UMW TUESDAY MORNING CIRCLE MINUTESNOVEMBER 12, 2019Pastor Gale, Sherry, Eileen, Becky, Sally and Bonita were present. Bob Hirsch visited.After reading our Purpose together, Bonita shared The Upper Room devotion from November 5th: Words of Peace. From Colossians 4:6…”Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone.”We reviewed the minutes of our October 15th meeting then moved on to this month’s business. Thank Banks were turned in and will be passed on to the night circle tonight at Gail O’s. Pastor Gale gave a report on the October 18, 19, 20 Women’s Retreat which began at the Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta. This trip to Augusta and Aiken, SC was filled with fun, entertainment, great food, a trolley tour and even a trip to Colonial Times in North Augusta where we attended a period Anglican Church service with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin! God truly blessed us with fun, fellowship, safety and many memories to share. 12 people attended this year. Jessie drove the bus.Tonight’s UMW meeting is at Gail O’s house. We are planning to use our accumulated funds to support the USA Special Conferences: Alaska, Oklahoma and Red Bird Mission. Decorating for Advent/Christmas is in process. Our Circle will meet Tuesday, November 19th at 11:00 to put up decorations. Several people are working on stocking cut-outs for the fireplace. Our mission for Advent is to collect socks for men, women and children. The entire LRUMC family is invited to participate. Drive will run November 24 thru December 18. Socks will be distributed before Christmas to the Cherokee County Women’s Shelter, local schools and for the homeless.As of this meeting we did not have a solid plan for our Women’s Christmas Luncheon. (However, after the Night Circle meeting, it was decided to have it at Gail O’s on December 7th at Noon. Everyone is to bring an unwrapped children or youth gift. These will be added to the Scout’s Christmas drive. Entrée will be provided. Bring an appetizer, casserole, side dish or dessert to share. Our ideas for the 2020 fundraiser will be shared with the Night Circle. They are: craft/bake sale; talents auction; outside crafters with member participation and possibly food trucks. Bonita passed out copies of the new Tuesday Morning Circle roster, which includes the 5 families chosen as our special focus for the coming year. We addressed Thanksgiving cards to: Ben and Judy Beavers, Fred and Ridgely Bayley, Ray Brandt, Frank and Ruby Lowry, and Anne and Charles Malcolm. It is part of our mission to share a little extra Christian love to these members of our church family.2020 Souper Sundays will be January 12, February 9 and March 8. Bonita and Becky will buy the supplies needed for this event. We will be adding a line to the bulletin info requesting donations (which we did not do last year). This money will be divided between the kitchen and UMW projects. Volunteers for January are: Eileen, Sally, Bonita. 8-10 volunteers are needed for each month.Pastor Gale suggested a Valentine Dinner celebrating our LRUMC men. February 15, 2020 is a possible date. We will share this idea with the Night Circle. (YES! Everyone loved the idea. We will need reservations. Paula Goddard is taking the lead and checking on menu items and prices. Jessie Porter said she has lots of decorations we can use.)Prayer requests were shared . Our next UMW Tuesday Morning Circle meeting will be January 21 at 11:15 in the Fellowship Classroom.Respectfully submitted,Bonita Cox ................

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