
2020- 20201 Ms. DiBartolomeo 8th Grade Social Studies Syllabus?Welcome!Teacher:?Lena DiBartolomeoRoom:?206Telephone:?(480) 279-8500 ext.24206Email:?lena.dibartolomeo@??My Hours:???Remote Learning: 8AM - 3PM M-T, TH-FTutoring Time (Remote Learning): 8AM-12PM W by appointment.?On-Campus Learning: 8:55AM-3:55PM M-FTutoring Time (On CAMPUS): 8:25AM - 8:50AM,?M,?T, Th, and 3:55PM - 4:25PM, M, T,?Th by appointment.??*Note:? Tutoring hours are upon request, must be prearranged by the student and teacher.?Social Studies Course Description:?Based on Higley Unified School District standards as well as the Arizona Department of Education Academic Standards and the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards (AZCCRS).?Course Goals:??The goal of the course is to build content knowledge of Social Studies in order to develop a more well-rounded, civics-orientated student body that can analyze concepts which directly impacted our current society in order to build leadership skills.?Students will analyze documents and conduct expository writing tasks based on the Arizona Department of Education Academic Standards and Arizona’s College and Career Readiness Standards (AZCCRS) to enhance reading and writing skills.?Social Studies Textbook:??Holt McDougal’s?United States History. ALL textbooks are kept in class.?Students may also check out a hard copy of the textbook from the Sossaman Media Center.?Grading:??HUSD Standard:??Student grades will be based on 80% assessments and 20% assignments (remote/ in-class). The 80% assessments include: 60% Social Studies Assessments, 10% HUSD Semester DBQ Final Assessment and 10% HUSD Semester Multiple-Choice Final Assessment.??SMS/HUSD Standard:?Sossaman Middle School utilizes a modified 50% minimum grading policy. Any assignment submitted by a student?that is?accepted by a teacher?will receive a minimum grade of a 50%.?A teacher has the discretion to accept or to not accept?assignments from students that do not meet minimum standards of quality academic workmanship and completion.??On all?assessments?given by a teacher, there is?no minimum?grading policy. Students will receive the score they earned on the assessment.??Any assignment that has not been submitted or that remains incomplete at the end of the unit of study will be entered as or remain as a “0” in the grade book.???Everything we do may be subject to a grade and is to be done to prepare for the future, build necessary skill for high school and becoming a responsible citizen.??Academic Dishonesty:??Per the code of conduct?academic dishonesty?is defined?as?intentionally using information from or property of another without permission to obtain an unfair advantage or receive a grade or score that was not legitimately earned. This includes?cheating?and?plagiarism?and will not be tolerated. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade and parent contact. Further incidents will be addressed per the code of conduct.??Online Grade Book:??The Higley Unified School District uses an online grading system. Parents and students can gain 24-hour access to grades using?Higley App,?ParentVue,?and?StudentVue. Smartphone users can download the?Higley App?in order to monitor student grades. Please contact the front office for access codes (ParentVue/StudentVue?Apps required).?Online Grade Book Comment Codes:??Missing?– The assignment/assessment is missing/ never?received.Incomplete?– The assignment/assessment was not fully completed as per the directions.??Late?– The assignment was turned in late, within two-week window. There is no penalty for late work; this code is for documentation purposes.?Modified- The assignment/assessment was changed or altered to adhere to IEP standards.?***For Missing Assignments a "0" will be placed in the grade book until the assignment is turned in***Grading Scale:??90% -100% = A?????80% - 89% = B?????70% - 79% = C?????60% - 69% = D?????59% or below = F??Unit Assessments:??Each Social Studies unit will conclude with a unit assessment, which is designed to assess student learning based on the HUSD?8th?Grade Social Studies Standards.Study Guides:Prior to each unit assessment a unit review/ study guide will be provided to students.? Students will be required to fully complete the unit review prior to taking a?unit assessment. Students who do?NOT?to fully?complete the unit review will?NOT?be permitted to complete the assessment, will receive a?ZERO?and will have to schedule a time with the teacher to complete the assessment.?Assessment Retakes:??Sossaman Middle School and I encourage students to retake assessments where students feel they have performed below their desired level of mastery.???Criteria for retakes and redo opportunities:?The Social Studies Department states that in order to be eligible to schedule a retake?ALL work for the unit must be complete including the study guide.??ALL retakes/redo’s need to be completed in a 1-week window from the date that the assessment was originally given.??ALL retakes/redo’s will be a different version than original.???If a student should choose to retake/redo, they will need to fill out the SMS retake form, have teacher specify the mastery activity, have parents sign off and return to teacher.?Document Based Question (DBQ) Grading Scale:??10-point proficiency scale as follows:??10 = 100%?????9.5 = 95%??? 9?= 90%? ? 8.5 = 85%??? 8?= 80%??? 7.5 = 75%??? 7?= 70%?????6.5 = 65%??6= 60% and so on.Remote/Classroom Expectations and Management Plan:??All HUSD policies outlined in the Code of Conduct will be honored and enforced. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to review the conduct together. The Code of Conduct can be accessed at??(Links to an external site.)?or by using the?Higley app or see Quick links on Canvas Homepage.? Students are also expected to meet the class “Expectations” each day.??A failure to meet expectations will result in the following classroom management plan procedures:??1st?Violation:?Verbal Warning?2nd?Violation:??Parent Conference with Student to? complete?Behavioral Corrective Action Plan?(CAP)?3rd?Violation:?Administrative Referral??The Expectations:??Be Respectful, Accountable, and Responsible for your actions.??NO Food, Drinks or Gum?(Except H2O).Cell Phones MUST be in your Backpack, either off or on silent mode.??*Students who do not have cellphone on silent mode or stored in their backpack will have cellphone confiscated until the end of the school day.? Student may retrieve all cellphones from the front office.?After School Detention (ASD):??Sossaman Middle School staff and administration believe in the value and importance of teaching our students responsibility and accountability. As a result, students may be assigned After School Detention (ASD).? Students who are assigned ASD will serve on the next scheduled ASD day. Students will not serve on the day it is assigned in order to allow parents the opportunity to?make arrangements?to pick up their child. District transportation cannot be provided for ASD. Students will need to be picked up no later than 4:30PM. ASD may be assigned by a teacher for the following reasons:??Tardy to Class.??Unprepared for Class.??Failure to submit an assignment by the assigned due date.??The ASD program is not primarily meant to address behavior issues in the classroom. However, a teacher may utilize lunch detention, after school detention and hold student/parent conferences in order to address inappropriate behaviors in the classroom. These consequences are not related to the ASD program and will be accompanied by communication from the classroom teacher.??Student Absences:?Absences may occur throughout the school year. In the event of an absence, students will be given the same number of days he/she missed in order to make up any missed assignments.?It is the?student’s responsibility to check the following: Canvas, with the Teacher, and in the Absent Bin (on site only) to inquire about any missed content, assignments, assessments, etc. This must be completed either before/after class NOT during instruction time.?Absent Bin (On Site Only):??It is be setup with folders labeled by calendar day, 1-31.? Inside the folder of the corresponding absent day will be a copy of the following information (if applicable):???Lecture Notes (class copy, must not leave the classroom)?A blank copy of any:? Assignments, Foldable, Worksheets, Project Information Sheets, DBQ readers or Historical Documents.?Materials:??The following materials will be used consistently in Social Studies:??Pencils & Pens?Notebook (150-200 pages, Composition preferred)??Highlighters (4 various colorsOptional Items:?colored pencils, markers, scissors, ruler?Donated Items: Tissue paper, Hand Sanitizer, Disinfectant Wipes, Colored Copy Paper??Restroom Pass/Drink Pass:??Students have a 3-5 minutes passing period between each class and a 30-minute lunch period in order to use the restroom, get a drink and fill a water bottle. Students will not receive permission to use the restroom, get a drink or fill up a water bottle during instructional time unless approved by teacher and student utilizes sign in/sign out sheets correctly.??Communication:??In order to communicate with parents and students, I will contact you directly with the use of Canvas, telephone, or email throughout the school year.? The best way to contact me directly is via email or through Canvas. Please be sure to add?"student's name and class hour"?in subject line of any email.???When communicating please allow for 48 hours for a response.? Your patience is appreciated.? Each students’ individual educational needs are important to me, but keep in mind I have over 165 students and their families to communicate with and there is just one of me.???In case of an emergency at home, parents are asked to contact the front office/administration directly first and?NOT?the student on personal cellphones.? This will ensure the quickest form of communication makes it to the student and will also alleviate the students constant need to check cellphones during instructional hours.? ................

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