4572003578860394970034366203958590481965Sushi Town Open 11:00 – 9:00,Monday – Saturday Our restaurant is located in New York, New York. Our number is 555-676-5243.+Food on our menuSushi Rice Recipe California Roll Philladelphia Roll Japanese Sunomono Salad Cucumber Roll Healthy Brown Rice and Shrimp Cones. Drinks Sprite, Coke, Water, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Mountain Dew.45720038798542513254572004572002218055+5702300317500 PricesSushi Rice Recipe: $5.00California Roll: $2.00 per basket (5 rolls in a basket)Philladelphia Roll: $2.00 per basket (5 rolls in a basket)Japanese Sunomono Salad: $3.00Cucumber Roll: $2.00 per basket (5 rolls in a basketHealthy Brown Rice and Shrimp Cones: $2.00 per basket ( 5 Cones in a basket)+Ut eulibero You should come to our restaurant because we have a Japanese restaurant. A lot of other restaurants are Chinese, Mexican, and American. We are original, and different. That is why you should come to our restaurant. Why You Should Come3975100457200397764046672545720045720056965852216150 Why We Came Here We came here because Japan was getting to crowded. We needed more space. We thought we would have a better life here in New York , New York. So far we like it here, we are hopping our business will do well here.26924004000500 269748045720051181002247265 This is a dish called May-Diwa. This is just another one of our many dishes.5112385448246527940002247900 This is a Japanese dish called Daifukus. This is just one of our many dishes. 5715002400300 Pictures Of Our Food This is a picture of Stock-Photo-Salad , this is yet another one of our many dishes.513715232410045720060299604572004173855 More Pictures Of Our Food45720078867004572003327400+457200457200+39497003327400 ................

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