
The Children’s SchoolA Montessori Community for Children Ages 3-6 Please Note:In keeping with the Montessori philosophy, The Children’s School “follows the child” when preparing the environment and implementing the areas of study. Therefore, this Curriculum should be viewed as a guide with the understanding that the subject areas outlined herein may or may not be touched upon during the time periods specified and/or during the school year at all, depending on the needs of the children. SEPTEMBERI.Sciencea.Living & Non-Livingb.Trees & RootsII.Geographya.Air, Land & WaterIII.Timea.Days of the Week/Concept of a Dayb.Four Seasons/New Season of Fallc.Calendar WorkIV.Nutritiona.Introduction to Food Group Fruits & Vegetables (incorporate into food preparation)b.ApplesV.Cultural Studiesa.Introduce Maria Montessorib.Introduce U.S. Flag and Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Earthc.International Day of PeaceVI.Continenta.NoneVII.Possible Field Trip/Enrichmenta.Apple PickingOCTOBERI.Sciencea.Leavesb.Seeds & Bulbs (pick this unit up again in the Spring)OCTOBER (continued)b.Prepare Gardens for SpringII.Geographya.Introduce Sandpaper Globeb.Introduce Land & Water Forms III.Timea.Months of the Year/New Monthb.Harvest TimeIV.Nutritiona.Continue Fruits & Vegetablesb.HarvestingV.Cultural Studiesa.Maria Montessori continuedb.Christopher Columbus 1. discussion of ancestors2.stories, poems, songsc.United Nations Dayd.Halloweene.Other Significant Holidays1. American Indian Day2.Rosh Hoshana3.Yom KipperVI.Continenta.NoneVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.Pumpkin Patchb.Norman Bird Sanctuary/Four Seasons Nature WalkVIII.Miscellaneousa.Fire Safety/Prevention MonthNOVEMBERI.Sciencea.Life in the Sea/Ocean Life1. mollusks (snails/clams), tidal pools, shells, fishNOVEMBER (continued)2.vertebrate/invertebrateII.Geographya.Introduce Continent Globe/Continent Mapb.Continue Land & Water Forms IntroductionsIII.Timea.Season of WinterIV.Nutritiona.Grains/Introduce Different BreadsV.Cultural Studiesa.Maria Montessori as a Peacemakerb.Veterans’ Dayc.Pilgrims & American Indians1. historical background on Thanksgiving2.school celebration – Annual Thanksgiving Feast3. stories, songs, poemsVI.Continenta.North AmericaVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.Newport Aquariumb.Plimouth Plantation visitorsDECEMBERI.Sciencea.Mammals/Hibernationb.How Animals/People/the Earth Prepares for WinterII.Geographya.Continue Land & Water Form IntroductionsIII.Timea.Characteristics of Each Seasonb.Winter Solstice/Festival of LightsIV.Nutritiona.Holiday FoodsV.Cultural Studiesa.Holiday Celebrations Around the WorldDECEMBER (continued)1. historical backgrounds and traditions (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc.)VI.Continenta.South AmericaVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.Christmas Tree Farmb.Holiday Caroling at Senior Citizens CenterJANUARYI.Sciencea.Reptiles/DinosaursII.Geographya. Continue Land & Water Forms Introductionsb. VolcanoesIII.Timea.Concept of a Yearb. Child’s Personal Time LineIV.Nutritiona.Protein FoodsV.Cultural Studiesa.Martin Luther King Day1. historical background/famous black leaders2. discussion of human rights3. peacemakersVI.Continenta.Europe1. study of individual countries beginsVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.NoneFEBRUARYI.Sciencea.AmphibiansII.GeographyIndividual CountryFEBRUARY (continued)c.VolcanoesIII.Timea.Telling Time Begins1. history of telling time2. clock workIV.Nutritiona.Protein Foods ContinueV.Cultural Studiesa.President’s Day – Lincoln and Washington’s Birthdaysd.Valentine’s Day1. historical2. loving and givingVI.Continenta.AfricaVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.visit from Cadeaux du MondeMARCHI.Sciencea.BirdsII.Geographya.Individual CountryIII.Timea.Telling Time Continuese.Spring EquinoxIV.Nutritiona.Dairy Foodsb.SugaringV.Cultural Studiesa.St. Patrick’s Dayc.Japanese Boys & Girls Dayd.Harriet TubmanVI.ContinentAsiaMARCH (continued)VII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.Audubon Society or Norman Bird Sanctuary Educational ProgramAPRILI.Sciencea.Flowers1. parts of a flower2. buds/root systemsb.Seeds/Gardening1. parts of a seed/use of seedsII.Geographya.Individual CountryIII.Timea.Season of Springb.How the Earth Wakes Upc.Recycle/Clean-UpIV.Nutritiona.Dairy Foods ContinueV.Cultural Studiesa.Easter/Passoverb.Arbor Dayd.Earth Daye.Week of the Young ChildVI.Continenta.AntarcticaVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.Garden ShopMAY/JUNEI.Sciencea.Introduction to the Solar Systemb.Insects/Pollinationc.Lifecycle of a Butterfly1. metamorphisisMAY/JUNE (continued)2. “grow” butterflies from larvaeII.Geographya.Individual CountryIII.Nutritiona.Review of Four Food Groupsb.National Fitness Month (May)IV.Cultural Studiesa.Mother’s DayV.Timea.End of the School YearVI.Continenta.AustraliaVII.Possible Field Trips/Enrichmenta.Planetariumb.Visit from TumblebusCurriculum may vary slightly in order to meet the needs of the individual child as well as the class as a whole. This is at the Head teacher’s discretion. ................

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