

Professor of Theological Studies (Old Testament)

and Director, The Peace Studies Minor

Dept. Theological Studies

Loyola Marymount University

Los Angeles, CA 90045

Teaching Fields

- Hebrew Bible (esp. Exilic/Persian Period)

- Old Testament Theology in Christian Context

- Cross Cultural Interpretation of Biblical Texts, Multiculturalism

- Peace and Nonviolence


D.Phil. - Doctor of Philosophy, Sept., 1986.

Oxford University, England: Faculty of Theology.

(Sociological Analysis of the Exile in the Old Testament)

M.Div. - Master of Divinity, May, 1981.

Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries (Elkhart, Indiana)

(Biblical Studies and Peace Studies)

B.A. - Bachelor of Arts, May, 1977

George Fox University (Newberg, Oregon).

(Philosophy and Sociology)

Teaching Experience

1989 - Present Professor of Theological Studies (Old Testament)

Director of Peace Studies (from Fall 1993)

Director of Graduate Studies in Theology (from Fall, 2013)

Department of Theological Studies

Loyola Marymount University

Spring 2013 Jaime 1 University, Castellon, Spain (Religion and Peace Studies)


2003-2004 Professor of Biblical Studies

(One Year Leave) Dept. Religion - Bluffton College of Ohio

1987 - 1989 Assistant Professor of Theology

and Director of Peace Studies

Wilmington College of Ohio


2015 Micah: A Commentary

The Old Testament Library

Westminster/John Knox Press

2013 Sacred Scripture: A Catholic Study of God’s Word

Dr. Daniel L. Smith-Christopher (Old Testament)

Fr. J. Patrick Mullen (New Testament)

Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN

2009 Battleground: Religion

Encyclopedia of Religion and Social Issues

ed. Daniel L. Smith-Christopher

Greenwood Press, Conn.

2008 Lost Books of the Bible - for Dummies

John Wiley & Co., New York

2007 Jonah, Jesus, and Other Good Coyotes: Speaking Peace

To Power in the Bible

Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN.

2007 Subverting Hatred

10th Anniversary Edition

(New Introduction Written, New essays included)

2004 Introduction to the Old Testament

Our Invitation to Faith and Justice

Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN.

2002 A Biblical Theology of Exile

Overtures to Biblical Theology

Fortress Press: Minneapolis

2001 The Books of Ezra-Nehemiah

The Oxford Bible Commentary,

Oxford University Press (Oxford & London)

Ed. John Barton & John Muddiman: 308-324.

2000 Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Religious

Nonviolence, Edited by Daniel L. Smith-Christopher,

with my essay, "Political Atheism and Radical Faith”

(revised from 1990, Orbis Books, New York)

1996 The Book of Daniel, (with The Additions to Daniel)

The New Interpreter's Bible, Vol. VII

(Abingdon Press, Nashville): 19-194.

1995 Text and Experience: Toward a Cultural Exegesis of the

Bible - Edited by Daniel L. Smith-Christopher

(Sheffield University Press, Sheffield: 1995).

1994 Practiced in the Presence (Festschrift for Prof. T. Canby Jones), Ed. D. Neil Snarr and Daniel L. Smith-Christopher (Friends United Press, Richmond IN, 1994), with article:

"The Inward Front: Religion and Peace in the

Middle East": 214-244.

1993 The Citizen Temple Community by Joel Weinberg,

translated from the German by Daniel L.S. Christopher

(Sheffield, 1992)

1989 The Religion of the Landless: A Sociology of the Babylonian Exile, (Meyer-Stone, Bloomington).


2015 “Thinking on Islands”, published in

Islands, Islanders, and the Bible

ed. J. Havea, M. Aymer, and S. Davidson

SBL Press: Atlanta: 207-216

2015 “Ezekiel Celebrates Day of the Dead:

(at press) Reading Ezekiel with Jose Guadalupe Posada”

European Ezekiel Project

2015 “Deconstructing Terror: Ezekiel’s Vision of Dry Bones as a

(at press) Response to Trauma”, submitted to European Ezekiel Project

Ed. William Tooman.

(at press)

2015 “Blues Music”; “Folk Music”, and artist profile

on “Colin McCahon” (with Sue Gardner), for

The Oxford Encyclopedia on the Bible and the Arts

Ed. Timothy Beal

Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press:

2014 “Trauma and the Old Testament: Some Problems and

Prospects”, in Trauma and Traumatization in Individual and

Collective Dimensions: Insights from Biblical Studies and Beyond. E. E. Becker, J. Dochhorn and E. K. Holt. SANT 2:

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2014: 222-242

2014 “Singing Lamentations and Reading the Blues” for

The Oxford Handbook on Biblical Narrative

Ed. Danna N. Fewall.

Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press:

(at press)

2013 “Political Theology and the Hebrew Bible”,

The Oxford Handbook of Political Theology

ed. Shaun Casey and Michael Kessler.

(at press)

2013 “Reading the Christian Old Testament in the Contemporary

World”, and “Commentary on 1 Esdras”, for

The Fortress Press Commentary on the Bible: 43-66; 1073-1082

2013 “ `…and if not now, when?’ A Sociology of the

Future in Micah 4.1” in

Biblical Interpretation and Method:

Essays in Honour of John Barton

Eds. Katharine J. Dell and Paul M. Joyce

Oxford University Press, UK: 149-162

2013 “Cross Cultural Exegesis of the Bible” for

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation

Ed. Steven L. McKenzie

Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press: 138-150

2013 “A Postcolonial Reading of Apocalyptic Literature: On

Mixing Monsters”, for

The Oxford Handbook of Apocalyptic Literature

Ed. John J. Collins.

Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press: 180-198

2012 “Reading Exile Then: Reconsidering the Methodological

Debates for Biblical Analysis in Dialogue with Sociological

And Literary Analysis”, in

By the Irrigation Canals of Babylon: Approaches to the

Study of Exile, ed J.J. Ahn & J. Middlemas

London: T&T Clark: 139-157

2011 “Reading War and Trauma: Suggestions Toward

a Social-Psychological Exegesis of Exile

and War in Biblical Texts” in

Interpreting Exile: Interdisciplinary Studies of Displacement and Deportation in Biblical and Modern Contexts

eds. B. Kelle, F. Ritchel Ames, J.Wright

Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature: 253-274

2011 “Daniel, Book of”, major article entry for

Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR)

De Gruyter, Berlin

(At Press)

2011 “Engendered Warfare and the Ammonites in Amos 1:13” for

Aspects of Amos [FS John Barton], ed. A. Mein and A. Hagedorn

London: T&T Clark: 15-40

2011 “Reading Jeremiah as Frantz Fanon” in

Jeremiah (Dis)Placed: New Directions in

Writing/Reading Jeremiah, ed. by

A.R. Pete Diamond and Louis Stulman

London/New York: T&T Clark: 115-124

2009 “Re-Reading Nelson Graburn” in

‘Caught Reading Again’, ed. R S Sugirtharajah

London, SCM Press, 2009: 90-109

2009 “Teaching Sugirtharajah: A Field Report from Los Angeles” for

Festschrift for R.S. Sugirtharajah, ed. Liu

Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press: 240-255

2009 “On the Pleasures of Prophetic Judgment: Reading Micah 1:6

And 3:12 with Stokely Carmichael”, in

Aesthetics of Biblical Violence

Ed. C. Franke & J.M. O’Brian: 72-87

2009 “Gideon at Thermopylae: Mapping War in Biblical

Narratives”, in Writing and Reading War: Rhetoric, Gender,

and Ethics in Biblical and Modern Contexts,

Brad E Kelle and Frank Ritchel Ames, eds., (SBL: Atlanta).

2008 “Abolitionist Exegesis: A Quaker Proposal for White Liberals”

in Still at the Margins, ed. R.S. Sugirtharajah

London: T&T Clark, 2008: 128-137.

2007 “The Quiet Words of the Wise: Biblical Developments

Toward Nonviolence as a Diaspora Ethic” in

Character Ethics and the Old Testament:

Moral Dimensions Of Scripture

Ed. M. Daniel Carroll R., and Jacqueline E. Lapsley

Westminster/John Knox Press, 2007: 129-151.

2006 “Are the Refashioned Weapons in Micah 4:1-4 a Sign of

Peace or Conquest? Shifting the Contextual Borders of

A Utopian’ Prophetic Motif” in

Utopia and Dystopia in Prophetic Literature,

Ed. Ehud Ben Zvi, Helsinki: Finnish Exegetical Society and

Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006: 187-210

2005 “Ezra” and “Nehemiah” – Commentary Articles for

A Theological Bible Commentary

Westminster/John Knox Press (Expected early 2009)

2002 “Ezekiel in Abu Ghraib: ReReading Ezekiel 16:37-39 in

the context of Imperial Conquest”, in

Ezekiel's Hierarchical World: Wrestling with a Tiered Reality

Ed. S. Cook, C. Patton, SBL Symposium Series

Society of Biblical Literature Press, Atlanta: 141-158

2001. “`That was then…’: Textual Defenses of Nonviolence in

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”, in Ethics in the World Religions, ed. J. Runzo and N. M. Martin.

One World Publishers, Oxford, pp. 251-269.

2001 “Prayers and Dreams: Power and Diaspora Identities

In the Social Setting of the Daniel Tales”, in The Book

Of Daniel: Composition and Reception, ed. John J.

Collins and Peter W. Flint., Vetus Testamentum

Supplementum (Leiden: E.J. Brill); Vol 1, 266-290.

1999 “Ezekiel on Fanon’s Couch: A Postcolonist Critique in

Dialogue with David Halperin’s Seeking Ezekiel”

Peace and Justice Shall Embrace (FS Millard Lind)

Telford, PA:Pandora Press: 108-144.

1999 “Returning to the Sources: The Hebrew Bible” article

reprinted in, Contemporary Catholic Theology: A Reader

Ed. Michael Hayes & Liam Gearon

Gracewing:Leominster: 40-61.

1997 "Reassessing the Historical and Sociological Impact of

the Babylonian Exile (597/586 - 539 BCE)", lead article in

James Scott, ed., Exile: Old Testament, Jewish and Christian Conceptions (E.J. Brill, Leiden): 7-36.

1996 "Resistance in a `Culture of Permission'", in Truth's

Bright Embrace Essays and Poems in honor of Arthur O.

Roberts, ed. H. Macy and P. Anderson (George Fox University Press:Newberg, OR): 15-38.

1996 "Between Ezra and Isaiah: Exclusion, Transformation, and

Inclusion of the `Foreigner' in Post-Exilic Biblical

Theology", Ethnicity and the Bible, ed. Mark Brett

(E.J.Brill, Leiden): 117-142.

1994 "The Mixed Marriage Crisis in Ezra 9-10 and Nehemiah 13: A Study of the Sociology of the Postexilic Judean Community", Second Temple Studies, Volume Two: Temple and Community in the Persian Period, ed. Tamara C. Eskenazi and Kent H. Richards, (Sheffield, U.K.)

1994 "Gandhi on Daniel 6 : A Case of Cultural Exegesis",

Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1, No. 3: 321-338.

1993 "Reading the Bible in the Shadows: Captivity and the Meaning of Exile", The Bible Today, September, Vol 31, No. 5, 1993.

1993 "Hebrew Satyagraha: The Politics of Biblical Fasting in the

Post-Exilic Period (Sixth to Second Century B.C.E.)"

Food and Foodways: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Paris/N.Y.) 1993, Vol. 5(3): 269-292.

1992 "On a Theology for Modern Babylonians: The Exile as a Basis for doing "Biblical Theology", Quaker Religious Thought, Fall, 1992 (#79), p. 3-15.

1991 "The Second Israel: Peace in the Middle East and the

Implications of Militant Oriential Jewish Ethnicity",

Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 16, No. 2.

1991 "The Politics of Ezra: Sociological Indicators of Post-Exilic

(1996) Judaean Society", pp. 73-97, in Second Temple Studies 1.

Persian Period, Ed. Philip R. Davies, Sheffield Academic

Press:Sheffield, England [selected for reprinting in:

Community, Identity, and Ideology: Social Science

Approaches to the Hebrew Bible, ed. Carol Meyers, Charles Carter, Eisenbrauns, 1996: 537-556].

1990 "Political Atheism and Radical Faith," essay published in

Towards a Theology of Peace, Ed. Stephen Tunnicliffe

European Nuclear Disarmament, London, England

1989 "Jeremiah as Prophet of Nonviolent Resistance"

(1996) Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

(Sheffield, UK) 43 (1989) 95-107; (selected for

reprint in The Prophets: A Sheffield Reader, pp. 207-218; ed. Philip R. Davies, Sheffield University Press, 1996)

1989 "The Rewards of Allah: Cultural Analysis of Reconciliation"

Journal of Peace Research (Oslo, Norway)

26 (4), 1989: 385-398


2015 "Corporations and Religious Liberty:

A Theologian’s Perspective."

American Government. ABC-CLIO. Web.

2015 “Geronimo” (Long entry), and “Spirituals” (Short entry) in

(at press) American Myths, Legends, and Tall Tales:

An Encyclopedia of American Folklore

ed. J. Webb, ABO-CLIO.

2013 “Daniel and Apocalyptic”

The Omega Bible

Abingdon Press

2013 “Daniel and Diaspora”; “The River Jordan”; “Foreigners

And Immigrants”, requested short articles for

SBL Bible Odyssey Project

(Online, In Development)

2012 “Exile” in

Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics

Ed. J. Green, (Baker Academic) 291-294

2011 “Tarak Dath Nas” for

Encyclopedia of Asian Americans

EBSCO Publishing (Salem Press)

2011 “Ezra, Book of”, “Nehemiah, Book of”, and “Peace”

Encyclopedia of Early Judaism (Eerdmans)

Ed. John J. Collins (Eerdmans) 621-623; 993-995; 1038-1040

2011 “Religion in Canada in the 1920s”, article written for

Encyclopedia of The 1920s

EBSCO Publishing (Salem Press)

2011 “Ocean Currents”, for the

Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues, Revised Edition

EBSCO Publishing (Salem Press): 911-913

2009 “Ezra and Nehemiah”, Chapter in

The Westminster Theological Commentary on the Bible

Westminster Press, Philadelphia: 154-164

2008 “Nationalism”; “Peace in the Old Testament”

Articles for The New Interpreter’s Bible Dictionary

Abingdon Press, Nashville.

2008 “Of Swords and Plowshares: On Peace and the

Hebrew Prophets”, in The Bible Today 46: 154-159.

2008 “Nahum” and “Micah” Introductions for

The People’s Bible Commentary

2007 “Ezra”, “Nehemiah”, and “Peace” for

The Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism

(Leiden: E.J. Brill)

2002 Entries in From Polis to Empire: The Ancient World c.800 B.C.

To A.D. 500: A Biographical Dictionary, ed. A.G. Traver

(Greenwood Press: London, 2002):

“Ptolemy I Soter”; “Artaxerxes I”; “Artaxerxes II”

“Artaxerxes III”; “Ptolemy III”; “Antiochus VII”;

“Croesus”; “Ctesias”; “Darius I”

2001 Articles in The Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible

Article: "The Exile"; Shorter Entries: "Fasting"; "Peace";

"Dreams"; "Ancient of Days"; "Xerxes"; "Zerubbabel";

"Coele-Syria"; "Sarsechim"; "Sepharad"; "Sharezer"; "Zarius".

1996 Articles written for The Latino Encyclopedia, Ed. Richard

Chabran and Rafael Chabran (Marshall Cavendish/New York, 1996); "Intermarriage" (805-808); "South American Native Communities" (1512-1516); "Mesoamerican Native Communities" (976-982)

1994 Articles written for The Native-American Encyclopedia

include: "The Cree"; "The Salish"; "The Tlingit"; "The

Shaking Tent Ceremony"; "The Maru Cult of the Pomo"; "The Shaker Church"; "The Ghost Dance"; "Black Kettle of the Cheyenne"; "The Fernandeno, Juaneno, and Gabrielino of California"; "The Native-American Influence on American Society"

1993. Articles for The Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism; "Turkish-

Americans", "Greek-Americans", "Arab Women", "Hebrew",


Visiting Lectureships and Academic Honors

2013 Fulbright / Senior Lecturer Award

Religion and Peace Studies

Jaume 1 University, Castellon, SPAIN (3 months)

2010 The Biblical Spirituality Lectures

Corpus Christi University Parish

Toledo, OHIO

(Recorded for Public Television)

2009 The CATO Lecture

The Uniting Church of Australia Triennial Meetings

Sydney, Australia

2008 The Annual Todd Lectures

Memphis Theological Seminary

November, 2008

2006 Visiting Graduate Seminar Lecturer

University of Aarhus, Denmark

2004 31st Annual Summer Scripture Seminar

Archdiocese of Chicago

“The Two Ways: The Ideas of War and Peace

in the Later Hebrew Bible”

St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein

2003 Named to Biblical Scholars Consultation

(World Council of Churches)

Bangor, Wales

2003 Guest Lecturer

One Semester

University of Toledo, Dept. Religion and Philosophy

Toledo, Ohio

2003 Program Director

Lilly Endowment Summer Seminar Program:

“Peace and Justice in the Bible and the Quran”

Team taught with Prof. Mustansir Mir, Youngstown State U.

2002 Guest Lecturer in Old Testament (One Term)

St. John’s College

The University of Auckland, New Zealand

1999 The Willson Lectures

Earlham School of Religion

“On Cultural Exegesis of the Bible”

1998 6 City Speaking/Lecture Tour sponsored by the Uniting Church of Australia Dept. of Christian Education.

4 Weeks: Pastors Workshops, Public Lectures, conferences;

Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Tasmania, Ballarat,

& Canberra.

1997 Named to 10-person National Study Group: "Theology and

Community: Recovering the Beloved Community"

The Lilly Endowment, at Loyola College, Baltimore

Summer, 1997 LMU Faculty Research Grant

To complete book on Cultural Exegesis of the Bible

Summer, 1996 Scholar in Residence

The Center for Christian Studies (The Society of Friends)

Portland, Oregon (May-June, 1996)

Fall, 1995 Lecturer in Residence

The Department of Religion

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1994 LMU Faculty Research Grant - To Assist in writing

commentary for "The New Interpretor's Bible",

"The Book of Daniel"

1992 LMU Faculty Research Grant - For Research in Australia on Aboriginal Interpretation of the Bible.

1991 International Research and Exchanges Board Travel Grant

for scholarly consultation in Latvia on the translation of

Dr. Joel Weinberg's work (see publications list).

1986 The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

Dissertation Fellowship.

1983-1986 World Council of Churches

(Full tuition and support for study at Oxford University)

1978-1981 The Fund for Theological Education

(Full tuition for 3 years of Seminary)


1991 Thomas Overholt, Channels of Prophecy (1990),

reviewed in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly,

53:1991, pp. 301-303

1992 Edwin M. Yamauchi, Persia and the Bible (1990)

reviewed in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly,

54:1992, pp. 138-139

1992 Carlos Mesters, Defenseless Flower (1989)

reviewed in Critical Review of Books in Religion,


1992 Peggy Day, Ed., Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel

(1989), reviewed in Catholic Biblical Quarterly,

54:1992, pp. 398-399

1992 Robert B. and Mary P. Coote., Power, Politics, and the

Making of the Bible: An Introduction (1990), reviewed in

Critical Review of Books in Religion, 1992: pp. 85-86

1993 Anthony R. Ceresko, Introduction to the Old Testament:

A Liberation Perspective (1992), reviewed in

Critical Review of Books in Religion, 1994: pp. 103-105

1993 Robert B. Coote, In Defense of Revolution: The Elohist

History (1991), reviewed in Catholic Biblical Quarterly,

55:1993, pp. 751-753

1993 Ingeborg Gabriel, Friede Ueber Israel: Eine Untersuchung zur Friendenstheologie in Chronik I 10 - II 36

(Ousterreichische Biblische Studien, 10) in

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 55, 1993, pp. 756-757

1994 Mervin Breneman, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, The New American Commentary 10; Nashville: Broadman Press (1993), reviewed in Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 57, 1995, pp. 118-120

1995 Victor H. Matthew and Don Benjamin, Social World of Ancient Israel, reviewed in Journal of Biblical Literature

114:1995, pp. 490-492.

1996 Klaus Scholtissek, Vollmacht im Alten Testament und

Judentum, (Paderborner Theologische Studien, 24, 1993)

reviewed in Journal of Biblical Literature.

1997 Jon L. Berquist, Judaism in Persia's Shadow: A Social and

Historical Approach (Fortress, 1995), reviewed in:

The Journal of Religion (Chicago) 77:4, 1997, pp. 656- 658.

1997. Moshe Weinfeld, Social Justice in Ancient Israel and in

The Ancient Near East (Magnes/Fortress, 1995), reviewed in

Journal of Biblical Literature 116(4): 721-725.

1997 Georg Steins, Die Chronik als kanonisches Abschlussphaenomen:

Studien zur Entstehung und Theologie von 1/2 Chronik

(Weinheim: Beltz, 1995), reviewed in

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 59, 1997, pp. 754-755.

1998 Justo L. Gonzalez, Santa Biblia: The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes (Abingdon:Nashville), reviewed in

The Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, 5:3: 52-56.

1998 Dianne Bergant, Israel’s Wisdom Literature: A Liberation

Critical Reading (Minneapolis:Fortress, 1997), reviewed in

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 60: 519-521.

1999 John A. Wood, Perspectives on War in the Bible

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 61: 354-355.

1999 Farmer, et.al., eds., The International Bible Commentary

Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 61: 538-540.

1999 Tod Linafelt, Timothy Beal, God in the Fray

Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1998

Review of Biblical Literature (Online)

2000 Segovia and Tolbert, eds., Teaching the Bible

Minneapolis, Fortress, 1998

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 62: 188-189

2001. Krasovec, Joze, Reward, Punishment, and Forgiveness: The

Thinking and Beliefs of Ancient Israel in the Light of Greek

and Modern Views (E.J. Brill: Leiden)

Review of Biblical Literature (Online)

2001 John R. Levison and Priscilla Pope-Levison

Return to Babel (Westminster-John Knox, Louisville)

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 63: 365-367.

2001. C. Grottanelli, Kings and Prophets (OUP:NY, 1999)

Ancient History Bulletin, 15:4, 188-190

2002 Porten, Bezalel, with J. J. Farber, C. J. Martin, G.

Vittmann, Leslie S. B. MacCoull, Sarah Clackson,

and contributions by Simon Hopkins and Ranon

Katzoff, The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three

Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and

Change (Leiden: Brill, 1999)

Review of Biblical Literature, Online Reviews

2002. James Barr, History and Ideology in the Old Testament

Oxford University Press: Oxford

Theological Studies, 63:202-203.

2002 Zerbe, Gordon (ed.), Reclaiming the Old Testament:

Essays in Honour of Waldemar Janzen

(Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 2001).

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 64: 602-603

2002 Baldwin, Lewis, and Amiri YaSin, Between Cross and

Crescent: Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Malcolm

And Martin (Florida, 2001), in

Studies in Contemporary Islam, 3:79-83

2003 Akbar, M.J., The Shade of Swords: Jihad

and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity

Studies in Contemporary Islam (forthcoming)

2004 Ed. James W. Watts, Persia and Torah: The Theory

Of Imperial Authorization of the Pentateuch

Journal of Semitic Studies Vol. XLIX, No. 2:334-336

2003. Grosby, Stephen, Biblical Ideas of Nationality: Ancient

And Modern

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 66:288-289

2004 Crawford and Greenspoon, The Book of Esther in Modern


Reviews in Religion and Theology 12:25-27

2004 Watson, Brenda, Truth and Scripture

Reviews in Religion and Theology 12:19-22

2004 Ward, Keith, The Case for Religion

Reviews in Religion and Theology 12:10-13

2004 Ellens, J. Harold, ed.

The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (4 Volumes)

Reviews in Religion and Theology 12:196-202

2005 Cabezon, Jose Ignacio, and Sheila Greeve Davaney, eds.,

Identity and the Politics of Scholarship in the Study of Religion

Reviews in Religion and Theology (UK)

2005 Goldshmidt, H, and Elizabeth McAlister

Race, Nation, and Religion in the Americas

Reviews in Religion and Theology (UK)

2005 Oded Borowski

Daily Life in Biblical Times

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 67:108-109

2005 Daniel Friedmann

To Kill and Take Possession: Law, Morality, and Society

In Biblical Stories

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 67:114-116

2005 Robert Pope, ed.

Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future: Religious and

Biblical Studies in Wales. In Honour of Gareth Lloyd Jones

Reviews in Religion and Theology 12:232-235

2005 James K.A. Smith, Henry Isaac Venema, eds.

The Hermeneutics of Charity: Interpretation, Selfhood, and

Postmodern Faith: In honor of James Olthuis

Reviews in Religion and Theology

2007 Jerome M. Segal

Joseph’s Bones: Understanding the Struggle Between God

And Mankind in the Bible

Reviewed in National Catholic Reporter, Nov. 16, 2007

2008 Uriah Kim

Decolonizing Josiah (with Author’s Response)

Reviewed in Conversations in Religion

And Theology 6:1: 6-12

2008 Rollins and Kille, eds.

Psychological Insight into the Bible: Text and Readings

Reviewed in

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 70: 869-871

2009 Bernat and Klawans, ed.

Religion and Violence: The Biblical Heritage

Reviewed in

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 71: 915-917

2009 Rocca, Samuel

The Forts of Judaea 168 BC – AD 73

Reviewed in

Ancient Warfare

2009 E. Qureshi and M.A. Sells, eds.

Crusades: Constructing the Muslim Enemy

Reviewed in

Studies in Contemporary Islam 10 (2008) 139-142

2009 Lawrence Schiffman and Joel B. Wolowelsky, eds.

War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition

Reviewed in

Review of Biblical Literature (SBL, Online)

2009 Miguel A. De La Torre

Liberating Jonah: Forming an Ethic of Reconciliation

Reviewed in

Conrad Grebel Review, Fall 2009: 91-94

2010 Elisabeth Shuessler Fiorenza

Democratizing Biblical Studies

Review of Biblical Literature (SBL, Online)

2011 Philip Peter Jenson, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah:

A Theological Commentary

Review of Biblical Literature (SBL, Online)

2011 John Rogerson, A Theology of the Old Testament

Reviewed in

Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 73: 841-843

2013 Matthew Coomber, ed., The Bible and Justice:

Ancient Texts, Modern Challenges

Biblical Interpretation 21: 550-552

2013 Michael S. Moore, Wealth Watch: A Study of Socioeconomic

Conflict in the Bible

Catholic Biblical Quarterly (expected summer 2013)

2015 Crouch, C.L., and Jonathan Stokl, eds.

In the Name of God: The Bible in the

Colonial Discourse of Empire.

Review of Biblical Literature (SBL, online)

2015 Boer, R., and F.F. Segovia, eds.

The Future of the Biblical Past:

Envisioning Biblical Studies on a Global Key

Review for Biblical Interpretation journal.

2015 Boer, Roland, ed.,

Postcolonialism and the Hebrew Bible: The Next Step

Review for Biblical Interpretation journal

2015 M. Zehnder and H. Hagelia, eds.

Encountering Violence in the Bible

Review for Biblical Interpretation journal

2015 Omer, Appleby, and Little

The Oxford Handbook of Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

Review for Peace Review Journal

Professional Society Memberships

SBL - The Society of Biblical Literature (USA)

SOTS - The Society for Old Testament Study (UK)

Selected Academic Presentations and Papers

August “The Difficult Texts”, Lecture given for

2015 Summer Scripture Seminar

Loyola Marymount University

November “Sleeping with the Enemy? Esther, Judith, and Comfort Women”

2014 Paper for Exile Group, Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meetings, San Diego

March “Singing Daniel: The Spirituals as Interpretation of the

2014 Book of Daniel” , and “Reading Jesus with the Prophets”

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Anaheim

November “Singing Daniel: African-American Spirituals as Biblical

2013 Interpretation”, Paper for African-American Exegesis section

Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meetings

Baltimore, MD.

February “Were the Writers of the Bible Traumatized?”

2013 Popular Presentation

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress


June “Traumata and Old Testament Analysis”

2012 International Conference on Trauma and Scripture

Univ. Aarhus, Denmark

March Lamentations and the Blues: A Postcolonial Analysis

2012 Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York

February “Isaiah and Micah”

2011 Annual Historical Lecture

Congregation Ner Tamid

Palos Verdes, CA

November “Hebrew Machismo as Biblical Resistance Literature

2009 in Micah 4-5”

Paper read for

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting, New Orleans

September Annual First Year Convocation Speaker

2009 (Selected by Chief Academic Officer of LMU)

Loyola Marymount University

July Two Bible Studies on Nehemiah

2009 The Aboriginal and Torres Islander Christian Congress

Perth, Australia

July “Wisdom’s Feast” (2 Lectures on Isaiah and Justice)

2009 The Uniting Church of Australia

Melbourne, Australia

November Displaced Texts: Can We Speak of a Social

2008 Psychology of the Exile?

Paper for War in Ancient Israel Section

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meetings, Boston

November Reading Exile: Sociological and Literary Agendas

2008 Paper for Exile (Forced Migration) in Biblical Literature Section

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meetings, Boston

November Jeremiah as Frantz Fanon

2007 Paper for Writing/Reading Jeremiah Section

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting, San Diego

November Theology and the Study of Trauma in the Bible

2007 Paper for Theology of Hebrew Scriptures Section

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting, San Diego

November Micah 1-2: On the Pleasures of Prophetic Judgment

2006 Paper for Prophetic Texts Group

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting, Washington DC

November The Militarization of Miracle in Ancient Israel

2005 Paper read for War in Ancient Israel Group

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

November Reading Thoughtfully: Getting Students to

2005 Read in Class

Center for Teaching Excellence: LMU

October Response to Dr. Deepak Chopra

2005 BridgeBuilder Forum, LMU

Formal Comments at Honorary Dinner

November Chair, In The Name of Religion

2004 Bellarmine Forum, on “Violence”

Session with Academic Colleagues.

November Swords Into Plowshares:

2004 A Study of Isa. 2:2-4 / Micah 4:1-3

The Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meeting, San Antonio

July Presentation:

2004 Peace and Justice from Within Religious Tradition

A Meditation on Jacob and Esau

The Parliament of World Religions

Barcelona, SPAIN

November Panelist

2003 Religion and War

Global Ethics Forum, SBL-AAR Meetings

Atlanta, GA

November “Ethics of Diaspora in Exile”

2003 Bible and Ethics Section

The Society of Biblical Literature

Atlanta, GA

June “Theft and Reconciliation:

2003 Genesis 32-33 and the Politics of Jacob”

World Council of Churches Consultation on

Ethnic Identity, National Identity, and the Unity of the Church

Bangor, Wales

April “Indigenous Traditions of Peacemaking”

2003 W/Rev. Don Tamihare (New Zealand)

War and Reconciliation: Perspectives of World Religions

California State University, Northridge

March “A Quaker Reads the Ninth Commandment”

2002 Seminar on the Ten Commandments

The Jewish Studies Dept., UCLA

Los Angeles, CA

November “Prophet in the Camp: Ezekiel and Refugee Studies”

2001. Paper read with respondents (Marvin Sweeney and

J.J.M. Roberts) at Society of Biblical Literature

Annual Meetings, Denver: Theological Perspectives

On the Book of Ezekiel Seminar.

April “The Challenge of Christian Nonviolence”

2001. War and Peace in the World Religions

California Lutheran University

November Invited Respondent to Three Papers Presented in the

2000. “Asian and Asian American Biblical Exegesis Group”

Annual Meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature

Nashville, TN.

March, 2000 “`That was then…’: Textual Defenses of Nonviolence in

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”. Paper presented to

Ethics and Religion for a Global Twenty-First Century

Chapman University, Orange, California

November, 1999 Chaired Section of Literature and History of Persian Period

The Society of Biblical Literature (Boston)

“Advising the Conqueror: Legend and Literature”

November, 1999 “An Anthropology of Exile: Debating Stereotypes”

The Society of Biblical Literature

Hebrew Bible, History, and Archaeology Section

(Boston, Annual Meeting)

November, 1996 "Ezekiel on Fanon's Couch: A Postcolonial critique of

Psychological Approaches to Ezekiel"

The Society of Biblical Literature (New Orleans)

July, 1995 "Lakota (Sioux) Readings of Daniel: A Report on `Field Work' in Critical Biblical Studies". Paper read before

The Society of Old Testament Study (UK) Summer

Meetings, The University of Wales, Bangor.

November, 1993 "The Culture of Permission: A Sociological Reading of the

Correspondence with Persian Authorities in Ezra 1-8".

The Society of Biblical Literature

(Washington D.C., Annual Meeting)

July, 1992 "The Mixed Marriage Crisis in Ezra and Nehemiah: A

Sociological Critique". The Society of Biblical Literature

(European Section-Special Meetings in Melbourne,


August, 1990 "Fasting and Warfare in the Hebrew Bible: An Experiment Using Anthropological Data in Biblical Analysis"

The Society of Biblical Literature

(European Section, Vienna)

November, 1989 "Hebrew Satyagraha: Fasting and Warfare in Post-Exilic

Theology" The Society for Biblical Literature

(Anaheim, CA, Annual Meeting)

November, 1988 "The Politics of Ezra: Sociological Indicators of Post-Exilic

Society" The Society for Biblical Literature

(Chicago, Annual Meeting)

November, 1987 "Towards a Theology of Peace"

International Theology of Peace Conference,

Budapest, Hungary

November, 1983 "Jeremiah and the Theology of Peace"

International Theology of Peace Conference,

Budapest, Hungary

March, 1981 "Deutero-Isaiah and the Isaianic Additions"

The Society for Biblical Literature, Mid-West Region

March, 1980 "Wisdom and Resistance in the Book of Daniel"

The Society for Biblical Literature, Mid-West Region

Television and Multi-Media Consultation

2013 Filmed Interview for DVD “Extra Features” on

DVD Reissue of “The Robe”, Feature Film.

2011 July, Australian Public Radio

“The Bible and the Blues”

Interview with John Cleary, “Sunday Night”

2011 Script Consultant / Media Consultant

(Project Confidential until Release)

Los Angeles Based Motion Picture Studio (Name confidential)

2009 Recorded Adult Study Lecture Series for

“Now You Know Media” (Wash. DC)

Genesis; Bible and Social Justice

2008 Feature Film Script Consultant

The Aquarian Gospel

2006 Consultant, TMC Entertainment, Inc.

“The Routes of Christianity”

2005 Consultant, TMC Entertainment, Inc.

“Walking the New Testament”

2003 Consultant, FilmROOS

“In Search of Easter” (National Geographic Network)

“Banned from the Bible” (History Channel)

2001. Biblical Consultant

Sante Fe Communications (Milwaukie, WI)

Animated Bible Project

2000. Script Consultation, On-Camera Interviews, Research

“Disasters of the Bible”

The History Channel

2000. On-Camera scholarly Comment, “The Holy Family”

PAX Television Special (Christmas, 2000)

1992-1999 Scholarly Consultant to "Mysteries of the Bible"

(A&E Television, A FilmROOS Production, Los Angeles)

1995 Authored "Teachers Study Guide" for 25-Part Animated

Series based on the Old Testament, produced by

Tezuka Productions (Japan) and Released in the USA by

CCC of America (Irving, Texas)

1993-95 Academic Advisor for the Arts and Entertainment Network

Television series, "Mysteries of the Bible"

(Arts and Entertainment Television, FilmROOS Productions) Critical Review of Scripts; Extended On- Camara Commentary on Old Testament texts; Consultation with Series Writers

1995 Television series, "Biography"

(Arts and Entertainment Network, FilmROOS Productions) Script Consultation; On-Camara Commentary, episodes: "Samson", "David", "Moses", "The Second Temple".

1995-96 Critical Commentary to accompany CD-ROM/Multi- Media Program: Hypertext and Printed Formats. The Psalms (Dove Audio:Beverly Hills, CA, 1996)

Read by Michael York

University Courses Taught

At Loyola Marymount University (1989 – Present):

Introduction to the Old Testament

War, Peace, and Nonviolence in the Bible

Prophecy and Social Justice

Graduate and Undergraduate levels

Faith and Ethnicity in Los Angeles (Cultural Studies)

Reconciliation Across Cultures

Ancient Futures: Wisdom and Apocalyptic

in the Bible and Film

Theology of the Old Testament


The Exile

Genesis: Story and Culture

Bible, Gospel, and Blues:

The Bible in African-American Gospel

Society and Its Discontents

Honors Course

Mysteries of the Bible

Distance Education Course

Graduate Pro-Seminar

Introduction to Systematic Theology

At Wilmington College (1987-1989):

Moses, Messiah, and Marx: Introduction to

Radical Christianity.

Quakerism, and the Radical Reformation

Christian Belief

Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to the Bible

At Bluffton College (2003-2004):

Introduction to the Bible

Prophecy and Social Justice

At University of Toledo (2003-2004)

Monotheistic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction to the Old Testament Scriptures

Popular Lectures / Church Consultations

March 2015 “Sleeping with the Enemy? Esther and Judith”

“Women and the Old Testament”

“Reading Ezekiel as Jose Posada”

Three Scripture Workshops at

Religious Education Congress, Anaheim

March, 2015 “Swords into Plowshares: History of a Passage”

The University

Catholic Education in the Valley

March, 2015 “When Prophets Disagree?”

Dive-In, Lent Education Programs

South Bay Catholic Education Program

March 2013 “Does the Bible Endorse Science?”

The University (Catholic Adult Ed. Series, Ca.)

February 2013 “Inviting Teens to Think about the Old Testament”

Religious Education Congress, Anaheim

2012 Consultant on Television Series (Details Confidential)

March 2012 “Nonviolence and the Biblical Witness

IHM Lenten Retreat

Santa Barbara, Le Casa de Maria

April 2011 Religion and the Middle East

Three Adult Education Seminars

Chadwick School Parents Sessions

Jan – May The Catholic Bible Institute

2011 San Bernardino Diocese

March 2011 “The Bible and the Blues”, and “Micah”

Religious Education Congress Workshops

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

April 2011 “Bible and the Blues”

The University (Catholic Lent Series)

Adult Education Program

Summer, 2009 Scripture Seminar

Tasmania, Australia

2008 The Catholic Bible Institute

Diocese of San Bernardino

Year Long Old Testament Survey

One Saturday/Month for 9 Months

2008 The University 2008 (Catholic Lent Series)

Two Biblical Seminars (Feb 7, 27)

“Farms Not Arms (Micah)”

“Amos and Hosea”

2008 Religious Education Congress Anaheim

(Archdiocese of Los Angeles)

Two Biblical Seminars

“Farms Not Arms (On Micah)”

“Prophets and Jesus”

2008 St. Joseph of Orange Retreat Center

“The Exile: Theirs and Ours”

2007 Annual Jewish History Lecture

“The Babylonian Exile”

Congregation Ner Tamid

Palos Verdes, CA.

Jan 2006 – Dec 2007 Scripture Overview (3 sessions/Month)

American Martyrs Catholic Church

Manhattan Beach, CA

March, 2007 Two Scripture Workshops

“The University”

Lenten Series, SF Valley Parishes

March, 2007 Two Scripture Workshops

Religious Education Congress of Los Angeles

“Teaching Teens the Bible”, and

“Jonah, Jesus, and Other Good Coyotes”

March, 2006 Two Scripture Workshops

Religious Education Congress of Los Angeles

“Reading Anger in the Bible”, and

“The Book of Daniel”

November, 2005 Six Scripture Workshop Sessions

“Word and Life” (Holy Cross Parish), Santa Barbara

October, 2005 Saturday All-Day Workshop

Women of the Old Testament

Mary and Joseph Retreat Center

Palos Verdes, CA

September, 2005 Two Scripture Workshops

Religious Education Congress

San Fernando Pastoral Region

February, 2005 Two Scripture Workshops

“Revelation”, and “Beating Swords to Plowshares”

The Religious Education Congress

Anaheim, CA

Fall, 2004 “Forming Old Testament Theology”

The Bible Institute

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Fall, 2004 “Introduction to the Old Testament”

The Dawn Unity Group (Interfaith Study Group)

Palos Verdes, CA

Summer, 2004 “Biblical Studies and Cultural Diversity”

Mt. St. Mary’s College

Building Inclusive Communities

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Spring, 2004 Catholic High School Teachers Seminar

Fordham University

“Teaching the Old Testament”

Fall, 2004 Lay Mission Helpers, Archdiocese of LA

Scripture Lectures

February, 2004 Three Scripture Workshops

Religious Education Congress

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Anaheim, CA

January, 2004 “Introduction to the Bible”

Catholic Bible Institute (All Day Seminar)

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles

January, 2004 Special Lecture

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

50th Anniversary Lecture Series

Burbank, CA

February, 2003 Two Bible Workshop

The Religious Education Congress

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles (Anaheim)

February, 2003 Keynote Address

The Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship

Bluffton College, Ohio

July, 2002 Workshops offered for

The Diocese of Salt Lake City

March 2002 Keynote Address for

President’s Day

Loyola Marymount University

March 2002 Lent Bible Study

El Segundo United Methodist Church

March, 2002 Lent Bible Study

Westchester United Methodist Church

February, 2002 The Religious Education Congress: Two Workshops

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Anaheim, CA

August, 2001 Reedwood Friends Church

Two Sundays on

Christianity and Islam

(shared pulpit with Dr. Mustansir Mir, Quran scholar)

June, 2001 Three Biblical Workshops: “Introduction to the OT”

The Diocese of Salt Lake City

Cedar City, Vernal, and Salt Lake City

January Guest Lecture “Biblical Views of the Middle East”

2000 United Methodist Men

Westchester United Methodist Church

2000. Two Workshops on Old Testament

Religious Education Congress of

The Diocese of Salt Lake City

2000. Old Testament Lectures

The Lay Mission Program

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Catholic Church

2000. Lent Lecture Series

El Segundo United Methodist Church

El Segundo, California

2000. Two Old Testament Workshops

The Religious Education Congress of the Archdiocese

Of Los Angeles

Anaheim Convention Center

1999. Understanding and Hope

Valley Beth Shalom

“Historical Framework for Christian/Jewish Tensions”

1999. Old Testament Workshops

Religious Education Congress

Diocese of Salt Lake City

1999. Old Testament Workshops

Religious Education Congress

The Diocese of Las Vegas

1999. Convocation Speaker

Bluffton College of Ohio

1999. Summer Series

“Native Americans and Christianity”

Reedwood Friends Church, Portland Oregon

(Organized entire month series of sessions)

1999. “The Historic Context of Jewish-Christian Relations”

Jewish-Catholic Dialogue

Temple Beth Shalom

1999. Old Testament Workshops on “Jubilee”

Religious Education Congress

Roman Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah

1999 Lay Mission Helpers Program

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

1999 Lent Lectures

“Prayer in the Old Testament”

El Segundo United Methodist Church

1999 Two Scripture Workshops

Religious Education Congress

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

1998 Adult Workshop Leader

Silver Penny Farm (Archdiocese San Francisco)

ElderHostel Program

1998 Main Speaker, All Church Retreat

Brentwood Presbyterian Church

1998 Southern Los Angeles United Methodist Clergy Retreat

1998 The Cook Lectures

Redondo Beach United Methodist Church

1998 Two Bible Workshops Presented at

The Religious Education Congress (Anaheim, CA)

1998 Lay Mission Helpers Training Program

(Archdiocese of Los Angeles) Bible Instruction

1997 Adult Workshop Leader, ElderHostel

Silver Penny Farm (Archdiocese of San Francisco)

Christian-Jewish Dialogue

1997 Lay Mission Helpers

(Archdiocese of Los Angeles) Bible Lecturer

1997 The Uniting Church of Australia Youth Convention

One of 8 Convention Bible Teachers.

Launceston, Tasmania (Australia)

1996 (weekly) Adult Bible Study

to present St. Lawrence Martyr Parish

Redondo Beach, CA

December Advent Biblical Seminar

1996 La Tijera United Methodist Church

Los Angeles (Half-Day seminar)

November Advanced Catechetical Ministries

1996 "Cultural Diversity and Faith"

Archdiocese of Los Angeles / All Day Seminar

November Adult Enrichment Series

1996 "Preparing the Church for the 21st Century"

St. Monica's Parish, Santa Monica

July Guest Bible Teacher at:

1995 New York Yearly Meeting of Friends

(300th Anniversay Meetings of New York Yearly Meeting)

Silver Bay, New York

April Lenten Series: American Martyr's Parish

1995 Manhattan Beach, CA

April Lenten Series: El Segundo United Methodist Church

1995 El Segundo, CA

October St. Jerome Parish, L.A.: Little Rock Bible Studies

1994 (Isaiah; 4 lectures)

November, 1994 Catholic Bible Institute - (Once a month, all day Saturday): Session ONE: Introduction to the Old Testament, and Session

TWELVE: The Book of Isaiah

October Biblical Studies Lecturer, Lay Mission Helpers Formation


November, 1994 Pontifical Mission Aid Societies in the Archdiocese

October, 1994 Lecturer, Master Catechesis Formation, The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Office of Religious Education: "Multiculturalism and the Biblical Witness".

April, 1994 Workshop, "On Christian Nonviolence", Catholic Youth Congress, Pasadena, California.

April, 1994 Respondent to Paper, "Religion and Healing" conference

sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Religion, UCLA, Los Angeles.

October, 1993 Biblical Studies Lecturer, Lay Mission Helpers Formation

Program Pontifical Mission Aid Societies in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,

1993 Guest Lecturer, "The Exile", Aboriginal Christian Leadership Seminar, Uniting Church of Australia (Institute for Mission) Sydney, Australia

University and Community Activities

2013 (Fall) Named Director of Graduate Education

Dept. Theological Studies

Loyola Marymount University

2008-2009 Member, The Committee on Teaching Excellence

Loyola Marymount University

2004 Appointed by Cardinal Roger Mahoney as

Permanent Consultant (Scripture)

The Theological Commission of the

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

2001 Director

The Bellarmine Forum 2001

International Forum on World Genocide

(“A Conspiracy for Co-Existence”)

Loyola Marymount University

2000. Director,

The Office of Nontraditional Education

Loyola Marymount University

1999. Faculty for New Program

“First Year Institute”

1991 - 97 Faculty Advisor for

Minors in Theology

1990-91 Faculty Supervisor

Student Peace Group (w/ Campus Ministry)

1992 Chair, The Casassa Conference, LMU

“Text and Experience: Toward a

Cultural Exegesis of the Bible

1993 Chair, The Casassa Conference, LMU

“The Persistence of Hatred”

1993 University Committee on Multiculturalism

1995-6 University Representative

La Tijera United Methodist Pre-School

1996-97 University Committee:

The “Dreamworks Committee” - Exploring possible

relations between LMU and Dreamworks SKG.

1994 The Dean's Committee on Distance Education

Co-wrote successful study grant awarded by the

U.S. Department of Commerce to study Distance Learning

Technology and Programs at Loyola Marymount University

1994-97 Presentation of “Sample Lecture” representing

College of Liberal Arts

Presidential Scholars Preview Day at LMU

1994 Vice President, The Citizen's Advisory Board

KCET Channel 28, Public Broadcasting System

Los Angeles and Southern California.

1995 Co-Founded Loyola Marymount Universities' first

Gospel Choir, "The Voices of Joy". Administration/

liaison with hired Director, Dr. Margaret Douroux,

coordinate finances, etc.

1996-98 Dean's Committee on Technology in the Classroom

1998 Developed University's first Online/Distance Course

"Mysteries of the Bible"

References and Advisers

Doctoral Advisor: Dr. John Barton,

Professor of Scripture (Old Testament)

Oxford University

Oxford, England

Prof. William Schniedewind

Dept. Near East Languages and Cultures

University of California Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90095

Prof. John J. Collins

The Divinity School

The University of Chicago

1025 East 58th Street

Chicago IL 6063

Prof. Walter Brueggemann

Columbia Theological Seminary

Decatur, GA 30030

Office of Religious Education

Sr. Edith Prendergast

c/o The Archdiocese of Los Angeles

3424 Wilshire Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90010

On file at Loyola Marymount University

references written by:

Rabbi Prof. Steven Schwarzschild (d. Nov, 1989)

Washington University, St. Louis

Prof. John Howard Yoder (d. December, 1997)

University of Notre Dame, Indiana

Bryan Wilson (d. 2005)

All Souls College, Oxford


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