
left1034100Our Savior’sLutheran ChurchDecember 2019 NewsletterOur Savior’s Mission StatementUsing God’s Word as a foundation, Our Savior’s Lutheran shall, through meaningful worship, study, prayer and mission outreach, provide a Christ-centered atmosphere of enthusiasm, support, sensitivity and openness to all people.God’s people find a place of belonging, God’s people devoted to seek God’s purposes, God’s people committed to compassionate caring.“Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you...Do not be afraid.”? Luke1:28,30Welcome to Advent! As the season of reflection begins, the message of our culture is to hurry, to rush, to get ready for all the cooking and baking, and present wrapping and partying that is to come. Hurry, before that coveted toy sells out. Hurry to get the lowest prices on all the presents you “need” to buy. Hurry, to get the tree decorated and the lights up before company arrives. In contrast, the message of scripture is to slow down, to pray and to praise God, and to wait.?When Mary receives the shocking news that she will become pregnant and will bear a child who will be called “The Son of God”, she goes on retreat to the home of her cousin Elizabeth, whose husband Zechariah was a priest at the temple.?Mary spent time with her cousin, a faithful woman, reflecting on what this could mean. God was doing something entirely new, and had God called her to be a part of it, even though God’s plan was most likely not what she would have chosen. She would no doubt be open to criticism and gossip. When Mary returned home many weeks later, she was committed to live out the role of “God-bearer” to the best of her ability, trusting God’s word that she had been chosen to bring blessing to the world, and in that she would be blessed.I hope that in the busy-ness of this Advent season, you are able to take time for retreat, and for worship, to reflect on what it means that Jesus has come to you. I hope that you are able to? give thanks that, while God may have worked in your own lifein ways you didn’t expect, God has chosen you to bring blessing to the world, as Christ lives in you. In this, may you be blessed.?You are a gift of God, as you bear Christ to the world. In everyday acts of love, and through your kind and gracious words, you are a “God-bearer”, too.?May you experience joy and peace this Christmas, for Christ has come, in the flesh, to show us the depth of God’s great love. The Lord is with us.Merry Christmas!Pastor SusanReflectionswith Pastor Betsy DarttLet the light of your face shine on us, O Lord. Psalm 4:6 As the days get darker in December, what an awesome prayer for the grace of God to shower down on us with mercy and hope! The season of Advent is a preparation for the celebration of the light of Christ that is coming into our world at Christmas. I am excited about the energy we have to gather for worship, to grow in faith, and to go out to share the good news.Our choirs are preparing for Lessons and Carols on December 1 and special music on Sundays. Our Caregivers are getting ready for a festive community lunch and Christmas program especially for those with daytime open on Tuesday December 10. They’re making a challenge to raise funds for good gifts of barnyard animals for mission outreach. We welcome visitors and new people to our fellowship. Our children are learning the stories of Jesus’ birth while getting ready to share a program of song and joy on December 15. Our youth and young adults on December 22 have a special way for you to experience the depth of the Christmas season with carols and stories of what happens when Christ comes alive in our hearts. Everyone is planning for the beauty and power of Christmas eve worship. Everyone is making room in their hearts for Jesus.There are various ways that the embodiment of Christ is seen in our community this year. I see a mitten tree, gifts for Christmas in Fillmore County, volunteers for the food shelf, an advent wreath, decorations for the building, and special services at the care centers. I hear about the need for prayer, for gift giving of all kinds, and for generosity because of the mercy of God’s great love. Light is shining and the darkness of doubt is retreating to the shadows.Our Saturday night worship will explore what it means to see the light of Christ. It turns us from old ruts and rubbish. It provides a balm for healing of the deepest hurts and shame. It is contagious and abounding in joy. It overflows with hope for others who need grace. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are indeed witnesses to this glory of God. How much we have grown in all aspects of our congregational life as we have learned the power of servant living. As God showers his love on us and we see the light that illumines his purposes for us, cares diminish, and hope is restored. May the Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine on us and be gracious to us. The Lord lift up his countenance on us and give us peace. left1460500You Are WelcomeTuesday, December 10, 2019 at noonChristmas Lunch and ProgramEspecially for seniors in the community but open to everyoneSponsored by CaregiversFree Will Offering for Good Gifts BarnyardWilling hands needed?to bake Christmas cookies or help with serving and clean-up for the Senior Luncheon and worship on Tues., Dec, 10. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex for you to indicate how you will help. Thank youleft16383000The Membership Team has agreed that we need to request additional help from congregational members to monitor and organize the coffee gathering time after church services. We are in need of someone to oversee the sign-up of coffee-making and to organize the list of individuals who bring cookies, bars and treats. We hope that this valued time of fellowship can continue uninterrupted with some needed help and guidance. Please prayerfully consider assisting with this fun and enjoyable time of fellowship. Contact any Membership Team members with questions or if you would like to offer your help – Penny Ness, Deanne Spurgeon, Janice Christianson, Brooke Owens, Jon Lechner, Sherry Wendt, or the church office. Thank you!!A message from the call committeeThe call committee is seeking your input as they prepare the Ministry Site Profile in preparation for calling our next Pastor. We ask that you please complete the survey that is enclosed in the newsletter or use the link below that will direct you to it online. Paper copies will also be available at church. Each member of your family is asked to fill out a survey. (If taking the survey online, please clear the cookies in your browsers to allow other family members to take the survey.) The survey should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete. Please complete the online survey or return your paper copy to the church by Friday, December 13. The results of the survey will be discussed with the congregation in the near future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the call committee members. Thank you for taking the time to help the call committee with this process. Call Committee is preparing to complete the Ministry Site Profile, the document that introduces our church to pastors who are seeking a new call. We are planning activities that invite you to take part in reflecting on our identity, core commitments and core values as a congregation. Watch for more information on these. If you would like to share your thoughts with call committee members one on one, they are interested in hearing from you. You may reach these members by email:Rachel Welch (chair) ?rawelch70@Nicole Pokorney(sect'y)pnpokorney31@Bob Baarsch:robert.baarsch@Emily Fowler:emilyfowler17@Lori Jones:lorijonesyl@Ken Kujath:kjkujath@William Jahn:jahnwi21@StewardshipTHANK YOU to those who were able to bring their pink Intent Forms to our services last weekend. We look for more to come in over the next few weeks as people continue to pray and think about what their estimate of giving for 2020 will be. These Intent Forms give us an indication of what people plan to give over the weeks and months of the coming year. We build our daily ministry on the generosity of our members’ intentional giving estimates. If you need a new Intent Form we have them available in the office or one can be mailed to you. Thank you again, The Stewardship Committee: Wendy Thon, Kathy Baarsch, Harlan Bucknell and Rick Jahn.Education MinistryWe look to 2020 with excitement for what is to come and thanksgiving for our ministry together in 2019. Having a dedicated staff for Sunday School and Confirmation is a blessing. We are so thankful for each child that is here for Sunday School and families we are able to share worship time together.A reminder that the Sunday School Christmas Program will be December 15th during the 9am worship with no Sunday School to follow. We will welcome all back January 5,, 2020.Blessings to all,Gina Jahn, Part-Time Education Coordinatorrickjahn71@ 507-251-161092710-1397000If Only You Would Ask A Guide to Spending Quality Time With the Elderly Co-authors Joan Bachman and Eileen BergerAs families get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas it’s the perfect time to share stories of past times. What were traditional foods; what activities filled the days; was there a favorite gift; were there notable weather events that impacted the day; and how was Christmas celebrated are just a few questions to get the conversation started.More topics of discussion are included in the book If Only You Would Ask!. This is available to check out at a display by the church office.The book is a quick read. Purchasing is an option. The best classroom of all is at the feet of the elderly. - --Andy RooneyThe Caregiver TeamThank you to…..04445We would like to thank our church family for the well wishes, cards, and those who attended our anniversary party. It was all greatly appreciated. We are so thankful for our church family. Ken & Joan KujathI would like to thank OSL for the 3 booklets on “Journeying Through Grief.” This was so helpful to me this year after Russell’s death. Also thanks for the calls and many cards I received at this time. Also, for all the telephone calls, good wishes, and cards I received after I had a blood clot in July. I appreciate all this very much. Thank you. Lorraine HancockThank you for the gifts, food, visits, cards and prayers. Ken & Norma NorthwayHighlights from Church Council Meeting November 10, 2019Worship Ministry Teambudget review; reviewed previous services; working to get acolyte gowns cleaned; will move the Christ candle back; change the banners on a regular basis; need to have more volunteers as worship assistants; Stewardship weekend is November 16 & 17; Christ the King/Thanksgiving services will be November 23/24; members can order poinsettias; lessons & carols will be December 1; additional upcoming activities were discussed; colored bells choir is going well and the bells will be used during services for congregation members to ringEducation Ministry Team.Activities & Discussions: Reviewed the budget; looking into a musical group; discussed Confirmation; and the children’s Christmas concert is being worked on.Membership Ministry TeamActivities & Discussions: Beer & Hymns November 9; gifts for special Sundays; calendars for church members; needing a volunteer(s) to monitor and organize after worship coffee and fellowshipEducation Coordinator ReportGina Jahn attended the Faith Formation Meeting; Pastor Susan and Gina Jahn are working toward a 3-year Confirmation program; Advent Cards are ordered; LuAnn Klevan is working on the Sunday School Christmas program; and the Confirmation classes did a service project.Youth Director ReportRetreat trip location for 2020 is determined; ValleyScare went well; did a service project with the Confirmation students; getting ready for the youth Christmas pageant; upcoming youth events: Love Lights a Tree—Dec 1 @ 4:30; Church Advent decorating—December 4; Christmas pageant for youth 7th-12th grades—December 22.Old BusinessThere was a lot of positive discussion and conversation regarding the many positive activities and events happening at Our Savior’s with gratitude to the individuals who have worked so hard to make these things happen.New BusinessCinnamon rolls will be served following the worship services on November 23 & 24 and December 14 & 15. A meeting is being scheduled with a QuickBooks specialist to review, advise and hopefully get the kinks worked out of the program.Detailed minutes are available on the bulletin board by the Food Cart.--submitted by Helen House, SecretaryNext council meeting is December 8, 2019 at 10:15 Executive Meeting is December 4, 2019 at 5 p.m.left4953000If you would like to share a poinsettia?in memory of or in honor of a loved one for worship services during the Advent and Christmas seasons, please notify the office.?The opportunity, to order poinsettias through the office, is offered or?you may purchase anywhere you choose. Please remember to notify the church office, by December 18, 2019, if you are going to bring your own, so it can be added to the bulletins.?The Rustic Rose will deliver a red poinsettia with covered pot and a velvet bow for $24.00.Place orders in the office by Dec. 8, 2019 to be able to get in time for services.? Please make checks payable to OSL.?If you prefer, besides poinsettias, monetary donations will be recognized, to our OSL General Budget Fund, in memory of or in honor of loved ones.?For your convenience, please fill out the coupon, and bring into or mail to the church office.?Please bring your poinsettias, to the church, by Thursday, December 19, 2019, before 3:00 PM and place them on the steps leading to the altar. They will be placed appropriately, by the Worship Team before the Saturday service.Christmas Memorial GardenCouponDonations are received in memory of or in honor of loved ones or friends.___in memory of ____in honor of________________________________Given by_________________________________poinsettia plantChecks payable to The Rustic Rose. Please return to office by Dec. 19, 2019, 9:00 AM.______Donation to OSL General Budget Checks payable to OSL. Please return to office by Dec. 19, 2019.left147955The organ fundraiser concert was a great success! We thank everyone who has given to the organ fund to help with our upcoming maintenance project. Funds are still needed to complete the maintenance. Please continue to keep this project in your prayers and give as you are able. We will be having cinnamon rolls at upcoming services with the donations going towards the organ project, too. Once again, thank you so much!Readings for DecemberDecember 11st Reading: ?Isaiah 2:1-5Psalm: Psalm 1222nd Reading: Romans 13:11-14Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44:December 81st Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10Psalm: Psalm 72:1-7, 18-192nd Reading: Romans 15:4-13Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12December 151st Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10Psalm: Psalm 146:5-102nd Reading: James 5:7-10Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11December 22 1st Reading: ?Isaiah 7:10-16Psalm: Psalm 80:1-7,17-192nd Reading: Romans 1:1-7Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25December 29 1st Reading: ?Isaiah 63:7-9Psalm: Psalm 1482nd Reading: Hebrews 2:10-18Gospel: Matthew 2:13-23Jubilee Bells handbell rehearsals are held on Wednesdays, from September to May at 5:30 p.m. The bells play for at least one service a month. Substitute ringers are available if you are not able to play on a given day. New ringers are welcome. If you would like to “try out” your hands at ringing, please contact the director, Myrna. Leave a message at or email the church.?Senior Choir Rehearsals are every Sunday at 7:45 a.m. Please join us if you would like to sing with us. You are not committed to sing every Sunday. Senior Choir Rehearsal ScheduleDec. 1 Service of Lessons & Carols7:45 a.m. rehearsal Judy F.9:00 Worship, Sr.Choir singsDecember 8, 15, 22, and 29th NO REHEARSALBluff Country Singers Rehearsals: December 7th 10 a.m. Christmas Concerts: December 8 at 2:00 p.m. & 7 p.m. If you would like to be a part of the BCS, please call Elliott Grandall at 507-346-78822066925952500The Spring Valley Area Food Shelf appreciates all donations, cash or grocery items. At OSL, items can be left in the grocery cart at the east entrance.??Would you like to volunteer? Help is needed the first & third Thursdays of the month to help unload the Channel One truck. Report about 9:00 to 102 E. Jefferson St. if willing to help. Current food donation needs are: canned fruit of any kind, cereal, any soup except tomato, and sugar. canned chicken and tuna, brown and powdered sugarright18161000Youth NewsNew youth email: oslsvyouth@, please begin using this email for communication with Ann. Thank you!left1270000The Youth pizza fundraiser will be starting soon. left133350Love Lights a Tree Event: Sunday, December 1st, 5pm at the former site of the SV Tourist Information Center.36576001143000WELCA NEWSThe Bakeless Sale is on-going. Donations can be placed in the offering plate or in the church office.Rebekah Circle will meet to pack cookie plates on Tuesday, December 17, 2 PM at OSL. Rachel Circle will not meet in December. Next meeting at Jan Mlenar’s January 15 at 2pm.Memorials and HonorariumsIn Memory of Wanda GrandallOrgan Fund: Myron & Ellen RollieIn Honor of Kujath’s 60thOrgan Fund: Kelvin & Linda NiemeyerCaring & Concerns for members & friends in Special Care Facilities:Spring Valley Senior Living & Rehab:Delores Erichsen, Eileen Freeman, Mary Jane Island (Ken Kraut’s mother), Bob & Maxine Jahn, Maxine Mlenar, Donna RoweSpring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens:Roy & Jan Christopherson, Dorothy Hafner, Mick Rathbun, Elaine Sheldon, Lorraine HancockSpring Valley Estates:Bev Jertson, Joan Baarsch, Anita NelsonOstrander Care & Rehab:Dale & Juneus Ristau, Darrell VikseGrand Meadow Care Center & Rehab:Jack FoxSenior Living, Rosemount:Melvin SchmidtWildwood Senior Living, Le Roy:Karilyn ReilandPrairie Meadows Senior Living, Kasson:Wil & Evelyn MohlisKnown to have been hospitalized in November: Kathy Clark (October) Linda Kruegel, Lucille Daggett, Dorothy Hafner, Mick RathbunPlease note!Please remember to have family notify the church office if you are in the hospital. The privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to notify the church of your admittance. Christmas in Fillmore County is a program coordinated by the SEMCAC Rural Concerns Task Force. OSL will provide gifts for 25 children. Please contact the church office and a wish list will be provided for shoppers to purchase items. $35.00 - $45.00 is the suggested price range per child. Donation and drop-off deadline at OSL Office is Friday, December 6. If you are offering a monetary donation please make checks out to Rural Concerns Task Force: memo to ‘Xmas in FC’. Distribution will be on Thurs., December 12 from 2:00-6:00 PM.left4191000Spring Valley Kiwanis is looking for volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army Kettle at Sunshine Foods FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call Steve at 507-346-9836 or Jay at 507-346-1751, Spring Valley, MN You can also sign up at Weather Cancellation Policy: Worship service cancellations will be announced on KAAL-TV, channel 6; KTTC-TV, channel 10; FOX-TV, channel 47; and Face Book.View our Synod’s communications, The Bridge and River Crossings, WELCA River Channels newsletter and the ELCA Prayer Ventures on our Website.Remember our Deadlines!Articles and announcements for the OSL Newsletter: The 17th of the month.Announcements for the worship bulletin: Thursday, noonSUNDAY Worship AssistantsSunday Ushers: (9 am) Ken Kujath*, Nevin Stender*, Harlan Bucknell, Ryan & Wendy Thon, Todd KruegelDecember 1:?Acolytes??-? Kaylie & Brayden BettsAltar Guild –?(11/30-12/1) Eileen Rathbun & Carol AhernGreeters –?Jim & Julie HallaScrip Sellers – Blake Oeltjen, William JahnScripture Reader – Nancy StenderVideographer –?Garrison HubkaYouTube Videographer – Blake Oeltjen?December 8:?Acolytes? -? Cortland Drury DeBoer & Ashlyn HarwoodAltar Guild – (12/7- 8) Verna StockdaleCommunion – Jon Dahl, Deb Dahl, Jerry KlevanGreeters – Richard & Evelyn ApenhorstScrip Sellers – Ira Schmidt, Cole KruegelScripture Reader – Kathy ClarkVideographer – Dick JahnYouTube Videographer – Diesel Bronson?December 15:?Acolytes? - ?Aspen Kolling & Caisa KollingAltar Guild –?(12/14-15) Dawn WebsterGreeters – Paul & Judy FrankScrip Sellers – Christopher Knode, Aspen KollingScripture Reader – Jerry KlevanVideographer – Dan ReilandYouTube Videographer- Christopher Knode?December 22:?Acolytes? - ?Rylie Jacobsen & Diesel BronsonAltar Guild –?(12/21-22) Annette HylandCommunion – Annette Hyland, Ken Kujath, Joan KujathGreeters – Gerald & Verna StockdaleScrip Sellers – Kaden Rath, Shelby BeckScripture Reader – Annette HylandVideographer –?Nora JahnYouTube Videographer – Gavin Hubka?December 29:?Acolytes? - ?Macy Runck & Ira SchmidtAltar Guild –?(12/28-29) Eileen Rathbun & Carol AhernGreeters – Larry & Sherry Wendt?Scrip Sellers – Kacie Bellrichard, Madison ReilandScripture Reader – Sherry WendtVideographer –?Reid KruegelYouTube Videographer – Darla EricksonSATURDAY Worship Assistants: (5:30) December 7: Scripture Reader: Shirley GangstadUsher: Jeanette BakerDecember 14:Scripture Reader: Marg LenzUshers: Carol Ahern & Eileen RathbunDecember 21:Scripture Reader: Nancy Stender Usher: Need VolunteerDecember 28:Scripture Reader: Evelyn Clark Usher: Chris QueenslandDecember Offering Counter – Joanne VriezeDeliver Meals on Wheels – Week of December 9-13: Nancy Willford, Geraldine WilliamsIf you’re unable to serve when scheduled, please find a substitute and notify the Church Office Manager with the change. December Service Group Organizer: The service group lists are of people in the congre-gation who are asked to bring items for special events at the church. Thank you to all the people in Our Savior’s who live out their faith in caring support of the ministries of the church. McKayla StrikeTony & Sammi StruzykAmy SwensonWayne & Peggy SwensonJulie TartJeff ThauwaldAnn ThonRyan & Wendy ThonDennis & Jane TimmermanBeulah TurbensonMike & Donnette VikseWendy VolkartKen & Joanne VriezeKevin & Carley VriezeSara WarrenDick & Gerrie WebsterJay & Dawn WebsterDon & Karen WelanderScott & Rachel WelchTanya WillfordTom WillfordHarris & Geraldine WilliamsLet’s Worship Together…Saturdays at 5:30 pmSundays at 9 amDVD played on Mondays at 4:15 PM at Spring Valley Care Center DVD played on Cable Television on KING4, if both weekend services are recorded, watch Saturday’s service Wednesdays at 7pm & Thursdays at 8pm, watch Sunday’s service on Fridays at 8pm, and the following Sundays at 2:30 pm Spring Valley Care Center Communion, Tuesday, December 17, at 10 amHillside Communion, Tuesday December 17, at 10:40 amEvergreen Communion, NO COMMUNION for DecemberChurch StaffInterim pastor: Susan Li 507-254-9875Visitation Minister – Pastor Betsy Dartt (c) 507-884-4853 betsy.dartt@Office Manager – Linda Niemeyer Education Coordinator-Gina Jahn–(c)507-251-1610Youth Coordinator – Ann Oeltjen - Bookkeeper – Kathy MerkelBell Choir Director – Myrna Legreid Choir Director/Accompanist – Elliott GrandallCustodian – Toni Sanders Organist - Evelyn ClarkOur Savior’s Lutheran ChurchPh 507-346-7251Email: oursaviorsspringvalley@Website: (our website is currently under some “reconstruction”. We appreciate your patience.Like us on Facebook Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, MN @OSLSVDecember Worship ServicesDecember 1nd – 9:00 AM Service of Lessons & Carols led by Choir & BellsDecember 15th – 9:00 AM Sunday School Christmas Program/Worship service No Sunday School class to followDecember 22nd – 9:00 AM Youth/Young Adult Program/Worship Service No Sunday SchoolChristmas Eve – 3:00 PM & 9:00 PM/Candlelight Communion Worship services.Please recycle this newsletter when you are finished with it.-1524007191375Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71December 201900Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71December 2019 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 ................

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