Modern Religions Comparison Chart

Name:____________________________ Date:_____________ PD:____

Middle East Religions Comparison Chart

| |Judaism |Christianity |Islam |

|Symbol |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Size |____ largest - 14 million |_______ largest - 2.1 billion | _____ largest - 1.5 billion |

|(# of followers between the| | | |

|3) | | | |

|Age |______- 2000-1800 BC |______Oldest – 30-34 AD |______– 600-610 AD |

| |(about _____ years ago) |(about ______ years ago) |(about _____ years ago) |

| |___________ |__________ |___________ |

|Founder |Jacob, Isaac, Sarah, Moses |___________ - patriarch |Abraham - patriarch |

|& People | |12 Disciples, Moses, etc. | |

| |________________ |_______________ |_____________ or |

|Holy Book |(first 5 books of OT) |(Old & New Testament) |______________ |

|Country of |What is now_________, Middle East |____________, Middle East |What is now_________________, |

|Origin | | |Middle East |

|Monotheistic |_______________ |___________________ |___________________ |

|or | | | |

|polytheistic? | | | |

|View of Jesus |Jesus seen as either: |Son of_____, savior/messiah |Jesus is a __________ |

| |a false messiah (leader) or a good but martyred teacher.  | | |

| |Just a _____ (not the son of God/messiah/savior) | | |

| |_______________________: |________________________: Laws given by God. |_________________________ |

| |Laws given by God. |2 other points |_________: believe that there is only one god (Allah) |

|Main |2 other points | |___________: five daily prayers, facing Mecca |

|Beliefs | | |___________: giving money to the poor |

|(ex. basic laws or | | |_________: Ramadan month of fasting |

|guidelines) | | |___________: at least one journey to Mecca in a lifetime |

| | | |2 other points |

| | | | |

|Holy places/ places of |Place of worship: ____________________ |Place of worship: ____________________ |Place of worship:__________ |

|worship | | | |

| |Jerusalem: |Jerusalem: |Mecca: birthplace of _____________ and ________ |

| |capital of __________ (home of the Jews) |Where Jesus was crucified |Medina: where Mohammed began SAFELY preaching about Islam |

| |where the first temple was built destroyed |Where Jesus was buried |Jerusalem: Dome of the Rock, where Mohammed is believed to |

| |where the western wall of the temple still stands |Bethlehem - Jesus’ place of birth |have gone to heaven with Gabriel to speak w/ the prophets |

|Interesting | | | |

|facts | | | |


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