Parish Lay Leadership


Finance Council Chair………………….…..Kimberly Schoolcraft

Parish Pastoral Council Chair..………………Kathleen Harrington

Rel Ed Advisory Committee ...Melissa Moriarty, Suzanne Harlow

RCIA ……………………………………..………. ….Ray Breton

Bible Study………………………………………..........Sue Fratini

Adult Education………………………..Mary Federici, Bob Stack

Parish Organizations

Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey

Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt

St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan

Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere

Women’s Ministry ……..…………………………..Mary Federici

Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere

Affiliated Organizations

Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill

Schoenstatt Community……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki

Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto

Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor

Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault

Parish Ministries

Altar Servers………………………………..………….Sue Fratini

Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni

Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini

Eucharistic Ministers, Readers……….………..……Beth Modlish

Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………..........Mary Federici

Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz

Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci

Soup Kitchen……………… …... Nancy Garen,, Sandy O’Connor

Sacristy.…………………..……….Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa,

Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill

Wedding Coordinator……………………………..Donna Whelan

Wedding Team……...…Kathy Harrington, Gina Broderick,

Christina Straney, Tina Broderick

Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754

Office Hours

The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you.

New Parishioners

We warmly welcome new members to join our parish. Please fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration is necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors.

Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament is celebrated by appointment. Please call the Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly.

Sacrament of Marriage

The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a priest or deacon, at least one year in advance.

Sacrament of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners.

Hospital Visits

If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have a visit, or if they would like their name mentioned at Mass during the Prayers of the Faithful.


Parish Office: 413-562-3450

Parish Fax: 413-562- 9875

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 489, Westfield MA 01086

Website: olbs

Sue Fratini, Parish Secretary olbsoffice@

Fr. Dan Pacholec olbsfrdan@

Deacon Paul Briere deaconbriere46@

Mary Federici maryfministry@

Religious Education :

Director of Faith Formation:

Deacon Paul Federici deaconpaulf@ Coordinator of Elementary Grades:

Sheila Conroy sheilacon@ Coordinator of Middle/High School:

Lisa Laferriere olbsccd@ Melanie Peetz, Music Ministry 562-3450

Bob Stack, Facilities Manager 562-3450


Sat 11/14 3:15-3:45PM Confessions

4:00PM Paul & Louise Stevens

41st Wedding Anniversary

Sun 11/15 7:00AM +Dora Jean Michaud

1st Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dionne

8:30AM +Josephine & Edward Jez

r/b the Modlish Family

11:00AM +Rita Hague

Birthday Remembrance

r/b her Family

Mon 11/16 7:00AM +All Souls

Tue 11/17 7:00AM +Doris Mucha

1st Anniversary Remembrance

r/b her husband, Joseph Mucha

Wed 11/18 7:00AM +Fr. Joseph Kentenich

Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Peter & Phyllis Chlastawa

Thurs 11/19 7:00AM Communion Service

Fri 11/20 7:00AM Communion Service

Sat 11/21 8:00AM +Barbara Curran

Birthday & First Anniversary


r/b her Family

3:15-3:45PM Confessions

4:00PM +Frank Grimaldi

Birthday Remembrance

r/b his daughter Jean Blair

Sun 11/22 7:00AM +William Sarro

20th Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Maureen, Wayne, and Stephanie

8:30AM +Ralph & Monique Campbell

Anniversary Remembrance

r/b their son Bruce & Donna Campbell

11:00AM +Brian Lariviere

Birthday Remembrance

r/b his Mom, Dad & Family




We are very pleased to welcome back to our Parish this weekend, our good friend and former Pastor – Fr. Francis X. Sullivan who celebrates his 90th Birthday! Fr. Sullivan was our Pastor here in the Parish from 1991-1999. He ran the first “leg” of our 3 Pastor “Relay Race” of moving from our former church to our new church! Fr. Hugh Crean took the baton in 1999 till 2004, and I did the final lap of the Marathon from 2004 till the present. Fr. Sullivan loved our former church and oversaw a renovation of it shortly before it became apparent that the church would have to make way for the Great River Bridge Project. Fr. Sullivan took great pride in joining us on the day of the Dedication of our new church in 2009.

Fr. Sullivan was born November 13, 1925 in Worcester, MA. He attended the College of the Holy Cross and did his theological training in Montreal, Canada. He was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Springfield on December 18, 1948. Fr. Sullivan had many assignments over the years from being a curate at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Springfield, Holyoke Cross in Holyoke, St. Patrick’s in Chicopee, and his first time at OLBS from 1965-1970. Fr. Sullivan has served as Pastor of our Lady of the Valley in Sheffield, St. Anne in Chicopee, Our Lady of Hope in Springfield, St. Mary’s in Haydenville, and his final Pastorate was as our Pastor at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. He retired in 1999 and has lived in Holyoke since that time.

Fr. Sullivan – often referred to as the “Bishop of Holyoke” - has an affection for Holyoke and its wonderful people. He served as the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day Parade Chaplain for many years. Throughout the Diocese, so many people has such affection for Fr. Sullivan – through his ministry and care for family friends and those he served over the years - Fr. Sullivan is held dear by many people who have come to know and love him.

We here at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament are very fond of our former Pastor and his wonderful outreach to our parishioners during the two times he was assigned to be with us. I know I speak for all of you who know Fr. Sullivan, when I say that we are happy that God has given him such good health over the years and continues to bless him each day! Happy Birthday Fr. Sullivan! We wish you many more years!

God Bless, Fr. Dan



Please remember the family of Sgt. First Class Christopher D. Boynton of Ware, who passed away this past week. Let us pray for all of our active and reserve soldiers, that God might give them strength to endure their trials.


Is burning this week in loving memory of



requested by his Family


Is burning this week in loving memory of


requested by Richard & Irene Breton


To request prayers for yourself or a loved one,

please call Pauline at 862-3885 or Diane at 568-9754.


We will celebrate our Annual Veteran’s Mass on Sunday November 15 at the 11:00AM Mass to be followed by a brief Ceremony at our Outdoor Veterans Memorial Garden.


The next meeting of the Parish Men’s Group will be on Wednesday November 18 at 5:30PM. A light supper will be served followed by a short presentation. All men of the parish are welcome to attend. To RSVP, please call the Parish Office at 562-3450 or email olbsoffice@.




All the ladies of the parish are invited to join us at Emma's this year. There will be a different format; everyone will order off the menu instead of set meals. They have a varied menu with different price ranges. As this is a regular dinner night for them, we will have a group of tables set together for us. A sign-up sheet will be at the back of the church so we will have the number of guests coming to give them. Any questions, please call Marie Kolodziej at 568-1803.


What is the RCIA Rite of Welcoming?

The Rite of Welcoming is for inquirers who have been previously baptized and are ready to publicly declare their intention to continue their journey toward full communion with the Catholic Church. At this Rite, they are asked if they are ready to listen to the apostles’ instruction, gather with the worshipping community in prayer, and join that community in the love and service of others. They are signed with the Cross to show that they belong to Christ. Members of the parish community affirm that they are ready to help and support the RCIA candidates seeking to follow Christ.

Please continue to pray for our candidates, Bob, Carla, Brittany, Sean, Serena, Mary Rose, and Jose, who celebrated the Rite of Welcome at the 8:30 Mass at the beginning of this month, as they now enter into a period of deeper formation in the RCIA process.



From the Pastoral Minister:

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is excited to bring the Take & Eat Ministry to our parish. Take and Eat is a ministry that brings a free, nutritious, hot meal to homebound seniors on the weekends and we are asking you to make it happen at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. There are options for what you might do! The program calls for shoppers, meal prep, meal assemblers, drivers, bakers (bake at home) & more. It is a perfect ministry to involve many hands, young and old and only involves a few hours one Sunday a month. Deacon Wendell and his wife Dorene will be joining us for all the Masses this weekend to explain more and sign up volunteers after mass. If you are not with us this weekend and would like to be a part of the ministry, contact Dorene or Deacon Wendell at 413-467-3724 or dorene@.


October 25, 2015

Regular and Development (Gold) $ 8,078

Budget Requirement per Week 10,295

(deficit) (2,217)


My Dear Friends In Christ,

The release of the movie “Spotlight” has brought renewed attention to the painful experience of child abuse which occurred within our faith community.  Although the movie highlights events in Boston, we know that every diocese, including our own, was impacted by this crisis and the violation of trust which lies at its center. I want to take this opportunity to reiterate how deeply sorry I am for the past failure of our Church to protect young people, I want to apologize personally to all victims of abuse and their family, friends and loved ones, and to assure you that we continue to pray for you and ask for forgiveness. 

At the same time I want to re-commit the diocese to taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our young people, those entrusted to our care and ministry.    I also want to urge in the strongest manner that if you know of someone, whom you have good reason to suspect may be the victim of abuse, to report it immediately to local law enforcement officials.  If this is taking place within our faith community, I also ask that you call the diocesan confidential Abuse Reporting Hotline toll free number at 800-842-9055.

To learn more about our Child and Youth Protection Services visit us on-line at .

May God bless you,

Bishop Mitch



ADULT CHOIR - Music is a very important part of our weekend Liturgies and the Prayer Life in our Parish.  We are looking for new members to join our Adult Choir to sing at our 8:30am Sunday Mass, and other significant Liturgies throughout the year.  Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. 

YOUTH CHOIR - We are looking for YOU - if you would like to sing and want to be part of a group that will participate very actively at the 11:00am Mass each Sunday!  Grade 3 and up are welcome.  Rehearsals are typically Sunday mornings at 10:15am. 

- For more information on both choirs, contact Melanie Peetz, our Parish Music Director, at 562-3450.


Just a reminder to anyone who will be going “south” for any length of time this Winter, to let Sue in the Parish Office know the dates you will be gone – we can hold your envelopes. Thanks and enjoy the sunshine!


A few weeks ago, at the request of Bishop Rozanski, I asked your help in forming a Parish Vocation Awareness Committee. To date, I have not received any parishioners indicating they are willing in serve in such away. As a support to me and our Parish, I would ask you again to consider this opportunity. Flyers are near the bulletins – please fill them out and return them in the collection basket. THANK YOU!


Help us ensure all of our middle and high school religious education students have a bible! We are once again asking those who are able and interested to donate a bible to an incoming 6th grader. The cost is $25 and your name will be inscribed in the front of the bible (or anonymously) for the youth to use! Checks can be dropped off in the collection basket or made at the parish office. Thank you to those who have responded with support!


Light Weigh One King continues this fall at Saint Mary's Parish!  Would you like to learn how to lose weight, eat real food, achieve peace with food and keep your weight off?  Peace with food is possible in Christ!  Light Weigh One King is a 12 week Bible Study - DVD program devoted to helping those who struggle with food or other temptations.  There are no weigh-ins.  A One-King Orientation will be held at the Parish Center on Monday, November 16, at 7pm in the 2nd floor meeting room.  Hope to see you there!


The Saint Mary High School Drama Club will mount its second production of the season with Ken Ludwig's "Lend Me a Tenor." Set in the 1930s, this madcap screwball comedy takes place when Tito Merelli, the fiery-tempered and world famous Italian superstar, arrives in Cleveland, Ohio to make his debut with the local opera and promptly goes missing. As Saunders, the show’s presenter, conspires to cover for Tito’s absence and distract his most passionate fans, chaos on a truly operatic level ensues. This Tony Award-winning farce will be presented in the Saint Mary High School Gym on November 20-21 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors and can be purchased at the door.




The Bazaar will be held at Sacred Heart Parish Center Saturday, November 21, at 1061 Springfield St. Feeding Hills from 8:30-3:00. Vender and Tag sale items will be available. Come shop for Christmas gifts and have breakfast and/or lunch with us! Contact Joanne Cappucelli at 7867919 or jjcappa@.



The Holy Trinity Church Rosary Society presents its Fourth Annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 21 from 9am-3pm in the Parish Hall at 331 Elm Street, Westfield. Start your Christmas shopping with our crafters and vendors including "Thirty-one", Tastefully Simple, maple products and mesh ribbon trees, handmade jewelry, silk floral arrangements, beaded, knitted, crocheted and other craft items, artwork, cards and candy confections. There will also be a Bake Sale, Chinese Raffle and soup & sandwich lunch.


The second annual Purple Mass will be held Saturday, November 21 at 4 pm at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Springfield. The Mass offers prayerful support and an increased awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. It is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of St. Peter Claver. All are welcome to attend this special Mass and a reception will follow the Mass with not only food but information about Alzheimer’s disease.


December 5 - St. Mary's is hosting a Women's Retreat "We Believe:  In the Trinity".    This year St. Mary's Church retreat theme is "We Believe, a Day with the Trinity".  We will learn how each person of the Trinity relates to each other and to us.  Our retreat will be held from 9am-3:30pm on December 5 at St. Mary's High School Gym. To register, or with any questions, please call Joanne Bagge at 562-5484.


This is a group for empowering families through transition planning.  Monthly meetings are held in Holyoke and West Springfield.  Please visit or email eszela@ or lindal@ for more information.

Join Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish on Facebook and keep up with Parish events!



Pope Francis has proclaimed that this year, which will begin December 8. In keeping with this theme, St. Mary’s is hosting 5 programs on Mercy during this coming year. They will be held on the second Tuesday of each month from December 2015 to April 2016, from 7-8pm. Our first program will be held on December 8 immediately following the 6:15pm Immaculate Conception Mass. Frank Runyeon, Hollywood actor and performer of Biblical texts for 20 years will be our first speaker/performer. These programs will all be free of charge, however, we are accepting donations to help defray the cost and donate to St. Vincent De Paul Society in our parish.



4:00PM John Lanoue 7:00AM George Plante

8:30AM Joanne Brooks 11:00AM Diane Czerwiecki


4:00PM Pat Pouliot, Bob Ragone, Diane Wright

7:00AM Irene King, Steve Murphy, Pat Mack

8:30AM Donna Bourbeau, Paul Lussier, Mary Regan

11:00AM Diane Sullivan, Rosemary Adams, Karen Scahill


Parish Center Lobby

Hope Phones makes phones available for medical personnel in Third World Countries. Donate used cell phones (working or not) in the Hope Phones suitcase.

Bethlehem House is a respite care home in Easthampton that gives guidance and support to young, pregnant women. They are always in need of baby blankets, disposable diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, etc.

Westfield Soup Kitchen gratefully accepts the non-perishable food items collected here each weekend - cash donations may be sent to: Westfield Soup Kitchen, P.O. Box 2017, Westfield MA 01086.

Green Shed

Bottles & Cans can be placed in the green shed by the ball field. As an ongoing fundraiser, our parishioners Ron Gerlip, Carol Conroy, and Joanne Fucci take care of redeeming these for us. Since 2007 we have raised a total of $21,994.70!



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