
|[pic] |LISTA SEMANAL DE TAREAS |Week: December 8th to December 12th |




1. Study the vocabulary about food on page 21.

Types of food





2. Study the World Builder: Verbs + prepositions on page 22 exercise 5.

To talk about / to be about / to know about / to think about/ to learn about/ to care about / to find out about /

3. Study the Sentence builder: Reason linkers on page 23 exercise 7.

Because / as / in case / just in case /

4. Study THE PASSIVE on page 24 and 25.

5. Study the vocabulary: Eating out on page 26 exercise 1

And as you already know you will also have a listening exercise, a reading exercise and a writing exercise.



1. You will make a mind map using all the vocabulary about food from page 21.


2. You will copy the following sentences on a piece of white paper and you will choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.

1. I like talking to/about/for/from my friends when we are all together on the bus to school.

2. That book is to/about/for/from food.

3. I’d like to learn to/about/for/from cooking.

4. This fruit comes to/about/for/from our garden.

5. I often think to/about/for/from food when I’m going to/about/for/from school because I never have time for breakfast.

Then you will write your own sentences, one for each of the following verbs+prepositions.

-to talk about

-to be about

-to know about

-to think about

-to learn about

-to care about

-to find out about

3. You will cut each of the following pictures and you will write a sentence of your own using because, as, in case, and just in case.

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

4. You will be given a worksheet to practice the passive voice.

5. You will copy the following dialogue to complete the sentences using the eating out vocabulary from page 26.

A: Do you often _______out?

B: Not really because it’s so expensive. But

sometimes I go to _________food bars

with my friends and sometimes we get food

from a local Chinese ________-away. What

about you?

A: I sometimes go with my family to my aunt’s

restaurant for family parties. We don’t have to

_________ a table, pay the bill or _________a tip!

B: Lucky you! What sort of restaurant is it?

A: It’s an __________restaurant and my aunt makes

Dishes like ravioli and lasagna!

Then you will represent each word with a picture, like this



6. You will be given a reading exercise to continue practicing the passive voice.

7. You will be given a listening exercise to practice this skill.

Second B Miss. Lulu

| |Study Guides |

| |This week you will continue working on your passport for the exam. By Monday 8th you must bring in a yellow folder that you have |

| |decorated in your personal style.On the cover of your folder you must have the title (English Passport), your name, class, English list |

|Monday December 8th |number, and teacher’s name. On the inside of your folder you must have a copy of the study guide below. |

| |Remember that your study guide is mandatory and must be turned in corrected and complete on test day in order to be able to receive an |

| |exam. |

| |2nd Grade Study Guide |

| |Miss. Lulu |

| |Listening: You will be listening to a conversation and answering a few comprehension questions to demonstrate your understanding. |

| | |

| |Writing:You will be describing the home you live in now and the home of your dreams. Making sure you use the proper vocabulary. From |

| |module 4 page 29 from your Choices book. |

| | |

| |Reading:you will have a reading exercise were you will be responsible for identifying the main idea and a answering a few comprehension |

| |questions |

| | |

| |Vocabulary: you will be responsible for learning, understanding, and using the following vocabulary words in context. |

| |Cow Dung |

| |Cosy |

| |Pond |

| |Lawn |

| |Fitted cup boards |

| |Suburbs |

| |Outskirts of town |

| |Hut |

| |Ash |

| |Grammar:You will be working on a variety of exercises where you will be practicing each one of the following grammar parts. |

| |The Passive Voice (choices book pg. 24 act.) |

| |Verb + Preposition (choices book pg. 22 act. ) |

| |Present Perfect Continuous (choices book pg. 30 act. ) |

| |Modifiers and comparatives (choices book pg. 33 act 5 ) |

Study Guide 2nd Grade

1. Verbs + Prepositions.

o to talk about

o to be about

o to know about

o to think about

o to learn about

o to care about

o to find out about

2. Reason Linkers because, as, in case, just in case

3. The Passive. In Present Simple and Simple Past.

4. Eating Out Vocabulary. Pag26

5. in your Book..

6. Vocabulary of Taste. Check page 21 in your SB.

|Types of food |Cereals, dairy products, fish, fruits, meat, seafood, vegetables, fast food, fattening, fresh, home-made, organic, vegetarian |

| |food. |

|Health |Calories, carbohydrates, fat, fibre, minerals, protein, salt, sugar, vitamins |

|Dishes |Apple pie, bacon and eggs, boiled lobster, a chip butty, chocolate cake, curry, dark-chocolate ice cream, fish and chips, fried|

| |chicken, grilled steak, roast beef. |

|Taste |Bitter, delicious, sour, spicy, sweet |

|Texture |Creamy, crispy, crunchy, smooth, soft |

7. Vocabulary of Taste. Check page 21 in your SB.

|Types of food |Cereals, dairy products, fish, fruits, meat, seafood, vegetables, fast food, fattening, fresh, home-made, organic, vegetarian |

| |food. |

|Health |Calories, carbohydrates, fat, fibre, minerals, protein, salt, sugar, vitamins |

|Dishes |Apple pie, bacon and eggs, boiled lobster, a chip butty, chocolate cake, curry, dark-chocolate ice cream, fish and chips, fried|

| |chicken, grilled steak, roast beef. |

|Taste |Bitter, delicious, sour, spicy, sweet |

|Texture |Creamy, crispy, crunchy, smooth, soft |


The Passport should be written in white paper. Handwritten or printed. If it’s printed use Arial font number 12. Don’t rewrite the instructions just put the number of the exercise and the topic.

1. Verbs + Prepositions Read the “Teenage Master Chef” in your book on page 22 again, and answer the following questions using the verbs + prepositions:

a. What was the article about?

b. What have you learned about Luke?

c. What do you about this food?

d. What does Luke care about?

e. What else would you like to know about Luke?

2. Reason Linkers. Reply to the following invitation using ALL the reason linkers. Highlight them or write them with a different color. Write 80 words.


3. The Passive. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. Check the structure of the sentences, you are only going to use Simple Present and Simple Past. Write your own five examples using the Passive Voice.

a. We prepared over twenty dishes for the party.

b. People eat a lot of fish in Japan.

c. The chef cooks the meals in the restaurant.

d. We order the food from a pub.

e. My grandmother wrote the lasagna’s recipe.

4. . Eating Out Vocabulary. Using the vocabulary complete the following dialogue.

A:Do you often _________ out?

B: Not really because it’s too expensive. But sometimes I go to _________ food bars with my friends and sometimes we get food from a local Chinese _________-away. What about you?

A: I sometimes go with my family to my aunt’s restaurant for my parties. We don’t have to _________ a table, pay the bill or leave a _________!

B: Lucky you. What sort of restaurant is it?

A: It’s an _________ restaurant and my aunt makes dishes like ravioli and lasagna.

5. Taste Vocabulary. Write a review of a restaurant that you have tried here in Culiacán using the vocabulary from the module TASTE. You can review a dish, a plate or the restaurant in general. Use 12 of the words in the chart, highlight them with a color. Write 100 words. (no more than 100 words please)[pic]


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