DYNAMIC CHRISTIAN LIVING - Positive Action for Christ


Written by: Frank Hamrick with Champ Thornton

Copyright ? 1994, 2008, 2010 by Positive Action For Christ, Inc., P.O. Box 700, Whitakers, NC 27891?0700.

All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any manner without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 978?1?59557?126?7

Edited by C.J. Harris and Kristi Houser Design by Shannon Brown Chapter Artwork by Del Thompson

Published by




Effective Teaching Strategies


Weekly Lesson Plans


Scripture Memory Program


Lesson 1 What's Salvation All About? (Part 1)


Lesson 2 What's Salvation All About? (Part 2)


Lesson 3 What Must I Do to Be Saved?


Lesson 4 The Assurance of Salvation


Lesson 5 God's Inspired Word


Lesson 6 Proofs for Inspiration


Lesson 7 One Book or Many Books?


Lesson 8 Which Books Are Inspired?


Lesson 9 Can We Trust the Bible?


Lesson 10 Symbols of the Bible (Part 1)


Lesson 11 Symbols of the Bible (Part 2)


Lesson 12 What Should We Do with the Word?


Lesson 13 What Is Prayer?


Lesson 14 The Importance of Prayer


Lesson 15 How to Pray


Lesson 16 Hindrances to Answered Prayer


Lesson 17 Prerequisites for Answered Prayer


Lesson 18 Lord, Teach Us to Pray


Lesson 19 God's Name, God's Kingdom, God's Will


Lesson 20 Give Us, Forgive Us, Deliver Us


Lesson 21 The Necessity of Witnessing


Lesson 22 How to Witness


Lesson 23 The Power of the Gospel


Lesson 24 Sin and Its Penalty


Lesson 25 Trusting Christ as Savior


Lesson 26 Following Up


Lesson 27 Handling Excuses


Lesson 28 The God of Delight


Lesson 29 The Duty of Delight


Lesson 30 Depending on the Gospel


Lesson 31 Depending on God's Promises


Lesson 32 Living the Christian Faith with Diligence


Lesson 33 Running the Christian Race with Diligence


Lesson 34 Introducing the Spiritual Disciplines


Lesson 35 Practicing the Spiritual Disciplines



What are the most important factors that characterize a new physical life? The first one has to be birth itself. You cannot have a new life without a new beginning to life that we call birth. Second, the little newborn begins to receive nourishment and as a result begins to grow. Third, the little one is constantly breathing--taking in air and letting it out. Fourth, as the child grows, he begins to try to communicate with those around him, first through motions and facial expressions and eventually through words. Finally, the child develops a certain pattern of behavior based on his personality and how he responds to the actions of others. These same five stages--birth, growth, breath, communication, and behavior--can be applied to the Christian. All five are essential to dynamic Christian living. Birth was used by Christ as a metaphor for salvation when He talked to Nicodemus about being born again in John 3. First Peter 2:2 reminds us that the way we grow spiritually is by feeding on God's Word. Prayer for the Christian is like breathing as he constantly communes with God (1 Thess. 5:17). Before returning to heaven, Christ commanded us to communicate the good news of salvation in Christ to the whole world (Mark 16:15). Being a Christian should affect everything about the way we live our lives so that even when we are eating and drinking--and in whatever else we do--we are doing it to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). This study focuses on these five areas. We call them the basics of the Christian life because they are the primary things that need to be present in the life of every believer. Therefore, they are also the first areas on which young believers need to focus. There are many Bible facts that your students could learn this year, and there are many doctrinal issues you could discuss. But sometimes it's best to just go back and make sure they understand the basics and have made them part of their lives. As we discuss each of these five areas, we will be raising the following questions and attempting to provide biblical answers that your students can grasp and put into practice.


? What is salvation? ? Why do we need to be saved? ? What must we do to be saved? ? How long does salvation last? ? Can I really be sure that I am saved?

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The Bible

? What does it mean to say that the Bible is "inspired"? ? How can I prove to someone else that the Bible is the Word of God? ? How did we get our Bibles? ? How did these sixty-six books come together into what we call "the Bible"? ? Were there any books left out? If so, were they inspired by God? ? How do I know whether I can really trust what the Bible says? ? What are some of the symbols the Bible uses to describe itself? ? What should I do with the Word of God?


? What is prayer? ? Why should I practice it? ? Is it really that important? ? How can I learn to pray? ? How can I make sure that my prayers will be answered? ? How did the Lord teach His disciples to pray?


? Why is it necessary for us to witness? ? How should I witness to others? ? What should I say? ? What Scripture verses should I use? ? How can I show others their need of Christ? ? What should I do when they are ready to trust Christ? ? What should I do after they have trusted Christ? ? How should I deal with people who offer excuses for not trusting Christ?

Daily Living

? Why is delighting in God such an important part of the Christian life? ? How can I obey a command to delight? ? What place does the gospel have in my everyday life? ? How can I have the strength to say no to sin and temptation? ? What is my part of the responsibility to work hard at living the Christian life? ? How does thinking of life as a marathon help teach me about living the Christian life? ? What are the spiritual disciplines, and what place do they have in my life? ? Does reading my Bible and praying help me become a better Christian? ? How do I practice the spiritual disciplines?

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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