
Indiana Kentucky ConferenceLOCAL CHURCH PROFILES FOR SMALLER CONGREGATIONS(For congregations with an average worship attendance of 40 or fewer people)Two Yoked ChurchesSt. James-Salem10934 W 600 SFrancesville, IN 47946ANDSt. John3686W 400 NMedaryville, IN 47957Association: Northwest Association of the Indiana-Kentucky ConferenceWebsite: stjamesstjohn.StJamesStJohnChurchIndiana Kentucky ConferenceLOCAL CHURCH PROFILE FOR SMALLER CONGREGATIONS(For congregations with an average worship attendance of 40 or fewer people)St. James-Salem10934 W 600 SFrancesville, IN 47946Association: Northwest Association of the Indiana-Kentucky ConferenceWebsite: stjamesstjohn.StJamesStJohnChurchPosition: Full-time Settled PastorOR Negotiable (Half or three-quarters)Summary Ministry Description: “Faith, Family, Fellowship.” “A small church with a big heart!” Words that have been used to describe these churches that have been built on generations of family throughout their histories. Currently we have an aging congregation as younger family members move to other areas for college and careers. We would like members with young families to feel drawn to join in activities, to continue their faith journey, and start the journey for their children or possibly themselves. We are looking for someone to help minister and be attentive to all members of the church wherever we are on our faith journey. A “people person” willing to meet others in the community and participate in community activities and the Interchurch Council. We are looking for someone to join and be part of our church families. Our future is bright- come be part of our family of faith. “God is able to provide you with every blessing, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”(2 Corinthians 9:8)WHO IS GOD CALLING TO MINISTER WITH US?Ministry goals we envision our next minister co-collaborating with the congregation to achieve. Core Competencies: (Essential skills and abilities to be effective) Educating congregation and making worship services relevant to our daily lives.Trust in God’s abundance to increase and retain church membership. Maintain communities of mutual caring, loyalty, and trustworthiness.Provide comfort and support of individuals in times of need and their daily lives. SUPPORT AND COMPENSATIONYoked Church Compensation package for both St. James-Salem (Francesville) and St. John (Medaryville) Living Situation:Option 1: Parsonage (unfurnished with all utilities paid by church)Option 2: Housing in community (Housing allowance based on furnished rental in community)Option 3: Housing elsewhere and commute (Housing allowance based on furnished rental in community)Salary plus BenefitsCompensation: Salary (negotiable based on experience, education, or choice of commitment on time) $34,000 -39,000 Housing (Depends on Housing Option chosen) $0-$18,000 Benefits: Annuity (Based on Salary and Housing) Medical/Dental Insurance (Based on age) FICA (Based on Salary and Housing)Professional Costs: Professional Expenses, Continuing Education, Books, etc. (+/- $1000) Travel Reimbursement (currently $.58/mile) Cell Phone Allowance (+/- $550)Incentives: -Reimbursement for criminal background check fee-Moving expenses -Sabbatical after 5 or 7 years-Congregations have been supportive of a part time or bi-vocational pastor who may need another job to supplement the church salary. -Peer and professional supports available through conference.WHO IS GOD CALLING US TO BECOME?Our congregations biggest challenge is the search for a pastor and conveying the beauty and serenity of our community. Although we are secluded from the hustle and bustle of a city, within 20 minutes you can be in one of three county seats (Winamac, Rensselaer, or Monticello)Two experiments our congregation has initiated in the past couple of years were Wednesday Night Family Night and Friday Night Dinner once per month. The Wednesday Night Family Nights have been suspended for now. We had different families host them and develop the ideas for the activity for the month. It seemed as the same families were hosting and when school started the families were very busy. The Friday Night Dinners are continuing currently. Our challenge is to develop more ideas for activities that interest members of the congregations and have the tenacity to carry out the activities. CONGREGATIONAL REFLECTIONSStrengths or positive qualities of our congregations.Congregations members are very family oriented, full of tradition and love for others.Caring and supportive of others that attend the church or in communityFiscally responsibleMembers see a need and pitch in to make sure it is filled or work together to fill the needYard care (Spring clean-up, tornado damage, etc.)Disasters that occur (extreme rain flooding basements, falling trees...)General maintenance (light bulbs changed, water plants…)Special events (put up Christmas tree, prepare for weddings, change sign…)What worship is like when our congregations gather. Worship takes place on Sunday mornings at 9:00 or 10:30. The two churches rotate the time every 4 months each year, so that every year the early service is not at the same church throughout the winter and holidays. There is a bulletin with the order of worship including hymns to be sung, title of sermon, and scripture to be read. Members of the congregation believe “good preaching” is heartfelt and meaningful and ties the Bible to daily life. A good sermon is one that holds the interest of those in attendance and may include personal testimony, experiences, and maybe even, humor.How our congregations are organized for ministry and mission. When it comes to decision-making, church board members meet on as “as needed” basis, consult others that may have insight on a situation. When action needs to be taken quickly, for example in a crisis or disaster, phone calls to those that can provide assist are contacted. Announcements are shared in the Sunday bulletins if available before printed or announced from the pulpit. Phone trees are set by board for any cancellations due to weather and prayer chain provides us with information to include in our prayers. Often there have been “Love Offerings” collected for disasters that may occur to someone in the community. A copy of bylaws and/or annual report to further explain the patterns of the church’s activity and governance are also available on request.CONGREGATIONAL MEMBERSHIP & BUDGET (St. James-Salem)# Current Membership: ______90______# Membership 5 years ago: ___105______ # Average Weekly Worship Attendance: ___54_____ # Participating in Weekly Adult Education: ___27_____ # Participating in Youth Ministries: ____9_____ Current Year Annual Church Budget: $_63,077_____ Current Year Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM): $_3000_What is the church’s current indebtedness? Total amount of loan debt: ZEROAre capital and other payments current? $0 (St. James-Salem owns the church and the land surrounding the church.)Parsonage: (If option 1 for housing is chosen)513 E. Montgomery StreetFrancesville, IN 47946 Finished square footage: Approx. 3050 square feet with one car garage on 1/3 acreNumber of Bedrooms: 4 (one has been used as an office in the past)Number of Bathrooms: 1-full & 2-halfAvailable for minister residence: YesExpected minister residence: No, may choose other options Churches responsible for review and needed repairsThe parsonage was built in the early 1960’s. It is a modest ranch style home that includes an attached garage and possible home office. The home is located on the eastern edge of town (Francesville) and has a northern and southern exposure with a view of expansive farm ground. Which spaces are accessible to wheelchairs? Sanctuary, basement fellowship spaces, restrooms, and classrooms are accessible by wheelchair with a lift installed in the church foyer. There are also designated handicapped parking at the front of the church with a ramped sidewalk for access to the church foyer. HISTORICAL INFORMATIONA significant happening that occurred in our church in the past 10 years was the church steeple project. When Kenneth Kruger passed away, the family had Memorials to be given to the churches Memorial Fund. Kenny had dreamed of a taller steeple for the church, so the family suggested the possibility of using the funds toward a new steeple. The congregation was supportive of the idea and the search for a steeple began. Once the decision was made choosing one that resembled pictures of the church’s original steeple, the church members worked together to get the steeple in place. Many members donated their time and talents of construction, machinery, providing snacks and drinks, and even waxing the steeple to protect it against the weather, Once the steeple was installed, the other steeple was used on a float in the local Fall Festival parade and found it’s new home at the entrance to our church cemetery. It was truly a blessing that brought the church family together. Later that summer, we celebrated the 150th Anniversary of the church. “Where two or three are gathered, there will be disagreement…” What we have found is that if there is a conflict or disagreement it is caused by miscommunication. If there are disagreements, the board will look at the church constitution or past policy. If the situation calls for something new, a new policy can be created by the board or a committee and used for future similar situations. This happened recently when a couple chose the church as a location to get married in. Neither the bride nor groom were members, but a very close friend was. So, a policy was created (keeping in mind insurance) and they had a beautiful wedding. Ministerial History Pastor’s nameYears of serviceUCC Standing (Y/N)Judy Doll2015-2019YesTJ Jenny2011-2014YesLynn Rosiejka2005-2010YesShari Maddox1994-2003YesHas any past leader left under pressure or by involuntary termination? NoHas your church been involved in a Situational Support Consultation? NoHas a past pastor been the subject of a Fitness Review while at your church? NoCOMMUNITY VISIONRelationships and activities of our congregations extending outward in service.Our churches contribute to 5 for 5 of the conference works: NIN (Neighbors in Need); OCWM (Our Churches Wider Mission); OGHS (One Great Hour of Sharing); STC (Strengthen the Church) and The Christmas Fund for Veterans of the Cross. In addition, the churches support the Gideons, Crossroads, CUE, Emmaus House, Merom, HDC (Humanitarian Distribution Center), and participate in the National Conference Mission projects. The Ladies Guild has supported Blanket Sunday, collect coats, hats, and mittens as winter approaches for local school students, prepared cookies for service members, and sent care packages to members enrolled in college or trade school. We’ve had groups organize programs for the residents at the local nursing home such as musical programs, playing and providing prizes for Bingo, and Bible Studies. Also, past youth groups have taken mission trips to Henryville after the tornadoes struck there and to Chicago and Indianapolis to work in the mission and soup kitchen. Our church also contributes to the local food bank, has the local Veterans have a program on Memorial Day; has opened its facilities as a voting station and the local 4-H club; and has instrumental in providing a location for the Relay for Life Committee to have fund raising activities such as card parties. There was also a time on a very cold January night that a home near by was on fire. Members opened the church for firemen and the family to stay warm throughout the night battling the fire. Later the family presented the church with a painting of our church that he had painted in thanks for our hospitality. REFERENCESREFERENCE 1Karen Albrecht / Volunteer Coordinator Director of Development Parkview Haven Life Plan Community219-567-2989 / Contact for scheduling activities for residentsREFERENCE 2Charles (Chuck) Mellon / HDC Board President / Humanitarian Distribution Center219-863-7495 / Contact for scheduling “Work Nights“REFERENCE 3James Ketchen / Minister / Food Pantry (219)567-2436 / Director of Local Food Pantry that our church helps supportREFERENCE 1REFERENCE 2REFERENCE 3 CLOSING PRAYERGenesis 2:1-3 ~ “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.”Dear Father, Help us to finish the works of our hands by your grace. May we never leave undone the work you have given us. AmenSTATEMENT OF CONSENTThe covenantal relationship between a church and those called by that church to serve as pastors and teachers and in other ministerial positions is strengthened when vital information is openly shared by covenantal partners. To that end, we attest that, to the best of our abilities, we have provided information in this profile that accurately represents our church. We have not knowingly withheld any information that would be helpful to candidates. As the committee charged with the responsibility for identifying and recommending suitable new minister for our church, we have been authorized to share the information herein with potential candidates. We understand that a candidate may wish to secure further knowledge, information, and opinions about our church. We encourage a candidate to do so, recognizing that an open exchange of relevant information builds the foundation for continuing and healthy relationships between calling bodies and persons seeking a ministry position.Which individuals and groups in the church contributed to the contents of this Local Church Profile? The Search Committee contributed to the contents of this Local Church Profile getting input from other Church Board members and Church members that added other insight. Signed: Mrs. Janet L. KrugerName / Title / Date: Mrs. Janet L. Kruger/ Search Committee Chair/ November 22, 2019VALIDATION BY CONFERENCEThe St. James Salem and St. John congregations are currently in good standing with the Northwest Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference. Staff Comment:Signature: Name / Title:Email:Phone:Date:Indiana Kentucky ConferenceLOCAL CHURCH PROFILE FOR SMALLER CONGREGATIONS(For congregations with an average worship attendance of 40 or fewer people)St. John3686W 400 NMedaryville, IN 47957Association: Northwest Association of the Indiana-Kentucky ConferenceWebsite: stjamesstjohn.StJamesStJohnChurchPosition: Full-time Settled Pastor OR Negotiable (Half or three-quarters)Summary Ministry Description: “Faith, Family, Fellowship.” “A small church with a big heart!” Words that have been used to describe these churches that have been built on generations of family throughout their histories. Currently we have an aging congregation as younger family members move to other areas for college and careers. We would like members with young families to feel drawn to join in activities, to continue their faith journey, and start the journey for their children or possibly themselves. We are looking for someone to help minister and be attentive to all members of the church wherever we are on our faith journey. A “people person” willing to meet others in the community and participate in community activities and the Interchurch Council. We are looking for someone to join and be part of our church families. Our future is bright- come be part of our family of faith. “God is able to provide you with every blessing, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”(2 Corinthians 9:8)4378822770049202644800right378142500 WHO IS GOD CALLING TO MINISTER WITH US?Describe the ministry goals you envision your next minister co-collaborating with the congregation to achieve. Core Competencies: (Essential skills and abilities to be effective) Educating congregation and making worship services relevant to our daily lives.Trust in God’s abundance to increase and retain church membership. Maintain communities of mutual caring, loyalty, and trustworthiness.Provide comfort and support of individuals in times of need and their daily lives. SUPPORT AND COMPENSATIONYoked Church Compensation package for both St. James-Salem (Francesville) and St. Johns (Medaryville) Living Situation:Option 1: Parsonage (unfurnished with all utilities paid by church)Option 2: Housing in community (Housing allowance based on furnished rental in community)Option 3: Housing elsewhere and commute (Housing allowance based on furnished rental in community)Salary plus BenefitsCompensation: Salary (negotiable based on experience, education, or choice of commitment on time) $34,000-39,000 Housing (Depends on Housing Option chosen) $0-$18,000Benefits: Annuity (Based on Salary and Housing) Medical/Dental Insurance (Based on age) FICA (Based on Salary and Housing)Professional Costs: Professional Expenses, Continuing Education, Books, etc. (+/- $1000) Travel Reimbursement (currently $.58/mile) Cell phone Allowance (+/- $550)Incentives: -Reimbursement for criminal background check fee-Moving expenses -Sabbatical after 5 or 7 years-Congregations have been supportive of a part time or bi-vocational pastor who may need another job to supplement the church salary. -Peer and professional supports available through conference.WHO IS GOD CALLING US TO BECOME?Who is God calling you to become as a congregation?Our congregations biggest challenge is the search for a pastor and convey the beauty and serenity of our community. Although we are secluded from the hustle and bustle of city, within 20 minutes anyone can be in one of three county seats (Winamac, Rensselaer, or Monticello) Two experiments our congregation has initiated in the past couple of years were Wednesday Night Family Night and Friday Night Dinner once per month. The Wednesday Night Family Nights have fallen apart. We had different families host them and develop the ideas for the activity for the month. It seemed as the same families were hosting and when school started the families were very busy. The Friday Night Dinners are continuing currently. Our challenge is to develop more ideas for activities that interest members of the congregations and have the tenacity to carry out the activities. CONGREGATIONAL REFLECTIONSStrengths or positive qualities of our congregations.Congregations members are very family oriented, full of tradition and love for othersCaring and supportive of others that attend the church or in communityFiscally responsibleMembers see a need and pitch in to make sure it is filled or work together to fill the needYard care (Spring clean-up, tornado damage, etc.)Disasters that occur (extreme rain flooding basements, falling trees...)General maintenance (light bulbs changed, water plants…)Special events (put up Christmas tree, prepare for weddings, change sign…)What worship is like when our congregations gather. Worship takes place on Sunday mornings at 9:00 or 10:30. The two churches rotate the time every 4 months each year, so that every other year the early service is not at the same church throughout the winter and holidays. There is a bulletin with the order of worship including hymns to be sung, title of sermon, and scripture to be read. Members of the congregation believe “good preaching” is heartfelt and meaningful and ties the Bible to daily life. A good sermon is one that holds the interest of those in attendance and may include personal testimony, experiences, and maybe even, humor.How our congregations are organized for ministry and mission. When it comes to decision-making, church board members meet on as “as needed” basis, consult others that may have insight on a situation. When action needs to be taken quickly, for example in a crisis or disaster, phone calls to those that can provide assistance are contacted. Announcements are shared in the Sunday bulletins if available before printed or announced from the pulpit. Phone trees are set by board for any cancellations due to weather and prayer chain provides us with information to include in our prayers. Often there have been “Love Offerings” collected for disasters that may occur to someone in the community. A copy of bylaws and/or annual report to further explain the patterns of the church’s activity and governance are also available on request.CONGREGATIONAL MEMBERSHIP & BUDGET# Current Membership: ___43_____# Membership 5 years ago: ____55_____ # Average Weekly Worship Attendance: ____23___ # Participating in Weekly Adult Education: __n/a____ # Participating in Youth Ministries: ____5____ Current Year Annual Church Budget: $28,781 Current Year Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM): $1000.00 as of 10/1/19# Pledging Units: ___44___ Average Annual Pledge Amount: $607What is the church’s current indebtedness? Total amount of loan debt: $0 Are capital and other payments current? $0 (St. Johns owns the church and the land surrounding the church.)Parsonage: (If option 1 for housing is chosen)513 E. Montgomery StreetFrancesville, IN 47946 Finished square footage: Approx. 3050 square feet with one car garage on 1/3 acreNumber of Bedrooms: 4 (one has been used as an office in the past)Number of Bathrooms: 1-full & 2-halfAvailable for minister residence: YesExpected minister residence: No, may choose other options Churches responsible for review and needed repairsThe parsonage was built in the early 1960’s. It is a modest ranch style home that includes an attached garage and possible home office. The home is located on the eastern edge of town (Francesville) and has a northern and southern exposure with a view of expansive farm ground. Spaces of church are accessible to wheelchairs There is parking at the front of the church with a ramped sidewalk for access to the church foyer. HISTORICAL INFORMATIONMany changes have been made since this church building was built in 1897. In 1914, the stained-glass windows were donated. In 1916, the last German class of 11 students were confirmed and English was spoke. In 1927, St. John’s and St. James became yoked churches. In 1931, the first confirmation reunion was held. In 1936, the chancel was raised to the present level. In 1940, electric lights replaced the oil lamps. In 1949, the church was rolled back and a basement was dug. The wood stoves were replaced by an oil furnace. In 1957, the church became St. John’s United Church of Christ. In 1962, the church celebrated 100 years of service. In 1965, a new parsonage was built in Francesville. In 1981, the two small rooms were built in the basement and the new cross was hung. In 1987, on the 125th anniversary the new addition was added and a new bronze cross was placed on top. In 1997, the church celebrated 100 years of service in this building. In 2013, the church got new carpet. Many of the members pitched in to help rip up the old carpet, and move items around to make installation easier for the carpet layers. “Where two or three are gathered, there will be disagreement….” What we have found is that if there is a conflict or disagreement it is caused by miscommunication. If there are disagreements, the board will look at the church constitution or past policy. If the situation calls for something new, a new policy can be created by the board or a committee and used for future similar situations. This happened recently when a couple chose the church as a location to get married in. Neither the bride or groom were members, but a very close friend was. So, a policy was created (keeping in mind insurance) and they had a beautiful wedding.Ministerial History Pastor’s nameYears of serviceUCC Standing (Y/N)Judy Doll2015-2019YesTJ Jenny2011-2014YesLynn Rosiejka2005-2010YesShari Maddox1994-2003YesHas any past leader left under pressure or by involuntary termination? NoHas your church been involved in a Situational Support Consultation? NoHas a past pastor been the subject of a Fitness Review while at your church? NoCOMMUNITY VISIONRelationships and activities of our congregations extending outward in service.Our churches contribute to 5 for 5 of the conference works: NIN (Neighbors in Need); OCWM (Our Churches Wider Mission); OGHS (One Great Hour of Sharing); STC (Strengthen the Church) and The Christmas Fund for Veterans of the Cross. In addition, the churches support the Gideons, Crossroads, CUE, Emmaus House, Merom, HDC (Humanitarian Distribution Center), and participate in the National Conference Mission projects. The Ladies Guild has supported Blanket Sunday, collect coats, hats, and mittens as winter approaches for local school students, prepared cookies for service members, and sent care packages to members enrolled in college or trade school. Also, past youth groups have taken mission trips to Henryville after the tornadoes struck there and to Chicago and Indianapolis to work in the mission and soup kitchen. Our church also contributes to the local food bank and has opened its facilities as a voting station and the local 4-H club. Our church has also joined with the Medaryville Fire department in their work for Toys for Tots. REFERENCESREFERENCE 1Karen Albrecht / Volunteer Coordinator Director of Development Parkview Haven Life Plan Community(219-567-2989 /Contact for scheduling activities for residents)REFERENCE 2Kay Allen / Catholic Church Member(219-863-4679 /Interchurch Council/ Lenten Services)REFERENCE 3Shaun Hauptli / Fire Cheif / Medaryville/White Post Fire Department( shaunhauptli@ Contact person for Toy Drive and Community fund Raisers)REFERENCE 1REFERENCE 2REFERENCE 3Shaun HauptliPO Box 92Medaryville, IN 47957December 17, 2019Dear St John United Church of Christ,I’m the current Fire Chief of Medaryville White Post Volunteer Fire Department. Our Fire Departmenthas a Toy Drive each year for West Central School District for families that need help with Christmas.This year will be our 19th year. Each year, St John United Church of Christ have been a great participant.The members of the church have given a monetary donation along with new toys for our Toy Drive.Also, the members of the church has assisted us with our fundraisers for the fire department. When wehave dinners, like pork chop Dinner or ham and beans, they would bring deserts for us to serve. Someof the members have helped us out with serving also.St John United Church of Christ may not have a large congregation, but they offer some much assistanceto the fire department and the community.Sincerely,Shaun HauptliCLOSING PRAYERGenesis 2:1-3 ~ “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.”Dear Father, Help us to finish the works of our hands by your grace. May we never leave undone the work you have given us. AmenSTATEMENT OF CONSENTThe covenantal relationship between a church and those called by that church to serve as pastors and teachers and in other ministerial positions is strengthened when vital information is openly shared by covenantal partners. To that end, we attest that, to the best of our abilities, we have provided information in this profile that accurately represents our church. We have not knowingly withheld any information that would be helpful to candidates. As the committee charged with the responsibility for identifying and recommending suitable new minister for our church, we have been authorized to share the information herein with potential candidates. We understand that a candidate may wish to secure further knowledge, information, and opinions about our church. We encourage a candidate to do so, recognizing that an open exchange of relevant information builds the foundation for continuing and healthy relationships between calling bodies and persons seeking a ministry position.Which individuals and groups in the church contributed to the contents of this Local Church Profile? The Search Committee contributed to the church contributed to the contents of this Local Church Profile getting input from other Church Board members and Church members that added other insight.Signed: Mrs. Leanna L. NielsenName / Title / Date: Mrs. Leanna L. Nielsen/ Search Committee (St. Johns)/ November 22, 2019VALIDATION BY CONFERENCEThe St. James and St. John congregation is currently in good standing with the Northwest Association of the Indiana- Kentucky Conference. Staff Comment:Signature: Name / Title:Email:Phone:Date: ................

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