines book, it really is the best motoring investment you'll ever make. But of course, those same principles can be adapted to suit any kind, any kind of unjust or unlawful fine, including, of course, a wide range of COVID related fines and many others on the video that I did. Just the other night on Sunday night I read out again another couple of testimonials from people who have successfully used our information and the Ozzy spreading finds information to get out of speeding fines, parking fines, and COVID fine as well. So the information works so please go to Ozzie speeding to grab that and of course if you want to learn the truth about the fraud at the bank, commit Every single day, as well as learning the tried tested and proven systems for discharging any unsecured loans, such as credit cards or personal loans, make sure check out bank secrets .au considering it could potentially save you 10s, if not hundreds of 1000s of dollars, this really is an absolute must have booked to add to your collection. Again, you can get that from their website, of course, you can get all three books as part of one of the combo packs that you can find on our E book page on our Know Your Rights website. As I've said many times before, these books and the other CDs that I mentioned, are the absolute best way of taking your understanding of these topics to the next level in the quickest possible time frame. So I'm going to finish up tonight, and do what we always do at the end of each show. And that's to remind you that there's very, there's many very simple things that people can do that cost little or no money take up very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. First and foremost, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. You can download the flyer that's relevant to your state, send it off with the cover letter that you can also download from the page, send it to your local MP and just see if they can answer a few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. There was a fantastic reply that someone sent us before and their local MP just wrote back saying oh look, I'm not a constitutional lawyer you should probably get advice elsewhere. Well, hang on what are you doing sitting as a member of parliament if you don't even understand the basics of the Constitution? You can I can't answer a simple one page letter asking the most essential questions about the validity of local council you did not belong in that position. So let's keep bombarding these these people with questions and calling them out. Don't forget that we do have obviously our Know Your Rights Facebook group up and running again that is only for beginners for newbies. Any more advanced people please jump onto our me we gab or telegram platforms and and follow us there. But of course if you are on Facebook, there's about 10,000 members there there's about eight and a half 1000 members on Ozzy speeding fines being secret reveals go to Facebook groups, you can join those if you haven't already. You can also contact all the different groups and ask them to send you out some cards and bumper stickers to help spread the word. So again, just a simple email info at know your rights group Comdata you info at Ozzie spreading info at Bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you should say hey guys, I'd love some cards and stickers, I want to spread the word This is my postal address and that will be sent out to you completely free of charge. Another really great way to help spread the word get the message out to people that they really can fight back against injustice is of course to send through your short video testimonial outlining how you've successfully used our information to fight back and win leads that don't have to be anything fancy. Just a couple of minutes recording off a phone is perfectly fine. It's really just about getting your story across to inspire and empower others to challenge the system and fight back just as you have. Don't forget to order a copy of everyone's books, watch the strongman videos on our website, research that concept online. It's so so important. Don't forget we've got our affiliate programme up and running, you can join that just click on the affiliate tab and fill that out. And you get a great little Commission on everyone that you refer through to us. Don't forget Ozzie speeding fines has got their affiliate programme up and running as well. You know, these are great for people who have a large database or a website that gets a lot of hits or a big social media following. You just put those affiliate links in and you get paid basically just for helping spread the word and letting others know about their rights. But look, whatever you do, please make sure you make use of all the information that's already on all the websites, including of course Know Your Rights .au Ozzie spreading funds, calm bank secrets .au and of course, Darren's fantastic site, constitution .au. The point is there is a wealth of information available, it's all very easily accessible. And you need to actually go there, access it, learn it and then of course put it into practice. Don't forget we're always looking for people groups companies to sponsor our shows if you would like to do that, just shoot us an email info at no your rights that are you because I do want to thank all of our current show sponsors alkaline health, Verona resorts, and of course our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner. Be sure to check out green and clean is excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products can genuinely save you money as well as their amazing health and vitality products. If you're in Melbourne or going to be in Melbourne. Please make sure you book in for a session with Phil Burton at alkaline health because I promise you'll be absolutely amazed by what he shows you and of course who couldn't do with a holiday to Noosa if you want to secure an extra 10% off your stay at Verona resorts, just be sure to book directly with them and just say that you're part of the know your rights group to secure that discounted rate. And finally if you're looking at buying a property, please make sure you contact Laz at I check Property Inspections and he will check over your valuable investment and ensure that you're not up for any hidden surprises or shocks. Just Another reminder, if you want the shows, obviously to continue throughout this year, we do need our show to pay its own way. Therefore, we do need all the sponsors that we can get. And we do need people to join up as members in support us and ensure that the shows can continue. As we've said many, many times before, these shows quite clearly do not write themselves. Anyone who's seen the amount of work that goes into putting these all together, the constant changes and updates. Plus, of course, you know, things like financing, the new mixing desk, all that sort of stuff. And we still need to pay for all that and put a roof over our heads and food on our table as well. So please do keep in mind for the equivalent of just the price of a cup of coffee a week, you can access a fully edited shows our notes for each show, our extensive court cases page and our new members only forum, as well as helping us out in the process. And if you haven't already done so please do be sure to join up as a member tonight as the show ends, and do support the tireless work that we do. So we're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that has always nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics we discussed, we obviously recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. quite clearly 2021 is shaping up to be an even more challenging year than 2020 was. So it's more important than ever before for people to learn about their rights. So please do help us spread the word and share the details of our website around with everyone that you know. So that is it for us. We look forward to speaking to you all again next Tuesday night. We will of course be back on Facebook for our next live video update on Thursday. Until then, thank you to Darryl for all your wonderful insight this evening, sir. My pleasure.1:41:36Wonderful and Darrin all your ongoing research and stuff made is invaluable and I know all of our listeners truly do appreciate it.1:41:43Thank you mate and I just quickly before we go like to update that, identify and disrupt bill petition is actually on the get .au site. It's up to 54,000 signatories so yeah, get on there. It's not on the parliamentary website. I apologise for any confusion.1:42:05Okay on the get site. Perfect. All right. We will leave it there. I hope you all have an excellent week. We'll speak to you live on a video on a Thursday and speak to you all again that live on the airwaves next Tuesday night. Take care bye bye ................

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