456 INDIVIDUALS DROP OUT FROM LIST: 20-YEAR HIGHJACK MA, 54, OF ALIBABA RICHEST MAN IN CHINA WITH US$39BN, UP 35%LAST YEAR’S NUMBER ONE XU JIAYIN, 60, DROPS 14% TO SECOND, FOLLOWED BY PONY MA HUATENG, 47, DOWN 4%219 NEW FACES, LED BY COLIN HUANG ZHENG OF E-COMMERCE GIANT PINDUODUO STRAIGHT IN AT 13TH WITH US$14BN‘SMARTPHONE TYCOON’ LEI JUN OF MI BREAKS INTO TOP 10, UP 62% TO US$16BN. WANG XING OF MEITUAN-DIANPING UP 47% TO US$5.7BN.‘HOT POT KING’ ZHANG YONG SHOOTS INTO TOP 50 WITH TEN-FOLD WEALTH INCREASE TO US$8BNBLOCKCHAIN OFFICIALLY FASTEST-GROWING INDUSTRY, WITH 14 NEW FACES, LED BY ZHAN KETUAN, 39, AND WU JIHAN, 32, OF BITCOIN MINING BRAND BITMAIN620 DOLLAR BILLIONAIRES, DOWN 27 FROM LAST YEAR, BUT DOUBLE 5 YEARS AGO, SIX-FOLD OF 10 YEARS AGO. 20 YEARS AGO THERE WERE ZERO.WOMEN HIT 20-YEAR HIGH MAKING UP 28.7% OF LIST; YANG HUIYAN, 37, RICHEST WOMAN IN CHINA WITH US$22BNPOLITICAL APPOINTMENTS HIT 20-YEAR LOW, DOWN 25% YOY. ONLY 7.5% ARE DELEGATES TO NPC OR CPPCCALUMNI FROM ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, PEKING UNIVERSITY AND TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY LEAD THE LISTHALF LIVE IN 7 CITIES: BEIJING, SHENZHEN, SHANGHAI, HANGZHOU, GUANGZHOU, HONG KONG AND SUZHOU19 NON-MAINLANDERS, OF WHICH 6 NON-CHINESE, MAKE LIST FOR FIRST TIMEWORLD’S LARGEST RICH LIST PROVIDER RELEASES 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF CHINA RICH LIST, PROUDLY PRESENTED BY LEXUSOnly 1893 individuals made the cut this year, down 11% from 2130 individuals last year. This is the first drop in the size of the list since 2012. Hurun Report Chairman and Chief Researcher Rupert Hoogewerf said: “A 20% drop in the stock exchange, on the back of a slowing economy and the US-China trade war, resulted in 456 drop-offs this year, the highest since records began twenty years ago.” Despite the drop, the number of individuals making the cut of CNY 2 billion is up 89% compared with five years ago, and four-fold that of 10 years ago at the time of the financial crisis. 20 years ago, only eight individuals had CNY 2 billion. Jack Ma Yun, 54, & family shot back to Number One in China for the second time in four years. Ma’s wealth increased by US$10bn to US$39bn, on the back of a hike in the valuation of Alipay mothership Ant Financial. ‘Real Estate Tycoon’ Xu Jiayin, 60, of Evergrande and last year’s richest person, claimed second place, followed by Pony Ma Huateng of Tencent. Rupert Hoogewerf said: “The Big Three are pulling away from the rest.”New faces. There were 219 new faces, led by 38-year old Colin Huang Zheng of e-commerce giant Pinduoduo. Huang started Pinduoduo only 3 years ago and is today worth US$14bn. 5 new faces shot straight into the Top 100 of the Hurun Rich List. Others include ‘Battery King’ Zeng Yuqun of CATL, a battery maker for the e-car industry, and ‘Blockchain King’ Zhan Ketuan of Bitmain. Rupert Hoogewerf said, “The scalability of the market coupled with a strong investor ecosystem is creating big new businesses fast.”Others that grew fast included ‘Hot Pot Power Couple’ Zhang Yong and wife Shu Ping, whose wealth shot up ten-fold on the back of an IPO last month. Zhang Yiming, 35, of news aggregator ByteDance, is reportedly in discussion to raise money on a valuation of a staggering US$75bn. Lei Jun of smartphone maker Xiaomi grew 62% to US$16bn to break into the Top 10. Wang Xing of Meituan-Dianping shot up 39 places to 58th.Down. Wu Gang, 41, and Huang Xiaojie, both of JD Capital saw their wealth drop 85%, Meitu’s Wu Xinhong and Cai Wensheng saw their wealth drop over 50%, Jiang Bin and wife Hu Shuangmei of acoustic component maker GoerTek saw their wealth drop by over 50%, last year’s richest self-made women ‘Touchscreen Queen’ Zhou Qunfei and husband Zheng Junlong saw their wealth drop 45%. Fortune Global 500. The Top 10 created seven Fortune Global 500, including Alibaba, Evergrande, Tencent, Country Garden, Midea, China Pacific Construction and Amer.By industry: Sixty percent of the list made their wealth from the ‘Big Four’ industries of manufacturing, real estate, investments and IT. Manufacturing has been the main source of wealth for the past five years, although the number of individuals from this sector dropped slightly to 26.1% from last year’s 27.9%, on the back of the US-China trade war. Real estate, which used to be the top wealth creator for the first 15 years of the list, came in second, edging up from 14.6% to 14.9%. Finance and investments overtook IT, with investments up from 10.9% to 11.6% and IT down from 11.8% to 10.3%. New energy, food, clothing and apparel, as well as retail all edged up, whilst natural resources, culture and entertainment as well as agriculture edged down.Born after 1980. 132 made the list, up 32 compared with last year. 50 were self-made, 11 more than last year. Colin Huang Zheng of Pinduoduo took over from ‘Education King’ Zhang Bangxin of TAL Education as the richest self-made person born after 1980.Born after 1985. 56 individuals made the list, up 20 compared with last year. 11 were self-made, five more compared to last year. Wu Jihan, 32, of blockchain chip manufacturer Bitmain become the richest self-made person born after 1985.Born after 1990. 10 made the list, up 4 on last year, of which two were self-made, one more than last year. Ge Yuesheng, 26, of Bitmain, led the way with US$490 million, followed by Dai Wei, 27, of bicycle sharing app Ofo with US$430 million.Average age is 55 years, one more than last year. Rupert Hoogewerf said: “The Hurun Rich Lister started out on average at the age of 29.”50% of the list lives in 7 cities, led by Beijing for 293 individuals, down 7 from last year, and Shenzhen with 193, 31 down on last year. Shanghai maintained third place with 160, down 13 on last year. Hangzhou, fourth place, with 120, down 33. Hong Kong added four, moving up one spot to sixth place, with 54. Birthplace. Zhejiang entrepreneurs overtook Guangdong, returning to top spot. Born outside China. For the first time, non-mainlanders living in Mainland China were added into the list. 19 non-mainland made the list, led by Ken Chu & family of real estate developer and golf course operator Mission Hills from HK, Kieu Hoang from Vietnam of blood?product RAAS from Vietnam and John Oyler from the US of cancer treatment brand BeiGene. Six were from Hong Kong, five from Taiwan, two from Indonesia, and one from each of Vietnam, Bosnia, Denmark, the US, UK and South Africa.Women made up 28.7%, a record high since the list began 20 years ago. Yang Huiyan of Country Garden continued to be the richest female in China, with US$22bn.Political appointments down. Only 7.5% or 142 individuals, down from 10% last year and 15.7% five years ago, were delegates to either the NPC or CPPCC. NPC delegates were down 48 to 77, CPPCC down 23 to 65.Social media impact. The entrepreneurs with the fastest-growing fan bases on Weibo include: Jack Ma, Lei Jun, Jiang Nanchun and Pan Shiyi. ‘Social Media Queen’ actress Zhao Wei leads with 84 million fans, followed by Wang Jianlin’s son Wang Sicong with 27 million fans, and Jack Ma with 24 million fans.Alumni from Zhejiang University led with 35 alumni on the list, down 2 on last year. Peking University alumni ranked second with 31, followed by Tsinghua alumni with 25. Rupert Hoogewerf said: “The power of entrepreneurship from China’s top universities is super strong, but – interestingly enough – over half the list graduated from the ‘university of life’!” In trouble with the law. 12 were in trouble with the authorities, with 9 under investigation. Rupert Hoogewerf said: “Over the past 20 years, only 52 of the more than 4000 individuals that have made the Hurun Rich List, have got themselves into trouble with the authorities, ie just over 1%, suggesting that 98.7% are healthy.” Three died. Wang Jian, 57, of troubled investment conglomerate HNA. Wang announced his wealth will be donated to charity in the event of his death. Wang’s estate is valued at US$2bn; Lin Wenjing of Fujian-based developer RongQiao, 91; and Lu Guanqiu of Wanxiang, 74.Chinese star signs. Individuals born in the Year of the Rabbit continued to lead the way for the seventh consecutive year, followed by those born in the Year of the Dragon. Rats held up the bottom. Surnames. The Wang family did best, followed by Li, which overtook Zhang into second place.Social enterprise. Rupert Hoogewerf said: “Companies created by entrepreneurs from the Hurun List contributed an estimated 6% of China’s total tax revenues and 1.3% of the total workforce.”Hurun Report, the world’s largest rich list compiler, released the 20th anniversary of the Hurun Rich List, this year in association with LEXUS.(10 October 2018, Shanghai) The Hurun Research Institute today released the 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List. This is the 20th annual ranking of the richest individuals in China, with a wealth cut-off of CNY 2 billion (equivalent this year to US$290 million). Wealth calculations are a snapshot of 15 August, the same date as previous years. 1893 individuals made the list this year, down 11% or 237 people, with a wealth cut-off of CNY 2bn. 1012 saw their wealth shrink or stay the same, whilst 881 saw their wealth grow, of which 219 were new faces. 456 dropped out from last year’s list, hitting a twenty-year high. Rupert Hoogewerf said: “Wealth in China is becoming more concentrated. The wealth of the Hurun Top 10, for example, accounted for 10% of the total wealth on the list, and that of the Top 200 accounted for half of the total wealth on the list.” The Shanghai Composite Index was down 16% to 2,700 points in the year ending 15 August 2018 year, after rising 4% last year. The Shenzhen Stock Index was down 19% to 8,600 points after declining 2.4% last year. The Growth Enterprise Index was down 18% for the second year, to 1,500 points. The HK Heng Seng Index edged up 1% to 27,300 points, after soaring 19% last year. Rupert Hoogewerf said: This year, entrepreneurs from 34 listed companies had their shares frozen.”This is a translation of the summary of the Chinese press release. Please refer to the Chinese language version for the full release.The Top 10Two new faces made the Top 10: Lei Jun of Xiaomi, whose wealth shot up 62%, the fastest in the Top 10; and Wang Wenyin of copper and cabling giant Amer. Of the Top 10, 4 were from the IT sector, same as last year, followed by real estate with three. Five live in Guangdong, three in Beijing, one in Zhejiang, one in Jiangsu and one in HK.2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List - Top 10NameWealth US$bnChangeAgeCompany1↑Jack Ma Yun & family3935%54Alibaba2↓Xu Jiayin36-14%60Evergrande3↓Pony Ma Huateng35-4%47Tencent4 -Elizabeth Yang Huiyan22-6%37Country Garden5 -Wang Jianlin & family20-10%64Wanda6↑He Xiangjian & He Jianfeng1913%76, 51Midea7↓Wang Wei17.5-20%48SF Express7↑Yan Hao & family17.54%32China Pacific Construction9↓Robin Li Yanhong & Melissa Ma Dongmin17-8%50, 48Baidu10 *Lei Jun1662%49Xiaomi10 *Wang Wenyin & family1638%50AmerSource: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List ↑Rank increase yoy ↓Rank decrease yoy - No Rank change yoy *New to Top 10Jack Ma Yun, 54, climbed back to Richest Man in China, just weeks after announcing his retirement from Alibaba. The US$10bn growth in his wealth to US$39bn was mainly due to a new round of investment in Alipay’s mothership, Ant Financial. Jack Ma founded two of China’s most valuable companies. By the end of September 2018, Alibaba’s market value hit US$390bn, making it the most valuable company from China and Top 10 in the world, whilst the value of Ant Financial shot past US$100bn. Jack Ma’s successor, Daniel Zhang Yong, also made the list with US$580 million, ranking him at 1007. “Jack Ma made 90% of his fortune after the age of 50, which should give people under the age of 50 a lot of hope,” said Rupert Hoogewerf.Last year’s Number One Xu Jiayin, 60, of Evergrande saw his wealth drop by US$6bn to US$36bn, ranking him second, despite sales in first half of this year up 25% to break through the US$40bn mark. Xu was second on the Hurun Philanthropy List 2018, donating US$540m and close to US$2bn overall. Hoogewerf said: “Xu Jiayin made 80% of his wealth after the age of 50.”Pony Ma Huateng, 47, dropped down one place to third with US$35bn, the first time his fortune has shrunk since he made the list in 2005. Yang Huiyan, 37, of Country Garden, came in fourth this year, with US$22bn. The only female to make the Top 10, Yang’s wealth dropped slightly, despite Country Garden’s sales revenue exceeding a staggering US$60bn in the first half year, up 43% year on year. Yang and her father Yang Guoqiang came in fifth place on the Hurun China Philanthropy List 2018, with donations of US$105m.Wang Jianlin, 64, of Wanda, and family’s wealth shrank US$3bn, yet managed to hold on to fifth spot with US$20bn. In 2016 Wang was the richest person in China with US$32.1bn, but has since dropped. Early this year, Wang took in US$4.9bn of investment from Tencent, Suning, JD and Sunac, for a 14% share in his real estate business. Wang has been actively divesting his international businesses this past year. He Xiangjian, 76 & and son He Jianfeng, of Midea, came in at sixth, with US$19bn, up two spots. Midea’s revenue was US$20bn in the first half of this year, up 15% year on year. He Xiangjian was Number One on the Hurun China Philanthropy List 2018 with US$1.2bn of donations.‘Road King’ Yan Hao, 32, & family moved one spot up to be seventh with US$17.5bn. Yan is the only one in the Top 10 born after 1985. China Pacific Construction made the Top 100 of the Fortune Global 500 for the third year running. ‘Express Delivery King’ Wang Wei, 48, of SF Express, came in seventh with US$17.5bn, down 20%, and one spot from last year. SF Express’ sales hit US$6.2bn in the first half year, up 34% year on year, leading the industry.Robin Li Yanhong, 50, & Melissa Ma Dongmin of Baidu dropped down two places to ninth with US$17bn, down 8%. Lei Jun, 49, saw his fortune increase by US$5.9bn, shooting back into the Top 10 with US$16bn, up 12 spots from last year. Xiaomi’s sales hit US$6.5bn in the second quarter this year, up 68% year on year. 9 shareholders of Xiaomi made this year’s list.Wang Wenyin and family’s fortune grew US$4.9bn, breaking into the Top 10 with US$16bn. Amer has 17,500 employees, hitting US$71bn sales, and ranking 111 in the Fortune Global 500.Dropping out of Top 10. Two dropped out this year’s Top 10: William Ding Lei of Netease and Li Shufu & son Li Xingxing of Geely. Both dropped down to 16th place, on the back of a drop in their share prices.Industry AnalysisIndustry2018%2017%Richest IndividualCompany1 -Manufacturing26.1%27.9%He Xiangjian Midea2 -Real estate14.9%14.6%Xu JiayinEvergrande3↑Finance, investments11.6%10.9%Jack Ma Yun *Alibaba4↓IT10.3%11.8%Pony Ma HuatengTencent5 -Pharma7.1%6.7%Sun Piaoyang & Zhong HuijuanHengrui Medicine, Haosen Medicine6↑Services5.1%3.3%Wang WeiSF Express7↓Natural Resources4.4%4.9%Wang Yuxuo and Zhao Baoju*ENN8↓Foods, drinks3.4%3.3%Zong QinghouWahaha9 -Apparel3.3%3.2%Ma Jianrong *Shenzhou 9↑Retail3.3%2.9%Jack MaAlibaba11↓Media Entertainment2.9%3.0%Pony Ma HuatengTencent12 -Agriculture2.3%2.5%Qin Yinglin and Qian Ying *Muyuan 13 -Construction2.0%2.0%Yan HaoChina Pacific Construction14 -Iron + Steel1.8%1.7%Shen WenrongSha Steel15 -New Energy1.5%1.3%Zeng Yuqun*CATLSource: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List ↑ Rank increase yoy ↓ Rank decrease yoy - No Rank change yoy *New to thisResidencesHalf the list lives in 7 cities, led by Beijing.Residence%Number of indiv. (Change yoy)1 -Beijing15.5%293 (-7)2 -Shenzhen10.2%193 (-31)3 -Shanghai8.5%160 (-13)4 -Hangzhou 6.3%120 (-33)5 -Guangzhou4.8%91 (+2)6↑Hong Kong2.9%54 (+4)7↓Suzhou2.2%42 (-11)8 -Foshan1.9%35 (-4)9 -Ningbo1.8%34 (-3)10 -Chengdu1.7%32 (-2)11↑Dongguan1.6%31 (-1)12↑Shaoxing1.5%29 (-2)13↑Chongqing1.48%28 (-1)13↑Xiamen1.48%28 (0)15↓Nanjing1.4%26 (-7)16 -Tianjin1.32%25 (-3)16↑Changsha1.32%25 (+2)18↓Wuxi1.2%22 (-8)19↑Fuzhou1.01%19 (0)20↑Wenzhou1.0%18 (-2)21↑Zhengzhou0.9%17 (-3)21↑Yantai0.9%17 (-5)21 *Jiaxing0.9%17 (1)24↓Changzhou0.8%16 (-9)24↑Quanzhou0.8%16 (-3)24↑Wuhan0.8%16 (-3)24↓Taizhou0.8%16 (-9)Source: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List ↑ Rank increase yoy ↓ Rank decrease yoy - No Rank change yoy *New to thisHighlightsImportant IPOsMany unicorns were listed in the US and Hong Kong this year. Xiaomi, HaiDiLao Hotpot, Meituan-Dianping and Renaissance were listed in Hong Kong. Pinduoduo, GreenTree Hospitality, Bilibili, Aurora Mobile, OneSmart Education, NIO Car, Qutoutiao and iQiyi were listed in the US. CATL listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.For the first time, individuals from the blockchain industry made the list. Zhan Ketuan, 39, and Wu Jihan, 32, both of Bitcoin miner Bitmain, led the way. To make up the Top 3 was crypto exchange Binance founder Zhao Changpeng, 41, with US$2.2bn. Born outside mainland ChinaFor the first time, Hurun Report included individuals born outside of mainland China but residing there. 19 made the cut.NameCompanyWealthUS$mBirth placeResidence1Ken Chu & familyMission Hills4,300Hong KongShenzhen2Kieu HoangRAAS3,500VietnamShanghai3Lin Hongxiu & familyRongQiao2,900IndonesiaFuzhou4Elijah WidjajaBund Center2,700IndonesiaShanghai5Li SilianR&F2,100Hong KongGuangzhou6Hsu Cheng & family Hsu Fu Chi 2,000TaiwanDongguan7Xie WeitongHuayou Cobalt1,650TaiwanJiaxing8Huang DawenHoshine Silicon 1,450Hong KongNingbo9Zhuo JunJing Wang Electricity1,200Hong KongShenzhen10Francis PengAKD International1,160Hong KongBeijing10Dan FriisBestseller China1,160DenmarkBeijing12Rick Yan51job870Hong KongShanghai13Wu Mingfu & FamilyLopsking Aluminum830TaiwanSuzhou14John OylerBeiGene720USBeijing14He Guangqi & Chen Suying (husband and wife)Xiabuxiabu720TaiwanBeijing16Fraser WhiteDulwich College International430UKShanghai17Filip SedicForeo360SwedenShanghai18Cai Yonglong familyGem-Year Industrial320TaiwanJiaxing19Grant HorsfieldNaked290South AfricaShanghaiSource: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List People of InterestHuang Zheng, 38, made the list for the first time, straight in at 13th, with US$14bn. Founded only three years ago, Pinduoduo was listed in the US this year. ‘Battery King’ CATL founder Zeng Yuqun, 50, made the list for the first time. CATL is China’s largest battery provider for e-cars. Seven individuals from CATL made the list. Zhang Yong and wife Shu Ping of HaiDiLao Hotpot saw their wealth grow ten-fold, to US$8bn after their HK IPO last month. Four shareholders made this year’s list.Chen Rui, 40, became video sharing platform Bilibili’s angel investor in 2011, joined the company in 2014. The company was listed in the US in March this year. Public information shows that Bilibili has 85 million monthly active users.He Xiaopeng, 41, started up X-Peng Cars together with partners Xia Heng, He Tao and Yang Chunlei. In August, X-Peng completed its B+ series investment.Wang Xing, 39, broke into the Top 60 with US$5.7bn. Meituan-Dianping was listed in Hong Kong in September, with a market value exceeding Xiaomi and JD. This past year, Meituan-Dianping bought bicycle sharing app Mobike. Revenue for the first half of this year was up 91% to US$3.8bn.Neil Shen Nanpeng’s wealth increased 50% to US$3.8bn, on the back of successful investments into Meituan-Dianping and ByteDance. Sequoia Capital, managed primarily by Shen, invested into one quarter of the unicorns on the Hurun Greater China Unicorn Index 2018.Bao Fan of Renaissance became the first financial adviser to go IPO from the Hurun Rich List. Advising on IPOs and merger and acquisitions, Renaissance was behind Didi and Kuaidi, 58 Tongcheng and Ganji, Meituan and Dazhong Dianping.‘AI Tycoon’ Tang Xiao’ou saw his wealth double to US$720m, on the back of a successful round valuing SenseTime at US$4.5bn.Liu Qiangdong came in at 30th with US$11bn, up 7% on last year but down significantly from his high in January before a rape accusation in the US contributed to a crash in the share price of e-commerce giant JD. However, Liu’s wealth gained pace after a successful B round financing in JD Finance.Cheng Wei, 35, of Didi made the Top 200, with US$2.6bn wealth. Despite competition from Meituan-Dianping and two major incidents during the year, Cheng’s wealth edged up 9%.Zhou Hongyi of internet security brand Qihoo 360 saw his wealth double to US$6.1bn on the back of a successful IPO in China. At his high point earlier in the year, Zhou’s wealth was double that.Xu Rongmao & family of property developer Shimao hit the Top 20 again this year with top twenty this year with US$12.5bn, up 50%. Xu donated a US$20m painting live on national tv during the massively popular spring festival gala.Ding Shizhong of sports brand Anta announced that it was purchasing Finland sports products giant Amer Sports, for Euro 4.7 billion, the largest cross-border purchase by a rich lister in the past year.Jiang Weiping of Tianqi Lithium announced a US$4bn deal to purchase a share in Chilean lithium giant Sociedad Quimica y Minera.Chen Dongshen of Taikang Insurance announced a US$1.4bn investment into the UK’s Hinkley Point nuclear power plant. Points of InterestCompanies with the largest number of rich listersCompany NameNo. of indiv.1Alibaba & Ant Financial132Rizhao Iron and Steel92Wens92Xiaomi 95Sha Steel85SF Express87Xinwei77Haitian77Hengrui 77CATL7Source: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List Political appointments hit a twenty-year low with 7.5% compared with 10% last year and five years ago’s high at 15.7%. 142 are delegates to the NPC or CPPCC, down 71 from last year, with delegate to the NPC down 48 to 77, and CPPCC down 23 to 65. 7 are standing committee members of the CPPCC: Xu Jiayin, Lu Zhiqiang, Wang Wenbiao, Nan Cunhui, Sun Yinhuan, Liu Changle and Mao Yonghong.Seven are vice chairmen of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce: Zhang Jindong, Zheng Yuefei,Liang Wengen, Nan Cunhui, Lei Jun, Huang Li and Li Dongsheng. Five were delegates to the 19th Party Congress: Chen Xueli, ‘Milk King’ Pan Gang of Yili, ‘Shandong Corn King’ Li Denghai, Zhou Yaxian and ‘Hubei Alcohol Tycoon’ Wu Shaoxun. Social Media ImpactNameWeibo Followersmillion (Change yoy)1 -Zhao Wei84.5 (+4)2 -Wang Sicong27.4 (+4)3 -Jack Ma Yun24 (+1.3)4 -Pan Shiyi19.4 (+1)5↑Lei Jun17.9 (+2.8)6↓Jia Yueting16.9 (+0.4)7 -Yu Minhong14.8 (+0.2)8↑Jiang Nanchun12.2 (+4)9↓Zhou Hongwei12.2 (+0.35)10↓Xu Xiaoping11.7 (+0.02)11↓Zhang Xin10.2 (+0.06)12↓Wang Changtian9 (+0.02)13 -Shi Yuzhu8.29 (+0.4)14 -Li Yifei7.28 (0)15 -Jiang Xipei7 (0)16↑Chen Guangbiao5.5 (+0.73)17↓Wang Chaoyong5.3 (-0.02)18↑Li Guoqin4.9 (+0.33)19↓Cai Wensheng4.75 (-0.02)20*Ji Qi4.47 (-0.01)Source: Weibo as of 12 September 2018↑ Rank increase yoy ↓ Rank decrease yoy - No Rank change yoy *New to this Largest Market Capitalizations Alibaba and Tencent led the way for the companies with the largest market pany NameMarket Value US$Bn1 -Alibaba3942 -Tencent3713↑Ant Financial 1453↑Huawei1455 -Baidu 746 *ByteDance587 *Meituan-Dianping498↑Didi489 *Xiaomi4510 *Evergrande41Source: Hurun Research Institute, by September 12, 2018↑ Rank increase yoy Rank decrease yoy - No Rank change yoy *New to the listIn trouble with the law. 12 of this year’s list are in trouble with the authorities, with 9 under investigation, one in prison, one awaiting sentence and one under house arrest. In prison: Huang Guangyu of Gome. Awaiting sentence: Zhang Keqiang of PolyUnder investigation: Bai Mingfeng of Xintong, Yan Jinggang of Zhong Ji, Liu Dequn of Morningstar Network Technology, Wang Wenliang of Dandong Harbour, Qiao Tianming of JianNanchun, Gao Junfang of Chang Sheng Bio, Zhong Hangen of Huifeng Nonghua, and Zhu Ye of Zeus. Xiao Jianhua of Tomorrow Holdings.Under house arrest: Zhu Yicai of YurunDivorce Luan Hongxian of Hongxiang Yixintang Pharmaceutical and Liu Qiong divorced, and both made the list individually this year. Luan with US$750m and Liu with US$380m.PhilanthropistsHe Xiangjian, 76, founder of Midea became China’s Most Generous Philanthropist with a donation of US$1.2bn. He Xiangjian and his son He Jianfeng, ranked sixth in the Lexus Hurun China Rich List 2018. Two real estate developers, Xu Jiayin, 60 and Lu Zhiqiang, 66, ranked second and third place with donations of US$540m and US$160m.Hurun China Philanthropy List 2018 Top 10RankNameDonation US$mCause CompanyAge1*He Xiangjian1,180 Social welfare, Poverty alleviation, EducationMidea 762↑Xu Jiayin540 Poverty alleviation, Social welfareEvergrande603↑Lu Zhiqiang160 Education, Social welfareOceanwide664*Zhang Jianbin145 Medical aid, Education, Social welfareRuihua-5↑Yang Guoqiang & Yang Huiyan105 Poverty alleviation, Education, Social welfareCountry Garden63, 376↓Chen Tianqiao100 Medical aidShanda 457*Huang Qisen & family95 Education, Medical aid, Poverty alleviationThaihot538*Huang Chaoyang80 Education, Poverty alleviation, Social welfareSCE 529↓Wang Jianlin & family75 Poverty alleviation, Disaster relief, EducationWanda6410↓Huang Tao50 Education, Social welfare, CultureCentury Golden Resources42Source: Hurun Philanthropists List 2018, auditing the cash donation, cash related donation, as well as committing with legal effect during April 2017 and March 2018. ↑ Rank increase yoy ↓ Rank decrease yoy - No Rank change yoy * NewChinese Star SignsStar Sign%2017 RankRichest Individual1Rabbit11.7%1Li Shufu, Zhang Jindong2Dragon10.5%2Jack Ma3Snake9.3%3Gong Hongjia and Chen Chunmei4Tiger9.0%4Yan Hao5Monkey8.2%5Li Yanhong6Dog8.1%6Xu Jiayin7Ram8.0%7He Jianfeng8Horse7.8%8Wang Jianlin9Rooster7.5%9Yang Huiyan 10Pig7.1%11Pony Ma Huateng11Ox6.5%12Li Xingxing12Rat6.3%10Zhang ZhidongSource: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List Chinese SurnamesChinese Surname2018%2017 Rank1Wang7.0%12Li6.9%23Zhang6.4%34Chen5.9%45Liu3.8%56Huang3.2%67Wu2.5%68Zhou2.4%89Yang2.4%910Xu2.2%1111Lin1.9%1011Zhu1.7%1211Sun1.5%1214Zhao1.47%1415Guo1.4%15Source: 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List Global Distribution of China's BillionairesA massive 36% of the world’s known billionaires are now from China, led by 618 from mainland China.Place of ResidenceNo. of billionaires1Mainland China6182Hong Kong743Taiwan424Singapore225USA95Indonesia97Thailand89Malaysia510Australia110UK1Total795Source: Hurun Global Rich List 2018 and 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List Historical StatsYearNo. of Dollar Billionaires No. of people on listCut-off US$mNumber OneAgeWealth US$bn19990506Rong Yiren831200025042Rong Yiren 8422001110060Liu Yongxing, Liu Yonghao & brothers 53, 5012002010084Larry Rong Zhijian600.8520030100110William Ding Lei320.920043100150Huang Guangyu3612005740060Huang Guangyu372200618500100Zhang Yin & family4932007106800105Yang Huiyan251820081011000100Huang Guangyu39620091291000150Wang Chuanfu43520101891363150Zong Qinghou651220112541000320Liang Wen’gen551120122511000290Zong Qinghou6712.620133151000325Wang Jianlin592220143541271330Jack Ma Yun5025.820155961877310Wang Jianlin6134.420165942056300Wang Jianlin6232.120176472130300Xu Jiayin594320186201893290Jack Ma Yun & family5439Cut-offTop 10 Cut-off US$mTop 50 Cut-off US$mTop 100 Cut-off US$mTop 500 Cut-off US$mTop 1000 Cut-off US$m19991457---200031951---20015071305--20024351747--2003580217130--2004652275181--2005913377246--20061594609435116-20075,2171,7391,087232-20082,8991,44998624610120094,0582,1011,0873,18814520105,240 2,300 1,510 440 240 20115,710 2,700 1,750 590 320 20125,400 2,400 1,670 560 290 20136,100 3,000 1,970 660 325 20147,500 3,300 2,300 750 400 201510,200 4,700 3,200 1,090 610 201611,6004,5003.3001,100600201716,0006,0004,0001,190670201816,0006,1004,2001,160590MethodologyThe Hurun Rich List is a snapshot of wealth as of August 15, the same date as that used for each of the last few years. The exchange rate used for the US dollar was CNY 6.9, for the Hong Kong dollar was CNY 0.88.The list relates to Mainland Chinese, defined as someone born and brought up in Mainland China, no matter what passport they might hold today. This year, for the first year ever, individuals born outside of Mainland China, but residing here, are included in the list.Valuing the wealth of China’s richest is as much an art as it is a science. We have missed some people, many of whom go to extraordinary lengths to hide their wealth, but we believe the Hurun Rich List to be the most serious attempt to identify China’s top entrepreneurs and to measure their holdings. Our team of researchers has - for the twentieth year running - traveled the length and breadth of the country cross-checking information with entrepreneurs, local government, industry experts, journalists, bankers and regulators, as well as previous years’ databases. For non-listed companies our valuation was based on a comparison with their listed equivalents using prevailing industry Price/Earnings ratios. 2018 LEXUS·Hurun China Rich List - Top 100For the full list of 1893 people, see RankRank changeNameWealth US$mChange in wealthCompanyPlace of ResidenceKey Source of WealthAge12Ma Yun & family39,00035%AlibabaZhejiangE-commerce, fintech542-1Xu Jiayin36,000-14%EvergrandeGuangdongReal estate, investments603-1Ma Huateng35,000-4%TencentGuangdongInternet services4740Yang Huiyan22,000-6%Country GardenGuangdongReal estate3750Wang Jianlin & family20,000-10%WandaBeijingReal estate6462He Xiangjian & He Jianfeng19,00013%MideaGuangdongHome appliances76, 517-1Wang Wei17,500-20%SF ExpressHong KongExpress delivery4871Yan Hao & family17,5004%China Pacific Construction JiangsuRoads329-2Li Yanhong & Ma Dongmin17,000-8%BaiduBeijingSearch engine50, 481012Lei Jun16,00062%XiaomiBeijingSmartphones, investments49107Wang Wenyin & family16,00038%AmerGuangdong, SingaporeCopper, Mining50122Yao Zhenhua14,5005%BaonengGuangdongInvestments, real estate4813newHuang Zheng14,000newPinduoduoShanghaiE-commerce38132Zhang Jindong14,0002%SuningJiangsuRetail, real estate5513-1Zhang Zhidong14,000-5%TencentGuangdongInternet services4616-6Ding Lei13,000-18%NeteaseZhejiangInternet services4716-6Li Shufu & family13,000-18%Geely ZhejiangCar manufacturing5516-4Zong Qinghou & family13,000-10%WahahaZhejiangDrinks731914Xu Rongmao & family12,50056%ShimaoHong KongReal estate68207Sun Piaoyang & Zhong Huijuan12,00040%Hengrui MedicineJiangsuPharmaceuticals6021-5Lu Zhiqiang & family11,600-7%OceanwideBeijingFinance, Real estate662218Chen Jianhua & Fan Hongwei11,40070%Wujiang Henli Chemical FibreJiangsuTextiles, chemical fiber, real estate4723-5Yan Bin11,3004%ReignwoodBeijingRed Bull, real estate6424-3Liu Qiangdong11,0007%JDBeijingE-commerce, Financial services442531Lin Li9,70091%Liye GuangdongFinance, investments55266Xu Shihui & family9,40016%Dali FujianFood 6126-3Zhang Shiping & family9,400-1%Weiqiao PioneeringShandongTextiles, aluminum722657Zhang Yiming9,400124%ByteDanceBeijingNews aggregator35291Liu Yongxing & family9,10011%East HopeShanghaiAluminium, feed70304Wang Yusuo & Zhao Baoju9,00015%ENNHebeiGas, energy 54, 5331-7Gong Hongjia & Chen Chunmei 8,600-9%Hikvision Hong KongVideo surveillance products53, 5331-3Wang Qingtao8,6003%Zhongrong Xinda GroupShandongCoal 5633-3Wu Yajun & family8,5003%LongforChongqingReal estate5434791Zhang Yong & Shu Ping8,0001000%Haidilao HotpotBeijingRestaurants47, 4835-10Guo Guangchang7,500-17%Fosun ShanghaiInvestment, steel, pharmaceuticals513533Pang Kang7,50060%HaitianGuangdongFood flavorings6237-1Chen Lihua7,3000%Fu Wah BeijingReal estate, Red sandalwood Museum77383Chen Dongsheng & family7,20011%TaikangBeijingInsurance613832Ma Jianrong & family7,20059%Shenzhou ZhejiangTextiles, apparel534035Shen Guojun & family7,10063%Yintai BeijingRetail, Real estate5640-12Wang Wenxue7,100-15%Fortune Land DevelopmentHebeiReal estate514211Yan Zhi6,90023%Zhuoer HubeiReal estate, investments46432Sun Guangxin6,70010%Guanghui XinjiangCar sales, energy, real estate5643-24Sun Hongbing6,700-36%Sunac TianjinReal estate5545110Xie Bing & Zheng Xiangling6,600139%Sino Biopharmaceutical Hong KongPharmaceuticals66, 5446-8Fang Wei6,500-7%Fangda BeijingCarbon, steel, coal4546-9Lu Weiding & family6,500-8%Wanxiang ZhejiangCar parts, real estate, agriculture47469Wang Tao6,50025%DJI-InnovationsGuangdongDrones3849-1Zhou Jianping & family6,2008%HeilanJiangsuApparel, investments 5750-16Pan Zhengmin & Wu Chunyuan6,100-22%AAC Acoustic TechnologiesGuangdongAcoustics 51, -5094Zhou Hongyi6,100110%QihooBeijingInternet security, search engine4852-6Ma Xingtian & family5,9001%KangmeiGuangdongPharmaceuticals4953newZeng Yuqun5,800newCATLFujianBattery technology505366Jiang Rensheng & family5,80067%Zhifei Biological ProductsChongqingVaccines655366Li Shuirong5,80067%RongSheng ZhejiangChemical fibres6253-27Shi Yuzhu & family5,800-34%Giant ShanghaiFinance, online games, investments5657-37Zhou Qunfei & Zheng Junlong5,700-45%LensHunanManufacturing48, 465817Jiang Nanchun5,70030%FocusMediaShanghaiDigital media, investment 455839Wang Xing5,70047%Meituan-DianpingBeijingOffline & online delivery platforms395897Zhu Baoguo & famiy5,700105%Joint CareGuangdongPharmaceuticals566124Che Jianxing & Chen Shuhong5,60035%MacallineShanghaiFurniture malls5262-18Liu Yonghao & family5,500-11%New Hope SichuanAgriculture, finance676213Zhang Jin5,50027%CedarGuangdongInvestment, real estate4762-6Xu Jingren5,5009%Yangtze River Pharmacy JiangsuPharmaceuticals7465101Chen Bang5,300103%Aier OphthalmologyHunanMedical services 536516Ji Haipeng & family5,30024%Logan EstateGuangdongReal estate5165-24Zhang Yin & family5,300-19%Nine Dragons PaperGuangdongPaper & Packaging6168newLin Bin5,200newXiaomiBeijingIntelligent hardware, Investments5068-20Zhang Bangxin5,200-10%TALBeijingEducation387038Qin Yinglin & Qian Ying5,10039%MuyuanHenanHusbandry53, 5271-10Cai Kui & family5,1003%LongforChongqingReal estate577140Li Hua & family5,10040%Excellence GuangdongReal estate5271-28Liu Yiqian & family5,100-19%Sunline ShanghaiInvestments5571145Tong Jinquan5,100133%Changfeng ShanghaiProperty6371128Hu Kaijun5,100119%CheChcBeijingPharmaceuticals5676-22Nie Tengyun & Chen Liying4,900-8%YundaShanghaiLogistics42, 437674Zhang Hongwei4,90074%OrientBeijingEnergy, retail6476-6Zhang Jun4,9008%Fu DeGuangdongFinance, real estate-79-19Lin Xiucheng & Lin Zhiqiang 4,800-4%Sanan FujianLED63, 447914Ou Zongrong4,80022%Zhenro ShanghaiReal estate5479-23Yu Yong4,800-6%Cathay Fortune CorpShanghaiMolybdenum minerals-82-7Chen Hongtian & Yao Lini4,6007%Cheung KeiGuangdong, ShanghaiInvestment, real estate59, -8211Chen Tianqiao & Luo Qianqian4,60019%Shanda SingaporeInvestment, online games 458249Feng Hailiang4,60045%Hailiang ZhejiangCopper, investments 588215Fu Jun4,60021%Macrolink BeijingMining, real estate, investments6182-17Lyu Xiangyang & Zhang Changhong4,600-3%Guangzhou YoungyGuangdongInvestments56, 5782180Xu Hang4,600146%Mindray MedicalGuangdongMedical equipment, real estate5682-17Zhao Tao4,600-3%Buchang BeijingPharmaceuticals528917Ji Changqun4,30015%FullShareJiangsuReal estate5089-41Li Hejun4,300-25%HanergyBeijingSolar5189-43Li Jinyuan4,300-26%Tiens TianjinHealthcare 6089-2Sun Xishuang4,3007%Yifang LiaoningReal estate, investment 6589-37Wei Jianjun & Hang Xuejuan4,300-23%Great Wall MotorHebeiCar manufacturing54, -89newKen Chu & family4,300newMission HillsGuangdongReal estate4495-14Song Zuowen & family4,3000%Nanshan ShandongAluminium, apparel, real estate7195-39Xiong Xuqiang4,300-16%Yinyi ZhejiangReal estate, mining, investments6295-12Yao Liangsong4,3002%OppeinGuangdongFurniture5495newZhan Ketuan4,300newBitmainBeijingChips, miners3999-29Chen Fashu4,200-8%XinhuaduFujianRetail, mining, investment5799-2Miao Shouliang4,2009%Fuyuan GuangdongReal estate, hydroelectricity, new energy6399-24Wang Chuanfu4,200-3%BYDGuangdongCar manufacturing, batteries529945Yang Jian4,20045%ZhongliangShanghaiReal Estate4799-30Zhu Mengyi & family4,200-9%HopsonGuangdongReal estate, investments5999-6Chen Jinxia4,2007%YongjinShanghaiPharmaceutical, Investment50About LEXUSSince its birth in 1989, Lexus has become the word for "luxury”, a global luxury auto brand providing customers with high quality products and service beyond expectations. At present, Lexus has expanded its business to more than 80 countries and regions including the America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. The first batch of authorized dealerships of Lexus China was officially established in February 2005. After 12 years of development, there were 194 Lexus dealers in China as of September 30, 2018.Since March 2005, Lexus has introduced its 10 series of luxury auto products including CT, IS, ES, GS, LS, NX, RX, LX, RC and LC to the Chinese market with a total of 18 models on sale at present. The brand has been widely praised and favored by Chinese consumers with reliable quality, excellent performance, comfortable driving and riding experience and Omotenashi service.Since entering the Chinese market, Lexus has been the first auto brand in China to provide customers with a free maintenance and repair warranty* for 4 years/100,000km (6 years/150,000km for Hybrid Intelligence models since 2007), setting the benchmark for premium auto market. Also, Lexus has been able to provide each customer with carefree and confident experience through an extensive range of attentive services, including 48-hour parts distribution, roadside assistance, specialty insurance initiatives, Lexus G-BOOK system, L/Certified by Lexus,10 years/250,000km warranty on hybrid batteries for Hybrid Intelligence models and extended warranty services, etc.. In 2017, Lexus' cumulative sales in China reached 132,864 units, setting a new record of annual sales in China.From January to September 2018, Lexus sales in China totaled 117,703 units with 24.6% YOY growth. Among them, the sales of Hybrid Intelligence models were 36,479 units, accounting for 31% of the total sales.In 2017, Lexus launched its new brand tagline “领未见·探非凡”(Experience Amazing), and continued to lead luxury industry with relentless innovation and grand vision. Since then, Lexus has been transforming from a traditional luxury auto brand to an emotional luxury lifestyle brand filled with amazing experiences that surpasses new generation luxury consumer’s expectation for individuality and unique consumer experiences.Lexus will continue to provide customers with premium mobile experience by dedicating to its unique business philosophy of “Annual Ring”(年轮经营)focused on steady growth and the “YET Philosophy”, as well as the core values ??of the brand including Takumi Craftsmanship.* Lexus free maintenance and repair warranty is subject to the terms specified in Lexus Warranty Manual and Lexus User Manual.About Hurun Report Inc.Nobody Knows China’s Rich Better!Established in 1999 by British accountant Rupert Hoogewerf, Hurun Report Inc. has grown into a leading research platform based in Shanghai, best-known for its China Rich List, and with 150 employees today. Hurun Report Inc. has four main divisions.Hurun Research Institute ‘World’s Largest Rich List Provider’2018 marks the 20th release of the Hurun China Rich List, highlighting the fastest wealth creating period in the history of the world. The Hurun List shows how Chinese entrepreneurs to have grown to 35% of the Hurun Global Rich List, overtaking US entrepreneurs for the first time two years ago.The Hurun Richest Self-Made Women in the World has been highlighting for over ten years the fact that 70% of the world’s most successful women in business herald from China, ie Chinese are completely dominant in the world of women in business. This has changed the way the world looks at Chinese women in business.The Hurun China Philanthropy List ranks the most generous individuals in China and is now in its 15th anniversary. With no inheritance tax, Chinese give much more generously than many have previously understood. Two recent lists with an impact include the Hurun China Unicorn Index, ranking the most dynamic businesses with a valuation of US$1bn or more in China; and the Hurun Most Successful University Alumni. In India, Hurun Research has launched the Hurun India Rich List for the seventh time this year, and has an active events business there.‘World Authority on the Chinese High Net Worth Individual’Recent research partners include financial institutions (PingAn, Bank of China, Taikang Life, Minsheng, Citic), local government (Shanghai, Changbaishan) and Global 500 multinationals (Marriott, Country Garden, Agile, Audi, Volvo).Three breakthrough lists this past year: Hurun Good Doctors’ List, a ranking of the 6000 most respected doctors in China, broken down by region and speciality; Hurun Best International Schools List; and Hurun Creative Works Intellectual Property List, in Search of the Harry Potter of China, ranking those online novels with the most valuable IPs. The Hurun Art List ranks the top artists alive today in China for the 12th year and has become a household name amongst artists.Media and Events ‘The Hurun brand gets 200 million views a month in China’The Hurun brand has become one of the few non-Chinese media brands to become a household name across China.Hurun Media monetizes 1 million views a month in China, through its wechat, weibo, website and legacy magazine. Recent themed events include blockchain, fintech and 30 under 30, with industry-respected awards. We deliver 100+ events a year in China, with 200 entrepreneurs from the Hurun China Rich List attending.InvestmentsHurun Investments has a portfolio of 20 companies with a market value of US$50 million, with investments into tech, media, design, education as well as a vintage car race and a tailor.For further information, see For media inquiries, please contact:Hurun ReportPorsha Pan Tel: +86-21-50105808*601Mobile: +86-139 1838 7446Email: porsha.pan@ ................

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