

This pre-assessment is intended to help you evaluate where you are as a disciple of Jesus by identifying current areas of strength and potential areas of growth. The results will help you create a customized Personal Discipleship Plan (PDP). The PDP is an important tool which you will utilize over the course of this next year. As you work through these pre- assessment questions, please remember that your identity and standing before God is secure in Jesus, not in what is revealed in your responses below. By keeping this gospel truth in mind, you will be able to respond honestly, which will maximize your opportunities for growth. By God’s grace, you will be able to look back at these responses at the end of your EQUIP year and see significant development and growth.


This category may include goals related to identity, worship, doctrine:

▪ Describe specifically how you became a Christian and how the gospel has transformed your life.

▪ How would you describe what it means to worship God? 

▪ What do you believe about the Bible and its authority, inerrancy, and inspiration? 

▪ What is the gospel? In what ways does the gospel change one’s identity? 

▪ How would you define the Trinity? 

▪ How would you define the church? 

▪ If someone were to ask you why you exist, what would you tell them? Does the way you spend your week line up with the above answer? Why or why not? 


This category may include goals related to church, leadership, family, and beyond:

▪ What is the importance of the local church? 

▪ How have you experienced discipleship? How has this shaped your idea of what discipleship means? 

▪ Who have you discipled? What did this look like and what was the fruit? 

▪ Who are you currently discipling or investing in to help mature them as a disciple of Jesus? 

▪ How have you, formally or informally, helped other believers grow in their faith? 

▪ If married, how are you currently discipling your spouse and children?


This category may include goals related to holiness, stewardship, and 
spiritual disciplines: 

▪ Describe your devotional life (e.g. Bible reading, prayer, and other means of grace) currently? Is this normal? If not, describe what is? 

▪ How confident are you in your ability to study and understand the Bible? Describe how you might go about personally studying a passage of the Bible. 

▪ LookingatthequalificationofaDeaconin1Timothy 3:8-13,which three qualifications are most characteristic of you and which three need the most work? 

▪ What are your two most besetting sins or areas of struggle? Who knows about these? How have you tried to grow in these areas? 

▪ Describe a time when your faith was severely challenged. How did you navigate that time? 

▪ Share a recent time when you applied the gospel to yourself in the midst of a struggle, hard circumstance, hard week, etc. How did you do this and what was the result? 

■ Do you currently have a budget? Is giving regularly, sacrificially, and cheerfully to your local church a habit? Why or why not?


This category may include goals related to personal evangelism and missional engagement:

▪ How often do you share your faith? When was the last time you shared the gospel or had a spiritual conversation with a non-believer? 

▪ What in your mind is the biggest reason why you don’t share your faith more regularly (fear of others, hard time answering questions, etc.)? 

▪ What local non-believers are you regularly praying for to meet Jesus? 

▪ In what ways are you living sent? Who are local non-Christian friends that you are in relationship with? How did these relationships form and what has been the fruit so far? 

▪ How should a Christian view and think of work? Where is this a struggle for you? 

▪ What do you think it means to live as a kingdom representative? How does being a missionary of Jesus impact how you think of money, power, work, family, etc?


This category may include goals related to service, both inside and 
outside of the church: 

▪ What gifts do you believe God has given you to serve the church? 

▪ Have you tested any of these out through service? 

▪ In what ways are you regularly serving others? Are you currently serving your local church in a regular capacity? 

▪ How should a Christian view and think of service? Where is this a struggle for you? 


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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