
WorldSystemic Persecution in NigeriaThough Nigeria has a dynamic evangelical and missionary movement, there is widespread and systematic persecution of Christians. In rural areas, Christians are being killed and land taken from families. Abductions and forced marriages of under-aged Christian girls are common and increasing. Pray for the church in Nigeria, for those who are facing faith fatigue and discouragement and are turning to a militant response. (Source: An Existential Threat to Christianity in Nigeria? Lausanne Global Analysis, July 19, Volume 8, Issue 4)Chinese witness along the Silk Road and BeyondIn the 1920s, the Back to Jerusalem movement began in China, with a vision for Chinese missionaries to take the gospel into Central Asia, Middle East, all the way back to its origins in Jerusalem. Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam came to China through the Silk Road. As the Belt and Road Initiative continues (an infrastructure and investment project stretching from east Asia to Europe), Chinese Christians are training missionaries to send out. Pray for the mission witness of the Chinese church.(Source: Asia Dialogue, Chinese Christianity Encounters Islam along the Belt and Beyond, July 3, 2019)International PartnersJamaicaThe Jamaica Conference will be hosting the 2020 General Conference on March 13-19 in Mandeville. Pray for their preparations and for a spirit of unity as national leaders enjoy the hospitality of our Jamaican brothers and sisters.GermanyThe church in Berlin, Germany, is a mission district, led by the Sierra Leone Conference. Peter Mansary is the pastor. Pray for the unity and witness of the church.5083810-50844452019: Issue 5Volunteers and TripsThailandStarting in 2020, the team in Thailand will begin to welcome regular short-term teams. Pray that God's kingdom work will grow in Chiang Rai through teams.Sierra Leone and LiberiaPray for a team led by Derek Thrush and Joe Abu traveling in Liberia and Sierra Leone this month. Pray for unity.Unreached People GroupsEach issue, we highlight and focus prayer for one major unreached people group. May the Spirit break through the hard soil in these places & peoples and bring about a transformation! IndiaAlmost 7,000,000 Gadaria live in India. They are Hindu and there may be no known followers of Jesus among them. Pray that God would call believers to bring the Gospel to them. Pray that God would prepare teachers and pastors for them and for open hearts.: Issue 5Volunteers and TripsThailandStarting in 2020, the team in Thailand will begin to welcome regular short-term teams. Pray that God's kingdom work will grow in Chiang Rai through teams.Sierra Leone and LiberiaPray for a team led by Derek Thrush and Joe Abu traveling in Liberia and Sierra Leone this month. Pray for unity.Unreached People GroupsEach issue, we highlight and focus prayer for one major unreached people group. May the Spirit break through the hard soil in these places & peoples and bring about a transformation! IndiaAlmost 7,000,000 Gadaria live in India. They are Hindu and there may be no known followers of Jesus among them. Pray that God would call believers to bring the Gospel to them. Pray that God would prepare teachers and pastors for them and for open hearts. Global StaffNichie and Chris StonallNichie serves in South Africa is through Impact Africa. Her work in developing and leading staff at the baby home is an essential piece of the wider community development and Gospel work in Johannesburg. Pray for an increasing support base for Nichie.Abby Martin FarmerAbby works for Wycliffe Bible Translators in Dallas at their Dallas International University, developing their distance education program. Their goal is to pour into 1000 students who go into the work of Bible translation and great Commission work over the next five years. And, Abby and Phil Martin married in July! Pray for a solid foundation for their marriage as they serve together. ................

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