Near, Christopher -- Uniqname: cnear

Chris Near, CV 8/18/2018


Christopher E. Near

chrisnear01@ 4626 S. 80th St., Lincoln, NE 68516; (402) 488-6699


8/2018 - Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL). 5/2019 Teaching duties: 6 classes, 5 undergraduate, 1 graduate, 2 online.

8/2017 - Temporary Lecturer, Department of Management, College of Business, 7/2018 UNL. Teaching duties: 2 classes (undergraduate).

8/2016 7/2018

Postdoctoral Fellow supervised by Rachel Dunifon, Interim Dean of the College of Human Ecology and Professor in the Department of Policy Analysis, Cornell University. Duties: conduct statistical analyses on national survey data sets (PSID, ATUS), focused on grandparent involvement with children and implications for child outcomes and grandparent employment.

8/2010 8/2016

Research Assistant and Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan (UM), Department of Sociology and ISR. Duties: teach 6 sections of undergraduate and graduate statistics and research methods; conduct statistical analyses on multiple large data sets of family income, parent distress and behavior, day care quality, and child outcomes.


2013 - 16

Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Sociology. GPA: 4.00. Dissertation: Bridging the Income-Parenting Gap: Three Papers on the

Interrelationships of Household Income, Parenting Resources, and Child Outcomes. Committee: Dr. Yu Xie (co-chair), Dr. Sarah Burgard (cochair), Dr. Elizabeth Armstrong (member), Dr. Pamela Davis-Kean (cognate member). Qualifying examinations: demography, sex roles.

2010 - 13 M.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Sociology.

2006 - 10

B.A., Indiana University (IU), Bloomington. GPA: 3.96. Major: Sociology (with Honors). Minors: History, Math; graduated with

highest distinction; Alpha Beta Kappa. Senior Honors Thesis: Digital Reproduction of Gender: Representations

of Women in Video Game Box Art, Weatherly Award for Best Honors Thesis in Sociology, 2009, supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Armstrong.

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Chris Near, CV 8/18/2018

Refereed Publications

Dunifon, Rachel E., Christopher E. Near, and Kathleen M Ziol-Guest. 2018. Backup Parents, Playmates, Friends: Grandparents' Time with Grandchildren. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80: 752?767 . DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12472. JCR 5-year impact factor: 2.997.

Xie, Yu, Alexandra Killewald, and Christopher Near. 2016. Between- and WithinOccupation Inequality: The Case of High-Status Professions. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 63: 53-79. JCR 5-year impact factor: 2.293.

Near, Christopher E. 2013. Selling Gender: Associations of Box Art Representation of Female Characters with Sales for Teen- and Mature-rated Video Games. Sex Roles, 68: 252?269. JCR 5-year impact factor: 2.616.

Research in Progress

Xie, Yu, Christopher E. Near, Hongwei Xu, and Xi Song. Heterogeneous Treatment Effects and the Role of Non-Cognitive Skills: A Reevaluation of an Influential Early Childhood Intervention Program.

Near, Christopher E. Direct and Indirect Effects of Income on Teen Outcomes: Mediation by Parent Variables. Dissertation study, submitted for journal review.

Near, Christopher E. Tweens to Teens: Relation of Change In Income, Parenting and Child Outcomes During Adolescence. Dissertation study, under revision for journal submission.

Near, Christopher E., and Yu Xie. Effects of Early Childhood Non-Parental Care on Child's Later Cognitive and Behavioral Skills. Dissertation study, under revision for journal submission.

Dunifon, Rachel E., Kelly Musick, and Christopher E. Near. The Role of Grandparental Presence in Mothers' Well-Being. Ongoing data analysis, rough draft stage.

Dunifon, Rachel E., Christopher E. Near, and Kelly Musick. Grandparent Involvement and Grandparent Well-Being. Ongoing data analysis, rough draft stage.

Burgard, Sarah A., Guenther Fink, Alexandra Brentani, and Christopher E. Near. In progress. Stress during Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes among Brazilian Women. Ongoing data analysis.

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Research Presentations

Near, Christopher E. Tweens to Teens: Relation of Change In Income, Parenting and Child Outcomes During Adolescence. 2018. PSID Conference, University of Michigan.

Xie, Yu, Christopher E. Near, Hongwei Xu, and Xi Song. 2018. Heterogeneous Treatment Effects and the Role of Non-Cognitive Skills: A Reevaluation of an Influential Early Childhood Intervention Program. Population Association of America.

Dunifon, Rachel E., Kelly Musick, and Christopher E. Near. 2018. Is Three a Crowd? The Role of Grandparental Presence in Mothers' Well-Being. Population Association of America.

Dunifon, Rachel E., Near, Christopher E., and Ziol-Guest, Kathleen M. 2017. Parents, Playmates, Friends: Grandparents' Roles by Family Structure, Employment, and Child Age. American Sociological Association.

Near, Christopher E., and Yu Xie. 2015. Everything I Need to Know I Didn't Learn in Kindergarten: Early Childhood Non-Parental Care Cognitive and Behavioral Skill Effects. Population Association of America.

Xie, Yu, Christopher E. Near, and Hongwei Xu. 2015. Heterogeneous Treatment Effects and the Role of Non-Cognitive Skills: A Reevaluation of an Influential Early Childhood Intervention Program. ISA RC-28.

Near, Christopher E. 2014a. Dimensions of Parenting Style: Parental Income, Parenting Behaviors, and Children's Cognitive Skill Scores. American Sociological Association.

Near, Christopher E. 2014b. Relationships among Changes in Parental Income, Parenting Behaviors, and Children's Cognitive Skill Scores. American Sociological Association.

Near, Christopher E. 2009. Digital Reproduction of Gender: The Cultural Production of Women's Roles in PC Games. North Central Sociological Association.

Near, Christopher E. 2009. Digital Reproduction of Gender: The Cultural Production of Women's Roles in Video Games. Indiana University Hutton Honors College Thesis Symposium.

Invited Research Presentation

Near, Christopher E. 2018. Direct and Indirect Effects of Income on Teen Outcomes: Mediation by Parent Variables. Department of Sociology Colloquium Series, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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Research Assistant Experience

2010 ? 2016

Graduate Student Research Assistant for Dr. Yu Xie (now at Princeton University) and Dr. Sarah Burgard, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research, UM. Quantitative analyses of large survey data sets, focusing on inequality, family and education; conducted analyses for 7 data sets using regression analysis (fixed effects, categorical, OLS, etc.), SEM, propensity score analysis.


Undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Martin Weinberg, Sociology Department, IU. Qualitative study of health issues among transgendered individuals; transcribed interview notes and analyzed patterns of response.


Undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Leah VanWey, Sociology Department, IU (now at Brown University). Quantitative study of family poverty in Amazonia; conducted analyses.

Research Interests

Grandchild involvement with grandparents Work/family conflict Time use, health and well-being across the life cycle Child and adolescent development


Teaching Experience

2018-2019, UNL

Supervised by Chair of Sociology: Julia McQuillan, 402-472-3631, Sociology of Sport (online undergraduate), Instructor-of-record; 2

sections, 100 students. Introduction to Social Research II (undergraduate statistics, using

Stata), Instructor-of-record; 2 sections, 25 students. Social Problems (undergraduate), Instructor-of-record; 1 section, 145

students. Seminar Research Methods: Multilevel Analysis (graduate),

Instructor-of-record; 1 section, 8 students

2017-2018, UNL

Supervised by Chair of Management: Dennis Duchon, 402-472-3400, Building Ethical and Socially Sustainable Organizations, Instructor-of-

record; 2 sections, 37 undergraduate students. Teaching evaluations median: 4.00/5.00 (both sections) on "Excellent instructor" item.

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2016, UM

Elementary Statistics, Graduate Student Instructor; 1 section of lab, 16 undergraduate students. Instructor: Deirdre Bloome. Teaching evaluations median: 3.33/5.00 on "Excellent instructor" item.

2014, UM

Social Research Methods, Graduate Student Instructor; 2 sections of lab, 24 undergraduate students. Instructor: Michael Ybarra. Teaching evaluations medians: 3.00/5.00 and 3.17/5.00 on "Excellent instructor" item.

2013-2014, UM

Elementary Statistics, Graduate Student Instructor; 2 sections of lab, 30 undergraduate students. Instructor: Michael Ybarra. Teaching evaluations medians: 3.50/5.00 and 4.50/5.00 on "Excellent instructor" item.

Graduate Statistics, Graduate Student Instructor; 1 section of lab, 15 doctoral students. Instructor: Jennifer S. Barber. Teaching evaluations median: 4.17/5.00 on "Excellent instructor" item.

2007, IU

Statistics for Sociology, Undergraduate Teaching Assistant; 1 section of lab, 30 undergraduate students. Instructor: Leah VanWey.

Teaching Interests

Statistics (introductory and advanced, including categorical data analysis, SEM, multilevel modeling, advanced regression)

Research methods (quantitative and qualitative) Social problems and policies Sociology of sport Organization theory, work and occupations Introduction to sociology Demography Gender, sex roles and sexualities Sociology of education Marriage and family Social psychology Medical sociology, health and well-being Stratification and inequality (class, race and gender) Sociological theory (contemporary and classic) Culture theory Criminology


2015 2015

Travel Grant, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan Marshall Weinberg Research Fellowship, ISR, University of Michigan

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