
We have a wonderful organization in Phoenix called the Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center. Alpha is run by Christian women from our WELS (Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod) churches, who volunteer their time and talents. Their first and foremost priority is to witness their faith and spread the gospel through counseling regarding pregnancy options. They also provide assistance, both practical and spiritual, to women during their crucial time of need. The Alpha hot-liners and on-site advocates offer compassion, encouragement, and information to women in need of resources such as doctors, medical clinics, adoption agencies and financial assistance programs. Practical items including diapers, clothing, blankets and formula are also available at no charge. We hope to raise some extra funds for them with our Coin Competition.

Next week Monday – Friday, 11/15 – 11/19, students are asked to bring in spare change. The students want to bring pennies for their own classroom and silver coins to sabotage other classrooms. Each coin will be worth one point. Pennies are positive points for a classroom and silver coins (nickels, dime, quarters, 50 cent pieces and dollar coins) are negative points.

Each day from the 8:25 am bell to the 8:30 am bell (only 5 minutes!) students will be able to sabotage other classrooms. Don’t be late! At the end of each day, the points will be totaled, so the next day students know which classroom has the most positive points. At the end of the contest the winning classroom will receive a sweet treat!

Alpha is located at on the campus of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 3040 N 7th Ave in Phoenix. You can go to for more information about Alpha’s mission and purpose. You can also find a link to the Alpha website on our Emmaus website on the school page.



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