Chapter 9 and 10 guided reading1. Muslim conquests took lands from what major empire?2. What is a schism?3. What are some changes that took place in the Byzantine empire from the 6th to 11th centuries?4. What were some cultural achievements of the Byzantines?5. What was a hallmark of the post-Roman period in Western Europe?6. What regions did the Carolingian Empire control in the 8th and 9th centuries?7. What group became a new threat to Western Europe in the late 8th century?8. What is a manor and what features would a manor often include?9. What was the feudal system?10. What is a fief?11. Who were “vassals?” Was the Lord-Vassal relationship a simple one or a complex one?12. How did noblewomen get “tangled” in this system?13. Could women own land?14. What types of jobs did non-noble women do?15. What office became more powerful after the 10th century?16. Why was the relationship between kings and popes a tense one?17. What were four of Hildebrand’s claims?18. What was investiture controversy about?19. Describe three features of monastic life?20. To what religion did Vladimir (Kievan Russian prince) eventually convert?21. What were the Crusades?22. What were three motivations for the Crusades?23. What happened at the battle of Manzikert? What year did it take place?24. What are some things Europe gained from interactions with Muslims during the Crusades?25. Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine and what was her influence?Chapter 1026. From what group of people were the Tang elites descended from?27. What type of Buddhism was dominant during the Tang period?28. What was the name of the Tang capital city?29. What was the tributary system and how did it work?30. How was crime controlled in Chang’an?31. How much could Chinese trade vessels carry compared to those in the Mediterranean?32. What sport did the Tang court promote?33. What two products remained as major Chinese exports during this period?34. What is a major root cause for the decline of the Tang?35. How did the Tang view of Buddhism change?36. Who was Wu Zhao? What historical controversy surrounds her?37. What were some charges made against Buddhists during this time?38. Briefly describe the origins of the Song dynasty?39. What innovative mechanism was Su Song’s clock the first to feature?40. What important innovation used for navigating at sea did the Song improve on?41. What was the Junk?42. What was neo-Confucianism?43. What is Zen and what did it emphasize?44. What types of things did success in the Civil Service examination bring? What could failure mean?45. What practice allowed people who were not of noble birth a chance at preparing for, and passing, the Civil Service exam?46. What was “flying money?”47. What practices are evidence of the subordination of women during the Song dynasty?48. Where does the word “Korea” come from?49. Describe the practice of woodblock printing.50. Why did the Japanese ruling family never change?51. What aspects of Chinese culture did early Vietnam adopt? ................

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