Crash Course #32 Industrial Revolutions How much of the world's population was engaged in farming prior to the Industrial Revolution? What percentage of people in the United States are farmers today? What was the Industrial Revolution? When did the Industrial Revolution begin? Where did it begin? What were two new forms of energy? What did James Watt invention make possible? In 1800, which three areas were the largest producers? Which country invented paper money? What two advantages did the British have? Which country was the world's highest producer of cotton textiles? Crash Course #33 Capitalism vs. Socialism What is capitalism characterized by? What did joint stock companies finance? What is industrial capitalism? What are some of the downsides of industrial capitalism? Where did industrial capitalism first develop? When? Why did it develop there? What has become a bigger killer than starvation? In 1520, what percentage of people worked the land in England? What percentage worked the land in 1850? What was the enclosure movement? What are two capitalist values? Why did these values develop in Britain? When did the word "individuals" apply to people? How did workers respond to bad working conditions? Where did the idea of socialism begin? Who's ideas cast a shadow over most of the 20th century? Who is considered the father of communism? What did he write? What were the two classes according to Marx? Who did Marx want to empower? Crash Course #34 Samurai, Daimyo, Matthew Perry and Nationalism What was the most important phenomenon of the 19th century? Who gained their independence in 1832? What is a nation-state? What role do schools play in nationalism? What do nations have to create? Which rebellion helped Indians to identify themselves as "Indian"? Until which century was Japan in a feudal state? Who united Japan? Who held power during the Tokugawa Shogunate? Which two foreign events rocked Japan? What were the Tokugawa famous for? How did the Tokugawa view Christianity. Who else viewed it that way? When did American Commodore Matthew Perry arrive in Japan? What did he want Japan to do? Which emperor declared a restoration of the imperial throne? What two things did the Meiji restoration make compulsory? What does nationalism tend to thrive on? Crash Course #35 Imperialism Questions did the British find that the Chinese wanted? What did the Treaty of Nanking do? What did the British import from China? Who were the first Europeans in Africa? Why were Europeans able to dominate Africa? What crops did they want? Why couldn’t Europeans conquer Africa until the 19th century? What technology made the difference? Who were the vast majority of British troops in India? What African nation defeated the Italians? ................

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