
Thoughts about FaithAnswer these questions as honestly as possible. If you want to explain any of the answers further, please write on the back of this page.I think about God __________.a. rarelyb. several times each weekc. several times each dayd. all the timeMy image of God (what God looks like, who God is) isHow have you learned about God? Check all that apply, and then in the spaces at the far left of the answers, use numbers to rate them. (1 = gained most of my information, 5 = gained least amount of information)____? the Bible___? Sunday school / religious education at church___? my parents___? other relatives___? friends___? outside reading___? prayer___? school___? Internet or television___? movies___? other _________________________________________________? other ______________________________________________I consider myself to be __________.a. Christianb. Jewishc. Muslimd. Buddhiste. agnostic (not sure if there is a God) f. atheist (not believing in God)Explanation:If Christian, I consider myself to be __________.a. Roman Catholicb. part of another Catholic community, such as Byzantine Catholicc. Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, or other)d. Episcopalian / Anglicane. Lutheran f. Methodistg. Presbyterianh. Baptist i. nondenominational j. otherExplanation:If I pray, I pray . . . (Choose the ones that describe you.)a. in churchb. at homec. throughout the dayd. hardly everHave you ever been a part of a youth group? If yes, please describe.I would consider my understanding of __________ to be (4 means “great” and 1 means “poor”) . . .God4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod the Father4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod the Son, Jesus Christ4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod the Holy Spirit4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod is love.4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod is one.4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod is Trinity.4321Never heard of it / know nothingGod wants us to be in communion with him. 4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus Christ was fully divine and fully human.4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe life and times of Jesus4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe story of Jesus’ life4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus’ relationship with Mary4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus’ relationship with his disciples4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus’ relationship with the poor and outcast4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe teachings from the Sermon on the Mount4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe Beatitudes4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus’ parables4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus’ teaching about the Reign of God4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus’ teaching about prayer4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus as a model for what it means to be a Christian4321Never heard of it / know nothingJesus as our Savior and Redeemer4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe story of the Passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe meaning of faith4321Never heard of it / know nothingthe expression of faith as discipleship4321Never heard of it / know nothing ................

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