Selected Web Sites - PBworks

Selected Web Sites

An excellent resource for accessing camp-related sites can be found at members/campsource (if you go to simply , you will need to find a link to public folders, and then locate campsource). This Internet bookmarking site, created by the author, contains over three hundred camp-related websites. Unlike this manual, it can be updated daily, which makes it an excellent resource for all members of your staff.

The 300+ websites which appear below were downloaded from members/campsource. Although all sites provided below were active at the time of this revision (2/04), be aware that many web sites do frequently change URLs or become inactive. If what you want does not appear here, you may want to investigate . This Internet bookmarking site, unlike Backflip, has a search feature which allows you to search through all public folders by key words.


Behavior Management


Camp Programming

--Arts and Crafts

--Campfire Song Leading


--Songs/Song Leading

--Nature Activities

--Field Guides

--Outdoor Living Skills

--General Camping


--Outdoor Cooking

--Ropes, Knots, Knives

--Waterfront Activities

Camp Web Pages

Child Abuse/ Neglect

Christian Education

Counselor Direct Links

Crisis Planning

Food and Nutrition

Games and Recreation



--Rainy Day/Indoor


Health Issues

Native Americans

Quotation Sources

References/Search Engines

Risk Management

Sexual Harassment

Staff Hiring

Staff Training

--Training Games

State Departments of Education

Teaching Resources

Teen Issues

|Behavior Management |

| |

|Behavior Home Page, Kentucky |

|Lots of links to behavior management for groups and individuals. |

|Behavior Management Online Course |

|Designed for paraeducators, this course provides sound information and techniques for management. |

| |

|Best Practices: Classroom Management Concepts Table of Contents |

|Tried and true methods that work in classrooms can be adapted for camp. |

|Breaking Up A Fight |

|Tips for proper method in breaking up fight. |

| |

|Bullying Website |

|From UK, a website featuring numerous perspectives on bullying, plus extensive advice. |

|Character Education |

|Character Ed. tips for Schools and Youth Groups; also click onto main page for more ideas. |

|Dr. Mac's Behav. Mgmt. Advice Site |

|Huge site with lots of links to helpful articles, lists, and tips. Good place to search for ideas to give to counselors seeking help. |

| |

|Functional Behavioral Assessment |

|FBA is a process for addressing problem behavior. Full explanation here with ways to implement. |

| |

| Web Site |

|Lots of ideas for interventions; many downloads and articles. |

|PBIS Welcome |

|Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: learn about universal, group, and individual approaches. |

| |

|Positive Parenting |

|This parenting website features adaptable information on Bedtime Without Struggling, Children’s Feelings, Development, Handling Different |

|Temperaments, and more. |

|ProTeacher! Classroom Management |

|Many links to adaptable and practical ideas. |

| |

|You Can Handle Them All Web Site |

|117 problems behaviors to click on for tips and strategies. |

| |

|Behavior Management: |


|ADD WareHouse Homepage |

|A leading resource for the understanding and treatment of A.D.D. and related disorders. Check out the free articles. |

| |

|ADHD/Special Needs ... Misunderstood Kids Outside the Box! |

|Articles and links for parents and teachers. |

| |

|Attention Deficit Disorder Association |

|Organization homepage features articles, information, links, and contacts. |

| |

|Attention Deficit: Favorite ADD ADHD Links |

|Great info and links designed for educators. |

| |

|Attention-Deficit Disorder Archives -- School |

|No frills collection of links with basic info. |

|CHADD: Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder |

|One of top websites on ADD. |

| |

|Learning Disabilities OnLine |

|An outline discussing various emotional and learning problems with specific suggestions on how to manage them. |

| |

|PBS Special Report on ADHD |

|Synopsis of show on medicating ADHD, plus additional info on ADHD. |

|SaveOneStarfish |

|An ADHD site created by three school nurses. |

| |

|Camp Programming |

| |

|Fun and |

|A UK based site featuring games, activities, mind benders and more; many can be adapted for use with staff orientation. |

| |

|Winter Camp Activities |

|Links to many activities to enjoy in the "off season;" great for year-round camps. |

| |

|Youth Ministry Game Index |

|Over 800 games, including water, theatre, and simulation games. |

|Camp Programming: |

|Arts and Crafts |

|Animated Origami |

|Learn and teach the art of paper folding through animated lessons. |

| |

|Art Ideas, Including Artist Studies |

|For art club or badge work, some artist studies, plus some general arts and crafts ideas.

|Crafts for Boys |

|A list of links. |

| |

|Crafts for Kids - |

|Dozens of craft projects for kids. |

| |

|Kids Domain Crafts - Summer Crafts |

|A number of projects; also see link at bottom for Camp Crafts. |

| |

|KinderArt Summer Camp |

|Many ideas for camp arts and crafts. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Campfire/Song Leading |

| |

|Audience Participation Stories |

|Get the audience involved! Great alternative to songs, and a great way to "allow" noise in the dining hall. |

| |

|Campfire Magic |

|Ways to add color and excitement to your next campfire (colored flames, etc.). |

|Campfire Planning |

|Sequence of songs, plus links to campfire themes. |

|Netwoods Campfire Ideas |

|Ideas for many types of campfires, plus lots of links. Add some variety! |

|Songs (from the Girl Scouts) |

|Songs organized by type; might be links to getting the music online also. |

|Songs and Night Games |

|Some different ideas for song leading. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Campfire/Song Leading: |

|Skits/Sketches |

| |

|Campfire Stunts |

|An extensive list of campfire stunts (skits) can be downloaded here; converts into any word processing program. |

| |

|MacScouter Big Book of Skits |

|Downloadable "book" of over 400 skits, plus links to more. |

|More Skits |

|An online collection of old favorites, most involving little preparation. |

|Seven Steps to Successful Skits |

|A brief article on the above topic. |

| |

|Skits (1 of 4 web pages) |

|From Scouts, this site is the first of four skit pages. See links at bottom for other three. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Campfire/Song Leading: |

|Songs and Song Leading |

|Songs from the Scouts |

|All songs listed here come with audio links, so you can hear actual tunes. |

|Songs, Cheers, and Yells |

|Links to online and downloadable songs and cheers. |

|Welcome to Becky's Campfire Songbook! |

|All types of songs and chants. |

|Camp Programming: |

|Nature Activities |

|Butterfly Lab |

|Life cycles, behaviors, and tons more. |

|Firefly Facts (and other critters) |

|This page gives information on fireflies, but the site links to other camp critters in which your kids will be interested. |

| |

|Games and Nature Fun |

|Although many of these activities happen online, some can be used offline as well. |

|Hiking Ideas |

|Dozens of ideas for themed, purposeful hikes. |

|Insecta Inspecta |

|Student created site introduces facts about major insects; nice since it doesn't overwhelm you with info. |

| |

|Insolent Invaders |

|Brief facts on several alien species which are invading the ecosystems of the US. |

|Learning Activities of the Child and Family Page |

|List of clickable links to a number of nature and science activities, complete with lesson plans. |

|Lightning! |

|Cool Girl Scout link features info and experiments relevant to lightning. Many ideas can work at camp. |

| |

|Nature Activities |

|Easy ideas for crafts, hikes, etc. |

| |

|Nature and Science Activities for Young Children |

|Beginning place for searching out ideas. |

| |

|Nature Images |

|Search and print out copyright free images from nature from this site. |

| |

|Nature Park Nature Activities |

|List of easy to do activities, with links to other sites and recommended books. |

| |

|Pet Bugs |

|Website on keeping bugs as pets. Facts, where to purchase, and more. |

| |

|Puffin Productions: Teaching Resources |

|A small collection of ideas and games for teaching about the environment. |

|Science Master |

|Lots of great pics, plus full pages of info on topics. Best bet: click on "Jumpstart Learning" on left side to begin exploring. |

| |

|Scout Nature Games |

|Short list of well described nature games. |

| |

|Water Activities |

|Four cool water experiments which can be done in the camp setting. |

|Why? Files |

|For all the questions that kids ask, plus sci info behind the news stories, see this site. |

|Camp Programming: |

|Nature Activities: |

|Field Guides |

|E- |

|Online field guide with hundreds of animals searchable, plus you can access tracks, species, etc. germane to your region. |

| |

|Friends of the National Zoo |

|Links to lots of animals, plus some lesson ideas for educators. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Outdoor Living Skills |

|Bringing the Outdoors In |

|Outdoor-related activities to be conducted indoors, perhaps on a rainy day. |

|EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE (tm) - A Kid's Wilderness Survival Primer |

|A kid's guide to survival when lost in the wild. |

| |


|Although a commercial page, there are lots of links here to outdoor pursuits. |

|Hiking Ideas |

|Dozens of ideas for themed, purposeful hikes. |

|Hot Links to the Great Outdoors |

|Just4Girls site has a number of links which can be explored for further info on outdoor education. |

| |

|InsaneScouter - Outdoor Links |

|Several links to outdoor related topics including camping, cooking, first aid. |

|More Skill Building Games |

|Most of these are related to Hiking and Orienteering, but check to see what has been added. |

| |

|Netwoods Virtual Campsite |

|Lots of links and articles about scouting and campcraft. |

| |

|Outdoor Home Page |

|List of articles, many related to outdoor experiences with children. |

|Outline of Eight Outdoor Skills |

|From Girl Scouts, this can be used as a general lesson plan outline for outdoor living club or badge work. |

| |

|Rules for Survival: Lost in the Woods |

|From Search and Rescue Society of BC, nine rules for survival. Other interesting links can be found on home page of this site. |

| |

|Scout Net Links To OLS and More |

|This Singapore scout site offers excellent links to skills, songs, how-to guides, and many other resources which can be put to use to enhance|

|camp programming. |

| |

|Scouting Challenges |

|No-frills page links to several outdoor living skills challenges, many appropriate for camp setting. |

|Scouting Games |

|Some excellent skill building games here, plus one section on emergency preparedness. |

|Scouting Links to Campcraft Challenges |

|Lots of links to campcraft challenges and outdoor pursuits. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Outdoor Living Skills: |

|General Camping |

|Camp Skills Evaluation Form |

|List of camp skills; can be copied and pasted and adapted. |

|Campfire Magic |

|Add color and excitement to your campfire (colored flames, etc.). |

|Campground Reservation Site |

|Reserve a campsite nationwide. |

| |

|Camping Connection |

|A registry of North American campgrounds; with links to resources, recipes, songs, outfitters, more. |

| |

|Camping Tips and Hints |

|Links to a number of ideas and articles for general camping. |

| - Home Page |

|Coleman camping products homepage: articles, camping reservations, more. |

|Equipment List |

|Personal camping equipment list; can be pasted into a Word document and edited. |

|First Aid Info From Scouts |

|First Aid info relevant to outdoor living skills can be found here. |

|Flashlight Games |

|Some games to play at night. |

| |

|Girls Scouts Outdoor Skills |

|A page of links from the Girl Scouts to outdoor living skills. Use for badgework or general knowledge. |

| |

|Go Camping America | Main |

|Info and links on camping. |

| |

|Obnoxious Plants--Poison Ivy and Nettles |

|General info on poison ivy. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Outdoor Living Skills: |

|Orienteering |

|How To Use a Compass |

|Several interactive lessons in different languages. |

| |

|Map Adventures |

|From USGS, a series of lessons of map reading. Most info can be downloaded for printing. |

| |

|Map and Compass Skills |

|Map and Compass link page from Search and Rescue of British Columbia. |

|US Orienteering Federation |

|Articles, links, contacts, for maps and map reading. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Outdoor Living Skills: |

|Outdoor Cooking |

| |

|Amy's Bookmarks/Cooking |

|A list of links for outdoor cooking. |

|Campfire cooking |

|A couple classic recipes. |

| |

|More Cooking Sites from Scouts |

|Some outdoor cooking recipes and techniques to download, plus links to more. |

|Scouting Ideas for Outdoor Cooking |

|Recipes, tools, techniques from the Boy Scouts. |

| |

|Solar Cooking |

|Info on solar (sun) cooking. |

| |

|The Backcountry Recipe Book |

|No frills recipes for backpacking. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Outdoor Living Skills: |

|Ropes, Knots, Knives |

|Adventure Hardware |

|An equipment supply store for experiential and adventure-based programs. |

|Animated Knots |

|Animated Knots for Scouts presents clear animations of how to tie the dozen most popular knots. |

| |

|Giant Gadgets |

|Knot craft ideas for cool stuff to build. |

| |

|Knot Games |

|Half a dozen games to make knot craft more fun. |

|Notable Knot Index |

|Click on knot name to learn its use and tying. |

|Skill Building |

|From a Girl Scout group, these are mostly activities relating to knots, but other concepts are here also. |

| |

|Camp Programming: |

|Waterfront Activities |

|American Red Cross |

|Lifeguarding and water safety information from the American Red Cross. |

|CDC Healthy Swimming |

|Learn about recreational water illnesses and how to prevent at camp. |

|Lifeguarding |

|A place to advertise your waterfront positions. |

| |

|Water Games |

|Simple water games for either a water carnival, or perhaps "station" type games on a hot day. |

|Water Games 2 |

|Both in-water and on-land water activities for cooling off on a hot day. |

| |

|Camp Web Pages |

|Camp Allegheny |

|Camp Allegheny's site features (p. 4) a list of majors and internships which can be served thru camp experience. |

| |

|Camp Connri |

|The divisional website, containing some camp information. |

| |

|Camp Ladore |

| |

|Camp Sebago |

|Sebago features a downloadable staff application, plus a Frequently Asked Questions page. |

|Camp Tecumseh |

|Camper pictures organized by year, plus big emphasis on international composition of staff. |

|Camp Tecumseh 2 |

|A more basic page of the camp for use by the casual observer, or future gift-giver. |

|Camp Wonderland |

|Staff quotes plus information about sending a camper to camp. |

| |

|Star Lake Camp |

|This site features a staff bulletin board for offseason communication. |

|Child Abuse/Neglect |

|Camp Safety Project |

|Information and guidelines for preventing sexual abuse and misconduct at camp. |

|Chiild Abuse Prevention Network |

|Search articles, links, state code, and more. |

| |

|Child Abuse Prevention Association |

|Information and links on child abuse. |

| |

|Child |

|Stats, checklists, what-to-do-if scenarios, articles, contact numbers. |

| |

|Frequently Asked Questions re Child Abuse |

|From Injury , a list of questions which child care workers might ask about rights/responsibilities in reporting. |

| |

|Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect - by Susan K. Smith, Atty., Hartf |

|Facts regarding legal ramifications regarding liability to report. |

| |

|National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect |

|Glossary, guidelines, state-specific info and more. |

| |

|Christian Education |

|Bible Coloring Page |

|Printable coloring pages: scenes and people of the Bible. |

|Bible Gateway |

|Search by word, version, or language. |

| |

|Character Education |

|Character Ed. tips for Schools and Youth Groups; also click onto main page for more ideas. |

|Children's Talks and Sermons |

|Short collection suitable for devotions. |

| |

|Christian Readings |

|Two short, inspirational readings suitable for devotions. |

| |

|Christian Topics |

|A-Z topics from a Christian perspective; 100s of articles. |

| |

| |

|A Christian search engine. |

| |

|Commitment Level Model |

|An extensive site dedicated to youth ministry, with dozens of links to exemplary Christian education programs at schools and camps world |

|wide. |

| |

|Bible study tools for searching and studying. |

| |

|Daily 60-Second Devotional |

|Just what it says. |

| |

|Devo Digest |

|Online devotionals and newsletters. |

| |

|FREE Christian Skits |

|Over 880 free Christian skits, sorted by keyword. |

| |

|Free Icebreakers for Your Worship |

|Just what it says! Check it out; changes often. |

|In His Steps |

|Short, inspirational devotionals. |

| |

|Keys For Kids |

|Daily devotional, but also searchable. |

| |

|Online Bibles and Text Resources |

|A short list of links to some online references. |

| |

|Our Daily Bread: A Daily Devotional |

|On-line version of the famous little book. |

| |

| |

|Hundreds of free sermon illustrations, by topic, Great for devotional starters or examples. |

| |

|Quiet Time Bible Study |

|Inter Varsity Press site for daily devotionals. |

| |

|Science Devotions |

|Bible passages illuminated by modern knowledge of science. |

| |

|Soul Journey |

|Devotionals aimed at teens and college students. |

| |

| |

|Bible study tools, plus columns, articles, more. |

| |

|The Source: Welcome |

|Greta resources: talks, skits, games, more. |

| |

|Youth Specialties |

|Free Bible camp curricula from Youth Specialties. |

| |

|Youth Specialties: Free Resources |

|Free Bible camp curricula and other changing resources from Youth Specialties. |

| |

|Counselor Direct Links |

|Facts for Families (and Caregivers) |

|84 articles listed by topic available at a click; some good for training. |

|Helping Children Deal with Scary Feelings |

|Mr. Rogers offers advice, plus some clips that can be explored online. |

| |

|Great information on all topics involving kids can be investigated through ranked links. |

|Tattling Solutions |

|How to handle tattling, including preemptive measures. |

| |

|The You Can Handle Them All Web Site--a discipline and behavior management resou |

|117 problem behaviors explained, with tips on what to do and NOT to DO! |

|Crisis Planning |

|Boys' Club Program for Gang Prevention |

|Download this report for ideas on violence protection. |

|Food/Nutrition |

|Food and Nutrition, A-Z |

|From the government, a user friendly site listing topics in alph order. Also great for the camp nurse. |

| |

|U.S. FDA / Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition |

|Info on nutrition plus links to food safety. |

| |

|Games and Recreation |

|Awesome Sports Links |

|This Girl Scout site features links to all sports, making rules and other info readily available. Big help in planning skills work. |

| |

|Ayden School Phys Ed Links |

|Ayden Elementary School Phys Ed page has 100s of links on subject areas relating to phys ed. Great for generating objectives for your rec |

|program. |

| |

|Camping Magazine: More group games.(during camps) |

|Short article with game ideas. |

|Children's party games. Over 400 party games. |

|Assorted briefly described games. |

| |

|Co-Operative Games |

|List of easy to stage cooperative games. |

| |

|Elementary P.E. Home Page |

|Phys Ed skills listed, with links to accompanying games. |

| |

|Fun Games and Activities |

|A wide assortment, categorized. |

| |

|Game Central |

|Rules and Info on over 350 games suitable for Rec, CDA, or station formats. Highly searchable. |

| |

|Games Compendium |

|From the Scouts, a great collection of games including water games, pen and paper, and wide games. |

| |

|Games Kid Play |

|Over 200 games organized by type, with links to other sites featuring less organized collections. |

| |

|Great Games for your Guides |

|Games categorized by type (indoor, night, cooperative, 30-second, etc.). |

| |

|How to Teach a Game |

|From Girl Scouts, site on how to teach a game. Other links include games and songs. |

| |

|Organized Games |

|A no-frills games list, categorized by indoor/outdoor; parachute and other games here as well.

|PE Central |

|An extensive categorized listing of games, lesson plans, more. |

| |

|PE Central |

|Over 1000 ideas from contributors, plus info on management, assessment, and more. |

| |

|PE Lesson Plan Page |

|Long, unsorted list of ideas and game variations. Keep it interesting! |

| |

|PEC: Instant Activity Menu |

|By selecting from a list of search variables, you can easily find the exact type of games needed. |

| |

|Physical Education Lesson Plans |

|Lesson plans categorized with simple pull-down menu options. |

|Pre-Opening Games |

|Games and Fillers to break the ice; can also be used for rainy day or CDA. |

|Scouting Outdoor Activities |

|Middle section of this page features links to many outdoor games and challenges. |

|Sports Media - Physical Education for everyone |

|Info on and links to all sports. FOR BEST RESULTS, click on DATABASE at left menu, and choose PE LINKS. |

| |

|The Source: Games & Icebreakers |

|Customize your game selections on this site (by group, equipment, more!). |

| |

|Games and Recreation |

|Ice Breakers |

|Games With a Purpose |

|"Games with a purpose" are used for ice breakers, get acquainted, and sorting.

|Games With a Purpose |

|Adaptable get-acquainted games from the Girl Scouts. |

|Ice Breakers from the Girl Scouts |

|Ice breakers which will work for staff, but definitely should be taught to counselors for use with campers on first day. |

| |

|Games and Recreation |

|Outdoor Games |

|Balls, Beanbags, Relay Games |

|Just what it says; check for links at bottom for other games. |

|Games from the Girl Scouts |

|A fairly large unsorted collection. |

| |

|Kids Games |

| |

|New Games |

|The official web site of New Games; their concept is that playing hard and playing fair can coexist. |

| |

|Night Maneuvers |

|Some games to be played at night with older campers or perhaps staff. |

|Scouting Games |

|Although designed for scouts, some active games are listed here by formation type. |

| |

|Games and Recreation |

|Rainy Day/Indoor Ideas |

|Animated Origami |

|Learn and teach art of paper folding; a great rainy activity for older campers. |

|InsaneScouter - Indoor Games |

|Link for a downloadable collection of rainy day games, plus many other types. |

|International Games |

|World-oriented games and games from other countries can be found here. |

|Pre-Opening Games |

|Games and Fillers to break the ice; can also be used for rainy day or CDA. |

|Puzzles and More! |

|A ton of links to different types of puzzles and challenges; many can be enjoyed offline after printing. |

| |

|Rainy Day Fun |

|Some rainy day games and diversions from the Scouts. |

| Activities |

|The activities section of a more inclusive youth work website. |

|Grant Writing |

| |

|grants link list |

| |

|Non-Government Grants for Education |

|Although school oriented, you might find a lead here. |

| |

|Health Issues |

|Allergies |

|Very basic info on food and insect allergies. |

|Bad Bug Book |

|This handbook provides basic facts regarding food borne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. Tips and info. |

| |

|Band-Aids and Blackboards |

|Chronic Illness, Children, Health Education |

| |

|Camp Health and Safety Planning Guide |

|Includes excellent precamp inspection list for IDing health and safety hazards, a number of sample health forms, and generic disaster |

|emergency plans. |

|Camp Nurse Association |

|Great place to recruit, plus articles and links. |

| |

|Diabetes |

|Info on children with diabetes (perhaps also on staff!). |

| |

|Diseases, Disorders, and Related Topics |

|Search by keyword, or click on link from extensive list in order to access expert info and advice. |

| |

|Family Works!: Sunscreen |

|Information regarding dangers of sun exposure. |

| |

|First Aid Games |

|Games to teach concepts of first aid and hygiene. |

|First Aid: health and medical information |

|Basic facts plus checklists on all first aid topics. |

|Food and Nutrition A to Z |

|Regardless of title, this well organized site has topics beyond food and nutrition. A real help to the camp nurse. |

| |

|Giardia Avoidance |

|Giardiasis is the most frequent cause of non-bacterial diarrhea in North America. Info and tips. |

|Health Links from Child and Family Page |

|Selected health links from the Canadian Child and Family Page; preview for topics which might interest your counselors. |

| |

|Injury Board .com |

|Get more info on specific injuries, their likelihood, and ways to prevent. Great for Risk Management! |

| |

|Kids Health |

|Articles, tips, links for child health and safety. Behavioral advice also available here. |

|Kids' Doctor |

|Searchable database of advice on children's health, plus articles, tips, links, and Q and A. |

|National Lyme Disease Network |

|All the information and links you need regarding Lyme disease can be found here. |

|NursingCenter - Home |

|Another "one-stop" site for nurses; articles, updates, etc. |

|Outdoor Home Page |

|List of articles, many relating to first aid scenarios at camp. |

|Poison Ivy, Ticks, Homesickness |

|Info from an actual camp website may aid you in developing a similar resource for your staff. |

|School Health Manual |

|From the State of Maine, a good example of a school health manual; may be helpful in creating standing orders for camp. |

| |

|Snakebite Emergency Information |

|For venomous snakebites; read this BEFORE it happens at your camp! |

|TeensHealth-Staying Safe |

|Articles on teen health issues. |

| |

|Native Americans |

|Amy's Bookmarks/Native American Crafts |

|Five links to find Native American craft projects. |

|First Nations/Native Lore Links |

|Crafts, stories, games, recipes shared through a number of links. |

|Myths and Legends for Indian Youth |

|Native American stories for sharing. |

| |

|Native Web |

|Developed by a group of historians, independent scholars, and activists, Native Web offers a gateway to more than 4,000 historical and |

|contemporary resources relating to over 250 separate nations. |

| |

|NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art |

|Excellent site for understanding Native Am. crafts, culture, and "technology." |

|Quotation Sources |

| |

|Bernie Poole's Archived Thoughts |

|Quotations and thoughts. |

| |

|Bright Quotes |

|Tons of quotes and thoughts arranged by topic. |

| |

| |

|Quotes by topic, also "identify a quote." |

| |

|The Quotations Page - Your Source for Famous Quotes |

|One of oldest quotation sites on web; searchable by author, subject, or type. |

| |

| |

|Quotations alphabetized by first letter of first word. |

| |

|References/Search Engines |

| |

|Child and Family Page of Canada |

|Great site designed for parents and professional child care givers; searchable by keyword or read new documents. |

| |

|Connect for Kids |

|Network of private and public agencies benefiting youth; searchable, with state links and current events. |

| |

|Fact Sheets from Census Bureau |

| |

|Kid Source Online |

|A general-use search site for all youth-related topics; searchable with articles, current events, tips. |

| |

|Reference/Search Engines |

|Some recommended search engines and reference sites from another Backflip site. |

|Source for Youth Ministry |

|Programming ideas, curriculum, games, pay resources, more. |

| |

|State Data, Trends, News |

|The relevant information you need for planning growth, writing grants, and more. A Connect for Kids site. |

| |

|Risk Management |

| |

|10 Insurance Questions |

|Scroll to bottom of this link for short article on insurance related issues. |

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|Camp Health and Safety Planning Guide |

|Includes excellent precamp inspection list for IDing health and safety hazards, a number of sample health forms, and generic disaster |

|emergency plans. |

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|Horse Care/Safety Info |

|From Markel Insurance; choose Expert Advice from main page for tips to make your horse program safer. |

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|Injury |

|This "Legal and Medical Resource" provides info re likelihood of accidents, and tips for reducing them. |

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|Law Guru |

|Your legal questions answered for free! Thousands of previous questions are posted for reference. |

| |

|Nonprofit Risk Management Center |

|Tools, advice and training to reduce risks. |

| |

|Outdoor Home Page |

|List of over 50 articles, many relating to reduction of camp risks. |

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| |

|Main site deals with safety planning and disaster response; this article deals with children’s needs in relation to those topics. |

| |

|Safe Child Program Risk Management |

|Risk reduction in institutional settings; well categorized. |

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|Links to state specific info regarding school and youth laws. |

|Sexual Harassment |

| |

|Facts About Sexual Harassment |

|Official current facts from US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. |

|Information on Sexual Harassment |

|Legal info, plus state specifics and an excellent chronology. |

|MCAD - Model Sexual Harassment Policy |

|A sample model from Massachusetts. |

| |

|Sexual Harassment In Workplace Discussed |

|Information and perspective from a legal point of view. |

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|Staff Hiring |

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|Effective Interview Questions |

|Three pages from handbook include questions plus two checklists to use when filling vacancy. |

| |

|How to Hire Handbook |

|Very complete guide to the hiring practice from Rice University. |

|Interview Questions |

|Designed for teachers, these can be adapted for camp use. |

|Staff Training |

| |

|3M Meeting Network |

|The 3M website for meetings, activities and exercises, presentation tips. |

|Active Training |

|Mel Silberman’s site on active training features tips on meetings, training, development, education, and parenting. |

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|Better Workplace Now |

|This web site is filled with ideas, strategies, tips, and assessment tools designed to enrich your workplace. |

| |

|Ed |

|Use features on this site to create crossword puzzles, word finds, and more for use in staff training sessions. Also a zillion links to |

|all things academic. |

| |

|Event Planning |

|Help with planning large-scale events. |

|Meeting Effectiveness |

|Several articles on ways to improve meetings. |

| |

|Metaphors for Learning |

|A training session might include staffers writing own metaphors for camp or learning; get the background info you need here. |

| |

| |

|Presentation methods, delivery, technology, issues and trends. |

|Sample Q and A for Staff Manual |

|These questions and answers from an actual camp website will help you develop same for your site or manual. |

| |

|Team Building Inc. |

|Many links to teambuilding articles, services, and ideas. |

|Teambuilding Inc. Articles |

|Articles from the Team Building Website. |

| |

|Tom Antion Speaker's Articles |

|Tom Antion’s website features presentation tips, public speaking, meetings, and archived articles. |

| |

|Trainers Warehouse |

|The Trainers Warehouse features supplies and ideas for professional presenters and staff trainers. |

| |

|Training Super Site |

|Articles, products, magazines and newsletters, and events all related to training |

| |

| |

|Training Supersite's new home page; click here if Training Supersite no longer works. |

|Work Team Coaching |

|Articles on training and team building. |

| |

|Youthwork Links and Ideas: Activities |

|The activities section of a more inclusive youth work website. |

|Staff Training |

|Training Games |

| |

|ActivityPage |

|A ton of training and experiential activities; plan time to peruse them all. |

|Ice Breakers, Teambuilders, Icebreakers, name games, songs, and more! |

|Some free team builders from a subscription service. |

|Index to Activities, Games, Exercises & Initiatives |

|Lots of games, categorized, for experiential learning. |

|JVD Creativity |

|Assorted ice breakers that are added to frequently. |

| |

|Leadership - Icebreakers, Warm-up, Review, and Motivators Activities |

| |

|The Outdoor Leaders Handbook |

|Free activities and articles relating to experiential games and icebreakers. |

|Values Games |

|Most of these are somehow outdoor education-oriented, but all come with good debriefing questions. |

| |

|State Departments of Education |

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|Connecticut DOE |

| |

|Maine DOE |

| |

|Massachusetts DOE |

| |

|New Jersey DOE |

| |

|New York DOE |

| |

|Ohio DOE |

| |

|Pennsylvania DOE |

| |

|Standards by State and Topic |

|If your state dept. of ed seems too onerous look here for quick links to academic standards by state. |

| |

|Teaching Resources |

| - Lifelong Learning Starts Here |

|Activities, articles, tips for working with younger children. |

|Education World® The Educator's Best Friend |

|Lesson plans, search engine which seeks educational sites only, news stories, reviews of professional books. See how schools handle |

|problems like yours. |

| |

|Positive Parenting - Main Menu |

|This parenting website features adaptable information on Bedtime Without Struggling, Children’s Feelings, Development, Handling Different |

|Temperaments, and more. |

| |


|A vast listing of articles and ideas which can be adapted for use at camp. |

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|Lesson plans, tools, conference boards. |

| |

|The Educator's Reference Desk: Resource Guides |

|Youth, counseling, and educational resources from the US government in an easy to access collection. |

| |

|Teen Issues |

|Center for Adolescent and Family Studies |

|Issues and Information related to teens. |

| |

|Teen |

|News, articles for teens and adult leaders, statistics, resources. |

| |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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