
Eastern Regional Conference – Ministry Training Institute (MTI)Course No. ME-114. Course Name Leadership Skills for The Local ChurchTerm: Fall Year: 2019 Dates: Sept. 5 through Nov. 21Instructor Dennis KoontzPhone 717-729-2492. Email: koontzinc@Virtual Office Contact Hours: 7:00am – 8:00pmCourse Goals and Objectives:Goals: At the end of the course learners will….Gain a greater understanding of Leadership Skills.Be able to apply Biblical Leadership in today’s local church.Critically compare leadership skills taught herein to the present skills of themselves and their churchObjectives: In order to achieve course goals learners will… Study models of Biblical and contemporary leaders.Research the leadership skills of one or more biblical characters.Evaluate their personal leadership skills.NOTE: Anyone auditing the course is not expected to complete any of the graded assignments.Course Methodology: Read and interact with works of two contemporary leadership authors.Write two, 3 to 5-page papersChurch vs Secular Leadership SkillsStudents personal plan for next growth steps. Class lectures and discussions.Pass a final exam. Grading Scale:A93-100OutstandingA- 90-92SuperiorB+ 87-89Very GoodB 83-86Good WorkB- 80-82SatisfactoryC+ 77-79Above averageC 73-76AverageC- 70-72Acceptable, but below averageD, F 69 & under Not Acceptable NOTE: A final grade of D or E will not meet the requirements for MTI course fulfillment.Required TextbooksThe Bible: Instructor will use the New International Version (NIV). Any modern version allowed.Henry and Richard Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership, Moving People onto God’s Agenda, revised and expanded. Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group (published 2011ISBN 978-1-4336-6918-7John C. Maxwell, Leadershift, The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader should Embrace. New York: Harper Collins Publishing (published 2019) ISBN 978-0-7180-9850-6Additional Relevant Resources (not required)Yahn, S. G., Polity of the Churches of God in North America. Harrisburg, Pa: Central Publishing House of the Churches of God (Published 1928) No ISBNPhillip V. Lewis, Transformational Leadership, A New Model for Total Church Involvement. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman and Holman (1996) ISBN0-8054-1239-5Habecker, Eugene B. The Soft Side of Leadership, Essential Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead. Sisters Oregon: Deep River Books (2018ISBN 13: 9781632694683Maxwell, John C., The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishing (2007). ISBN 978-0-7852-8837-4Course Requirements:Read the assigned books (15 pts)Attend 12 classroom sessions (10 pts)Participation in class discussion (15 pts)Written Assignments3-5 pages – Your view of leadership skills important in the localchurch compared to leadership skills in a secular, for-profit, business…Same?.... Different?.... Why?(Due in class September 26) (20 pts)3-5 pages – Personal Growth Plan…Your brief resume’ (to this point)What are your next step or steps in your personal growth and possible steps into the future.(Due in class November 14) (20 pts)Final Exam (20 pts)[Schedule of Class Sessions: The class will follow the schedule below with flexibility as needed. Thursday Evenings: 6:00pm – 9:00pmDATE SESSION # TOPIC READING ASSIGNMENTSept. 51Beginnings: OverviewMaxwell, Chapter 1Polity vs Skill, Biblical vs SecularBlackaby, Chapters 1 & 10. Change, Biblical CharactersBible, I and II TimothyElder, Deacon, Overseer, Shepherd.Ref. Yahn (instructor) Sept. 122Team and delegationMaxwell, 2Getting others or God’s AgendaBlackaby, 5Developing people, Nehemiah, Moses.Sept. 193Personal GrowthMaxwell, 3Next Steps, Goals, Coaching.Blackaby, 3Sept. 264Pay The PriceMaxwell, 4Schedule, Discipline,Blackaby, 9Consistency, Multitasking.*1st Paper due… Biblical vs Secular Leadership (20 pts)Oct. 35Challenge OthersMaxwell, 5Commitment, Expectations,Blackaby, 5Intentions, Confrontation,Relationships, Free to Fail.Oct. 106Vision and CreativityMaxwell, 6Scarcity, Abundance. Prov. 29:18Blackaby, 4Lag vs Lead.Oct. 177Growing OthersMaxwell, 7ReproductionBlackaby, 9Adding Value LBFAFind their “WHY”.Oct. 248CommunicationMaxwell, 8Direct vs ConnectBlackaby, 11Listen, Encourage“Lift”.Oct. 319DiversityMaxwell, 9Diverse Society, TraditionsUncommon AdvantageProductive Conflict.Nov. 710AuthorityMaxwell, 10Positional to MoralBlackaby, 2Source is the Holy SpiritJesus, the ModelThe Church “Boss”.Nov. 1411Inspire & ImpactMaxwell, 11Disciples were TransformedBlackaby, 11 & 2Transformational LeadershipMultiplication.*2nd Paper due “Personal Growth Plan (20pts)Nov. 2112CallingMaxwell, 12Job? Career?Blackaby, 6Know Your “Why”Lead by SurrenderingDriven or Drawn*Final Exam (20 pts)VII.Ministry Training Institute Policies:? All work is due to the professor as stated in the syllabus schedule.? Late work may be downgraded one letter grade per week when the lateness is not due to an excused absence or other extenuating circumstances. This same policy will also apply to scheduled examinations or tests. There will be no exceptions to the foregoing policy except by action of the MTI program director based on a written petition by the student and recommendation by the instructor.? Acceptable utilization of laptop computers in the classroom during any class is for note-taking and directly-related course activities only. Unacceptable usage during class time includes e-mail, internet, games, messaging and other activities not directed related to the course. Violations may result in disciplinary action.? Cell phones are an unnecessary distraction in the classroom. Students should place their phones on vibrate and should not make or receive calls during class unless there are extenuation circumstances, such as for an on-call medical professional, in which case the instructor should be notified prior to class. Violations may result in disciplinary action.? If you are a student with a disability, it is your responsibility to notify your professor at least one week prior to the needed service so that reasonable accommodations can be made.? Students are expected to participate in all class sessions. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor prior to the class, if at all possible, of any intended absence. The instructor may, at their discretion, grant one excused absence but reserves the right to assign additional work to compensate for the absence. Absences in excess of one require the approval of the Director of the MTI and may result in the reduction of a letter grade. A single class absence due to the death of spouse, parent or member of the student’s immediate family shall be automatically be considered excused and will simply require the student to make up any work that was due at that class.? Students are expected to be on time for each class. Lateness, particularly habitual lateness, denigrates the learning experience and undermines the integrity of the learning cohort that is the class. If the instructor decides the reason for the lateness is not acceptable, a penalty in the class participation grade may be the result.MISSION AND VISIONThe Ministry Training Institute (MTI) provides continuing practical Christian training that develops skills, abilities and knowledge to those who minister. Our vision is to be an institute where men and women advance their knowledge and abilities in and through the Christian Church.CORE VALUESEquip and train all who wish to grow in Christ by:……learning, applying and teaching sound theology……adhering to biblical truths.……advancing their personal Christian Faith……emphasizing the practical aspects of ministry……developing skills in ministry practices……promoting the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches ................

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