A.P. World History Mid-Term Review Sheet

Mr. Marshall

1. Hominid

2. Places of important hominid finds

3. Research by Defleur and White on Neanderthals

4. When did hominids first appear?

5. Australopithecus africanus

6. Homo habilis

7. Australopithecus ramidus

8. Neanderthals

9. Fire and Pre-historic man When?

10. Homo sapiens sapiens characteristics in Paleolithic times

11. When and where did Homo sapiens sapiens colonize?

12. The “Venus Figurine”-purpose or role

13. When did the systematic practice of agriculture begin?

14. Catal Huyuk

15. Jericho

16. Ban Po

17. Luoyang

18. The myth of Shen Nung

19. Non-agricultural skill developed by early villagers

20. Sumerians

21. Summer and Temple priests after 2800 BCE

22. Sumerian Trade

23. Who invented writing?

24. Chronology of writing styles

25. What are different writing styles?

26. Artisans

27. Babylonians

28. Akkadians

29. Pictographic writing

30. Assyrian writing

31. Phonetic writing

32. Cuneiform writing

33. Gilgamesh

34. Scholars Knowledge of Greek city-states, Indus River, Nile Valley, and the Tigri-Euphrates Valley

35. Ancient Egypt

36. Ancient Egypt location in relation to the Red Sea, Upper Egypt, Nubia and most pyramids?

37. Early writing samples were concerned with?

38. Fitin cataract

39. Harappan Civilization

40. When did the use of iron occur?

41. 7 areas of Primary Urbanization

42. Chronology of Chinese Dynasties: Chang, Xia, Han, and Zhou

43. Shang Dynasty – centered in which region?

44. The first cities of the Americas – common characteristics

45. How did the first humans set to the Americas?

46. Temple, Mound towns of Mississippi Valley

47. Empires

48. Chronology and empires who conquered the Egyptians

49. Greek city-state

50. Crete

51. Rome

52. Rome and the Roman Republic (Date)

53. Roman Empire

a. Consul

b. Preator

c. Tribune

54. Pompeii

55. The struggle of the Orders

56. Rome and its relationship to ancient Greece

57. The “Barbarians”

58. The Vandals

59. The Goths

60. The Huns

61. The Celts

62. The fall of the Roman Empire

63. China – period of division (Time)

64. Chinese Empire – long lasting political and cultural practice

65. Schools of thought and influence in china in 211 BCE

66. Indian subcontinent – different areas

67. The Muhabharata

68. Asoka

69. Funan

70. India – the last 2000 years

71. Bhakti

72. Srilanka

73. Hinduism gained the most new converts in (outside the Indian subcontinent)

74. Buddhism

75. Hinduism has more followers than Buddhism in which country?

76. Buddha – source of unhappiness in the world?

77. Mahayana Buddhism

78. Jewish chronology of important ancient events – history

79. Jesus Christ

80. Roman Catholicism and 1200 CE (key locations of strength)

81. Charlemagne

82. 1000 CE – Christian Church in Egypt

83. Islam

84. Abu Bakr

85. 850 CE – areas of Muslim rule

86. Important languages or Islam

87. Places of major agricultural exchange that helped the Islamic world

88. 1300 CE – primary distance in the exchange of goods

89. Turkish languages

90. Persian Languages

91. Free market economies require

92. 1350 CE – Gold circulation and the Middle East (located originally)

93. Sea lanes and geographic location

94. Ural Mountains

95. Genghis Khan – successors conquered

96. The Mongols never conquered

97. Marco Polo

98. High Middle Ages – European Jews

99. Renaissance

100. Protestant Reformation

101. Martin Luther

102. Ottoman Empire

103. Mugnal Empire

104. Babylonian Empire

105. Satavid Empire

106. 17th century CE – which country dominated?

107. World trade in the 18th century (dominating country)

108. France and the 18th century

109. Adam Smith

110. Turkish invaders established which empires?

111. 1368-1644 CE – China (Dynasty)

112. Columbian Exchange

113. Products exchanged during the Columbian Exchange between Old and New World

114. Captain James Cook

115. John Locke

116. Enlightened Despotism

117. Joseph II of Austria

118. Catherine the Great of Russia

119. Fredrick II of Prussia

120. James II of England

121. France – 1789

122. 1789 – French National Assembly

123. French Revolution

124. American Revolution

125. Glorious Revolution

126. Bill of Rights – USA and Great Britain

127. Napoleon Bonaparte

128. Napoleon and France controlled which countries and territories

129. Slavery and the 19th century

130. Chronology – Countries abolishing slavery

131. Industrial Revolution – effects?

132. Industrial Revolution started in which country?

133. Chronology – Industrial Revolution inventions

134. Industrial Revolution benefitted whom the most?

135. 19th century – British Parliament

136. 1848 – European Countries Revolutions

137. Karl Marx

138. European Country – first to have a political party

139. Social Darwinism

140. Imperialism


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