Chapter 7 - Religion: Key Issue 1What is religion, and what role does it play in culture? Pgs. 203-20812700508001. In what ways is the cultural landscape marked by religion?2. Using the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as an example, how does the outward display of religious beliefs reveal the structure of a religion?3. Why do you feel that secularism is highest/strongest in wealthier countries than in less developed ones?Chapter 7 - Religion: Key Issue 2Where did the major religions of the world originate, and how do religions diffuse? Pgs. 208-22412700508004. According to the reading, what are the numbers of adherents/followers of the various religions below.* Christianity* Islam* Hinduism* Buddhism● UNIVERSALIZING RELIGIONS5. List the 3 Universalizing Religions1._______________ 2. ______________ 3. _______________Hinduism6. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Hinduism.HINDUISMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic, Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)SUB-DIVISIONS (Divisions of the Religion/Faith)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)Buddhism7. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Buddhism.BUDDHISMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic; Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)SUB-DIVISIONS (Divisions of the Religion/Faith)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)Shintoism8. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Shintoism.SHINTOISMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic, Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)Taoism/Daoism9. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Taoism/Daoism. NOTE* Depending on the historical source some scholars will use different spellings for this philosophy. Both are given here.TAOISM / DAOISMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic, Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)10. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Confucianism.ConfucianismCONFUCIANISMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic, Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)Judaism11. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Judaism.JUDAISMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic; Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)SUB-DIVISIONS (Divisions of the Religion/Faith)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)Christianity12. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Christianity.CHRISTIANITYTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic; Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)SUB-DIVISIONS (Divisions of the Religion/Faith)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)13. Use the chart below in order to organize the key information regarding Islam.IslamISLAMTYPE (Mono/Poly; Ethnic; Philosophy)FOUNDERHEARTH / ORIGINSBASIC BELIEFS (KEY HERE)SUB-DIVISIONS (Divisions of the Religion/Faith)DIFFUSION (Where it has spread to)14. Using the chart below define the following religions/or belief systems.Belief SystemBeliefs / Ideas / PracticesINDIGENOUS RELIGIONSSHAMANISMSecularism15. How did the nation of France implement a more egalitarian (equal) approach for its society?16. What are some examples that secularism is weakening long-standing traditions? 17. What are some examples that traditions are strengthening despite the rise of secularism?18. What are some of the smaller religions that are growing in importance?Chapter 7 - Religion: Key Issue 3How is religion seen in the cultural landscape? Pgs. 224-235127005080019. What is considered a sacred site?20. Use the chart below to organize the significance of the sacred sites of Jerusalem & the religion they are linked with.Sacred SiteReligionHistory &/or SignificanceWestern WallTemple MountDome of the RockChurch of the Holy SepulcherLANDSCAPES OF HINDUISM & BUDDHISM21. Use the chart below to define and list the characteristics of the cultural landscapes of Hinduism & Buddhism.Cultural Aspect/SymbolDefinition / Characteristics / SignificanceHindu TempleIndia (Hinduism)Bodhi Tree (Buddhism)Buddhist ArchitectureLANDSCAPES OF CHRISTIANITY22. According to the textbook, which are considered sacred sites for Christianity?RELIGIOUS LANDSCAPES IN THE UNITED STATES 5372100-11429923. Using the chart below, identify the predominant branch/sect of Christianity based on the area of the country.REGION OF THE U.S.CHRISTIAN BRANCHNew England / Northeast USSouth USUpper Midwest USSouthwest USUtah / Southern IdahoNew OrleansPeninsular Florida24. Use the map on pg. 232 and the blank map below in order to identify the major religious regions of the U.S.114300199390LANDSCAPES OF ISLAM25. Use the following chart to describe some of the cultural landscapes, beliefs and practices of Islam.ISLAMIC PRACTICES/BELIEFS/BUILDINGSSIGNIFICANCE/MEANING/PURPOSEMUSLIM/ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE-476253810MOSQUETHE HAJJZIARAT/BHARDWAJChapter 7 - Religion: Key Issue 4How is religion seen in the cultural landscape? Pgs. 235-246127005080026. Religious ________________ & ___________________ can bitterly divide people who speak the same _______________________, have the same ethnic background, and make their living in similar ways. Such _______________________ arise not only between people adhering to different _________________________ (as with Muslims and Christians in the former Yugoslavia) but also among adherents of the same ________________________. Some of the most destructive conflicts have pitted _______________________ against Christian and Muslim against __________________________.27. Religious conflicts usually involve more than _________________________ in _________________________ practices and beliefs. Religion often functions as a ___________________ of a wider set of cultural and political differences.right69850028. Using the map on pg. 236 and the map of Africa below please identify the percentage of Muslim areas by state. Be sure to use your own color scheme and include a key. Also, include a boundary between Muslim and non-Muslim regions.29. According to the map:Where is the highest % of Muslimsconcentrated?30. What pattern can you observe on the map regarding Israel and Palestine31. Using the chart below, take notes on the Arab-Israeli conflictArab-Israeli Conflict: Jews vs. Muslims History of the conflictPalestinian PerspectiveIsraeli PerspectivePost WW2196720052011Post WW2196720052011Post WW219672005201111239503378200032. Make a sketch map of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Include important cities, territories, barriers, border countries, bodies of water, and any other information you find important. Nigeria33. How is Nigeria divided geographically through religion?34. Using the chart below, how would you differentiate climate & livelihood in the northern and southern halves of Nigeria.RegionClimateLivelihoodNorthSouth35. How have recent events in the city of Jos affected Christian-Muslim relations?The Former Yugoslavia36. According to the reading, the Balkan Peninsula is a dividing line in what two ways?a. b. 37. Explain the impact that the Ottoman Empire had on the region.38. What does “Yugoslavia” mean?39. Using the chart below, describe the impact/significance between Serbian & Croatian relations over the last century.EVENT/TIME PERIODDESCRIPTION & SIGNIFICANCEWORLD WAR II1945Era of Slobodan Milosevic1999 (Kosovo)2003 & 200640. Although late, the international community became involved and new countries were formed and aligned to the United Nations. A) What new countries were formed? B) What occurred to Bosnia & Herzegovina? a) b) Northern Ireland41. What issues resulted to the Catholic minority in No. Ireland from the 1922 settlement of the United Kingdom?42. According to the textbook, how did the cultural landscape foster the conflict in this country? 43. What did Frederick Boal’s work help identify in No. Ireland?44. Although religion is blamed for the troubles in No. Ireland, what is truly at the root of the conflict?441007576200045. What new findings did Boal discover in the 1990’s & what was the impact of the findings?46. Use the map on the right & on pg. 243 to show the areas of No. Ireland’s Christian & Catholic MinoritiesRELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM & EXTREMISM47. Use the chart below in order to describe examples of religious fundamentalism & extremism in the following religions.RELIGIONSEVIDENCE OF RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM & EXTREMISMCHRISTIANITYJUDAISMISLAM ................

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