
104267089535Ambitious, capable learners who………00Ambitious, capable learners who……… Set themselves high standards and enjoy challenges.Question and enjoy problem solvingUndertake researchHave the skills to connect and apply the skills learned in other contexts.Can explain the concepts and ideas that they are learning about.Can understand how to interpret data and apply mathematical concepts.Use ICT creatively to communicate, interpret and find out information. Can communicate in English and Welsh. Can undertake research and evaluate critically what they find. …..so they are ready to learn throughout their lives. -59690635000111569565405Enterprising, creative contributors who….00Enterprising, creative contributors who…. Take measured risks.Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products.Think creatively to reframe and solve problems.Identify and grasp opportunities.Lead and play different roles in teams effectively and responsibly.Express ideas and emotions through different types of media.Give of their skills and energy so that other people will benefit. …..so they are ready to play a full part in life and work.95567577470Ethically informed citizens who………00Ethically informed citizens who………Find, evaluate and use evidence in informing views.Engage in contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and valuesUnderstand and exercise their human rights and responsibilities. Understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices.Are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world – now and in the past.Respect the needs and rights of others as a member of a diverse society.Show their commitment to the sustainability of the planet.………so that they are ready to be citizens of Wales and the World.1079500100965Healthy, confident individuals who………00Healthy, confident individuals who………Have secure values and establishing their spiritual and ethical beliefs. Are building their mental and emotional well-being by developing confidence, empathy and resilience.Apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on their physical and mental health. Know how to find the information to keep safe and well. Take part in physical activity.Take measured decisions about lifestyle and managing risk.Have the confidence to participate in performance.Form positive relationships based on trust and mutual respect.Face and overcome challenge.Have the skills to manage life independently. ………so that they are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.WOW start: Finding a letter and dragon eggs around the school grounds link into watching a video of a dragon in school25th January - Chinese New Year celebration (Year of the Rat) – Chinese dragon dance/Chinese food tasting25th January – St Dwynwen’s Day celebrationFebruary 28th – St David’s Day celebrations5th March – World Book Day HEALTH AND WELL-BEING(PSE, Learning to Learn, Relationships and Emotions, Healthy Choices, Physical Activity, Keeping Safe)What Matters: How we engage with different social influences shapes who we are and our health and well-beingSEAL – acceptance/ tolerance/ bravery/ honesty/ kindness/ helping others (the knights code)Relationships – Challenge: How to care for a dragon egg? /Pet? / empathy for othersHow to keep a knight safe Learning to learn – resilience/ patience/ overcoming challenges/ interdependence Faithe the Fairy activitiesBenefits of healthy livingDaily MileInternet safetyRespect for people/other culturesLearning about other cultures/ languages and celebrations in WalesCelebrating Cultural Diversity – Chinese New YearWelsh/ Chinese Traditions/storiesChinese/ welsh foodFine motor skills – finger gym: Sword in the stone, free the dragons, split pin knights; malleable play Gross motor skills – Knights challenge themed obstacle course / Chinese New Year dance/ ‘jostling’ competitionCELEBRATION finish: Performance - Chinese New Year Dragon DancePerformance – Y Ddraig GochPublish a short story about a dragonVisit to a local castle – Coity/ Ogmore/ CardiffEaster Celebrations – 12th April (celebrations to be held on WB: 30th March) EXPRESSIVE ARTS(Music, Art, Drama, Dance, Film and Digital Media)What Matters: Exploration through and of the Expressive Arts deepens our artistic knowledge and contributes to our understanding of identities, cultures and societiesMake a large- scale Chinese DragonPerform a Chinese New Year dance, Story of the Welsh DragonRole play: story Chinese New Year/ Story of the Welsh dragon/ knights, castles and dragonsChinese dragon masksMythical animals/ creaturesCreate dragons using different mediums 2D and 3D (Chinese dragons and Welsh Dragons)Music: Songs about Wales/ Welsh Dragon/ Puff the Magic Dragon/ drums and trumpets for marching musicDigital Media – How to Train Your Dragon, Pete’s Dragon, Edgar (John Lewis advertisement)3D models of castles/ dragonsClay dragonsCreate a family Court of Arms and flagsDecorate dragon eggs Artists – Simon O’Rourke (giant dragon sculptures, The Dragon of Bethesda)David Petersen – metal dragon sculpturesWassily Kandinksy – St George and the DragonDelyth Thomas – dragonsColour mixing – warm tonesOutdoor play: build castles and dragon dens using large junk modelling and materials, create Knights challengesSCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY Ice experiments - Help a dragon save his friends/ links to St Dwynwen storyMaking the strongest castle/ moving drawbridgeStudy komodo dragons/ bearded dragons/ reptiles Explore websites showing castle toursInvestigate materials to make armour for a knightInvestigate how to make a stronger rope – twisting, plaiting, weavingLook at flame retardant materials – keeping safe Design and make a shieldMake dragon bread and dragon biscuitsChallenge – make a cave for a dragon to keep them warm? Design and make a fire breathing dragonBeebot – Programme Dragon Beebot to find locations in WalesUse paint package to draw pictures of dragons/ knights/ castlesYEAR 1 TOPIC: Scales, Flames and ClawsBig Ideas (Concepts)– Culture, Traditions, Identity, Myths and LegendsMATHS AND NUMERACYAddition within 10/20+Subtraction within 10/20+Positions – ordinal numbers, left and rightNumbers to 20+ – counting, writing, comparing, ordering and patternsLearn to count in 2,5,10s2D and 3D shape pictures and models of dragons/ castlesOrganise dragon eggs according to size and weightDinosaur Dilemma (Brian Davies) adaptedWELSH DIMENSIONExplore Welsh culture and traditions and form a sense of identityWelsh traditions/stories – St Dwynwen, legend of the Welsh DragonSt David’s Day celebrationsSt Dwynwen’s Day celebrationsArtist – Delyth ThomasThe Dragon Project (sculpture at Chirk)Castles of WalesLANGUAGE, LITERACY AND COMMUNICATION(English, Welsh and International Languages)What Matters: Learning about identity and culture through languages prepares learners to be citizens of Wales and the world Write New Year Learning ResolutionsWrite wishes for the Chinese New Year Wishing TreeProcedural writing – How to care for your dragonTreehouse Tales- Matilda TomatoTric a Chlic Welsh phonicsLetters and sounds phonics – phase 3 and phase 4Letter formation – size and orientationMyths and Legends – Dragon based stories -The story of the Chinese New Year and The Welsh Dragon, The Sword in the Stone, Zog, Dragon Stew, Dragons in the city, Tell me a Dragon, The Boys who grew Dragons, Dragonology, The Paper Bag Princess, Dragons in the City etcRecount as a dragon, knight or princessProcedural/ instructional writing – How to train your Dragon/ how to make a paper dragonStory writing – dragon themeRetell a familiar story with a dragon themeRecognise and use conjunctions, adjectives and verbsSmall world role play – dragons, princesses knights and castlesDragon or Knight Wanted posterRole play – castles/ dragons dens/ stick puppetsLabelling a knight/ dragonDescriptive Dragon poem using similes Range of age appropriate Welsh Language patterns e.g. Beth wyt ti’n hoffi? Dw I’n hoffi….HUMANITIES(History, Geography, RE)What Matters: Developing an enquiring mind enables learners to explore and investigate the world, past, present and future, for themselves.RE - Come and See (Local Church – community: special people/ Eucharist – relating: meals/ Lent/ Easter – giving: change)Look at the significance of the Easter Egg – New LifeCastles around Wales – locate on a map Dragons around the worldNational symbols – animals and mythical creaturesThe Cadw Dragon TaleChinese New Year – where in the world is China?The history and features of castlesLook at roles within a castle - role play – daily life in a castle-193040-960691500 ................

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