HRE 1O1 Course Overview – Profession of Faith Unit

|Unit and Lesson|Overall Expectation |Specific |Learning |Activities and |Assessment/ |

|Number | |Expectation |Goal |Materials |Evaluation |

|2.1a |- Describe what it |- Demonstrate an |- We will learn |- pp. 52-59 |- Faith Continuum Activity|

| |means to believe and |understanding of how |about the virtue of|- 1 Cor 13.1-13 | |

| |live in Christ, and |Jesus affirms the |faith and how it |- Video: | |

| |name some of the joys |dignity of every |helps us to develop| |

| |and demands involved |person. |our relationship |m/watch?v=xg4FgBKIQNM | |

| |(CCC §144-165). |- Recognize |with God. |- Paul’s 1st Letter to| |

| | |discipleship as the |- We learn about |the Corinthians: | |

| | |call to follow Jesus |how all people are | |

| | |in word and deed. |called to follow |m/watch?v=veU6dB3996o | |

| | |- Identify how faith |Jesus and are made |- Uncertainty | |

| | |means developing a |good in the eyes of|Principle: | |

| | |relationship with God.|God. | |

| | | | |m/watch?v=TQKELOE9eY4 | |

| | | | |- Read and discuss the| |

| | | | |reflection questions | |

| | | | |on pg. 55 | |

| | | | |- 2.1a ppt | |

| | | | |- Faith Continuum | |

| | | | |Activity | |

|2.1b |- Describe what it |- Evaluate how to live|- We will examine |- C.C.C. 1817-1821 |- Take up 2.1b Media |

| |means to believe and |in and challenge |the virtue of hope |- Covenants video: |Comparison between What |

| |live in Christ, and |society based on the |and how it helps us| Wants Us To Do And |

| |name some of the joys |model of Jesus. |in our search for |m/watch?v=8ferLIsvlmI |What We Are Doing. |

| |and demands involved |- Define hope as a |true happiness. |- 38 hours: | |

| |(CCC §144-165). |virtue which keeps us |- We will compare | |

| | |searching for true |how Jesus wants us |m/watch?v=HARB7Deq2SQ&| |

| | |happiness and |to live with how |index=15&list=PL01AFEB| |

| | |which sustains us in |society wants us to|24CB3F6162 | |

| | |times of |live. |- 2.1b Media. | |

| | |abandonment and | |Comparison between | |

| | |struggle. | |What God Wants Us To | |

| | | | |Do And What We Are | |

| | | | |Doing | |

| | | | |- pg. 57-59 Guided | |

| | | | |Mediation | |

|2.2 |- Explain the identity|- Examine the |- We will learn |- pp. 200 -205 |- 2.2 Exit Card |

| |of Jesus as the |Christian affirmation |about Jesus as the |- That 1 Day: |- 2.2 Journal #2 |

| |Incarnate Word of God,|of hope for their own |Incarnate Word of |(Evaluate) |

| |and the importance of |lives in the light of |God. |m/watch?v=uWTUCtU1jNw&| |

| |this teaching for the |the death and |- We will learn |index=10&list=PL01AFEB| |

| |Christian faith (CCC |resurrection of Jesus |about how we are |24CB3F6162 | |

| |§461-478), and how it | |joined to Jesus’ |- Read and discuss the| |

| |makes sacred all that | |death and |reflection questions | |

| |is human. | |resurrection. |on pg. 202 | |

| | | | |-2.2 ppt | |

| | | | |- Journal #2 | |

| | | | |-2.2 Exit Card | |

| | | | |- 2.2 Journal #2 | |

| | | | |(Evaluate) | |

|2.3 |- Realize God’s desire|- Articulate what it |- We will learn |- pp. 70-75 |- 2.3 What does it mean to|

| |to be known and loved |means to be loved and |about the virtue of|- Creed Video: |be the Body of Christ? |

| |through Jesus Christ |to love |love and what it | |

| |in the Holy Spirit |unconditionally. |means to have a |m/watch?v=0YNeTwWU1RE&| |

| |(CCC §456-460). |- Express what it |Christ like love. |index=1&list=PL01AFEB2| |

| | |means to love God |- We will learn |4CB3F6162 | |

| | |through Jesus and his |what is means to |- Love God Love Each | |

| | |Church (CCC §751-801).|love God, others |Other: | |

| | |- Describe how faith |and ourself. | |

| | |in Jesus Christ | |m/watch?v=gykmvCAh24g&| |

| | |challenges his | |index=17&list=PL01AFEB| |

| | |disciples to love and | |24CB3F6162 | |

| | |respect others. | |- 2.3 ppt | |

| | |- Summarize how | |- Read: John 3.16-21 | |

| | |followers of Jesus are| |and discuss what it | |

| | |called to love self | |means. | |

| | |and others. | |- 2.3 What does it | |

| | | | |mean to be the Body of| |

| | | | |Christ? | |

|2.4 |- Consider how |- Articulate ways that|- We will examine |- Opinion, Knowledge |- 2.4 Debates on Faith |

|(3 days) |religious faith is |faith is reasonable |how faith is shaped|and Faith 3MC: |-2.4 Faith, Hope and Love |

| |shaped by human |(CCC §154-159). |by human | in the Media |

| |experience (i.e., | |experience. |m/watch?v=Qe22zMrhekQ&|Assignment (Evaluation) |

| |one’s family, one’s | |- We will learn |list=PLIcePO_eJb2_EElT| |

| |culture, one’s | |ways to explain how|dFm1PFLNkH17EQcV-&inde| |

| |temperament). | |faith is |x=3 | |

| | | |reasonable. |- Science vs. Faith | |

| | | | |3MC: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |m/watch?v=a3vCRfWhd-w | |

| | | | |- 2.4 ppt | |

| | | | |- 2.4 What do I | |

| | | | |believe ? | |

| | | | |Questionnaire | |

| | | | |- 2.4 Debates on Faith| |

| | | | |-2.4 Faith, Hope and | |

| | | | |Love and in the Media | |

| | | | |Assignment | |

| | | | |(Evaluation) | |

| | | | |-2.4 Faith, Hope and | |

| | | | |Love and in the Media | |

| | | | |Assignment | |

| | | | |(Evaluation) | |

|2.5 |- Describe Mary as a |- Explore the |- We will examine |- 2.5 Marian |- 2.5 Marian Provocation |

|(2 days) |model of discipleship |Christian dimensions |how Mary is a model|Provocation Lesson |Lesson |

| |(CCC §494, 148-149). |of |for love and |- 2.5 Marian Scavenger|- 2.5 Marian Scavenger |

| | |love of God and |discipleship. |Hunt |Hunt |

| | |neighbour as revealed | |- 2.5 ppt. | |

| | |in the discipleship of| |- Pray the rosary | |

| | |Mary within the | | | |

| | |context of popular | | | |

| | |notions of love (CCC | | | |

| | |§1604, 1822-1829, | | | |

| | |2448). | | | |

|2.6 | | | |- 2.6 Profession of |- 2.6 Test Question |

| | | | |Faith Unit Test Review|Template |

| | | | |- 2.6 Test Question | |

| | | | |Template | |

|2.7 | | | | |- 2.7 Profession of Faith |

| | | | | |Unit Test |


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